electionline Weekly

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March 21, 2019

March 21, 2019

In Focus This Week

What’s your brand?
Basic brand identities and experiences are important for elections offices

By M. Mindy Moretti

The interlocking red and gold circles of MasterCard. Nike’s swoosh. McDonald’s golden arches.

Those are easily identifiable brands, but what about for state and local elections offices? Is your brand identifiable to voters in your jurisdiction? When a letter from your elections office arrives in the mail is it immediately identifiable to a voter as coming from the elections office?

Branding, which includes everything from a logo to fonts to certain color schemes to tone of voice can be as important for government agencies as it is for commercial businesses.

“Through consistency, you build familiarity and trust with what you offer,” explained Drew Davies, owner/designer at Oxide Design Co. which has worked with folks like the U.S. Election Assistance Commission and The Pew Charitable Trusts. “While an elections office doesn’t have ‘competitors’ in the same way that a toy store may, you certainly want the general population to be able to immediately recognize you — and even have positive associations with your office.”

Davies said it’s important to have a set of basic brand identity guidelines, a brand guide, that contains all approved versions of the logo, simple instructions on how the logo should and should not be used, one or two specified brand typeface(s), and up to three specified brand colors. If there are other brand elements in place that should be used consistently, they should also be included —  a vision/mission statement, a tagline, even layout templates for recurring print pieces and/or digital marketing.

“This brand guide builds valuable consistency by keeping everyone playing by the same set of rules,” Davies said. “It doesn’t have to be ‘professionally designed’ or particularly long. It just has to list the brand identity elements and explain the rules clearly and simply.”

Davies said elections offices don’t necessarily need to hire branding firms to come up with logos and a complete brand. He said the simplest way to proceed is to create a simple logotype of the agency’s name. Think companies Sony, Progressive and The New York Times.

For a quick way to make a logotype recognizable, think about meaningful line breaks or visual emphasis on the key words in the name. Then, instead of re-typing the name in any given circumstance, always use the official logotype file. This type of logo, along with a clear and concise brand guide, can be created by anyone in an elections office — even if they don’t have any formal design training.

Davies said he regularly counsels clients that a bad logo, used consistently, is infinitely more valuable than even the best logo used inconsistently.

“Especially as a government agency, your job isn’t to differentiate yourself from competitors. It’s to consistently use a brand identity that conveys stability, trustworthiness, clarity, and simplicity,” Davies said. “People should be able to recognize you immediately, and trust that communications from you come from an official source.”

Consistent use of fonts and colors is also important for branding. Fonts matter, not just on ballots, but in all elections materials.

“In our research, for most of the materials produced by an elections office — forms, ballots, and the like — people read sans serif typefaces more easily and accurately,” Davies said.

“Sans serif” typefaces are the ones without the extra little bumps, or feet, on them; commonly used examples are Helvetica, Arial, and Roboto.

“We suggest selecting a single sans serif typeface and using only that font whenever possible. Using a single typeface throughout all of your materials will help to underscore the consistency and trustworthiness of your office,” he added.

Having unique or memorable colors isn’t particularly important for government agencies such as elections offices, Davies said, but it is notably more valuable to establish a color or two that convey trustworthiness and ease of use, and use them with draconian consistency.

“As I see it, there’s no reason those colors couldn’t be red and blue — after all, what’s more American than elections?” Davies added.

In addition to consistent use of logo, fonts and colors, it is also important to have a consistent voice.

“When an election office develops content for a website, or messaging for social media, or develops a paper notice, the writer is making word choices that convey the personality of the office,” explained Dana Chisnell, co-director of the Center for Civic Design [a Democracy Fund grantee] “Is it official or officious? Is it friendly or causal? What does the voice and tone assume about the reader?”

Chisnell said every office should develop a style guide. A simple one would answer the question, “If this text were being said by a person, what would that person be like? What tone would they take?”

“…[I]t’s not only the logo. It’s how you present yourself to the world. Is it a unified personality? Or does everyone do what they want?” Chisnell said.

Brand Identity vs. Brand Experience
Matthew Quint, director, Center on Global Brand Leadership at the Columbia Business School said that while brand identity is important for elections officials brand experience may actually ultimately be more important.

Quint said a strong, consistent logo, font, color scheme are important to convey a county elections office’s brand, but ultimately what it’s like when a voter shows up at their polling place may have a greater impact. Brand identity vs. brand experience.

“What is it like when I show up at my polling to vote. Is it well organized. Is it clear what’s on the ballot. Are the instructions for how to vote clear. Is the room too warm/cold. Are the people friendly?” Quint said.

Quint, who grew up visiting polling places in New York with his mother who was volunteer for the League of Women Voters said that Election Day experience is so important to convey the confidence and trustworthiness that elections officials want to.

Relying on voters and volunteers for help and feedback is crucial to a brand experience Quint said noting that electoral systems are viewed by people as a community event so use that to bolster an elections office brand experience.

“Think about the experience,” Quit said. “Imagine yourself as a voter. What’s it like for you? Get voters and volunteers to provide feedback about what worked and what could be done better.”

(Editor’s Note: This week’s story marks the third piece in our series on the important role that communications play in an elections office. Previously we’ve heard from Alton Dillard of the Denver County Clerk and Recorder’s Office on Communications 101 and from Kurt Sampsel of the Center for Technology and Civic Life on  What makes an effective elections website. In the not-so-distant past we’ve also covered effective uses of social media.)

VVSG Public Comment Period

The U.S. Election Assistance Commission’s (EAC) four sitting Commissioners unanimously voted to publish the proposed Voluntary Voting System Guidelines 2.0 (VVSG) Principles and Guidelines in the Federal Register for a 90 day public comment period, after which comments and feedback on the proposed document will be compiled and presented to the Commissioners for discussion and consideration.

“Today’s unanimous vote demonstrates the Commissioners’ shared commitment to taking this next important step in consideration of the proposed VVSG 2.0 Principles and Guidelines. The EAC looks forward to holding hearings on these Principles and Guidelines soon and we encourage the public to provide their feedback on the proposed guidelines,” said EAC Chairman Thomas Hicks, who joined Vice Chair Christy McCormick, Commissioner Ben Hovland and Commissioner Donald Palmer in supporting the measure.

The proposed VVSG 2.0 Principles and Guidelines will be published in the Federal Register in accordance with sections 222(a)(1) and 222(d) of the Help America Vote Act of 2002. They will appear in the Federal Register for a period of 90 days. Separately, upon the completion of the VVSG 2.0’s accompanying Requirements developed by NIST and the EAC, those accompanying Requirements will also be subject to public review and comment, including distribution to the EAC’s Technical Guidelines Development Committee (TGDC), Standards Board and Board of Advisors. This review and comment period will take place prior to consideration and implementation by the Commission.

VVSG are a set of Principles, Guidelines and Requirements against which voting systems can be tested to determine if the systems meet required standards. Some factors examined under these tests include functionality, accessibility, accuracy, auditability and security capabilities.

The Help America Vote Act of 2002 mandates that EAC develop and maintain these requirements as well as testing and certifying voting systems. On December 13, 2005, the EAC unanimously adopted the 2005 VVSG, which significantly increased security requirements for voting systems and expanded access, including opportunities for individuals with disabilities to vote privately and independently. The 2005 guidelines updated and augmented the 2002 Voting System Standards, as required by HAVA, to address advancements in election practices and computer technologies. These guidelines were again updated by the EAC’s Commissioners on March 31, 2015. These guidelines are voluntary. States may decide to adopt them entirely or in part prior to the effective date.

The structure of the new VVSG reflects modifications proposed by the election community, EAC, NIST and the TGDC, which is comprised of election officials, voting system manufacturers, disability experts, cyber security experts, technology experts, and other key election stakeholders. The new guidelines are a high level set of principles that will be supplemented by accompanying documents that detail specific requirements for how systems can meet the new guidelines and obtain certification. The supplemental documents will also detail assertions for how the accredited test laboratories will validate that a system complies with those requirements.

Last Spring, the EAC convened its advisory boards to review and comment on the adoption of the newest version of the voluntary guidelines, VVSG 2.0. Both Boards recommended that the EAC adopt VVSG 2.0. Today’s unanimous Commissioner vote occurred less than two weeks after a quorum of Commissioners was restored at the EAC.

Election News This Week

This week, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson (D) announced the creation of an Election Security Commission that will recommend reforms and strategies to secure Michigan’s elections. The commission includes 18 local and national experts on cybersecurity and election security with some familiar national-level names like former Colorado Secretary of State Wayne Williams, Matt Masterson from CISA, Jennifer Morrell a risk limiting audit consultant and Josh Franklin, formerly of NIST. The commission will be co-chaired by David Becker of the Center for Election Innovation and Research and J. Alex Halderman, a computer science professor at the University of Michigan. “The security of our elections is critical to the security of our democracy,” Benson said. “I am grateful that many of our nation’s top election security experts have joined forces with our local election officials to develop a plan that will ensure Michigan’s elections are secured against all known and emerging threats.” The commission’s first meeting will be held in April and will deliver a set of recommendations to the secretary of state’s office by the end of 2019. The commission is funded through a HAVA 2 grant.

Fallout continues from the botched 2018 elections in Porter County, Indiana. Last week, in a scathing letter, Secretary of State Connie Lawson chastised the county elections officials for allowing personal conflicts to impact the administration of the election. “Even though each was aware of potential problems leading up to the election, personality conflicts, vindictive behavior and personal pride prevented any action from being taken,” Lawson wrote in her letter according to the Northwest Times. “Not only did these individuals put a heavy burden on dedicated employees within county government who were attempting to execute their responsibilities properly, they failed to meet the expectations and needs of Porter County voters.” Lawson’s letter accompanied an audit of the elections office and included 18 recommendations for improving the process moving forward. “I was pleasantly surprised by some of these because we actually are on the same track,” Clerk Jessica Bailey said. This week, Election Board President JJ Stankiewicz was forced to resign after video surfaced of Stankiewicz in a shouting match with Bailey.

Hanover, Massachusetts Town Clerk Catherine Harder-Berneir is taking the unusual step of recusing herself from conducting the upcoming May election because she is on the ballot seeking re-election. Instead, she has enlisted the help of Narice Casper, Marshfield town clerk and Andrew Dowd, Northborough town clerk to serve as temporary clerks on Election Day. “As the elected town clerk of Hanover, I am running for re-election in 2019, and have already qualified for the ballot. Despite the fact that there is an exemption in the law that permits town clerks to perform election-related functions, I understand that I will be a walking campaign sign on Election Day, and that my presence inside the polls on Election Day could be construed by some to be a conflict of interest. Therefore, I will enter the polls briefly during the day only to vote, as any other resident of the town would. Otherwise, I will remain outside the 150-foot no-electioneering line all morning, afternoon, and evening.”

What if you held an election and people showed up to vote, but there was no one for them vote for on the ballot? That was the case this week in the small village of Poland in New York. No one stepped up to run for the village mayor’s position, but the village held the election anyway. Whoever gets the most write-in votes will ultimately win the $2,5000-per year job. “It sounds very rare. Very weird,” said Onondaga County Board of Elections Commissioner Michele Sardo. While it is rare, John Conklin, spokesman for the New York State Board of Elections told Syracuse.com that it has happened before in other villages.

Personnel News: David Triplett and Christina Tvedeten have been appointed interim elections manager and interim elections manager in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Fulton County, Illinois Clerk Jim Nelson is retiring May 31. Chairman James Adcock and Commissioner Betty Gibbs have resigned from the Stewart County, Tennessee election commission. Richard Carter has retired from the Guernsey County, Ohio board of elections after 38 years. Betty Gift, 97, has retired as a poll worker in Wayne County, Ohio after 50 years of volunteering. Brandon John Varin is the new Franklin County, New York Democratic election commissioner. Thomas Mahoney III has been re-appointed as chairman of the Chatham County, Georgia board of elections. Erin McTiernan has been hired as assistant election commissioner in Suffolk County, New York. Montana Senate President Scott Sales (R) has announced his run for secretary of state in 2020.

Research and Report Updates

Nonprofit VOTE and the U.S. Elections Project released a report on turnout in the 2018 midterm elections this week. The report, America Goes to the Polls: Voter Turnout and Election Policy in the 50 States, finds that voter turnout was 50.3 percent in 2018, the highest midterm turnout since 1914 and the largest increase from a previous midterm in U.S. history. The report highlights that every state except Alaska and Louisiana saw an increase in midterm turnout when compared to 2014. Despite the record turnout nationwide, the study finds that the vast differences in turnout was largely driven by election-related policies and explores the turnout variation among states with same-day registration, vote-by-mail, automatic voter registration, early voter registration deadlines, and other policies.

The Kofi Annan Commission on Elections and Democracy in the Digital Age released a report by Nathaniel Persily earlier this month on the internet and democracy. The report, The Internet’s Challenge to Democracy: Framing the Problem and Assessing Reforms, explores problems exacerbated by internet freedom, including disinformation, hate speech, incitement, and foreign interference in elections, and offers a framework for better understanding such problems and assessing potential reforms.

(Research and Report Summaries are written by David Kuennen.)

Legislative Updates

Arizona: The House has approved House Bill 2616 that would make it a misdemeanor to pay someone based on the number people they sign up to vote. Violators would be subject to six months in jail and a $2,5000 fine.

California: Assemblyman Ash Kalra has introduced Assembly Bill 59 that would amend the California Voters’ Choice Act to require college campuses with 10,000 or more students to host vote centers.

Colorado: Gov. Jared Polis (D) has signed legislation into law that will include Colorado in the National Popular Vote compact. Groups lead by local county legislators have begun circulating petitions to repeal the law. Supporter of an appeal have until August 1 to gather approximately 200,000 signatures.

Connecticut: The Government Administration and Elections Committee advanced a proposal on Tuesday that would amend the state constitution to allow early voting and no-excuse absentee voting.

Delaware:  Proposals to allow early voting and same-day registration have passed their first hurdles in Delaware’s legislature. The early voting bill would allow registered voters to cast ballots at vote centers at least 10 days before an election. The House has approved the early voting bill by 34-6 vote.

Florida: The Fort Myers city council has vote to move the city elections to even years to coincide with the national election cycle.

Also in Florida, in a strict party-line vote the House Criminal Justice Subcommittee has advanced a bill that would require ex-felons to clear up any financial obligations associated with their sentence before being allowed to have their rights restored. Under the legislation meant to clarify Amendment 4, ex-felons convicted of murder or a felony sexual offense would also be excluded from having their rights restored.

Georgia: By a 101-69 vote, the House gave final approval for the purchase of a $150 million statewide electronic voting system.

Idaho: The House Senate Affairs Committee has advanced a bill that would require county commissioners, clerks and school districts to work together to ensure that schools remain available as polling places.

Iowa: A bill that would require postal barcodes on all absentee ballots in Iowa is heading to the Senate after the House passed it unanimously.

Kentucky: The Kentucky Legislature has approved a bill that will strip Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes of her power over the State Board of Elections and make it a misdemeanor for anyone to misuse the state’s voter registration system. Gov. Matt Bevin (R) signed the bill into law.

Maine: Lawmakers heard from dozens of witnesses this week on a bill that would expand Maine’s ranked choice voting system to include presidential elections.

Massachusetts: The Boston City Council is considering an ordinance that would require landlords to provide a voter registration form to new tenants when providing them with their lease and other documents.

Mississippi: Reforming ex-felon voting rights restoration seems have come to a halt in Mississippi this legislative session. According to the Clarion Ledger, at least 18 House bills were filed this session that would have led to those convicted of nonviolent felony offenses to having their rights restored after they served their sentence have all died.

Montana: The House is considering legislation already approved by the Senate that would allow county elections officials to begin opening mail ballots beginning the Thursday before Election Day and for the counting of those ballots to start on the Monday before the election. The legislation has the support of county election administrators.

New Jersey: Committees in both the Senate and the Assembly have approved legislation that will allow the state to join 33 others in using e-poll books to check voters in at the polls. The bills have bipartisan support.

Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker (D-Somerset) has introduced a bill that would establish ranked choice voting at all state-level and federal elections.

Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney (R-Bergen) has introduced a resolution allowing the secretary of state’s office to implement programs to encourage women to exercise their right to vote in honor of the upcoming 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment.

New Mexico: Both the House and the Senate has now approved a bill that will allow for same-day registration. The bill also expands automated voter registration services to additional state agencies and not just the Department of Motor Vehicles.

North Carolina: Gov. Roy Cooper (D) has signed a bill into law that will delay the implementation of the state’s new voter ID law until 2020.

Oklahoma: The Oklahoma House has approved a bill that would require the state to periodically check the citizenship status of all registered voters in Oklahoma. The bill was approved 66-26.

Tennessee: A House panel has advanced a bill that will loosen the restrictions on ex-felon voting rights. Under the proposed legislation, formerly incarcerated individuals will no longer be required to be up-to-date on child support before their voting rights are restored.

Texas: Under Senate Bill 9, counties would be required to purchase election systems that use a voter-verifiable paper audit trail. The bill would also create a pilot program for post-election audits. The law also would prohibit electioneering within 1,000 feet of a polling place. If approved, Senate Bill 9 would increase criminal penalties for anyone who makes an error on a voter registration form.

Vermont: A tripartisan coalition of lawmakers has introduced a bill for Vermont to adopt ranked-choice voting.

Washington: Gov. Jay Inslee (D) has signed the Native America Voting Rights Act into law. Under the law, tribal members will be able to register to vote even if their home on the reservation does not have a standard street address. The law also allows voter registration on reservations and for ballot drop boxes to located on reservations.

Legal Updates

Federal Litigation: U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson ruled in favor of the Campaign Legal Center and that the U.S. Department of Justice must release the names of the people mentioned in an email from a conservative group that tried to influence the makeup of the president’s disbanded voter-fraud commission.

Indiana: Datwaon Collier, 28 of Anderson plead guilty to 30 misdemeanor counts of voter registration fraud. He received a year of probation and must complete 50 hours of community service.

Kansas: A three-judge panel of the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals hear arguments this week in the ongoing case of Kansas’ proof-of-citizenship law. According to The Washington Post, Judge Jerome Holmes pointed out that the state’s law kept more than 30,000 people from registering. The state argued that wasn’t the law but bureaucratic problems.

Mississippi: A panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ordered lawmakers to redraw a Senate district where a lower court judge found that black residents’ voting power had been purposefully diluted.

Virginia: Yolanda W. Stokes, the former Hopewell, Virginia voter registrar has sued the Hopewell Electoral Board in an effort to get her job back. The suit alleges that the city violated the terms of the agreement she signed when she took her job.

Tech Thursday

Voting Technology: Multiple media outlets reported last week that the Defense Department’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has issued a $10 million contract to design and build a secure voting system. According to Motherboard, Oregon-based Galois, a longtime government contractor with experience in designing security and verifiable systems was awarded the contract. Motherboard writes that the system will use fully open source voting software and it will be built on secure open source hardware, made from secure designs and techniques developed over the last year as part of a special program at DARPA. The voting system will also be designed to create fully verifiable and transparent results so that voters don’t have to blindly trust that the machines and election officials delivered correct results.

Opinions This Week

National Opinions: Turnout | HR1, II | Voting Rights Act | Voting age | Voter suppression | Stolen democracy | Get Out The Vote| Election security | Barriers to voting

Arizona: Election legislation

California: Vote by mail | Voting age, II | Election Day holiday

Florida: Ex-felon voting rights, II, III | Noncitizen voting

Hawaii: Election legislation | Automatic voter registration

Indiana: Porter County

Iowa: Election legislation, II, III

Massachusetts: Ranked choice voting, II

Minnesota: Polling places

Missouri: Voter ID

Nevada: Election day registration

New Mexico: Election legislation

New York: Automatic voter registration | Voting machines

North Carolina: Voter ID, II | Voting fixes | Election fraud

Ohio: Equipment

Oklahoma: Election laws

Oregon: Ballot postage | Voter fraud

Pennsylvania: Voting machines, II

Tennessee: Turnout

Texas: Voter ID

Virginia: State board of elections | Poll workers

Washington: Presidential preference primary

Upcoming Events

Unrig Summit 2019 — This is no ordinary conference. Unrig is fast-paced, solutions-oriented, and fun. No boring speeches — 2019’s lineup has more trainings, more workshops, more tools to power you up. Featuring America’s most powerful presenters, expert trainers, activists, musicians, artists and more, we’re bringing together the brightest minds from the right and left to build a new political future for America. 3 days. 2 nights. 1 vision: Unrig the System. Where: Nashville, TN When: Fri March 29 – Sun March 31.

Election Center Special Workshop —The Election Center will hold a special workshop that will include: Course 9 (Enfranchisement, Enhancement, Enforcement ); Course 10 (Constitution, Courts & Cases to 1965); and Renewal Course 14 (Crisis Management). Where: Virginia Beach. When: April 24-28.

Election Mail Forum One-Day Conference — you are invited to participate in a special one-day Election Mail Forum exclusively at the National Postal Forum, Monday May 6, 2019 at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown, Indianapolis Indiana. Come see community leaders showcase election mail. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn and network with Postal Service Leadership, State Election Executives, and election mail preparation vendors. Learn how to Leverage USPS Addressing Products to improve voter roll quality. Come learn about Full Service, STID, IMb— an alternative for “postmark” authentication. When: May 6. Where: Indianapolis.

National Association of Secretaries Of State — The National Association of Secretaries of State will hold their annual summer conference in late June, early July in New Mexico. Watch this space for more details about agendas and registrations. When: June 30-July 3. Where: Santa Fe, New Mexico.

International Association of Government Officials — IGO’s 2019 Annual Conference will be held in Houston, Texas, July 11-17. Watch this space for more details about agendas and registration.

National Association of Counties — NACo’s 2019 Annual Conference will be held in Clark County (Las Vegas), Nevada July 11-15, 2019. Watch this space for more details about agendas and registration.

National Association of State Election Directors — The NASED Summer Conference will be held in Austin, Texas, July 14-16, 2019. Watch this space for more details about agendas and registration.

Job Postings This Week

electionlineWeekly publishes election administration job postings each week as a free service to our readers. To have your job listed in the newsletter, please send a copy of the job description, including a web link to mmoretti@electionline.org.  Job postings must be received by 5pm on Wednesday in order to appear in the Thursday newsletter. Listings will run for three weeks or till the deadline listed in the posting.

Clerk of the Board/Elections Director, Santa Cruz County, Arizona — Under the direction of the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors and guidance from the Santa Cruz County Manager, performs statutory duties of the Clerk of the Board pursuant to ARS 11-241 and other statutory duties, to include preparing, publishing and posting the agenda for the Board of Supervisor meetings.  Under limited supervision, performs work of considerable difficulty to plan, organize, coordinate, direct and manage all activities of the Santa Cruz County Elections Department in compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations. This is an at-will position. Plans, organizes, coordinates, directs and manages all activities of the Santa Cruz County Elections Department in compliance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations; oversees daily operations and programing; develops and administers departmental budget and oversees expenditures, develops and administers training and education for election staff and volunteers.  Develops and implements procedural and technical improvements as they relate to elections; ensures quality control of all aspects of election from ballot production to public information; manages projects, coordinates with other county/state departments and outside vendors. Salary: $69,186. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Deputy Director, Washington Secretary of State’s Office— this position reports to the certification and training program manager and is responsible for overseeing, reviewing and advising county auditors on the federal and state elections laws and the administration of voter registration.  Serves as the lead program specialist in the required election administrator certification program; Certifies state and local election administrators following a series of classes and tests. Participates in the elections training program and county election review program; travels extensively throughout the state to conduct reviews of county elections departments. Participates in the initiative and referenda filing and clearinghouse advisories program. Provide support to Washington State counties on election processes, county WEI systems, and logic and accuracy test program. Salary: $4,275.00 – $5,745.00 Monthly. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Deputy Director, Center for Election Innovation & Research — the Deputy Director will report to the Executive Director and have a broad range of responsibilities designed to support CEIR’s mission. In this position, the Deputy Director will play an integral role in the development and execution of CEIR’s programming, strategic communications, and continued growth as an organization. This is an excellent opportunity for an experienced and highly motivated individual who wants to make a substantial, positive, nonpartisan impact on elections and American democracy. The Deputy Director’s primary workplace will be CEIR’s Washington, DC office. The Deputy Director also must be available for business travel as needed. CEIR believes that working alongside and understanding the diverse mix of people who are affected by elections and American democracy is key to achieving our mission. That’s why we’re proud to be an equal opportunity employer committed to creating a diverse, non-discriminatory work environment. We recruit, employ, train, compensate, and promote regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, veteran status, and other protected status as required by applicable law. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Director, Miami County, Ohio Board of Elections— The Miami County Board of Elections is seeking applicants for the position of Director. This position, in cooperation with the Deputy Director, is responsible for overseeing, directing and managing the Board of Elections Office; developing, recommending, and adhering to an annual budget; and conducting fair and impartial elections. Qualified candidates must be affiliated with the Republican Party, reside within Miami County or be able to relocate within 30 days of accepting the position. Applicants must agree to a background check. A candidate for Director of the Board of Elections must possess at least a high school diploma or its equivalency. College level education is desired, and specialized training and/or certification in the various aspects of election administration is to be favored in evaluating applicants. Application: Applicants are requested to demonstrate how they meet the necessary qualifications of the job description when submitting their resume. Interested parties may receive a copy of the job description, evaluation criteria and Ohio Secretary of State Form 307 by visiting the Miami County Board of Elections website at www.miami.ohioboe.com. The website also has the Questionnaire for Prospective Appointment as a Member, Director or Deputy Director of the County Board of Elections (Form No. 307) on it. Any qualified registered Republican may apply by submitting Form 307, along with a current resume, to Miami County Board of Elections, Old Courthouse, 215 West Main Street, Troy, Ohio 45373, or by emailing iridgeway@miamicountyohio.gov. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Director of Elections/General Registrar, Arlington County, Virginia— This is a four-year term position appointed by the Electoral Board with a starting date of July 1, 2019 and an end date of June 30, 2023. The Arlington County Electoral Board is seeking a Director of Elections/General Registrar to provide professional and technical leadership to the Office of Elections and manage the planning, overseeing, and administering of elections in Arlington County. The Director is responsible for ensuring the necessary resources are acquired and in place to maintain the list of registered voters and assure elections are well-prepared and conducted in an accurate, efficient, and transparent manner. Specific duties and responsibilities include: Planning, developing, coordinating, and directing the activities of the Office of Elections, including voter registration; candidate processing and filing; pre-election and Election Day voting; ballot design; equipment programming and testing; poll worker recruitment and training; and voter outreach efforts. Preparing and continuously evaluating the department’s strategic goals and equipment security plan. Supervising permanent and temporary staff of up to 50 individuals, including recruitment, training, scheduling and work assignment, implementation of policies and procedures, performance evaluation, and conflict resolution. Coordinating the administrative processes with the deputy registrar, including but not limited to, budget development and monitoring, County administrative and personnel policies, and technology resources. Consulting and coordinating with County Attorney and Commonwealth’s Attorney as needed on legal issues. Analyzing departmental performance and usage data to make informed projections about future needs, including staffing, space requirements, equipment, and supplies. Providing guidance and technical support to candidates seeking election to local offices, and certifying eligible candidates for elections, including reviewing qualifications and processing of petitions. Managing communication tools including web page, social media, and outreach materials, and ensuring information is accurate and timely. Monitoring legislation introduced at the state and federal levels related to elections and election administration, and providing advice and expertise to legislators as needed. Serving the community and professional organizations as a subject matter expert on elections and election administration; and representing the County at regional, state, and national workshops and conferences. This Director must be self-directed and will have no direct immediate supervisor but will report to and seek guidance from the Arlington County Electoral Board. Additionally, the incumbent will receive guidance and advice from the Virginia Department of Elections as well as from various County departments and is responsible for keeping the Board informed of all relevant matters pertaining to the smooth operation of the department. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Election Technician, Monroe County, Washington— The individual assigned to this classification provides administrative and technical duties related to the election process and voter outreach. This classification is primarily responsible for assisting in all duties required to conduct elections and maintain voter registration. This individual receives significant public contact requiring effective written and oral communication skills and service to the customers. The Auditor’s office is a small office and all staff are crossed trained in Vehicle Licensing and Recording to assist the other departments. Communicates with customers, in person, by phone, and through written correspondence, effectively in English and preferably in Spanish as well. Maintains and updates the Auditor’s Office web presence. Coordinates speaking engagements. Assists public with voter registration process. Maintains a working knowledge of the local voter registration system and ballot processing software. Assists with the election process by issuing replacement ballots, receiving incoming ballots, verifying voters’ signatures, etc. Salary: $3,042 – $3,896/monthly. Deadline: April 5. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

GIS Analyst, Yolo County, California— Yolo County ACE (Assessor/Clerk-Recorder/Elections Department) in coordination with the Yolo County General Services department are recruiting for a G.I.S. Analyst. This recruitment is on-going until filled. Submitted applications will be screened continuously, and those applicants meeting the minimum qualifications will move forward to the Screening for Best Qualified process. This position will work inter-departmentally to develop and implement GIS capabilities in Yolo County ACE. GIS is viewed by County Leadership as an innovative enterprise technology that is positioned to help advance County strategic goals. Recent projects include implementing a new enterprise environment, developing an Elections Night Reporting application, developing mobile applications for polling place reporting, and a migration the ESRI Parcel Fabric. The ideal candidate for this position will be a positive, collaborative, solution-focused individual with excellent interpersonal and customer service skills and the ability to handle and manage multiple priorities. If you feel like you meet these qualifications and you would like to join a dynamic organization committed to supporting an environment where employees feel a true sense of passion, purpose and commitment to their job… Yolo County ACE is where you want to be! Our department strives to honor the public’s trust and redefine excellence through innovation and the commitment of a highly-engaged and empowered team. Check out all the exciting things ACE has going on by visiting our social media pages (Facebook: /YoloACE, Instagram: /YoloCoACE, and Twitter: @YoloCoACE). You can be the next Yolo ACE – come and join our team! Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Project Manager, Hart InterCivic— Project Managers at Hart InterCivic are highly motivated “self-starters” who are enthusiastic about providing exceptional customer service. Working with other members of the Professional Services and Operations teams, the Project Manager directs activity, solves problems, and develops lasting and strong relationships with our customers. Hart InterCivic’s unique and industry known culture of innovation, transparency, and customer-centric focus creates an environment where team members will continually grow and be challenged to develop their careers. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Product Manager, Hart InterCivic — as Product Manager, you will join a team that is charged with product planning, design, and execution throughout the lifecycle of Hart’s products, in support of the company’s overall strategy and goals. This includes: gathering, validating, and prioritizing internal and external customer needs; documenting and communicating product and technical requirements; gathering market and competitive intelligence; supporting the certification, sales, and marketing teams. The Product Manager must possess a unique blend of business and technical savvy – with experience in elections technology or other government-oriented products preferred.  To succeed in this role, the ideal candidate must spend time in the market to understand its unique attributes; demonstrate competence with specialized hardware and software; and find innovative solutions for the broader market. The Product Manager plays a key role in helping others to understand the product positioning, key benefits, and target customer, as well as providing advanced subject matter expertise in using the company’s products. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Systems Software Specialist, Yolo County, California — The Elections Branch of Yolo County ACE (Assessor/Clerk-Recorder/Elections Department) in coordination with the Yolo County Information Technology department are recruiting for a Systems Software Specialist. This recruitment is on-going until filled. The Systems Software Specialist class series is responsible for the design, coding, implementation, maintenance and evaluation of computer software. This includes, but is not limited to, operating systems, control systems, proprietary software packages, telecommunications software and database management software. The class also aides in solving problems and achieving the best use of available hardware and software; work with staff to design and implement network segmentation, domain addressing and routing strategies; work with technical staff to ensure effective operations of complex multiple hardware and software configurations; and act as a lead persons over other personnel and program projects and performs related duties as required. If you would like to join a dynamic organization committed to supporting an environment where employees feel a true sense of passion, purpose and commitment to their job… Yolo County ACE is where you want to be! Our department strives to honor the public’s trust and redefine excellence through innovation and the commitment of a highly-engaged and empowered team. Check out all the exciting things ACE has going on by visiting our social media pages (Facebook: /YoloACE, Instagram: /YoloCoACE, and Twitter: @YoloCoACE). You can be the next Yolo ACE – come and join our team! Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Technical Bid Specialist, Scytl — The Technical Bid Specialist is an essential member of the sales team, supporting business development initiatives as well as providing support to the Marketing department. Based in our Tampa Florida, offices, the Technical Bid Specialist is in charge of managing the coordination, completion and handover of tender proposals for our clients and prospects. This is a key position with a great deal of involvement in the sales process and a decisive influence in the achievement of each deal. To be able to perform this task, the Technical Bid Specialist needs to possess a solid technical background, outstanding writing capabilities and proven experience in pre-sales or consulting endeavors, always facing the client and having to put together complex IT proposals or projects. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Training Officer, Collier County, Florida— The purpose of this classification is to provide assistance in the Training & Outreach Department within the Supervisor of Elections office. This position coaches, trains, and educates election workers in accordance with the State of Florida’s election laws and rules. Work involves designing, developing, and delivering multimodal adult learning programs, developing training materials, scheduling training sessions, and recruiting, assigning and evaluating election workers for upcoming election cycles. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.


electionline provides no guarantees as to the quality of the items being sold and the accuracy of the information provided about the sale items in the Marketplace. Ads are provided directly by sellers and are not verified by electionline. If you have an ad for Marketplace, please email it to: mmoretti@electionline.org

Excess Equipment
Pinal County, Arizona has some excess elections equipment including 19 OS machines and approximately 300 voter booths.

If interested, contact Stephanie Cooper, Pinal County elections supervisor at 520-866-7552 or drop her an email at stephanie.cooper@pinalcountyaz.gov.



Ballot Scanners
Ballot reader. $500. Buyer will be responsible for pick and shipping to buyer’s location. Contact Wilfred Cochico, purchasing officer City of Lakewood: 562-866-9771 ext. 2640 or via email: WCochico@lakewoodcity.org.

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