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July 13-15, 2019
National NewsNational News Thousands of election systems running software that will soon be outdatedNational News New election systems use vulnerable softwareNational News Election security legislation stalled on Capitol Hill
Tech NewsTech News Who's behind the voting machine makers? Money of unclear originsTech News Outdated software could make new voting systems vulnerable to hackers
FLFlorida Voter registration forms addressed to deceased residentsFlorida Democrats put Florida election law on trial
GAGeorgia Computer scientists make the case against an expensive new voting systemGeorgia Fulton Co. BOE swears in new member
GUGuam Election day as holiday in proposed changes to Guam laws
INIndiana County panel OK with election cost estimate
IAIowa Pate expects vote centers to replace multiple precinct locations for Election Day
MDMaryland You can now register to vote at Orioles games. Here's howMaryland Case of Virginian who wants Maryland voter list is revived
MAMassachusetts Reading local, presidential primary elections to be combined in 2020
NHNew Hampshire Law aims to inform people out of prison of right to vote
NJNew Jersey Summit voters get five local opportunities to test drive new voting equipment
NYNew York Touch-screen technology boosts National Disability Voter Reg WeekNew York Watertown lawmakers to vote Monday on mayoral primary tieNew York Semi-abandoned shopping mall is latest battleground in Queens DA raceNew York Candidate raises volunteer army of attorneys
NCNorth Carolina New elections loom without decision on voting machinesNorth Carolina Election office prepares for special electionNorth Carolina Voter ID law goes into effect in 2020 elections
OHOhio Assessment to be conducted at BOEOhio Local elections board adds cyber protections
PAPennsylvania How should Pennsylvania handle its voting machine directivePennsylvania Voting districts may rise and drop in some Luzerne Co. municipalitiesPennsylvania New election systems in Pa., elsewhere are using old, vulnerable software
SCSouth Carolina Counties with higher lynching rates have lower voter registration rates
SDSouth Dakota Disability Rights South Dakota to celebrate National Disability Voter Registration Week
TNTennessee Longtime polling officials ready for first early voting with new voting machinesTennessee Election commission decides to meet quarterly in non-election years
TXTexas County works toward converting to vote centersTexas Registered voters making history
UTUtah For the first time, St. George conducts vote-by-mail for municipal election
VAVirginia City council approves moving Radford precinct
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