electionline Weekly

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February 2, 2017

February 2, 2017

In Focus This Week

I. In Focus This Week

New secretaries outline their election priorities
Five new secretaries of state get down to business

 This year brings us five new secretaries of state: Jay Ashcroft (R-Missouri), Corey Stapleton (R-Montana), Maggie Toulouse Oliver (D-New Mexico), Dennis Richardson (R-Oregon), and Mac Warner (R-West Virginia).

We asked each secretary what their top elections-related priorities are and why. Here are their responses.

We know these are busy times for everyone so we’d like to thank each of the new secretaries of state for getting back to us and we look forward to working with you in the years to come.

Jay Ashcroft, Missouri
Thank you for inviting me to share my priorities as Missouri’s chief elections officer.

Last November, when Missouri voters elected me Secretary of State, they also passed Constitutional Amendment 6 – a common sense voter identification measure – by a 63-37 margin. My highest priority this year is to seamlessly implement Missouri’s new voter ID law in conjunction with local election authorities.

The new voter ID law gives our local election officials the authority to request a photo identification to vote. This is a good step to strengthen the integrity of our elections. The law also describes alternate options for any voter who does not have photo identification. My office will work alongside our election officials to create a simple, easy-to-understand message so voters know exactly what to expect at their polling place.

Jay AshcroftThe most beneficial piece of the law gives my office statutory authority to help voters who do not have photo identification. My office is empowered to individually assist those voters and facilitate the collection of documents that are required to obtain a free state photo ID. This piece of the law can be enormously valuable to a segment of the population that, in some ways, is hidden.

Most of us know how vital a photo identification is to participating in many common activities – driving a car, opening a bank account, getting a loan, even accepting employment. I’m looking forward to this law being a catalyst to provide a necessary ID to people who don’t hold one. You don’t often hear about laws having positive unintended consequences, but our new voter ID law provides one.

Finally, during my campaign for this office, I put together a 10-member bipartisan group of local election officials for the Election Integrity Task Force. We have already met, held spirited conference calls, and discussed important election issues. It is my responsibility to ensure our local election authorities have an open line of communication with the state’s chief election official, and we are well on our way to providing that.

I look forward to continuing to work closely and cooperatively with Missouri’s local election authorities and implementing the will of the voters, to require voter ID to strengthen the integrity of Missouri’s elections.

Corey Stapleton, Montana
I’ve always had a desire to do things that matter. After graduating high school, I chose to enlist in the Navy, and later was tapped by the Secretary of the Navy to attend Annapolis. After a fulfilling career as a Surface Warfare Officer, my wife and I chose to move back home, start a business, and raise our kids as fifth generation Montanans.

My love for this nation and my home state compelled to continue serving, and being chosen as Montana’s newly elected Secretary of State and Chief Elections Officer is a privilege and an honor.

Corey StapletonElections are at the heart of our democracy, and my number one priority is ensuring the integrity of our voting process. Voting is a privilege denied to many in other parts of the world and we must not take for granted the great freedom that it is. Montanans should be able to have confidence that their voice and their vote count.

Montana has a history of fair and honest elections, thanks to the service of our county election officials. These public servants play an integral role in our elections process, ensuring accurate information and timely results. As technology continues to transform the way we conduct every aspect of our lives, the next generation of voters must be assured that the integrity of the process remains intact. Voter technology, too, continues to evolve, and it’s vital that we are nimble in adapting.

This year in Montana looks to be a rare and historic chance to hold a special election, as we anticipate the resignation of Congressman Zinke upon his confirmation to the Secretary of Interior. I look forward to the opportunity to showcase how a highly engaged state conducts a fair and efficient Special Election.

Following the Special Election, I will continue to work diligently to ensure that each of Montana’s 56 counties are equipped with the technology, tools and training they need.

I’ve often thought of the old adage, “When opinions clash, Democracy rings.” It is my duty as our Chief Elections Officer to ensure that Democracy rings.

Maggie Toulouse Oliver, New Mexico
Last November, I was elected New Mexico Secretary of State on a platform of government reform: increasing ethics and transparency for public officials; continuing to modernize and increase the integrity of our election system; and streamlining the process for starting a business in New Mexico. When I took office on December 9, 2016, I immediately began working on these priority issues.

Increasing ethics and transparency: This area of my office’s work allows the most opportunity for improvement. New Mexico laws are too vague and we have a campaign finance reporting system that needs serious improvement. I am currently supporting legislation that would provide clarity for candidates and campaigns that must comply with our Campaign Reporting Act, as well as require disclosure by individuals and entities that make independent expenditures in elections. We are beginning to promulgate new rules and guidance regarding filing of campaign reports, clarification as to how campaign money can be raised and spent, and what will happen if a candidate or campaign willingly violates those statutes and rules. To compliment these new statutes and rules, we are working on a major upgrade of New Mexico’s campaign finance system, to provide the public with more and better information about money in politics.

Toulouse OliverElection Modernization and Integrity: New Mexico has made great strides in election modernization and integrity with the implementation of online voter registration last year, and by becoming the 20th state to join the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) last summer. In order to make our voter registration rolls even more accurate and up-to-date, I am advocating legislation that would require automatic voter registration in New Mexico. In this way, we could further utilize verified data to register and keep voter registration rolls as accurate as possible in the Technology Age. Paired with the goal of accuracy, reducing barriers to the ballot box would be an added bonus to implementation of automatic voter registration.

Reducing Barriers to Creating a Business: The NM Secretary of State’s office has made great strides in recent years to improve our online business registration system, however, there are still challenges to be overcome. By continuing to improve this system, we will drastically bring down turnaround times when registering a new business, as well as provide even more services to current and potential business owners. Working together with other state agencies, we will soon roll out New Mexico’s first online business portal, a “one-stop-shop” approach similar to those already in existence in other states, which will help current and potential businesses alike navigate the ins and outs of state requirements such as registration, renewals, filing taxes, obtaining licenses and complying with other business regulations.

Overall, my goal as Secretary of State is to build an office worthy of the people who elected me and who pay the salaries of every employee in my office. By working on these priorities, New Mexicans should be able to increase their trust in government, and have more and better information about how their government is working for them.

Dennis Richardson, Oregon
Unfortunately, Secretary Richardson was not able to respond to our request at this time. We hope to include his top-three priorities in a future edition of electionlineWeekly.

Mac Warner, West Virginia
The November 8th general election was a call to action: the people of West Virginia no longer wanted “business as usual.”  Rather, people voted for transparency, efficiency, frugal government, and continual focus on our economy. In short, they want government to produce an environment friendly to business and job creation. My office is already at work, making changes to improve the business climate in West Virginia.

First, we have already assembled a staff of professional people who embrace change, change responsive to the customers we serve – county clerks, business owners, city clerks & recorders, entrepreneurs, and the public at large. Noting a desire from the public for expanded hours, we’re now open at 7:30 a.m. and won’t close until 5 p.m. – or until the last customer has finished in person, however late that may be.

Second, we’re moving everything we can to “online.” Given the budget crisis this State is facing, every aspect of government must modernize, become more efficient, and reduce costs wherever possible. Going paperless and working through the internet is not only faster, easier and cheaper, it’s working “at the speed of business.”

Mac Warner Headshot copyThird, to affect this transformation and modernization, we are putting six Field Service Representatives into all regions of West Virginia. It is the duty of these Field Representatives to assist new businesses to register and get on line, to work side-by-side with county clerks to improve our office’s assistance as they do their work within their respective counties, and to reach out to voters and candidates, assisting with registration, election questions, and associated issues. The Field Reps will serve as “mobile Secretary of State offices,” providing instant communication between citizens/businesses and our office as needed.

Fourth, working within budget, we will modernize our in-house operations, especially in regards to our interface with the public via our website. The website will undergo constant updating to become as user-friendly as possible, all the while providing state-of-the-art security. Our Information Technology Director, Dave Tackett, has already attended a “Tech Talk” in Washington, D.C. to stay abreast of the latest cyber-threats and updates. Maintaining election and business security is his utmost duty and focus. Mr. Tackett is also developing an updated and user-friendly website that provides the public with 24-hour access to the forms, filings and information they need to be successful.

Fifth, Matthew Gallagher in our office is now in charge of our “one-stop shop” to assist businesses and business owners. Matthew is working with our IT Department to construct a user-friendly website, and streamline the business registration and annual reporting process. 

Finally, we want everyone to know that we’re listening. We’re listening to the citizens and business owners of West Virginia, we’re listening to the Governor and West Virginia Legislature, and we’re listening to the dedicated employees who have years of experience running our state government.

We value every customer who calls our Office. We will do the very best to assist every caller and respond to every inquiry in a timely, accurate and consistent manner.  Hearing from you is the way we stay in touch with what is happening and what is needed to improve West Virginia.  Hearing ideas, implementing suggestions, and listening to concerns of the general public and those we serve is how we make government more frugal, efficient, and responsive.


Our Say

II. Our Say

We need the PECA more than ever
By Doug Chapin

Over the weekend – a little more than three years after its initial release – the report of the Presidential Commission on Election Administration (PCEA), and the rest of its work, was no longer available online after the new Administration decided to remove it from its home at supporttthevoter.gov.

The removal of the PCEA materials comes at a time when the White House is increasingly signaling that it will take steps to re-examine the 2016 election for evidence of fraud, despite no credible evidence that such fraud existed anywhere other than isolated cases, if at all. That’s unfortunate, because the PCEA is the kind of wide-ranging, bipartisan and thorough effort that any attempt to understand the American voting system needs.

In roughly three years since its release, the PCEA report has resulted in widespread change in the election field: online voter registration has become the rule rather than the exception, states are looking for (and finding) more opportunities to allow voters to cast ballots before Election Day, and the Commission’s identification of aging voting equipment as an “impending crisis” has sparked activity across the country and has begun to bear fruit, as states work to establish cooperation and find funding to upgrade the nation’s voting machinery.

The PCEA – both in how it worked and what it did – are a model for the kind of bipartisan, evidence-based and thorough work that is necessary to effect meaningful change in our nation’s election system. Losing that public resource is deeply worrisome, as it suggests that any new effort might not share the seriousness of purpose that characterized the Commission’s work.

Fortunately, there are already efforts under way to preserve the PCEA’s work online. MIT’s Charles Stewart has a link to the Internet Archive of the PCEA site and its YouTube site is moving to host videos and other materials on his new MIT electionlab site. [He’s also created a page with links to transcripts and other key items.]

I hope – though with dwindling optimism – that there is still time for a change of heart (and direction) at the White House; until then, it is crucial that we as members of the election community find a way to preserve the PCEA’s sense of seriousness and focus as we confront the new set of challenges facing the field.

Stay tuned.

Election News This Week

III. Election News This Week

Despite the fact that there is no evidence to support the claims of widespread voter fraud during the November 2016 election, a new poll says that one in four Americans believes the claim. A Politico/Morning Consult survey shows that 25 percent of registered voters say they agree with the president’s claims of millions of people casting illegal votes in November. Of those, 35 percent say it’s more likely that if there was voter fraud that it helped President Donald J. Trump and not Hillary Clinton.

Detroit Clerk Janice Winfrey addressed the media for the first time since the November 2016 election. During her press conference, Winfrey challenged allegations of fraud and that old voting machines were the cause of problems. “For the most part, problems that the state identified were human error,” Winfrey said. “Yes, we test every last one of our machines every time.” According to Michigan Radio, state elections director Chris Thomas said this week that it appears poll workers in some precincts simply failed to reconcile vote totals. He also cited “performance issues” at some Detroit’s receiving boards — sites that take in ballot boxes and poll books on election night — saying many did not get proper documentation from precinct workers. Winfrey says she will start training poll worker supervisors quarterly, and also expand an effort to recruit more volunteers, especially younger people.

King County, Washington will use two upcoming special elections to test out pre-paid postage for return ballots. “This is something I’ve wanted to test since I ran for office,” said Julie Wise, King County Elections Director. “Pre-paid postage is another tool to remove barriers to voting and increase convenience – and this pilot will help us understand what it might look like for King County.” Pre-paid postage for the special election will cost the county about $12,000 for both elections. The ballot packets also include an explanation that the return envelopes have been pre-paid.

Hats off to the Newton County, Georgia Board of Elections for being selected as the first Newton County Department of the Month.

And finally, congratulations to the Denver Elections Division for recently being honored by the International Centre for Parliamentary Studies for the divisions’ eSign app and its Voter Registration Drive module. The division was honored in the Outstanding Achievement in International Institutional Engagement and Electoral Ergonomy category. “Only two entities from the United States were recognized by the ICPS, and Denver was the only municipality to receive an award,” said Denver Clerk and Recorder Debra Johnson in a statement. “All of the other elections offices represented entire countries. That makes this award particularly special to us.”

Personnel News: Dr. Bruce Saferin has officially been appointed to the Lucas County, Ohio board of elections. Brandon Alexander and Chrissy Peters have been appointed co-directors of the Missouri secretary of state’s elections division. Kristen Zebrowski Stavisky was re-appointed to a four-year term as Democratic Commissioner of Elections in Rockland County, New York.

In Memoriam: Newly elected Curry County, New Mexico Clerk Jo Lynn Queener died on January 26 from ruptured brain aneurysm. She was 48. Before assuming the role of clerk on January 1, Queener had worked in the county assessor’s office. “I believe that Jo Lynn’s greatest contribution to our community was her unshakable spirit,” Deputy Clerk Annie Hogland told Eastern New Mexico News. “She had the strongest, genuine spirit and a heart the size of Texas. Hogland will serve as clerk until the county commission appoints a replacement to serve until the next general election.

Legislative Updates

IV. Legislative Updates

Federal Legislation: Tennessee Congressman Steve Cohen (D-Memphis) has introduced the Streamlining and Improving Methods at Polling Locations and Early Voting Act (SIMPLE) that would require states to allow voting in federal elections at least two weeks prior to election day, ensure polls are properly staffed and within walking distance of public transportation routes and require a wait time of no longer than one hour.

Arkansas: House Bill 1047, introduced by Rep. Mark Lowery (R-Maumelle) that would require voters to show a photo ID in order to vote has been approved by a legislative committee. Acceptable forms of ID include: Driver’s licenses, photos ID cards, concealed carry licenses, passports, employee badges, student ID cards issued by accredited Arkansas school, military ID documents, public-assistance ID cards and free voter verification cards. The full House has approved the legislation by a 74-12 vote.

Colorado: House Bill 104 that would allow people to take selfies of their completed ballot and share it on social media has passed the House State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee by an 8-1 vote.

Florida: A new joint resolution in the House would allow felons the right to vote in Florida three years after their sentence is up. The resolution would, if passed on the next general election (or a special election specifically for this) ballot, amend the statutes on voting to extend the right to felons.

Indiana: Members of the Indiana Black Legislative Caucus have raised concerns about a bill that aims to consolidate voting precincts in Lake County. “Here we have yet another effort at ‘reform,’ which is not so thinly veiled in its effort to deny and repress minority voting in Lake County,” Rep. Charlie Brown, D-Gary, said in a statement. “There is no need to do something that will make it more difficult for people to cast a ballot, particularly at a time when Indiana has one of the worst voter participation percentages in the country.” The Elections and Apportionment Committee has delayed action on the bill.

Kansas: The House Elections Committee is considering House Bill 2013 which would require write-in winners from primary elections to provide a written statement to the county election’s office within 10 days of the primary agreeing to be listed in the general election.

Mississippi: The House has approved House Bill 228 by a 113-8 vote. The bill would allow early voting beginning 14 days before an election.

Nebraska: State Sen. Burke Harr has introduced Legislative Bill 216 that if approved would create an independent advisory commission of citizens to redraw the state’s political map. A similar bill was approved last year, but was vetoed by Gov. Pete Ricketts.

North Carolina: The House Government and Veterans Affairs Committee heard arguments for and against House Bill 1369, that if approved, would require voters to show a photo ID in order to cast a ballot.

Oregon: Secretary of State Dennis Richardson has tasked lawmakers with drafting a bill that would eliminate the ability as secretary of state to order elections investigations. According to The Oregonian, if introduced and approved, elections investigations could only be launched if an external complaint is filed.

Utah: The Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously approve SB144 that would create runoff elections. The bill now would require runoff elections if a primary election occurs with four or more candidates, and no one achieves a plurality of at least 35 percent. The bill now heads to the full Senate.

Also in the Senate, the Senate Government Operations Committee has approved SB116 that would require county clerks to come up with plans, to be reviewed by the lieutenant governor’s office, to ensure voting lines will be a half-hour or less. The committee also approves SB128 that would allow county clerks to add and advertise more last-minute polling places if necessary.

HB204 would make the state and counties responsible for carrying out a presidential primary every four years. The bill would include a set aside of $750,00 each year for the estimated $3 million cost of running the primaries.

The House Government Operations Committee has approved a bill that would allow counties to hold early voting on the Monday before a Tuesday election. Counties would be allowed to extend early voting at their discretion.

Vermont: By a 76-59 vote, the full House has voted in favor of conducting a new recount in a disputed House election.

Virginia: By a 4-3 vote, the House Privileges and Elections Subcommittee tabled five constitutional amendments that would alter the way felons regain their voting rights.

The in a 64-33 party-line vote, the House has approved House Bill 1598 that would require proof-of-citizenship before registering to vote. Citizenship could be proved with a birth certificate, passport, naturalization document or other record accepted under federal law. Anyone registered to vote as of Jan. 1, 2018, would not have to prove their citizenship.

Washington: Republicans and Democrats have introduced competing voting-rights bills that have rekindled debate over efforts aimed at making local elections more hospitable to minority candidates. The four bills would remove a 1994 state restriction that prevents most Washington cities from replacing an at-large voting system with district elections.

Wyoming: By a 41-17 vote, the House has approved legislation that will automatically restore the voting rights to some non-violent ex-offenders.

Also in Wyoming, the House Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions Committee has voted down a bill that would have required voter to show an ID in order to cast a ballot. The committee also advanced a bill to the full House that would allow voters to put themselves on permanent absentee voter lists. Another bill approved would create a tier payment system for recounts. The cost of the deposit for a recount would rise as the margin of error rises with the deposit topping out at $3,000.

The committee also approved House Bill 68 which would allow county clerks to accept absentee ballots post marked on Election Day and received by the time of the canvass. However, the full House defeated the extended period of time for counting absentee ballot.

The House Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions Committee voted down House Bill 201 that would have set a separate presidential primary election in April, in addition to the regular primary in August and general election in November.

Legal Updates

 V. Legal Updates

California: San Diego Superior Court Judge Joel Wohlfeil has ruled that San Diego County did not follow proper procedures in an audit of the June 2016 primary and must use a different process when verifying future contests. Wohlfeil determined that state election law says all mail-in ballots need to be included in a manual count of votes from 1 percent of precincts. According to the Union Tribune, previously the registrar of voters only used mail-in ballots received by Election Day as part of the manual count.

Kansas: U.S. District Judge Julie Robinson has set a joint hearing on the fate of two federal lawsuits challenging the state’s proof-of-citizenship require for voter registration. The hearing is set for March 3.

Maine: The Senate has asked the Maine Supreme Judicial Court to rule whether the state’s new ranked choice voting system — approved by the voters in November — satisfies several requirements of the Maine Constitution.

New York: Following an eight-month investigation, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is accusing the New York City Board of Elections of gross negligence for improperly purging 120,000 voters. According to WNYC, in addition to the 120,000 voters purged in Brooklyn, the attorney general’s office found that the city improperly removed another 60,000 voters in 2014 and 43,000 voters in 2015, in violation of state and federal laws. “That these things were going on reflects, in our view, gross negligence and a real dereliction of duty,” Schneiderman told WNYC.

Also in New York, in an 11-page decision, Judge Martin Auffredou of the Fourth Judicial District of State Supreme Court, Essex County board of elections commissioners were ordered to release election-ballot images and cast-vote ballots from the November 2015 election.

South Carolina: Sara H. Benenhaely, 64 has been charged with willful neglect or corrupt conduct by officers other than an election manager. According to the warrant for her arrest, the Sumter County poll worker is accused of using her position to “instruct or coerce” people to vote for a certain candidate during the June 2016 primary and runoff.

Tech Thursday

VI. Tech Thursday

Ohio: Secretary of State Jon Husted is urging county boards of elections to implement e-poll books before the end of the state’s fiscal year (June 30, 2017) in order to get some of the $12.75 million in grant money the state has made available for e-poll books. The state funding should cover about 85 percent of the costs associated with switching to e-poll books. “E-pollbooks represent a huge improvement in election technology by speeding up check-in times at the polls, reducing lines and providing more direction to both election officials and voters so we can improve the experience for everyone,”  Husted said. “This is an opportunity for county boards to upgrade their equipment at a significantly reduced cost and they should not let this opportunity pass them by.” To-date 61 of the state’s 88 counties have implemented e-poll books.

Texas: The Hidalgo County commission recently tabled a resolution to approve the purchase of 1,000 new Hart InterCivic Verity voting machines, although the machines are already in a county warehouse. According to a local television station, the decision to table the approval was made after residents against electronic ballots convinced commissioners to wait for a period of 30-days.

Opinions This Week

VII. Opinions This Week

National Opinions: Voting rights | Voter fraud, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII | Early voting | Voting system, II | ERIC states | SCOTUS nominee, II | Voter suppression

Arizona: County recorders

Connecticut: Voter fraud | Voting system

Florida: Ballot selfies | Voter fraud

Illinois: Voter fraud

Kansas: Voting in Kansas | Voter fraud

Maine: Ranked choice voting

Mississippi: Election reform | Turnout | Early voting

Missouri: Voter eligibility

Montana: Yellowstone County

Nevada: Election legislation

New Jersey: Revote

New York: Voter suppression

North Carolina: Election laws

Pennsylvania: Ballot box restrictions

Rhode Island: Better elections

Tennessee: Voter apathy

Texas Voter ID, II | Victoria County | Online voter registration

Washington: Election reforms, II

West Virginia: Voting system

Upcoming Events

VIII. Upcoming Events

NASS 2017 Winter Conference — Join NASS President Denise W. Merrill of Connecticut and other members to discuss the latest topics in federal and state policymaking circles! This event will bring together government and industry leaders to showcase Secretary of State initiatives and connect state capitals. When: February 15-18, 2017. Where: Washington, D.C.

Election Center Special Workshop — the Election Center will host a special winter workshop featuring courses in facilitating voter participation (Course 7), implementation of new programs (Course 8) and resources management (Renewal Course 26). When: February 15-19. Where: Savanah, Georgia.

NASED 2017 Winter Meeting — Mark your calendars now and stay tuned for more information and registration details on the National Association of State Election Directors 2017 Winter Meeting. When: February 15-18, 2017. Where: Washington, D.C.

The Future of Elections: Technology Policy and Funding — Join legislators, legislative staff, elections officials and election administration experts for a discussion on the future of elections technology and how to pay for it. Share ideas on updating voting infrastructure in an era of limited resources and heightened security concerns. In addition to a robust discussion on elections policy, attendees will enjoy all Colonial Williamsburg has to offer. Bring the whole family with you!When: June 14-16. Where: Williamsburg, Virginia.

IaoGO 2017 Annual Conference — Mark your calendars now and stay tuned for more information and registration details on the International Association of Government Officials 2017 Annual Conference. When: July 6-13, 2017. Where: Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin.

NASS 2017 Summer Conference — Mark your calendars now and stay tuned for more information and registration details on the National Association of Secretaries of State 2017 Summer Conference. When: July 7-10, 2017. Where: Indianapolis, Indiana.

NASED 2017 Summer Meeting — Mark your calendars now and stay tuned for more information and registration details on the National Association of State Election Directors 2017 Summer Meeting. When: August 22-25, 2017. Where: Anaheim, California.

Job Postings This Week

IX. Job Postings This Week
electionlineWeekly publishes election administration job postings each week as a free service to our readers. To have your job listed in the newsletter, please send a copy of the job description, including a web link tommoretti@electionline.org. Job postings must be received by 5pm on Wednesday in order to appear in the Thursday newsletter. Listings will run for three weeks or till the deadline listed in the posting.

Account Manager, Clear Ballot, Boston — we are looking for a talented Account Manager to play an active role in developing and maintaining long-term working relationships with Clear Ballot’s customers. This person should be able to work independently and in partnership with other team members to achieve high customer satisfaction. The account manager will have a regional assignment, with certain customers assigned to him/her. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Associate Director for Modern Election, Democracy Fund— the Democracy Fund seeks an Associate Director for Modern Elections to lead its strategy for creating a modern election system. The Associate Director will be responsible for implementing the Election Program’s efforts to modernize voter registration systems, improve and expand access to voting, and reduce the risk of systematic election failures. The Associate Director, a newly created position reporting to the Elections Program Director, will also support the team’s work to encourage the adoption of evidence-based best practices and technology in the elections field, which will include direct advocacy and coalition building through Democracy Fund Voice, a 501c4 sister-organization. The Associate Director also will support research, network development, field evaluation and analysis, and the development of a portfolio of regional and national grantees working to generate change for a modern election system. The successful candidate will be an excellent manager with demonstrated policy reform and management experience. Strong candidates will possess deep expertise in the field of election administration or a related area of public policy and will be comfortable collaborating in a highly bipartisan, fast-paced work environment. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Customer Service Consultant, Hart InterCivic — Hart InterCivic is seeking a Customer Service Consultant who has a strong desire to provide an outstanding customer experience for a growing company. Our Customer Service Consultant supports our customers on a daily basis by providing the following: Foster and develop positive customer relations by providing courteous, prompt and proactive customer service. Communicate with customers by phone, email or other correspondence. Respond to customer requests in a timely manner. Ensure timely Order Fulfillment through interactions with customers, other internal departments, and vendors: Create price quotations, orders, and similar requests for customers. Process purchase orders and enter purchase information into Order Management System. Verify all purchase orders and order information for accuracy. Contact customers to verify the information on purchase orders as it may be appropriate. Provide customers with assistance and information on part numbers, order status, troubleshooting their purchase orders, or other requests. Act as a liaison and coordinate with other departments through order completion and to expedite or resolve any issues or concerns. Provide follow up and respond to customer issues, inquiries, emails, correspondence, or other requests. Assist in maintaining up to date customer files. Partner with other departments to prepare documentation to process returns and credit memos. Partner with other departments to process requests for internal orders, including capital expenditure requests. Maintain a current working knowledge of product lines, prices, lead-time, and other relevant information. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Customer Service Representative, Collier County, Florida — purpose of this classification is to provide clerical support and customer service. Work involves preparing a variety of documents; entering data and retrieving information from department databases; maintaining automated and manual files; and assisting callers, customers and/or visitors. Salary: $34,000-$38,000. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Elections & Special Districts Director, Cochise County, Arizona — under general direction of the County Administrator, provides professional level project planning in all functions related to the conduct of voting and election activities for the County.   Under limited supervision, perform work of considerable difficulty to plan, organize, coordinate, direct and control all activities of the Elections & Special Districts Department in compliance with statutory and regulatory federal and state requirements.  Prepare and manage the annual fiscal budget for the department, develop long-range plans and anticipates/identifies long-term organizational needs.   Sound judgment and considerable communication and interpersonal skills are required in this position. Salary: $60,000-$90,000. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

IT Specialist, Collier County, Florida — the IT Support Specialist works closely with IT staff to provide technical support and assistance to all staff located within the Supervisor of Elections office. This person will work with a wide variety of elections industry specific technologies to include hardware, software, programming, printers, and applications. In addition, this person will be providing support and assistance for non-election industry networking technology to include workstations, servers, printers, etc. Salary: $44,000-$50,000. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Product Specialist, Denver, Colorado — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a tech-savvy, passionate Product Specialist to join our team in downtown Denver! This position will be responsible for providing technical support on all Dominion Voting Systems products both on-site, via the telephone or via email; write detailed, technical documentation for distribution internally and externally; and interface directly with customers, co-workers, and election officials. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus target & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Research Fellow- Elections, The Democracy Fund — the Elections Program focuses on election administration and money in politics by supporting unbiased research, bipartisan dialogue, and unconventional solutions that will ensure the views and votes of the American public come first in our democracy. We are looking for candidates who are available part-time (20-30 hours/week) and can support the research needs of the Elections Program team, which may include both qualitative and quantitative analysis. A successful candidate has the ability to work with policy experts and academics on questions fundamental to our program and has a high interest in making meaningful contributions to elections and voting research. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Senior Software Engineer, Clear Ballot, Boston — Clear Ballot is looking for a talented Senior Software Engineer to be responsible for building and enhancing enterprise level web applications using JavaScript to create rich, dynamic and visually appealing experiences.  You should have expert knowledge of python, JavaScript and MySQL, as well as experience with various operating systems (Windows 10, Linux Ubuntu). The ideal candidate should have strong technical skills utilizing the latest concepts in front-end development, including responsive techniques, accessibility and client-side frameworks. You will be working with a small team of highly skilled individuals to build a platform that is changing the elections industry. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Senior Technical Trainer, Clear Ballot, Boston, Massachusetts — our small and growing documentation and training team has an immediate need for a new member with intermediate-to-senior experience in: Instructional design, development of learning curricula, production of training materials, and hands-on, customer facing training. Generally, the training department, technical staff, and operations staff provide training at the customer’s site. We need an instructional designer and trainer who can analyze the learners and materials, and establish an appropriately targeted learning program. The opportunity exists to develop computer based training as an enhancement to our learning curriculum. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Systems Engineer, Clear Ballot, Boston, Massachusetts — we are looking for a talented Systems Engineer who has both a technical and services/support background which enables them to quickly assess customer needs and offer value to Clear Ballot’s customers. The Systems Engineer will gain a deep understanding of how Clear Ballot’s products operate and their optimal configuration to build a streamlined installation process of the Clear Vote election system. The ideal candidate for this position can prioritize mission critical tasks and coordinate the implementation and expansion of our systems. They will be able to work directly with customers, display innovation, think conceptually and act tactically to build consensus around system installation and enhancement and meet deadlines. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Vote-by-Mail Coordinator, Collier County, Florida —purpose of this classification is to issue vote-by-mail ballots, handle vote-by-mail voter service inquiries, maintain voter records, and support all other vote-by-mail ballot functions. Duties include: Interacts daily with registered voters and makes decisions regarding the vote-by-mail balloting process. As part of a team, works well with others and communicates ideas effectively. Exchanges information, coordinates assignments, and problem solves with others. Supervises temporary workers for ballot processing and voter inquiries during peak election cycles. Designs routing and sorting schemes and then loads, operates, adjusts, and repairs machinery used by vote-by-mail department. Maintains database information for vote-by-mail ballots by entering voter registrations and vote-by-mail ballot requests, retrieving voter information, and providing detailed reports. Creates new spreadsheets/files and purges old data. Researches information from databases as requested. Generates reports, logs, and listings from databases. May include scanning paper documents into digital database. Administers the security of vote-by-mail ballots by ensuring secure distribution, receipt, and storage. Controls voted vote- by-mail ballot acceptance, signature verification, sorting, and extraction. Prepares department records, reports, and forms. Prepares correspondence and letters; receives documents and retrieves information from drafts, summaries, databases, or other source documents; incorporates information into prepared materials; proofreads for accuracy and completeness; copies and distributes documents as appropriate. Requests information from other departments as necessary to complete department records/files. Answers telephones; assists callers with questions regarding election related issues, services, or procedures; refers callers to other staff members as appropriate. Responds to email, web, and fax inquiries. Operates a personal computer, telephones, copiers, mailing, and other general office equipment as necessary to complete essential functions, to include the use of word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, database, and other system software. Salary: $38,000-$42,000. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.


X. Marketplace
electionline provides no guarantees as to the quality of the items being sold and the accuracy of the information provided about the sale items in the Marketplace. Ads are provided directly by sellers and are not verified by electionline. If you have an ad for Marketplace, please email it to: mmoretti@electionline.org

Electionline Underwriting

XI. Electionline Underwriting

For almost 15 years, electionline.org has brought you all the election administration reform news and information of the day through electionlineToday and of the week through our weekly newsletter electionlineWeekly.

Because of the generosity of such organizations as The Pew Charitable Trusts, Democracy Fund and the Hewlett Foundation we were able to bring you that news and information for free and free of advertising.

In order to continue providing you with the important news of the day and week we are now offering monthly underwriting for our daily and weekly postings (think more NPR, less local radio and television).

Underwriting will be available for electionlineToday, the weekly email that reaches about 4,800 inboxes each week and the weekly newsletter. Underwriting is available on a per-month basis and costs $2,500 per section per month. The underwriting is available on a first come, first-served basis. Each section will be exclusive to one underwriter per month.

We will accept underwriting from a variety of entities in the elections world, but will not accept political advertising.

Job posting and marketplace listings from elections offices seeking to sell/trade voting equipment will remain free of charge.

Reservations are now available. If you are interested in underwriting a section of election for a month (or more), please email us at mmoretti@electionline.org

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