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Wednesday March 10, 2021
National NewsNational News What’s at stake in Dominion, Smartmatic defamation casesNational News Postal Service Delivered Vast Majority Of Mail Ballots On Time, Report FindsNational News Voting rights and restrictionsNational News Democrats rethink the U.S. voting system. What's in the massive H.R. 1.
ALAlabama Tuscaloosa election certified, but court challenge expected to decide District 7
AZArizona Maricopa County recorder says no tabulated ballots from 2020 election were shreddedArizona 'Safe and secure': Maricopa County officials respond to false voter fraud accusations after dumpster-diving incident
FLFlorida Broward city elections ‘pretty quiet’ with more people opting for mail ballotsFlorida 'It is really safe,' Palm Beach County elections supervisor says of vote-by-mail systemFlorida Palm Beach County voters show strong preference for mail-in ballotsFlorida Orlando State Senator decries proposed voting restrictionsFlorida Florida may ban drop boxes used for mail-in ballotsFlorida Florida rejected fewer mail-in ballots in November electionFlorida Mail ballots of minority, young voters initially rejected at higher rate, study shows
GAGeorgia Former President Jimmy Carter 'angry' over GOP-led efforts that would add voting restrictions in GeorgiaGeorgia Gov. Kemp talks controversial voting billsGeorgia Petition filed to contest March election in City of ArlingtonGeorgia Elections board OKs tech support for municipal electionsGeorgia Election bills have issues, local officials sayGeorgia Richmond County election officials move to clean up voter rollsGeorgia Doraville voices opposition to state’s restrictive voting, police funding billsGeorgia Bills to limit Georgia voting access reach legislative endgame
IDIdaho Local election officials pride themselves in keeping your vote safe
ILIllinois Naperville woman accused of casting a ballot for someone else in 2020 general electionIllinois Election fraud charges filed against 5 in DuPage County
INIndiana Indiana addresses 2020 election concernsIndiana Work to keep voters informed continuing even in non-election year
IAIowa Latino civil rights group sues over Iowa's new election law, which cuts early and Election Day votingIowa Iowa election head recognizes postal service for election mail handling in 2020Iowa Early voting law in Iowa causing mixed reactions from civil rights groups, lawmakersIowa FBI agents seeking information on pipe bomb found near Ankeny polling place
MIMichigan House passes election reforms aimed at cleaning up voter rolls, supporting absentee voting
MNMinnesota Bloomington determining rules for ranked-choice voting
MSMississippi Advocates continue to push for voting rights restoration of convicted felons in MississippiMississippi Reentry and voting: New report shows barriers faced by Mississippians after time in prisonMississippi Mississippi SOS Watson named to Republican Secretaries of State Executive Committee
MOMissouri Missouri Republican Leaders Seek To Change Voter ID Laws
NHNew Hampshire 'The slowest I've ever seen': Voters choose town, school officials, spending plansNew Hampshire GOP bills to tighten voter eligibility again target studentsNew Hampshire Many NH towns holding elections, meetings TuesdayNew Hampshire Drive-thru voting held at Lee's transfer station on Tuesday
NYNew York Poll raises major concern about disenfranchisement as NYC implements ranked-choice votingNew York NYC ranked-choice voting a concern in upcoming primariesNew York Queens assemblyman prepares bill to break down ranked-choice voting results
NCNorth Carolina Mailings are being sent to update election board’s databaseNorth Carolina Elections board considers hiring part-time attorney
OHOhio How national voting rights bill would impact Ohio’s election systemOhio Lorain County Democrats petition LaRose to appoint Sweda to elections board
PAPennsylvania Pa. audit confirms Biden got more votes than Trump, but can’t tell us much else
SCSouth Carolina SC House debates bill to change makeup of state elections board
TNTennessee Push to remove Nashville judge over absentee voting ruling fails at Tennessee legislature
TXTexas County commissioners plan to eliminate Elections Administrator positionTexas Commissioners Court approves two new precinctsTexas New voting security measures prompt questions of equipment, storage availability
WAWashington Washington lawmakers eye ranked-choice voting, other election reforms
WIWisconsin State senator wants Green Bay mayor to resign over handling of November electionWisconsin Lawmakers demand investigation following report on Green Bay Election outsourcing
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