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Tuesday June 19, 2018
National NewsNational News Bureaucracy and politics slow election security funding to state
AKAlaska State officials hope to avoid confusion over voting after city holds first mail-in election
CACalifornia Petition to change county elections hits problem after new law is re-readCalifornia Judge issues restraining order against SLO county clerk's officeCalifornia Officials by Friday to count ballots of voters whose names went missing from voter rolls
COColorado Hundreds of Colorado's unaffiliated voters incorrectly returning two ballots
DCDistrict of Columbia What DC voters need to know for the primary
FLFlorida Alachua Co. officials warn about potentially misleading election mail
ILIllinois Half of federal election security funds will go to cyber programIllinois Election manager to train on cybersecurity
INIndiana Elkhart Co. clerk honored for service
IAIowa County auditors, voting system vendors to attend cybersecurity training
KSKansas Federal judge strikes down Kansas proof-of-citizenship lawKansas Kobach says he'll appeal voter registration rulingKansas Secretary of state hopeful talks voting rightsKansas The Latest: Kobach to appeal voting rights ruling
MEMaine Ranked choice totals to be revealed TuesdayMaine Collection, count go on after ranked-choice voting in MaineMaine Election results could be in by Tuesday
MAMassachusetts Belmont's town clerk receives Town Clerk of the Year award
NVNevada Potential double voting in Clark Co. discoveredNevada 43 double votes may prompt redo of Clark Co. election
NYNew York Cuomo order parole officers to help eligible ex-cons register to voteNew York Lawsuit says voting system in Long Island shuts out LatinosNew York Johnson City Central School District no longer polling locations
NCNorth Carolina State leaders to consider proposed voting amendment changes
OHOhio County awaits directions on voter rollsOhio Husted expects lawmakers to pass voter purge policy
OKOklahoma Cleveland Co. has polling place changeOklahoma After prison, many Oklahomans are banned from voting for years
PAPennsylvania Millennials were the only generation whose voter turnout increased in Philly this year
SDSouth Dakota Technical glitches delayed SD election resultsSouth Dakota Primary voter delays prompt push for changeSouth Dakota After Pennington Co. election bungle, Krebs says paper backups needed
TNTennessee Madison Co. election commission set early voting hours
TXTexas El Paso elections chief opposes Ohio ruling
UTUtah Ballot delayed for many Cache Co. voters, expected to arrive this week
VAVirginia More misassigned voters found in Va.
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