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February 15, 2018

February 15, 2018

In Focus This Week

I. In Focus This Week

Impacts of registration and ID laws on transgender voters
State elections officials strive to accommodate all voters

By M. Mindy Moretti

Voters come in all shapes, sizes, colors, ages and gender. Most of that information, other than age, is irrelevant to a voter’s eligibility to register and cast a vote. However, for some voters, the question of gender on a voter registration form can present a problem.

According to a report from the Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law, in 2016, an estimated 0.6 percent of adults in the United States, or about 1.4 million individuals identify as transgender. Populations vary by state and by age group.

Hawaii, California, Georgia, and New Mexico all have 0.8 percent of their populations that identify as transgender where was North Dakota, Iowa, Wyoming, Montana and South Dakota have just 0.3 percent of adults that identify as transgender.

More young adults, aged 18 to 24 identify as transgender (0.7 percent) than do those 65 and older (0.5 percent).

“We understand that collecting demographic information can sometimes be helpful, but we are unaware of any compelling reason to include gender in the voter registration process,” said Jay H. Wu, communications manager for the National Center for Transgender Equality Action Fund.

Electionline reached out to the elections directors in all 50 states and the District of Columbia and heard back from 34 of them and the District. Whether or not states collect gender information on voter registration forms varies with most of the responding states saying they do not request that information, or that it is optional.

Of the 34 states and the District that responded, 15 do not ask for the information, 13 have a box on their voter registration forms for gender, but do not require it, six require a perspective voter to complete the gender and North Dakota does not have voter registration.

Of those six that do require gender information Virginia law does require the information be gathered, the Administrative Code cites that gender is not material for registration.

“Gender is a required field on the voter registration application form under Va. Code Section 24.2-418(A). However, the State Board of Elections (SBE) and the Department of Elections (the Department) has determined that this information is not material for eligibility or registration purposes,” explained Chris Piper, Virginia’s new elections commissioner. “As a result, Administrative Code 1VAC20-40-70 cites gender as being not material for registration, and prohibits general registrars from denying an applicant who does not provide this information.”  

Earlier this year in Idaho, the secretary of state’s office proposed legislation that would have done away with the gender requirement on the state forms.

“With concerns nationally about protecting personal information, we looked at what would be required in order to vote,” explained Tim Hurst, deputy secretary of state. “Gender is not a piece of information we needed to keep since both men and women have equal rights in voting.”

Hurst said the state had not experienced a problem to date, but the proposed legislation was meant to avoid the possibility of a problem. Unfortunately, according to Hurst, the legislation is dead for this year.

A check with Wendy Underhill at the National Conference of State Legislatures did not find any other pending legislation regarding gender requirements on voter registration forms.

Although there is no other legislation currently pending, that doesn’t mean that other elections offices aren’t thinking about it.

In Washington, after questions were raised by one of the county elections officials in 2016, the state broadened the response field so now, instead of just asking male or female, the form lets a perspective voter fill in whatever gender they wish.

New Mexico Director of Elections Kari Fresquez said there has been some discussion of at least broadening the options from male and female, but there has been no formal legislation push at this point.

Connecticut asks for gender on the voter registration form and it is an optional field,” explained Gabe Rosenberg, communications director for Secretary of State Denise Merrill. “This has not been a topic that has come up recently in Connecticut, but we are likely to discuss it internally and get feedback from stakeholders going forward.”

In Colorado, instead of asking “sex” on the form/online – the state asks for “gender identity.” 

“We understand that this doesn’t cover all possibilities, but it was our hope that it might be more broadly inclusive,” explained Judd Choate, director of elections. “In addition, we have made it a free form field on the hard form and plan to add “other” as an option online soon.  But, likely that won’t happen until this summer.”

Todd Valentine, director of elections for the New York State Board of Elections said that more than 20 years ago gender was a mandatory field on the state’s voter ID form, but now it’s optional because the information isn’t used for anything.

Voter ID
Voter ID is another area where transgender voters could run into problems. Seven states are strict voter photo ID states while another 10 are non-strict photo ID states.

Wu, with the National Center for Transgender Equality Action Fund, which is a 501(c)4 said that the center did not hear of any transgender being denied their franchise in 2016.

“We are concerned, however, about the effects that the Trump administration’s anti-trans rhetoric and actions may have in emboldening poll workers or election officials to give trans voters trouble,” Wu said.

None of the responding states that have photo ID laws on the books-strict or non-strict-reported any known problems with transgender voters attempting to vote. And all those responding with photo ID requirements stressed the efforts the elections officials take to make sure that every voters vote counts.

Kea Warne, deputy secretary of state, elections services for the state of South Dakota said although the state asks for photo ID, transgender voters do have other options.

“If the election board cannot determine that the voter’s photo on their ID matches the voter, then the election board will state that the ID you presented does not appear to be you,” Warne said. “You may explain why the photo does not match and you may present other forms of identification to assist us in confirming your identity.”

Warne also added that a voter without photo ID or other documentation to back up the photo ID can still sign an affidavit attesting to who they are.

Iowa and West Virginia are both introducing their voter ID laws this year. Kevin Hall, communications director for the Iowa secretary of state’s office noted that not only is Iowa not a strict photo ID state, but that the barcode on the back of the ID card is the key and provides much more relevant information than the photo on the front.

“The law requires precinct election officials to consider all of the information presented by the person prior to determining that person is not eligible, including changes to the voter’s physical appearance and time elapsed since the photo was generated,” Hall said. “Additionally, the Voter ID card, provided at no cost to registered voters who do not possess a valid Iowa driver’s license or non-operator’s ID, does not contain a photo.”

Donald Kersey, elections director and deputy legal counsel for the West Virginia secretary of state’s office said the state’s ID law was written in a way so as to give the secretary’s office leeway.

“West Virginia law requires poll workers to ensure the photo ‘is truly an image’ of the voter. Because there is no additional guidance, we interpret that provision to provide poll workers broad deference, which is consistent in other sections of election law (e.g. poll workers can challenge a voter’s registration on the spot, challenge a ballot, and require a voter to voter provisional for a variety of codified reasons),” Kersey explained. “Therefore, we instruct our counties to encourage poll workers to be fair, impartial and objective, especially because we do not want to require any voter to vote provisional unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

In Alabama, where a voter must show a photo ID—or have elections officials vouch for the voter or cast a provisional ballot—Assistant Director of Elections Clay Helms said that to his knowledge no transgender voter has had an issue with the state’s ID law.

Helms also said that information about transgender voters is not included in poll worker training although it may be something the state will look into in the future.

In Michigan, Elections Directory Sally Williams said elections workers are provided guidance for when a license photo does not match the person standing in front of them, for whatever reason.

“We direct election workers (inspectors) as follows: As a first step, the election inspector should take into account the age of the photo and any explanations the voter may wish to offer (weight gain or loss, hair style or facial hair alterations, different eyeglass frames, etc.). If such considerations resolve the matter, the election inspector should issue a ballot to the voter,” Williams explained. “If questions over the voter’s identity remain, the election inspector should ask to view any other acceptable forms of picture identification that the voter may have in his or her possession.”

If that still does not resolve the issue, Williams said the voter may cast a provisional ballot.

Although Wisconsin has a strict photo ID law, Michael Haas, election commissioner said that the law is written that the photo on the ID “reasonably resemble” the voter.

“To our knowledge, there have not been any voters who have been denied a ballot because their photo ID did not resemble them,” Haas said. “It is also part of the training for clerks what NOT to look for on a photo ID.  Poll workers and clerks are taught to only look for the voter’s name, photo, and expiration date and that they should NOT be looking at other fields like address, gender, citizenship, or driving privilege status.”

Haas also added that he is aware of the elections commission receiving several calls from transgender voters in advance of an election to confirm the voting process, which is something that the National Center for Transgender Equality recommends.

The National Center for Transgender Equality has tips for voting as a transgender person and a Voting While Trans checklist to help transgender voters prepare for casting a ballot. The tips include confirming your voter registration before Election Day, making sure that the information on your driver’s license matches what’s on your voter registration card and, where allowed, consider voting by mail.

The site also has some advice for elections officials and poll workers with the most important probably being, transgender voters are not doing anything wrong or trying to deceive you—they are just being themselves.

State Voter Registration Form Law

State Is gender info asked on voter registration forms
Alabama Yes, optional
Arizona No
California No
Colorado Yes, optional
Connecticut Yes, optional
Delaware No
District of Columbia Yes, optional
Florida Yes, required
Idaho Yes, required
Illinois Yes, optional
Iowa Yes, required
Kentucky Yes, optional
Maine No
Maryland Yes, optional
Massachusetts No
Michigan Yes, optional
Minnesota No
Montana No
Nebraska No
Nevada No
New Hampshire  
New Jersey  
New Mexico Yes, required
New York Yes, optional
North Carolina  
North Dakota Does not have voter registration
Oklahoma No
Oregon No
Pennsylvania Yes, optional
Rhode Island No
South Carolina Yes, required
South Dakota No
Texas Yes, optional
Vermont No
Virginia Yes, required*
Washington Yes, optional
West Virginia Yes, optional
Wisconsin No

*Gender is a required field on the voter registration application form under Va. Code Section 24.2-418(A). However, the State Board of Elections (SBE) and the Department of Elections (the Department) has determined that this information is not material for eligibility or registration purposes.  As a result, Administrative Code 1VAC20-40-70 cites gender as being not material for registration, and prohibits general registrars from denying an applicant who does not provide this information.  


Federal-State Updates

II. Federal-State Updates

The Congressional Task Force on Election Security, which does not have any Republican members, introduced a bill this week seeking more than $1 billion in funds to help state’s secure their voting systems. The bill also includes minimum security standards for all US election systems.

The proposal outlines 10 recommendations for securing election infrastructure such as ensuring that all voting systems have a verifiable paper trail, it calls on voting equipment vendors to prioritize voting infrastructure security, it provides funding for states to upgrade their voter registration databases.

The bill also expands the oversight role of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission.

In other news, according to The Hill, Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee have written to Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Virginia) demanding “immediate” hearings on cyber vulnerabilities in U.S. election infrastructure.

“We believe the threat is urgent,” wrote the Democrats, led by ranking member Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.). “We cannot afford to ignore the mounting evidence of a coordinated effort to undermine the most basic and essential aspects of democratic process.”

In a follow-up to last week’s “breaking” news from NBC about Russian hackers “successfully penetrating” US voter roles in 2016 has the U.S. Department of Homeland Security pushing back.

“Recent NBC reporting has misrepresented facts and confused the public with regard to Department of Homeland Security and state and local government efforts to combat election hacking,” Jeanette Manfra, the department’s chief cybersecurity official, said in a statement. 

Election News This Week

III. Election News This Week

Wyoming Secretary of State Ed Murray resigned on February 9. Murray had been accused of inappropriate behavior by two women and had already announced that he would not run for governor or seek re-election as secretary of state. In his resignation statement, Murray said, “I’ve come to the realization that I am unable to focus entirely on serving the good people of Wyoming while simultaneously needing to process all the fallout from these allegations for which I have issued previous statements. At all times during my tenure as Secretary of State I’ve upheld the trust and fiduciary duties of my Office to the highest of any and all standards. Deputy Secretary of State Karen Wheelers will serve until Gov. Matt Mead appoints a new secretary.

After eight long years, voters in Santa Fe, New Mexico finally began using ranked choice voting as a way to choose their locally elected officials. Early voting kicked off this week and according to the Santa Fe New Mexican, reactions to the new system were mixed. The paper conducted exit poll interviews with 20 of the several dozen residents who cast ballots in the first hours after polls opened for early voting revealed an array of sentiment, most saying they were either fans of the new system or indifferent to it, and only a handful offering a negative review. “I think it forces you to pay more attention to the candidates,” voter Lynn Hopkins told the paper. “You have to really think about, well, who would my second choice be? And so you listen to the candidates more closely. And you do your research. I think that’s a good thing.”

Each year, the Travis County, Texas Tax Office, which oversees voter registration for the county, conducts a YouthCam-Student PSA Contest. Middle and high school students are invited to create a 15-, 30-, or 60-second PSA around the year’s selected theme, which was “Register. Be Counted. Vote!” for this year. There are three English categories and three Spanish categories. First place in each category will receive $500 and some prizes; second is $250 and prizes; and third place is $100 with prizes. Winners were announced earlier this year and we would highly encourage you to check them out, there is some really great stuff here. Well done young people, well done!

Personnel News: Julie Strother has been appointed chief of staff for Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon. Republican Leland Christensen has announced his candidacy for the Wyoming secretary of state seat. Keith Cheney has been appointed to the Allen County, Ohio board of elections. Carole Young-Kleinfeld, Wilton, Connecticut Democratic registrar of voters for almost a decade, announced this week that she will resign the position in April. Young-Kleinfeld will be replaced by deputy registrar Karen Birck.

Research and Report Summaries

IV. Research and Report Summaries
electionline provides brief summaries of recent research and reports in the field of election administration. The summaries are courtesy of Sean Greene, director of research for the U.S. Election Assistance Commission.

Election Security in All 50 States – Danielle Root, Liz Kennedy, Michael Sozan, and Jerry Parshall, Center for American Progress, February 2018: This report examines election security and preparedness in each state, looking specifically at state requirements and practices related to:

  • Cybersecurity standards for voter registration systems
  • Voter-verified paper ballots
  • Post-election audits
  • Ballot accounting and reconciliation
  • Return of voted paper absentee ballots
  • Voting machine certification requirements
  • Pre-election logic and accuracy testing

Legislative Updates

V. Legislative Updates

Arizona: HB2397 would require the address on a voter’s registration to match their driver’s license and other state ID, if not, residents would have 30 days to correct the address before being issued a $25 fine or possibly losing their license.

Gov. Doug Ducey has signed legislation providing Maricopa County with $2.5 million to conduct a special election to replace Rep. Trent Franks. The county had sought $3.5 million.

California: The Nevada County board of supervisors voted 4-1 to approve $258,000 to implement the Voter’s Choice Act this year.

Connecticut: Secretary of State Denise Merrill announced her plans this week to ask legislators to support a bill that would scrub voter birth dates from registration records and give people the option of requesting that their information be kept from the public. According to the Connecticut Post, Merrill said that the proposals, which she expects will be raised for public hearings in the legislative Government Administration & Elections Committee, are the result of requests for more safety from voters.

Florida: Legislation that would have shielded basic personal information contained in voter registration files stalled last week however legislation that would protect the information of those under 18 who are pre-registered seems to be moving forward.

Indiana: A non-binding opinion issued by Attorney General Curtis Hill has killed a bill that would have allowed elections officials to count the ballots of voters who voted early or by mail, but then die before Election Day. The bill had been approved by the Senate and was now under consideration in the House. Hill said a constitutional change would be required to count the votes.

Iowa: A bipartisan bill has been introduced to the House that would restore the voting rights of Iowa felons who have completed their sentences. Currently, ex-felons in Iowa have to have their voting rights reinstated by the governor.

Kansas: The House Local Government Committee adopted a bill placing the county commission in Shawnee, Sedgwick, Johnson and Wyandotte counties in charge of election office budgets.

Also this week, the Senate elections committee heard testimony on Senate Bill 229. Under the bill, the county commissioners in Shawnee, Sedgwick, Johnson and Wynadotte would appoint their own elections commissioners. Under current law, the election commissioners in those four counties are appointed by the secretary of state.

Mississippi: The House Apportionment and Elections Committee voted out several elections-related bills last week in time for consideration by the full House. House Bill 774 would create a study committee to look at voter enfranchisement for nonviolent felons who have completed their sentences. HB 803 would change the number of needed certified poll managers per precinct. HB 937 would stagger the terms of election commissioners and HB 804 clarifies how photo ID must present during a municipal election.

A bill that would create a commission to study the issue of restoring voting rights to ex-felons has unanimously been approved by the House and is now pending in the Senate Elections Committee. A similar bill failed in 2017.

New Hampshire: A bill that would have moved New Hampshire to a ranked choice voting system was defeated this week. This is the third time that some variation of ranked-choice voting has been proposed in New Hampshire. No previous attempt has made it out of committee, either.

New Jersey: The General Assembly is considering a host of election reform bills that would expand the franchise in the Garden State. Bills cover everything from automatic voter registration, early voting, online voter registration and pre-registration for 17-year-olds.

New Mexico: Under House Bill 98, local elections would be scheduled for the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November during odd-numbered years. The bill would include school districts, community college districts, flood control districts, special zoning districts, soil and water conservation districts, and water and sanitation districts. In 2022, the law also would include conservancy districts. Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver and county clerks support the bill.

New York: Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) has added $7 million to his budget to cover the cost of implementing early voting.

North Carolina: Lumped in with a bill that redirects funds from a pipeline development to education was language that repackages the state’s bipartisan elections board. Under the bill, which is now on its way to the governor, the new board would have nine members with governor appointing four Republicans, four Democrats and one independent. Democrats argue that the legislation goes against a recent court ruling from the state’s Supreme Court.

Rhode Island: A bill introduced on behalf of Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea would move the state’s primaries to the third Tuesday in August beginning in 2020. Another bill, introduced on behalf of Gorbea would allow for 20 days of in-person early voting.

Utah: Under HB35, a pilot program would be created to make it an option to implement ranked choice voting in certain nonpartisan elections. HB141 would allow election officers to reduce the early voting period to a minimum of two days from the 14 days currently required. Both bills are now going to the full House.

Virginia: A procedural vote by legislators has derailed a bill that would allow Arlington County to implement ranked choice voting.

Washington: In a party line vote, the House has approved an automatic voter registration bill. Under the legislation, the state will automatically register citizens who aren’t on the voter rolls if they apply for an enhanced driver’s license, which requires that you show proof-of-citizenship.

Legal Updates

VI. Legal Updates

Tennessee: A complaint of election fraud and illegal voting against Jeanne D. Smith, 59 of Town of Radisson has been dismissed by Sawyer County Circuit Judge John Yackel.

Texas: Advocates are threatening to sue the state for failing to provide voter registration services to residents with disabilities. According to The Dallas Morning News, under the National Voter Registration Act, Texas must provide the services to people who receive job training from the state. The Coalition of Texans with Disabilities said the Texas Workforce Commission has failed to do so since taking over the state’s job training responsibilities in September 2016.  Lawyers for the coalition allege that each year, between 74,000 and 100,000 Texans with disabilities are not being offered voter registration services.

Also in Texas, a judge has given permission for the Dallas County District Attorney’s office to examine any suspicious mail-in ballots in advance of the March primaries. The decision came after elections officials in the county noticed hundreds of suspicious mail-in ballot applications, including at least four that were requested by dead voters.

Virginia: A lawsuit challenging the outcome of the 28th District race has been dropped by the plaintiffs. The plaintiffs, a group of Virginia voters had originally sued to overturn the election because at least 147 voters had been assigned to the wrong House district—the margin of victory was just 73 votes.

Tech Thursday

VII. Tech Thursday

California: According to Gizmodo, back in January, the Sacramento Bee left more than 19 million voter records exposed online. According to the Bee, a firewall protecting its databased was not restored during routine maintenance. “We take this incident seriously and have begun efforts to notify each of the individuals on the contact list and to provide them resources to help guard against potential misuse of their personal contact information,” the paper said in a statement. “We are also working with the Secretary of State’s office to share with them the details of this intrusion.”

Pennsylvania: Gov. Tom Wolf (D) announced that all counties that plan to replace their electronic voting systems must now purchase voting systems that leave a paper trail. According to the Associated Press, the state is not requiring counties to discard their old equipment. The directive only requires them to buy machines with a paper backup if they decide to switch systems.

Opinions This Week

VIII. Opinions This Week

National Opinions: Cybersecurity, II, III, IV, V, VI | Election integrity

California: Sacramento County | Riverside County | Paper ballots

Florida: Ex-felon voting rights, II, III, IV, V, VI

Idaho: Crosscheck

Indiana: Vigo County

Kansas: Election budgets

Maine: Ranked choice voting, II

Massachusetts: Election administration

Mississippi: Ex-felon voting rights

New York: Election legislation, II, III, IV

North Carolina: Election boards

Ohio: Voter suppression

Pennsylvania: Voting system

South Carolina: Paper ballots

Tennessee: War on voting

Virginia: No-excuse absentee voting | Split precincts

Wisconsin: Audits | Election administrator | Milwaukee elections

Available RFP/Grant

 IX. Available RFP/Grant

New Initiatives Grants in Election Science
The MIT Election Data and Science Lab invites applications for grants to fund systematic research on the conduct of elections in the United States. The Lab has allocated up to $100,000 in 2018 for grants, with individual grants capped at $20,000. Proposals will be judged by the significance of the research project; the project’s design, plan of work, and dissemination; the applicant’s qualifications; the relationship of the project to the Lab’s goal of encouraging research that is relevant to the improvement of elections; and the appropriateness of the budget request for the project’s requirements. Deadline for application is April 2. For the complete announcement and how to apply, click here.

Voting System Development
Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk (RR/CC) Dean C. Logan released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Los Angeles County Voting Solutions for All People (VSAP). The RFP seeks proposals from pre-qualified vendors to support the development and implementation of the County’s new voting systems. Vendors were pre-qualified during the initial Phase of this RFP in November 2017.

The VSAP is an innovative project launched by Los Angeles County to develop a completely new voting experience for Los Angeles County voters; an experience that focuses on the needs and preferences of the voters themselves – and, that is publicly owned and operated. The proposed new voting experience was designed using a human-centered approach that engaged over 3,500 voters in the design process to result in an experience that is secure, accessible and convenient.

Pre-qualified vendors have until Friday, March 2, 2018 at 2PM to respond. Individuals desiring more information on the RFP are advised to visit the VSAP website at VSAP: Request for Proposals.

Additional information and updates are available online at vsap.lavote.net.

Upcoming Events

X. Upcoming Events

CTCL 2018 Online Training Series — The Center for Technology and Civic Life is leading a series of online training courses for election officials in February. Choose from 6 convenient 90-minute training sessions, including 2 new courses for 2018 — Messages that Motivate Voters and Poll Worker Management Best Practices. The price is $40 per course. When: Through March 1. Where: Wherever works best for you!

Election Center Special Workshop — The Election Center’s special workshop will include courses on election and voter registration systems administration and management and leadership concepts in elections and voter registration administration as well as workshops on procurement and contraction, new voting models, IT security, election resources and costs, USPS initiatives and data dangers. When: Feb. 28-March 4. Where: San Antonio, Texas.

NASS 2018 Summer Conference — Mark your calendars now for the National Association of Secretaries of State 2018 summer conference in the City of Brotherly Love. Check back soon for more information about the agenda. When: July 13-16. Where: Philadelphia.

2018 NASED Summer Meeting — Mark your calendars now for the National Association of State Election Directors’ 2018 summer meeting in the City of Brotherly Love. Check back soon for more information about the agenda. When: July 13-16. Where: Philadelphia.

NACo Annual Conference and Exposition — Mark your calendars now for the National Association of Counties Annual Conference and Exposition in Music City. Check back soon for more information about the agenda. When: July 13-16. Where: Nashville, Tennessee.

2018 iGo Annual Conference — Mark your calendars now for the International Association of Government Officials 2018 Annual Conference in The Biggest Little City in the World! Check back soon for more information about the agenda. When: July 16-21. Where: Reno, Nevada.

Election Sciences Reform and Administration (ESRA) — The conference brings together political scientists and other experts in election administration to develop rigorous empirical approaches to the study of how law and administrative procedures affect the quality of elections in the United States. Participants will identify major questions in the field, share new insights, foster collaboration between election administrators and election scientists, and connect senior and junior scholars. When: July 26 and 27. Where: University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Job Postings This Week

XI. Job Postings This Week
electionlineWeekly publishes election administration job postings each week as a free service to our readers. To have your job listed in the newsletter, please send a copy of the job description, including a web link to mmoretti@electionline.org. Job postings must be received by 5pm on Wednesday in order to appear in the Thursday newsletter. Listings will run for three weeks or till the deadline listed in the posting.

Chief Security Officer (Denver) – Dominion Voting Systems — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a senior executive Chief Security Officer to join our team in Denver, Colorado! The CSO will be accountable for the development, implementation, and management of enterprise-wide strategies, policies, and programs intended for the mitigation and reduction of operational, financial and reputational risk relating to the security of our products, data, personnel, customers, and facilities globally. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

City Clerk, Grand Rapids, Michigan — this position is appointed annually by the City Commission and serves under an employment agreement with the City.  This is responsible professional and supervisory duties over the City Clerk’s office. The City Clerk is responsible for the administration and oversight of all functions performed by the office staff, including the City Commission meetings; all notice functions and record keeping responsibilities of the City; supervision of staff (full time, seasonal, and supplemental employees);  and providing direction and guidance for all election processes required of the City.  The work of this position is performed under direction of the City Commission.  The employee is expected to demonstrate considerable independent knowledge and judgment in the performance of the duties. The employee is also responsible for assigning and coordinating work of a large clerical staff, and assuring that work is completed according to applicable federal and state laws and guidelines and according to established standards. Salary: $102,012-$129,416 annually. Deadline: Feb. 23. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Customer Relations Manager (Toronto) – Dominion Voting Systems — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a customer focused and passionate Customer Relations Manager to join our team in Toronto! This position is responsible for providing world-class customer service to our customers in order to achieve our core purpose of delivering solutions for the advancement of fair, accessible, and secure elections! Salary: Negotiable base + bonus & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Customer Relations Manager (Phoenix, AZ) – Dominion Voting Systems — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a customer focused and passionate Customer Relations Manager to join our team in Phoenix, AZ! This position is responsible for effectively and proactively managing the day-to-day relationship, administration and technical/product support of one or more assigned customer accounts. Additionally, the CRM will serve as project manager for specialized projects such as pre- and post-election day support, new product implementations, and/or product upgrades/updates. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Elections Operation Manager, Douglas County, Colorado — this position performs a variety of complex supervisory and project management responsibilities This is a highly technical and supervisory position that, in collaboration with the Elections Manager, plans and conducts all functions associated with the operation of the department including: documentation of policies and procedures; mentoring and support for all subordinate staff; creating and enforcing policies that comply with statutory mandates and directives; participate in the creation and execution of strategic and tactical plans for operating successful elections within the County; provide assistance to other entities participating in a County or conducting their own election; managing election assets; ensuring accurate and unbiased collection and reporting of votes; cash management associated with revenues and fees as required by law.  Coordinates with and assists other Clerk & Recorder Divisions as needed. Salary: $4,6230-$5,778, monthly. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Executive Director/Chief Prosecutor, Rhode Island Ethics Commission — to serve as chief administrative officer and prosecutor for the Rhode Island Ethics Commission.  To be responsible to the Commission for all administrative, personnel, budgeting, investigative and prosecutorial functions, as well as other litigation, financial disclosure, advisory opinions, educational programs and any additional matters directed by the Commission. The Rhode Island Ethics Commission is a constitutionally mandated body empowered to adopt, enforce and administer the Code of Ethics.  The Code sets forth standards of conduct for all public officials and employees.  The Commission educates and advises public officials and employees about the standards of conduct set out in the Code of Ethics. Works under the supervision of the Commissioners.  Work is subject to informal review by the Commission Chair and/or Commissioners for effectiveness and conformance to policy, statutes, regulations and professional standards.  Annual performance review by the Commission. Salary: $117,412 – $131,715. Deadline: March 4. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Government Program Lead, Democracy Works — as the government program lead, you will be responsible for supporting and empowering our government partners. This includes both front-line technical support and community building; we’re looking to you to strengthen existing relationships with the election administrators we serve and work closely with them to ensure they have a positive experience with Democracy Works. As the primary point of contact for our partners, you are their first call (or email) when they have questions or concerns. You’re also their advocate inside the organization, communicating partners’ needs and finding creative solutions when unique problems arise. In 2018, you’ll be helping with implementation of Ballot Scout in multiple states, as well as the rollout of our brand new Government Election Notifications tool. You’ll also be creating content for our various projects, and assisting the NASED Executive Director with website updates and conferences. To be successful, you will need to immerse yourself in the world of election administration, become a trusted resource for our partners, have impeccable attention to detail, and deliver top-notch customer service.  Salary Range: $62,000 – $89,000. Deadline: Feb. 18. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Payroll & AP AdministratorDominion Voting Systems — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking an experienced Payroll & AP Administrator to be join our team in Denver, CO! This position will be responsible for managing and organizing of all functions related to payroll administration and accounts payable, including, but not limited to: recording, processing and obtaining approvals; and Processing all matters in a timely and accurate fashion, including following up on items related to the various accounts payable, payroll and month-end deadlines. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Product Manager, TurboVote — as Product Manager for TurboVote, you will be acting as a product owner and project manager, working from end-to-end— from sitting with our executive leadership to make strategic choices AND down in the details of planning sprints and onboarding partners. In doing so, you’ll be supported by a constellation of software developers; a researcher who brings extensive knowledge of election administration; a partner support team with significant experience implementing across higher education, nonprofit, and corporate environments; and a COO dedicated to corralling the external resources you need to succeed. Deadline: Open until filled. Salary: $90,000 to $120,000 per year. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Product & System Specialist (Jamestown, NY) – Dominion Voting Systems — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking tech-savvy and passionate Product & System Specialist to join our team in Jamestown, NY! This position is responsible for delivering internal and external technical support services related to the implementation, operation, repair, maintenance and upgrades of Dominion’s hardware and software technologies and products. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Regional Sales Manager (West), Dominion Voting Systems — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking is highly-motivated and accomplished Regional Sales Manager to work remotely and be based in the Western United States; preferably California. The Regional Sales Manager is responsible for long term sales (3-5 years) of the company’s election products and services in a specified geographic region to governmental agencies. This position uses technical, organizational and customer knowledge to influence customers and assist them in applying the products and services to their needs, resulting in revenue generation. In addition, the position provides input and participates in the marketing, planning and development of products and services. Salary: Negotiable base + commission & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Senior Manager, Technical Product Support (Denver, CO) – Dominion Voting Systems — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a tech-savvy, passionate Senior Manager, Technical Product Support to join our team in Denver, CO! This position is responsible for strategically leading and developing a multi-state team of election technology software and hardware Product Specialists through a number of critical projects throughout the Western United States. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Senior Research Support Associate, Election Data and Science Lab, MIT— support the data processing and research assistance needs of the lab. Responsibilities will include assisting with data management and research by collecting and cleaning data, performing data analysis, creating graphs and figures, visualizing data, and preparing tables for papers that are in the process of publication; assisting with the fielding of surveys; and performing general administrative duties including file organization, participating in meetings, and other miscellaneous tasks. This is an ideal position for someone interested in gaining research experience in political science and data science more broadly. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.


XII. Marketplace
electionline provides no guarantees as to the quality of the items being sold and the accuracy of the information provided about the sale items in the Marketplace. Ads are provided directly by sellers and are not verified by electionline. If you have an ad for Marketplace, please email it to: mmoretti@electionline.org

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