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March 6-8, 2021
National NewsNational News 'Let the people vote': Biden signs executive order promoting voter access, marking anniversary of Selma marchNational News Executive Order on Promoting Access to VotingNational News Biden Signals Support For Voting RightsNational News For The First Time In 56 Years, A 'Bloody Sunday' Without John LewisNational News Challenges to Black voting rights hark back to Jim Crow eraNational News Democrats and Republicans are battling over voting rights in Congress and at statehouses. Which side will win?National News America’s Patchwork of Election Laws Under ScrutinyNational News Study: No partisan benefit from mail voting in 2020 electionNational News 'A great clash': Mail-in voting emerges as main target in renewed voting-rights battleNational News Federal officials scramble to assess widening Microsoft Exchange Server falloutNational News Clyburn: Allowing filibuster to be used to deny voting rights would be 'catastrophic'
ALAlabama Secretary of State John Merrill changes position; now opposes no-excuse absentee votingAlabama Senate passes limited election audit bill
AKAlaska Borough to acquire accessible voting equipment
AZArizona Arizona Senate 2020 audit drives Maricopa County to request backup equipment for special electionArizona Maricopa County election officials enact backup plan for upcoming Goodyear election due to Senate subpoenas
CACalifornia Registrar: Costs for possible recall election hard to projectCalifornia Despite The Pandemic, Turnout In the 30th State Senate Special Election Is About AverageCalifornia High turnout for Clovis municipal election, says Fresno County Clerk
COColorado Arapahoe County Elections Receives Clearinghouse Award
CTConnecticut Committee Checks Off Early Voting, No-Excuse Absentee Voting
FLFlorida 127,000 ballots for Palm Beach County municipal elections mailed to votersFlorida Miami-Dade Supervisor of Elections Christina White joins TWISFFlorida Thousands of young people, minorities, may vote for first time in PBC city electionsFlorida Former St. Lucie County GOP chair joins appeal in lawsuit claiming election fraudFlorida More Than A Dozen Municipal Elections Are Underway In Palm Beach CountyFlorida Municipalities prepare for March 2021 elections
GAGeorgia LeBron James cuts ad targeting voter suppression measuresGeorgia House Bill 531 could change voting rights in Georgia. See what's in the GOP-backed billGeorgia 16 Years Later, Georgia Lawmakers Flip Views On Absentee VotingGeorgia Voting rights advocates organize against 'tsunami of anti-voter bills' from Georgia GOPGeorgia Gwinnett elections director is stepping downGeorgia Ga Sec of State recognized by U.S. Election Assistance Commission for Enhanced Security and Innovation During 2020 ElectionGeorgia In Georgia, Republicans Take Aim at Role of Black Churches in ElectionsGeorgia With New Laws Looming And Rancor Over Leadership, What Does The Future Hold For Fulton County Elections?Georgia Georgia Republicans are pushing dozens of 'election integrity' bills. Black voters are the target, rights groups say.
IDIdaho Idaho AG says schools can ban electioneers on election days
ILIllinois Bailey paper ballot proposal would affect voters with disabilities, election board says
INIndiana Elwood residents raise concerns about long lines on Election DayIndiana Advocates ask U.S. Supreme Court to review Indiana absentee voting laws
KYKentucky KY Secretary of State Michael Adams appointed to National Commission on Election Integrity
LALouisiana How Louisiana's bid for new voting machines fell apart amid baseless fraud allegationsLouisiana Louisiana elections chief slams senator over voting machines
MDMaryland House Passes Bill That Would Allow Permanent Absentee Voting By Danielle E. Gaines -
MAMassachusetts Massachusetts Senate Weighing Bill to Extend Voting Options
MIMichigan Ann Arbor’s unique 2020 election ‘I voted’ stickers earn national recognition
MNMinnesota Voting rights clash brewing in Minnesota CapitolMinnesota Bloomington implementing ranked-choice votingMinnesota Frustrated by status quo, activists push ranked-choice voting
NHNew Hampshire Agreement Proposed To Investigate Windham Vote DiscrepanciesNew Hampshire Senate approves bill to add new requirements to absentee voting
NJNew Jersey Paterson voter fraud charges expand in new indictments from NJ attorney general
NMNew Mexico Los Alamos County Board Of Registration Completes Biennial Review Of Voter Registration RecordsNew Mexico Committee advances bill allowing 17 year-olds voting rights
NCNorth Carolina Fact check: NC elections board 'did not change state law,' leader misleadingly says
OHOhio Stark County nearing decision on Dominion Voting machine purchaseOhio Elections board reorganizesOhio Holmes County Elections Board meets for reorganizationOhio Akron's Marco Sommerville is first Black member of Summit elections boardOhio Wayne County post-election audit shows positive resultsOhio Secretary LaRose wins U.S. Election Assistance Commission 2020 Clearinghouse AwardOhio Reports of dysfunction at Summit County elections board latest in series of shakeups, state sanctions
OROregon Oregon lawmakers mulling bill to put race on voter registration
PAPennsylvania Berks County plans to pilot electronic poll books this fallPennsylvania Bucks County looks to May primary, address voters with special needsPennsylvania Two Luzerne County Election Board members removed by county councilPennsylvania Luzerne County election director applicants interviewedPennsylvania Fallout from election board controversy continues
TXTexas 500,000 Texans Register To Vote In Five Months Through New Online RegistrationTexas AG Ken Paxton, who tried to overturn 2020 election, blasts new voting rights billTexas 'Trailblazer' Guidry reflects on 16 years as Jefferson County clerk
UTUtah Utah lawmakers expand ranked choice voting experiment
VTVermont Permanent universal mail-in voting is gaining traction in the Legislature
WAWashington HR 1 Wouldn't Affect Washington Too Much, But Top Election Official Still Has Concerns
WVWest Virginia Fayette County renames Voter Registration OfficeWest Virginia Elkins official addresses vote counting delays
WIWisconsin Wisconsin lawmakers discuss proposed changes regarding election integrity
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