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Friday July 19, 2019
ALAlabama New report examines how federal funding is being used to secure Alabama's election systems
CACalifornia BlueCrest delivers 'Relia-Vote' system to Orange Co.
FLFlorida 'Dump' of thousands of petitions has election supervisors scrambling, others suspiciousFlorida PBC maximizing efforts to thwart hacking of 2020 electionFlorida Local elections are costly, and not just for candidatesFlorida City looking to amend election and purchasing procedures in charterFlorida Noncitizens can't vote in Florida. So why is this group trying to an it?
GAGeorgia Fulton reduces early voting as cities complain about costs
INIndiana Depression-era voter registration books donated to Crown Point libraryIndiana Posey Co. clerk says voting change will have money
LALouisiana Timeline set to replace retired Caddo voter registrar
MDMaryland Potential liquor board move sparks concern for BOE
MAMassachusetts Chelmsford clerk achieves certification
MIMichigan London to hold meeting on new clerk
MSMississippi Forrest Co. to test voting machines
MTMontana County approves $2.75M buy-sell agreement for new elections office
NJNew Jersey Summit shows of new voting machines
NMNew Mexico Report: Hispanic voter registration on the rise
NYNew York Monroe Co. Democrats' elections commissioner leaves officeNew York Recount may take three weeksNew York Rensselaer Co. BOE to give ICE voter reg informationNew York NYS Legislature reforms for expanding participation in electionsNew York Difference in Queens DA race down to 15 votes
NCNorth Carolina Pender hires new election director
NDNorth Dakota North Dakota counties eagerly await new election equipment
OHOhio Commissioners soon to take bids for remodel of new Allen Co. BOE space
PAPennsylvania Voters can practice on new election machinePennsylvania Voters to use paper ballots in NovemberPennsylvania Historic Election House sells at auction for $685
SCSouth Carolina Richland Co. needs greater budget for ExpressVote machines in time for 2020
TNTennessee Commission gets feedback on proposed precinct closures
TXTexas Texas illegal voter freed by feds to fight 5-year state prison sentenceTexas Fights about voting trigger countless court cases in Texas. You should expect moreTexas Jefferson Co. tables talk of funding an elections administrator
VAVirginia Voter fraud activists will apologize to citizens he accused of being illegal voters
WAWashington Excuses for not voting dwindle with debut of new election system
WVWest Virginia Warner calls cyberattack a warning for election cybersecurity
WIWisconsin Man accused of Election Day shooting threat signs guilty plea
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