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December 18, 2014

December 18, 2014

In Focus This Week

I. In Focus This Week

The writing is on the ballot and petition and envelope
Does penmanship — good or bad — affect elections?

By M. Mindy Moretti

“A signature always reveals a man’s character — and sometimes even his name.”

Everyone has heard the jokes about doctor’s signatures and handwriting that looks like chicken scratch but what impact does your questionable handwriting have on your ability to participate in democracy?

It depends.

For instance, according to Neal Kelley, registrar of voters for Orange County, California and president of the California Association of Clerks and Election Officials, poor penmanship has not played a major role as the county moves more and more to vote-by-mail ballots.

“It is not a significant problem, “ Kelley said. “While there are difficulties on occasion our rejection rate of ballots due to an inability to decipher some bit of information on the ballot was zero for the 2014 general election. We do, of course, have to sometimes contact the voter to clarify information and/or deal with signature issues.”

Kelley noted that California law is pretty clear on the governance of the issue and recent changes have given local elections officials more options to verify signatures.

“So now we could use address residency cards, voter notification cards, etc. — essentially anything we have on file with the voter’s signature,” Kelley said. “This provides additional options to verify a signature of a voter that may have changed over time.“

Up the coast in Washington State where many voters have been voting by mail since the 1990s, Secretary of State Kim Wyman said that voters seem to understand the importance of signing ballots legibly.

“Penmanship oddly enough is pretty consistent throughout a person’s life, and election administrators get training from signature experts at our State Patrol,” Wyman said. “Sometimes we’ll see our younger voters change their signature style when they move into a professional setting, and sometimes our older voters’ handwriting will change due to illness, arthritis, stroke or something like that. We then work with them on a new signature.”

In Oregon, the state contacted about 13,000 voters whose signatures on their vote-by-mail ballot did not match a signature the state had on file.

According to the Tony Green, spokesman for the Oregon Secretary of State’s office, less than 1 percent of the 1.5 million ballots cast were not initially counted because the signature didn’t match or the voter did not sign the envelope.

Ultimately about 66 percent of the 13,000 voters corrected their signature problems.

That did not stop a group of activists from suing the state during the GMO ballot initiative recount. The activists challenged about 4,600 ballots. Their attorneys argued that that is not part of Oregon law that a voter signature on ballots match registration cards. A Multnomah County judge denied the suit.

Of course, it’s not just signatures on vote-by-mail ballots where handwriting comes into play. There are also write-in campaigns and in many states, ballot initiatives. Kelley noted that penmanship is definitely more of an issue with initiatives.

“This is definitely more of a problem for us than on VBMs,” Kelley said. “These are much ‘messier’ than VBMs – many times because voters are moving much quicker when signing a petition. I don’t have rejection rates for you but I can tell you anecdotally that this is more of a problem.”

In 2010, Alaska conducted a write-in election for U.S. Senate. While the election was plagued with litigation, Director of Elections Gail Fenumiai said that penmanship wasn’t really the issue as obviously incorrect spelling of candidates’ names.

“Penmanship only mattered to the extent that you could read what was written,” Fenumiai said, who was responsible for reviewing any questionable ballots. “I was the one to look at any questions or challenged ballots and I recall very few, if any at all.”

Following the election, legislation was introduced giving voters the benefit of the doubt when writing in a candidate’s name.

Up till now, anecdotally, penmanship has not been a major issue for elections officials, however with the introduction of the Common Core educational standards that did not include cursive writing as part of the core, and with people writing — as opposed to typing — less and less, there are concerns about the future.

Lori Augino, Washington state elections director, said next-gen verification methods are on her radar screen, especially as she works with FVAP, Council of State Governments, Pew and others in the field.

“It’s a good thing to be talking about,” she said.  “We are not feeling an urgency about it right now, but we need to look at what solutions from technology might give us in the next 10 years. Working with our military voters looks like a good place to start.

“The challenges will get greater as we have more and more students who reach 18 and have not learned to sign their name.”

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, while several states have introduced legislation requiring cursive writing as part of the curriculum, only four states — Idaho, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee — have actually approved such legislation in varying forms.

Wyman said she’s sorry to see some schools not providing instruction in cursive handwriting and would support a mandate for that.

Oh and for those who may be inclined to celebrate, National Handwriting Day 2015 will be celebrated January 23.

Editor’s Note: electionlineWeekly will not publish on December 25 or January 1, 2015. We will however publish our much anticipated What’s In and Out 2015 on Wednesday, December 31, 2014. We’ll be back to our regularly weekly schedule on January 8, 2015.

Also, electionlineToday will NOT publish on December 25 and 26 or January 1.

Election News This Week

II. Election News This Week

  • It’s a holiday miracle! Late in the day on Tuesday, with the final minutes of the session waning, the U.S. Senate approved three new commissioners to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. We’ll have more on the new commissioners in the coming weeks, but in the mean time, welcome Tom Hicks, (term expires in 2017), Matthew Masterson (term expires in 2017) and Christy McCormick (term expires in 2015).
  • A recent audit of the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board pointed out a variety of problems with the bipartisan board including that staff did not consistently follow a penalty schedule for enforcing campaign finance, lobbying and code of ethics laws; did not conduct 16 reviews required by law over a four-year period to identify felons who may have voted illegally; and did not put into place written procedures for considering complaints. While members of the states GOP jumped on the audit to reinforce their calls to disband the GAB, the auditors did not recommend the board be overhauled or dismantled, but did say the Legislature could increase the GAB’s authority over elections and improve its operations. At an agency meeting this week, Director Kevin Kennedy said changes are in the works to rectify problems found by the audit. “I get a little defensive when they point out that we’re not adhering to the law in terms of how we’re enforcing matters or tracking things,” Kennedy said during the meeting. “A lot of it has more to do with how the records are organized and how reporting is getting to the board.” The board voted to ask the GAB to give it a list of all 34 recommendations and report progress at the next two meetings.
  • Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliff (D) is proposing spending $28 million to upgrade the state’s voting systems including voting machines, e-pollbooks and the state’s elections website. According to The Richmond Times-Dispatch, under the proposal, the state would cover the cost of purchasing new voting machines for 2,166 precincts statewide. The state would reimburse 401 precincts that have already purchased new optical scan machines. The proposal will need to be approved by the Legislature as part of the budget process.
  • Three more states are considering joining Georgia, Tennessee, Texas and Florida for a so-called SEC Primary. Secretaries of state in Alabama, Arkansas and Mississippi have told Georgia’s Secretary of State Brian Kemp, who is spearheading the effort, that they will work with their respective legislatures to get the primaries moved to March 1. Kemp is also working with Louisiana and South Carolina to get them onboard as well.
  • The Iowa Voter Registration Commission is working on draft rules that would allow Iowans to register online to vote, however advocacy groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union are concerned about the provision in the rules that would limit those who use the online system to just those who have a driver’s license.
  • Recount Updates: The CD2 recount in Arizona is finally over with Republican challenger Martha McSally defeating incumbent Rep. Ron Barber by 167 votes. The final vote difference was only six votes different from the original tally. This was the first congressional recount in the state. A judge has ordered the Clark County, Indiana recount commission to certify a recount that flipped the original results of the race. Although questions still remain about the recount process, the winning candidate for circuit court clerk won by 43 votes.
  • Personnel News: Upon recommendation from the county elections commission, he Harrison County, Texas commission voted to terminate elections administrator Becky Dotson. Vicki Olin and Kelly Penziul have been reappointed to the Steuben County, New York board of elections commissioners. Jack Snodgrass, Campbell County, Kentucky clerk is retiring after 24 years on the job. Kevin D. Harris has been appointed new clerk in Morristown, New Jersey. Florida Gov. Rick Scott has reappointed Secretary of State Ken Detzner for another four-year term.

Legal Update

 III. Legal Update

Alabama: The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court’s ruling that third-party political candidates must submit tens of thousands of voter signatures before gaining access to a statewide ballot. The court said that plaintiffs failed to show how the requirement is overly burdensome.

Arkansas: On Tuesday, a complaint was filed with the Mississippi County Circuit Court alleging that there were many “potential unpardoned, convicted felons, who are prohibited from voting” who cast ballots in the recent Blytheville mayoral election.

California: The Salinas city attorney is filing a writ of mandate asking a judge to stop a special election in March. “A writ of mandate is a request of the superior court asking them to order the registrar of voters of Monterey County to not put the special tax initiative on the ballot in March of 2015,” city attorney Chris Callihan told KION.

Colorado: A group of Adams County voters, lead by activist Marilyn Marks filed a lawsuit against county elections officials and Secretary of State Scott Gessler after it was disclosed that due to an error by the county’s vendor Runbeck Election Systems, printed and mailed ballots about 200,000 ballots that could be directly traced back to individual voters. A unique number was printed both on the ballot and the return envelope. County Clerk Karen Long discovered the problem in October but it was not disclosed until December 9. The suit demands that the judge void the election.

Mississippi: The Hinds County commission voted this week to pay a lawyer to defend the county election commission in a lawsuit filed over the number of ballots required by state law. Some members of the commission suggested that Election Commission Chairwoman Connie Cochran should be required to pay for the defense herself.

New Hampshire: The New Hampshire Civil Liberties Union has filed suit against the state on behalf of three voters who posted ballot selfies on social media. Attorneys for the plaintiffs argue that New Hampshire’s law prohibiting the photographing of one’s own ballot is an infringement on the First Amendment. “The issue is the chilling effect this law has on people being able to engage in political speech outside the polling place,” attorney Gilles Bissonnette told NPR. “It is now prohibited one week, six months, one year later from publishing that ballot to engage in core political speech.” Dave Scanlan, deputy secretary of state, told the network it’s a necessary addition to prevent a new era of high-tech vote buying. “The law was updated as a preventative measure to keep the door closed on voter fraud,” he said. “People coming out against it are not considering the issues that election administrators see with trying to make sure that the elections are free from voter fraud and that they’re fair.”

North Carolina: The North Carolina Court of Appeals confirmed a lower court decision that Guilford County’s former board of elections director George Gilbert was underpaid. Following his 2013 retirement after 25 years on the job, Gilbert filed suit claiming he should have been paid a rate close to those in counties similar in size. The lower court agreed and awarded him $38,500. “Hopefully, counties will read this ruling and change the way they do business,” Gilbert told The News-Record. “This gives my peers a much firmer ground to stand on.” Prior to this suit, there was no case law on salary requirements for election directors.

Tennessee: The state’s Attorney General has asked a federal court to dismiss a lawsuit challenging the validity of the November 4 Amendment 1 vote. The Amendment was approved with about 53 percent of the vote, but three days after the election opponents of the measure filed suit challenging the method elections officials used to count the ballots. In their request for dismissal, lawyers for the state argued that the arguments of the plaintiffs are contrary to legislative intent behind state election laws and contrary to long-standing practices of how ballots are counted.

U.S. Virgin Islands: The St. Croix recount saga continues this week with a superior court judge issuing a warrant for Elections Supervisor Caroline Fawkes after she failed to appear at a Monday hearing. Attorneys for both candidates involved in the recount subpoenaed Fawkes. When she failed to show — because apparently she was in Florida meeting with elections officials there — the judge issued a bench warrant and set bail at $5,000.

Legislative Update

IV. Legislative Update

District of Columbia: The Council of the District of Columbia voted to move the city’s primary from the first Tuesday in April—a switch to comply with the MOVE Act—to June in 2016, when it would be combined with the presidential primary and September in 2018.

Georgia: The Troup County Commission will consider this week whether or not to constrict the county’s board of elections and registration from the current seven appointed members to just three. If approved by the county commission, the measure would also have to be approved by the state legislature.

Kansas: The Kansas Legislature is considering moving local elections to November, but some of the state’s clerks are speaking out against the proposal. Douglas County Clerk Jamie Shew told the Ethics, Elections and Local Government Committee that the state should look at other alternatives to increase turnout — vote-by-mail — to increase turnout instead of moving the elections.

Michigan: A House committee has approved legislation that would eliminate the requirement that petition circulators be registered voters. The Elections and Ethics Committee voted 9-0 to move the legislation to the full House.

New York: Under a bill sponsored by Councilman Ben Kallos (D-Manhattan) early voting would come to Gotham. Under the bill, the city would have to open at least 51 early voting sites beginning two Tuesdays before an election. The sites would be open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. weekdays and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekends until the Friday before the election.

North Dakota: Senate Minority Leader Mac Schneider is considering introducing legislation that would eliminate the state’s voter photo ID and instead revert to the old system that required a voter to swear under oath. Schneider he would also be open to introducing legislation that would allow voters to cast provisional ballots.

Tech Thursday

 V. Tech Thursday

National Tech: The 1622.2 2014-11-24 draft standard is now in the 1st round IEEE balloting process, in which IEEE members are able to vote and/or submit comments on the draft up until Jan 15, 2015. We are also making the draft publicly available and encouraging the public to vote/comment on it, especially those in the election official and vendor community who may not be members of the IEEE. Your comments will be considered carefully and will be greatly appreciated.

Opinions This Week

VI. Opinions This Week

National Opinions: Vote-by-mail | U.S. Department of Justice

Alaska: Voting system

Arizona: Recount

California: Recount

Connecticut: Turnout

District of Columbia: Election dates

Florida: Vote-by-mail | Broward County

Hawaii: Election officials

Indiana: Voter ID

Kansas: Election process

Maine: Recount

Massachusetts: Recall election

Nevada: Election process

New York: Vote count

North Carolina: Voting laws | Vote buying

Rhode Island: Voter fraud

Texas: Special election date

Wisconsin: Government Accountability Board

Upcoming Events

VII. Upcoming Events
Please email upcoming events — conferences, symposiums, seminars, webinars, etc. to mmoretti@electionline.org.

IACREOT Semi-Annual Meeting— The International Association of Clerks, Recorders, Election Officials and Treasurers will hold it’s semi-annual meeting in Long Beach, California in January. Where: The Queen Mary, Long Beach, California. When: January 8-13. For more information and to register, click here.

Voting and Elections Summit— The U.S. and Overseas Vote Foundation, FairVote and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights will host the Ninth Annual Voting and Elections Summit that will examine the profound and persistent issues surrounding U.S. voter participation, engagement in our democracy and what can be done about it. Where: Washington, D.C. When: February 5-6, 2015. For more information and to register, click here.

NASS 2015 Winter Conference — The National Association of Secretaries of State Winter Conference will bring together government and industry leaders to showcase secretary of state initiatives and highlight all the latest developments in state and federal policymaking. The conference will include a special new member orientation session for newly-elected or appointed secretaries of state. Where: Washington, D.C. When: February 10-13. For more information and to register, click here.

NASED 2015 Winter Meeting —The National Association of State Election Directors will hold its 2015 Winter Meeting in Washington, D.C. in February. Topics at the meeting will include new voter registration systems, state election legislation, a voting system panel report, and a variety of speakers including Congressional staff and members of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. Where: Washington, D.C. When: February 11-13. For more information and to register, click here.

Elections Policy & Technology: A Conference for Lawmakers and Practitioners — NCSL is hosting a national meeting to bring together legislators, legislative staff, election officials, voting technology and computer security experts, legal experts, advocates, federal agency staff and other interested parties to discuss the future of elections technology. Sessions will cover: voting technology 101; the Presidential Commission on Election Administration’s recommendations for voting technology; online voter registration and electronic poll books; testing and certifying voting systems; the use of technology for post-election audits, recounts and resolving disputes; accessibility and usability of voting systems; and Internet-assisted voting. Where: Santa Fe, New Mexico When: June 3 – 5. Contact: Katy Owens Hubler, katy.owens.hubler@ncsl.org, 303-856-1656.

IACREOT Annual Conference — The International Association of Clerks, Recorders, Elections Officials and Treasurers will hold its annual conference in Vail, Colorado this year in June and July. Planning is still in the early stages, but be sure to mark your calendar. Where: Vail, Colorado. When: June 27-July 2. For more information and to register, click here.

NASS 2015 Summer Conference — The National Association of Secretaries of State Annual Summer Conference is set for July this year. Planning is still in the early stages, but be sure to mark your calendar. Where: Portland, Maine. When: July 9-12. For more information and to register, click here.

NACo Annual Conference and Exposition— The 80th Annual Conference and Exposition of the National Association of Counties will be in Mecklenburg County (Charlotte), North Carolina. Registration opens February 9th. Where: Charlotte, North Carolina. When: July 10-13. For more information and to register, click here.

NCSL Legislative Summit 2015 — The National Conference of State Legislators will hold their 2015 Legislative Summit in August. Planning is still in the early stages, but be sure to mark your calendar. Where: Seattle. When: August 3-6. For more information when it becomes available and to register, click here.

Election Center 31st Annual Conference— The National Association of State Election Directors will hold its 31st Annual Conference in Houston in August. Planning is still in the early stages, but be sure to mark your calendars now. Where: Houston, Texas. When: August 18-22. For more information and to register, click here.

NACRC Annual Conference— The Annual Conference of the National Association of County Recorders, Election Officials and Clerks is set for Houston in August. Planning is still in the early stages, but be sure to mark your calendar. Where: Houston, Texas. When: August 21-25. For more information and to register, click here.

Job Postings

VIII. Job Postings
electionlineWeekly publishes election administration job postings each week as a free service to our readers. To have your job listed in the newsletter, please send a copy of the job description, including a web link to mmoretti@electionline.org. Job postings must be received by 5pm on Wednesday in order to appear in the Thursday newsletter. Listings will run for three weeks or till the deadline listed in the posting.

Absentee Supervisor, Collier County, Florida — leads and supervises 2 absentee team members. Assigns tasks among staff and self. As a player-coach, executes and contributes to all tasks assigned to staff. Directs, coaches and evaluates staff. Demonstrates the ability to learn and function in voter registration, absentee and address research software. Provides leadership for continuous database quality improvement. Develops links with vendors, other elections jurisdictions and agencies. Designs and operates procedures for communicating with voters. Assists voters by phone, email and in-person meetings. Operates large inbound mail equipment. Prepares records, reports and forms. Establishes, updates and maintains data in automated information systems. Salary: $42,000-$48,000. Deadline: Open until filled. For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Assistant County Clerk-Recorder, San Luis Obispo, California — San Luis Obispo County’s Clerk-Recorder is seeking an experienced manager to fill the position of Assistant County Clerk-Recorder! In pursuit of a well-governed community, the County Clerk-Recorder Department ensures the integrity of the election process and the records maintained by the office and provide access to these public records by complying with all applicable laws, employing technology to its fullest and wisely spending the public funds entrusted to the County, while serving its customers with courteous and well-trained staff. In this role as Assistant Clerk-Recorder, you will be involved in organizing, controlling, and directing department operations and activities, as well as providing technical information and assistance to the County Clerk-Recorder regarding department needs and issues. As a leader in the department, you will facilitate the operations, activities, and fiscal functions of the department to ensure compliance, as well as oversee the budget preparation and assist with personnel needs for the department. In this role, you will oversee the department’s primary processes, including elections and recordings, and ensure that pertinent laws and mandates are met and documentation is accurate. Qualifications: The ideal candidate will be self-motivated, possess a strong work ethic, and have proven work experience in either elections, recordings, or both disciplines. Strong management and leadership skills are desired, as are project management skills.  The ability to organize, prioritize, and execute key projects and initiatives is required, as well as the ability to effectively manage staff.  Well-honed communication and interpersonal skills to maintain effective working relationships and speak at public forums is a must. The ideal candidate will have a bachelor’s degree in business administration, public administration, accounting, or closely related field. In addition, four years of increasingly responsible experience performing a variety of administrative, legal, or fiscal activities including at least two years in a supervisory position. Job related experience may be substituted for required education on a year-for-year basis. Salary: $90,750.40-$110,323.20 annually. Deadline: December 24. For more information and to apply, click here.

Assistant to the Elections Coordinator, Boulder County, Colo.— position is instrumental in our office’s duty to implement successful elections for Boulder County’s voters. The objective of this position is to coordinate and manage the mail-in ballot and replacement ballot processes; manage the voter registration process and workflow; oversee the coordination and implementation of Voter Services Polling Centers, and supervise 1-3 full time staff. We are passionate about the work we do for democracy and the citizens of Boulder County and we’re looking for someone who’s equally passionate about this work. The ideal candidate must have the ability and desire to serve the public and Boulder County. He or she is experienced in supervision and motivating employees to success. Other skills include the ability to implement ideas and processes that are forward thinking; being self-motivated and collaborative with excellent communication skills in both verbal and written form. He or she is willing to learn and has the capacity to set clear goals, prioritize tasks, manage time efficiently, and effectively work with others for completion of projects. Additionally, he or she demonstrates excellent organizational skills and the ability to manage a project and people in order to meet tight deadlines. This position will require overtime, nights and weekends during election season. This is a non-exempt position, eligible for overtime pay. Salary: $41,016-$59,076. Deadline: Open until filled. For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Communications Assistant, Democracy Fund, Washington, D.C. — will work closely with the Program and Learning teams to enhance the influence of the Fund’s grantees and program-related efforts among target audiences. In addition to having a deep passion for improving our democracy, the successful candidate will be self-motivated, highly collaborative, detail-oriented, and eager to work across a variety of communications channels on a daily basis. As a bipartisan organization, we welcome applications from Republicans, Democrats, and Independents – a willingness to work across the aisle is essential. Candidates must have exceptional writing skills and a proven track record as an avid consumer and adopter of digital and social media. The Communications Assistant’s portfolio will include social media management, digital content development, grantee support, event planning, and media outreach. The Communications Assistant will report to the Manager of Communications and Network. For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Elections Administrator, Burnett County, Texas — position performs the duties and functions of the Voter Registrar, the duties and functions placed on the County Clerk by the Texas Election Code or by statutes outside the Election Code. This position is filled by appointment of the Burnet County Elections Commission and is a full time, exempt position. The Commission consists of: the county judge, the county clerk, the county tax assessor-collector and the Democratic and Republican county chairs. Salary: $41,000-$53,000. Deadline: January 15. For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Elections Administrator, Wharton County, Texas — position is responsible for conducting all federal, state and local elections. Minimum training and experience sought is a Bachelor’s degree or six years’ experience in a management position involving public contact (preferably in an elections office). Salary: $35,000-$37,000. Deadline: December 31. For more information and the complete job listing, call (979) 532-2647 or click here.

Elections Administrator, Williamson Co., Texas — responsible for setting up, administering, and managing elections held in WilliamsonCounty, whether they are for federal, state offices and amendments, countywide races, orfor any of the 110-political jurisdictions such as school districts, community college, cities, MUDs, SUDs, road districts, etc. and primary elections.Works successfully with political parties, candidates, political jurisdictions, staff, mediaand other County departments.Responsible for managing voter registration for Williamson County that consists of over 273,000 registered voters and 88 election precincts.Provides supervision and management to staff members and poll workers.Managesfive budgets, two of which contain discretionary funds.Interprets and applies the provisions of the Texas Election Code to the County voting process. Experience: Combination of education and experience equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree in management, government, public administration or relevant field; five years of management experience; experience with developing and writing procedures, reading legal codes, working with electronic equipment and software and managing a staff of diverse duties is essential; excellent customer service; ability to work effectively with co-workers, employees and supervisors; strong organizational skills; and experience with Windows, Microsoft Word, 10-key character by touch, fax and copy machines. Salary: $3,071.54-$4,607.31 biweekly. Deadline: January 18, 2015. For more information and to apply please click here.

Elections Administrator, Wise County, Texas — position is responsible for the conduct of all non-primary, federal, state, county and contracted elections. Other responsibilities include: Ensuring all elections are accurate; conduct adults of voter registration records; monitoring voter registration activities in compliance with state and federal laws; and supervising elections administrator’s office personnel. The elections administrator is responsible for ensuring voting processes maintain a high level of professional standards in order to earn and preserve public confidence in the election process. This position requires travel when necessary for Wise Co. business and job-related events and training. The work schedule hours are varied and dependent upon the needs of the associated elections. Salary: Up to $55,000. Deadline: December 19. For more information and to apply, click here.

General Registrar, Charlottesville, Virginia — successful candidate will be appointed to fill the unexpired term ending June 30,2015. The incumbent’s performance will be evaluted prior to the end of the term. If their performance is determined to have been satisfactory or better, it is the Electoral Board’s intent to reappoint the candidate selected to a full four-year term beginning July 1, 2015. General Description: Oversee operations of the office of the General Registrar under general supervision of the Electoral Board; perform difficult technical and administrative duties required to efficiently conduct and accurately ascertain the results of local, state, and federal elections held in the City of Charlottesville; and exercise supervision over Deputy Registrars, Assistant Registrars, Election Officers and volunteers. The General Registrar exercises independent judgment in carrying out the responsibilities of office and solving problems. Salary: $49,076.00 to $60,000.00. Deadline: December 30. For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Association, Democracy Fund, Washington, D.C. — Democracy Fund seeks to hire an Associate to help assess our impact and to foster learning within our organization and among our grantees, peer funders, and the fields within which we work. We are looking for a dynamic and motivated candidate who is passionate about making our political system work better and who has significant experience working in monitoring, evaluation, research, and knowledge management. Strong candidates will have applied research skills, work well with others, and have a proven track record of being able to get things done in a complex professional environment. As a bipartisan organization, we welcome applications from Republicans, Democrats, and Independents – a willingness to work across the aisle is essential. The Associate will report to the Democracy Fund’s Manager of Learning and Impact and will be responsible for working with her to create and sustain the organization’s monitoring, evaluation, and learning systems. The position will require engagement with our grantees and with all members of the Democracy Fund team. Beyond directly working on Learning and Impact activities, the Associate’s work also may inform the organization’s grant making, strategic planning, research, and convening activities. For the complete listing and to apply, click here.

Network Administrator, Collier County, Florida — administration of computer network to include servers, design, setup, installation, configuration and troubleshooting. Monitors network operations and ensures network connectivity. Ensure network is operating effectively and efficiently. Researches new technology and developments in systems network. Manages network security. Administration of print and switch environments. Identifies users’ needs and prepares users by designing and conducting training programs. Provides network training to internal IT staff. Salary: $58,000-$65,000. Deadline: Open until filled. For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Project Manager, Hart InterCivic, Austin, Texas — project manager plans, directs, and coordinates project activities to ensure that project goals are completed efficiently and on schedule. As a member of the Professional Services Team, the Project Manager works with other team members to manage delivery of the full scope of Hart Voting System implementation and support services. The Project Manager is responsible for ensuring that project goals and deliverables are met, and is directly accountable for the success or failure of projects he or she manages. For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

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In Focus This Week

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