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Tuesday March 30, 2021
National NewsNational News Poll Shows GOP Support for Some of Democrats’ Elections ChangesNational News Democrats introduce bill seeking to protect voting rights of people in subsidized housingNational News Corporations, Vocal About Racial Justice, Go Quiet on Voting RightsNational News Where (and what) is the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act?National News The States Where Efforts To Restrict Voting Are EscalatingNational News Inside the Koch-backed effort to block the largest election-reform bill in half a century
Tech NewsTech News NIST framework focuses on election cybersecurityTech News Think tank launches cybersecurity training for state officials
AZArizona GOP Rep. Mark Finchem to Run for Arizona Secretary of State as He Faces Recall Effort Over Voter Fraud Claims
ARArkansas Senate committee considers changes in early-voting rules
COColorado House committee kills five GOP voting bills
FLFlorida Florida bill would join Georgia in banning giving water to people in line to vote
GAGeorgia Two Lawsuits Challenge Parts Of Georgia's Sweeping New Voting LawGeorgia Protests, lawsuits aimed at voting law after lawmaker’s arrestGeorgia Dougherty County officials and citizens respond to new statewide voting rights billGeorgia Elections Board votes to make audits part of post-election processGeorgia Georgia elections head backs new voting law, with some concernsGeorgia How will Georgia’s new election law change absentee ballot voting, drop boxes?Georgia State Sen. files legislation to address concerns in Georgia’s new voting law
ILIllinois Flooding at church causes polling place change
INIndiana Vigo may sell its older voting machinesIndiana Vigo County election officials work to get new equipment ahead of the next vote
IAIowa Iowa Secretary of State to Pelosi: 'Iowans should have the final say in Iowa elections'
KYKentucky Kentucky lawmakers pass key election reforms, including early voting
MEMaine Maine eyes constitutional amendment for more ranked votingMaine Proposed ballot initiative to block non-citizens from voting falls shortMaine Proposal to expand ranked-choice voting heads to full state legislatureMaine New deputy secretary of state puts focus on ‘equity, inclusion’
MDMaryland Baltimore Police officer who ran for mayor is charged by state prosecutor with election crimes
MAMassachusetts Cape legislators cite mail-in voting among prioritiesMassachusetts Will Massachusetts' Vote By Mail Extension Become Permanent?
MOMissouri Atchison County clerk monitors Missouri election proposals
MTMontana Montana House advances bill to aid Native American voting
NHNew Hampshire Gardner says sweeping federal voting bill puts NH’s first-in-nation presidential primary at risk
NJNew Jersey As New Jersey Democrats celebrate voting rights, activists say state is far from democraticNew Jersey Murphy to sign bill requiring early in-person voting in NJNew Jersey Concerns over senior housing stalled bill barring police from polling places
NYNew York First New York Election with Absentee Ballot 'Curing' Shows Progress and Mysteries
NCNorth Carolina House bill again tries to repeal NC’s voter literacy testNorth Carolina Census data delay scrambles plans for redistricting; NC considers options
NDNorth Dakota North Dakota House approves extended ballot processing
PAPennsylvania Luzerne County hires new Elections Director
SCSouth Carolina "Another way to suppress folks from voting": SC lawmakers at odds over voting bill
TXTexas Former Dem congressional candidates leading voter registration groupTexas Rep. Bell’s bill on purging dead from voter rolls passes committee
VAVirginia Are names for Arlington voting precincts really necessary?
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