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Thursday March 11, 2021
National NewsNational News Senators introduce bill to fund election official cybersecurity training
AZArizona Arizona Senate still working to set up election auditArizona Private Donations Helped Pay For 2020 Elections. Arizona Republicans Say No MoreArizona Maricopa County Recorder’s Office: 3 Attempted To Break Into Election CenterArizona Legislature one step away from making Arizona's early voter list less permanentArizona The Arizona Senate won its legal battle to the 2.1 million ballots. Here's what to expect moving forward.
FLFlorida Gov. Ron DeSantis Wants to Ditch Ballot Drop BoxesFlorida Pardon request rejected for voting-rights leaderFlorida Republican plan to make it harder to vote by mail in Florida seen as ‘massive voter suppression’Florida Vote-by-mail overhaul clears committee on party line vote
GAGeorgia Experts discuss positives and negatives of Georgia election billsGeorgia Bill filed in Georgia Legislature would merge Chatham Board of Elections, RegistrarsGeorgia 'We're still fighting for our voting rights': Hancock County commissioners ask attorney behind GOP election bill to resignGeorgia Former pressured Georgia investigator to find 'the right answer' in baseless fraud pushGeorgia Fulton elections board to meet with new chair for first time since failed firing of directorGeorgia Georgia voting bill could bring big changes to local election offices
HIHawaii The Conversation: Will Hawaii Adopt Automatic Voter Registration?
IDIdaho Nearly 18,000 people in Ada County removed from voter rollsIdaho Iowa State receives national recognition for efforts to encourage voting
ILIllinois Early, mail-in voting in 2021 'a completely different situation' compared to general election
INIndiana County Council approves funding to purchase 150 voting machinesIndiana Knox County Election Board looks to add modifications for future elections
IAIowa Scott County Auditor cites lack of supervisor support in announcing early retirementIowa U.S. House begins review of contested Iowa congressional electionIowa Passage of voter bill a mixed bag for auditors
KYKentucky Early in-person voting in Kentucky could be permanent option in future elections
MDMaryland Bills aiming to allow ballot curing, curbside voting make progress through Md. General AssemblyMaryland Maryland bill would ban firearms at election sites
MIMichigan House passes election reforms aimed at cleaning up voter rolls, supporting absentee voting
MNMinnesota Two townships in Douglas County change election time
MSMississippi Absentee voting on hold in Canton due to legal fight
MOMissouri House Bill would add at least 1 electronic voting machine per polling location for visually impaired votersMissouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft announces he will not run for Blunt's seat in Congress
NHNew Hampshire GOP bills to tighten voting requirements for students retained by House panel
NYNew York Celebrating Women's History Month at the Susan B. Anthony Museum
NDNorth Dakota Bill to increase the number of polling places fails
OHOhio Stark County commissioners reject Dominion voting machine purchase
OROregon Two Oregon Bills Could Increase Turnout by Voters of Color
RIRhode Island Coalition calls for lowering barriers to mail ballots and allowing same-day voter regRhode Island Movement for changes to laws on mail ballots other voting matters intensifies
SCSouth Carolina SC House OKs bill empowering State Election Commission over county election offices
TXTexas Rep. White’s ballot paper trail bill advances to elections committeeTexas Voters With Disabilities Reported Fewer Barriers To Casting A Ballot In 2020Texas Ted Cruz Calls Voting Rights Bill 'Fraud Law' Allowing Dems to 'Manipulate and Steal' Elections
UTUtah Sen. Mike Lee says massive voting rights bill was ‘written by the devil himself’
VTVermont University of Vermont designated ‘voter friendly campus’ by national organizationsVermont Town Meeting Day 2021: Voter turnout rose, but concerns about participation
WIWisconsin What Would The HR 1 Voting Rights Bill Change About Elections?Wisconsin G.B. lawmaker doesn’t believe election fraud claimsWisconsin Green Bay, Democrats dispute report that private group took over city's election administrationWisconsin Republicans, former Brown County clerk blast Green Bay election in Assembly hearingWisconsin Republicans Renew Attack On Election Grants Funded By Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg
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