In Focus This Week
Changing the narrative
How elections officials can instill faith in voting equipment
By M. Mindy Moretti
Long before “The Big Lie,” probably around the time George Washington was on the ballot, some members of the voting public have questioned the integrity of the nation’s voting systems.

(AP Photo/Christian Monterrosa)
While that’s nothing new, elections officials are now facing portions of a public — including state-level legislators — who believe, incorrectly, that voting equipment is fundamentally flawed and that nothing short of paper, pencil and an abacus are acceptable for casting and counting ballots.
So what can state and local elections officials do to instill faith in voting systems, especially new equipment? Write themselves back into the narrative.
“Voters are engaged like never before and they are thirsty for information about elections and which practices, procedures and technologies are used to ensure integrity,” said Noah Praetz,, co-founder of The Elections Group. “While any particular voting system plays no more than a supporting role in the overall story — new equipment is a sexy package around which a fresh communication package can be wrapped. Using stakeholders interest allows election officials to inform them about why.”
The implementation of new voting equipment these days tends to include relatively marginal changes from one version of software to the next, or from one type of ballot scanner to another, especially compared to the days following the implementation of the Help America Vote Act.
That being said, new equipment comes with significant risks of a relatively higher incidence rate of minor, correctable, innocent errors and misunderstandings that can expose election offices to the damaging information trident.
“First, there is increased risk of misinformation – incorrect info shared by good faith participants that increases confusion and raises doubt. Then there is disinformation – incorrect info shared by bad faith participants done internationally to disrupt, diminish trust and increase confusion,” Praetz said. “Finally, malinformation – technically correct information about innocent and correctable errors, shared by bad faith participants out of context and proportion in order to damage Americans faith in elections.”
That “information trident” is why U.S. Election Assistance Commissioner Donald Palmer [Editor’s Note, Palmer was chair of the EAC at the time of this interview, but his term chair ended today] agreed that it’s really about telling the story about how voting equipment gets to voters.
“I really think it’s about telling the story about how a machine actually ends up being offered,” Palmer said, adding that he would love someday if the EAC could make a really informative 2-5 minute video educating the public about the process, which is a system of checks and balances long before a voter casts a ballot.
Palmer said it’s important for elections officials to make the voting public understand that equipment isn’t purchased in a vacuum, that there are multiple layers of bureaucracy, on both sides of the aisle, that equipment must go through.
“Let’s accept the fact that we’re a divided country. We all have failings, but it’s hard to believe it would go through such a decentralized process and that there is a big conspiracy — it’s hard to believe there is no level a problem wouldn’t have been caught and we have to argue that,” Palmer said. “There is a level of integrigy and we have to tell that story. That has to be part of this.”
No matter the circumstances of voting equipment change, a new deployment provides a tremendous opportunity for election officials to re-engage all of their stakeholders, and to reset relationships with some voters that may be frayed given the current flood of confusing and outright false information.
“Election officials have made incredible progress since 2016 to harden their security posture, including by replacing aging and paperless voting equipment,” said Geoff Hale, director of the Election Security Initiative at CISA. “Through pre-election logic and accuracy tests, robust chain-of-custody and ballot accounting procedures, and post-election tabulation audits, election officials can ensure and demonstrate to others that their voting equipment is functioning as intended. CISA works with election officials to implement secure practices and to publicly communicate about those practices. An informed public is our best defense against mis-, dis-, and malinformation.”
Before joining the Kentucky State Board of Elections, Richard House was the clerk for Daviess County and went through the process of purchasing new machines right before making the move.
“Be as open and transparent as you can,” House advised. He said opening up the selection process to as many people as possible is key, although he did note that in 26 years of working in the clerk’s office, very few members of the public have taken him up on the offer, still he said it’s important to make sure they know about the process and can participate on some level.
Of the most recent purchase of voting equipment in Daviess County, House did note that the commissioner’s court—the folks footing the bill—had way more questions about the systems than they had in the past. Whether that’s because of the current environment or because the county was spending their own money, as opposed to federal funding, House wasn’t sure, but he did note that all the commissioners came to the demonstration of the equipment, something that has never really happened before.
“New equipment will absolutely come with more errors, more misunderstanding,” Praetz said, adding that it’s important for election officials to get ahead of stores that may come out and brace their stakeholders for types of small errors that may occur.
“This will help election workers recognize their part and also react quickly to unexpected occurrence, it will help candidates and campaigns calibrate their reactions to incidents, and most importantly it will help the public understand that some of this is to be expected with massive new technology rollouts,” Praetz said.
Here are some additional recommendations for election officials implementing new voting systems:
- Hire or appoint a project manager working for the election officials and not the vendor, to keep the project on track, and insulate staff who have to do all of their regular work to keep elections running.
- Increase the training requirements on election workers and pay them for their extra time. Muscle memory will be their most potent weapon.
- Rebuild the training materials and operating documentation that election officials rely upon -ensure the materials are usable – using design techniques suggested by Center for Civic Design, for example.
- Make materials available in numerous formats including paper, online, and video.
- Invest significant resources towards engaging all stakeholder groups, particularly election workers, candidates & campaigns, and of course voters.
- Build incident response plans with communications prepackaged to reduce response time.
- Review and update all chain of custody procedures to track assets both inside your facilities and when in use; and
- Develop written standard operating procedures for staff – similar to those provided to election workers in training manuals and operating checklists.
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Election News This Week
Primary Problems: Elections officials in Ohio and Pennsylvania are stuck in a holding pattern to prepare for their upcoming primaries— May 3 and May 17 respectively—as courts decide on redistricting maps. This week, Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose said he did not see how it would be possible to have a congressional primary on May 3. “I can foresee almost no circumstance where it is possible to conduct the district races on May 3rd,” LaRose told reporters. In a letter to legislative leaders, LaRose said: “Let me be clear on this point: it is impossible to see a scenario in which these maps are favorably passed by the Redistricting Commission, challenged by litigants, reviewed by the court and given final approval within a time frame conducive to a May 3, 2022 primary election date.” That leaves Ohio with two likely options: Delay the entire primary or hold two primaries – one for statewide elections, such as governor and U.S. Senate, and another for the congressional, statehouse, state board of education and political party governing body races. While officials in Pennsylvania have two more weeks to prepare than their counterparts in Ohio, the clock is still ticking loudly and officials in Pennsylvania have the added pressure of awaiting court rulings on the state’s vote by mail law. “We just want an answer,” said Nathan Savidge, the chief registrar of the Northumberland County Board of Elections. “We can provide information but the candidates can’t circulate petitions. Without district lines, we can’t begin the process of coding (drafting) the ballot. We can’t do any testing, we don’t know which offices go in which district, which candidates go in which office, and those candidates can’t circulate petitions.” “We are continuing to prepare but there’s a lot of work that is stopped right now until some decisions are made,” said York County President Commissioner Julie Wheeler. In Texas, where early voting is winding down in advance of the March 1 primary, there were several issues. According to reports, turnout for early voting is very low, voters continue to experience problems with mail ballots and winter weather forced a number of early voting polling places in parts of the state to close early or shutter entirely.
Language Access: While many jurisdictions are adding new bilingual materials to comply with new Sec. 203 designations, California Secretary of State Shirley Weber is reducing the number of languages required in at least some voting precincts from 56 to 20 in the coming election year. According to Cal Matters, Weber’s office blames limited information from the Census Bureau for the move, but did not say if it will act on the advocacy groups’ demands. “We were disappointed that the data we received from the Census Bureau did not include the level of detail we previously received in 2017,” Joe Kocurek, Weber’s press secretary, said in a statement. “We are currently exploring options to ensure that voters have the tools they need to effectively vote.” Advocates sent a letter to Weber calling on her office to act urgently to give the state’s counties time to prepare for the June primary. “The reduction of covered languages similarly creates new obstacles for limited-English proficient voters,” the letter states. “With so much at stake, California cannot backslide. We must continue to lead and take bold steps to protect voting rights and remove barriers to the ballot box for all eligible voters, including voters who are members of language minority groups.”
Media Coverage: Several bits of news about, well the news this week. First, congratulations to Reuters for receiving a George Polk Award for its coverage of widespread intimidation of U.S. election workers. Polk Awards, presented by Long Island University in the United States, honor special achievement in journalism, with particular focus on investigative reporting in the public interest. Second, The Washington Post announced this week the creation of a Democracy Desk. The new Democracy Team will include three newly created reporting positions based in Georgia, Arizona and the Upper Midwest that will cover how local and state officials navigate the politicization of the election process, while also tracking legislative and legal battles over voting rules and access to the polls. These reporters will work closely with other members of the team, which will include Post reporters who have played a leading role in this coverage area. Along those lines, 1A, a syndicated program from NPR affiliate WAMU, has announced the launch of 1A Remaking America, a major, two-year collaborative reporting project covering the threats to America’s democracy. Funded by a grant from The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), 1A Remaking America aims to examine and better understand the forces behind a growing distrust in institutions, and what’s dividing communities and families and eroding our confidence as a nation.
Poll Worker Recruitment: Elections officials are always looking for new ways to recruit poll workers and on President’s Day, Kentucky Secretary of State Michael Adams announced a new incentive program he hopes will boost the commonwealth’s poll worker numbers. The Ronald Reagan Award Program will recognize Kentucky businesses that encourage employees to serve as poll workers. “President Reagan said, ‘Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.’ The same is true of democracy,” Adams said. “We can’t have an election without election workers. Government can’t solve all our problems, so I’m asking the private sector to help us open the polls.” To qualify for the award, nominees must be a Kentucky business in good standing and promote poll worker recruitment by offering paid time off to volunteer as a poll worker, or other incentives such as bonuses or additional days off. Businesses of various sizes will be honored: small businesses (1-25 employees), medium-sized businesses (26-100 employees) and large businesses (100+ employees). Businesses can nominate themselves or be nominated by others.
Personnel News: Chris Winters, current deputy secretary of state has announced he will seek election as Vermont secretary of state. Sharon Coll has resigned as the Roswell, New Mexico city clerk. Todd Baxter has retired as the Maury County, Tennessee election administrator after 28 years on the job. Brandi Cothron is the new Maury County, Tennessee election administrator. Williams County, Ohio Elections Director Evan Raub has submitted his resignation. Dan Stieber is stepping down from the Huron County, Ohio board of election. Doug Curtis has filed for re-election for Saline County, Arkansas clerk. Kelli Haines is the new Greene County, Pennsylvania elections director. Lauren Shafter is the new Weber County, Utah director of elections.
Legislative Updates
Arizona: An Arizona Senate committee voted to advance an election reform bill that would create a permanent election audit team under the umbrella of the Arizona state Legislature. Senate Bill 1692, introduced by its principal sponsor state Senator Sonny Borrelli, R-Lake Havasu, is one of 100 election reform bills proposed by Senate and House Republicans this election cycle. On Thursday, the senate committee advanced seven of those 100, including Borrelli’s bill. The team would be created under the auditor general’s office, which currently does not field an elections audit team. The auditor general, who was present, was called to speak on the bill.
Early voters in Arizona would be barred from putting their ballots in mailboxes and would instead be required to put them in ballot drop boxes that would take a picture of every voter if under a Republican proposal that won preliminary approval last week. Under the legislation, drop boxes would be outfitted with 24-hour photo or video cameras that can link any ballots inserted into the box to that person’s image. Each person would be allowed to deposit no more than seven ballots into a drop box, and the boxes would be required to generate a receipt showing how many ballots a person deposited. (It would also have to keep an internal copy of every receipt). And if the camera malfunctions, the box must be designed to prevent ballots from being deposited. “If we can’t get an outright ban (on drop-boxes) we need to come up with these ‘smart’ drop boxes. In the meantime — while we’re working on those — I would like to see drop-boxes in a secure location,” said Sen. Kelly Townsend, a Republican from Apache Junction and the sponsor of Senate Bill 1571.
California: Sen. Josh Newman (D), introduced a bill that would give election workers the option of keeping their home addresses private. The measure is aimed at reducing harassment by preventing the public release of personal information online or on social media platforms. The bill would allow election workers to enroll in California’s existing privacy protection programs that are available to survivors of domestic violence, judges and politicians, among others. “Once your personal information is on the internet, there’s no shortage of people that may act on that information, especially when triggered,” said Newman. “It’s got to be terrifying.”
East Bay Sen. Steve Glazer who chairs the Senate committee on elections says state lawmakers are looking at several reforms for the state’s recall process, among them requiring more signatures to have a recall. Another reform legislators are looking at is not having a second ballot of candidates to replace the person being recalled. According to KRON, look for some recall reform proposal to come out of the statehouse within the next four weeks. But anything the legislature approves, must also be approved by voters.
District of Columbia: Councilmember Brooke Pinto (D-Ward 2) has introduced a bill that would allow voters to cast ballots from their phones, tablets, or computers, which proponents say would simplify the voting process and enfranchise residents who are otherwise likely to sit out elections. As written, the bill would require that the D.C. Board of Elections create a secure system to allow any voter to fill out and submit a ballot from their smartphone, tablet, or computer. After being submitted, the elections board would print and count the ballots. The system would also check that a voter is actually eligible to cast a ballot, and authorize regular security audits. It remains to be seen if the council will get to the bill before the end of the current session at the end of the year, after which any measures not passed into law have to be reintroduced. Lawmakers are already working their way through a number of bills that would make changes to the city’s voting system. Councilmember Charles Allen (D-Ward 6), who chairs the committee that oversees the elections board and would decide whether or not to move it forward, did not sign on to Pinto’s bill.
Florida: An amendment filed for the Senate’s main elections bill would strike language requiring identification numbers on vote-by-mail ballots and add fines for those that fraudulently change someone’s party affiliation. SB 524 would create a new office in the Department of State to investigate election fraud, increase penalties for election and voting-related offenses, change the vote-by-mail process and ban ranked choice voting. Sen. Travis Hutson, the bill’s sponsor, filed an amendment that would remove from the bill a section requiring the last four digits of a voter’s social security number, driver’s license or photo ID on vote-by-mail ballots. The amendment also adds a fine to organizations if a person collecting voter applications on its behalf changes someone’s party affiliation without consent. The fine is $1,000 per altered application. Hutson said the changes were largely driven by feedback from legislators during the bill’s time in the Senate Ethics and Elections committee. Several Democratic lawmakers voiced concerns that including the last four digits of a voter’s social security number in a document containing their signature could be dangerous.
Georgia: Members of the Georgia General Assembly have introduced legislation that would allow the use of instant runoff, or ranked-choice, for local elections, potentially creating significant savings in a state that often has to hold an additional round of voting after Election Day. Versions of the legislation have been introduced in both chambers, and with both Republican and Democratic sponsors. While these bills would only impact municipal elections, successful implementation could lead to changes for federal and state elections. Last year, Georgia approved ranked-choice voting for military and overseas voters. Currently Georgia holds runoff elections when no candidate in a race earns a majority of the vote.
Idaho: The House narrowly passed a bill that changes the deadline for unaffiliated voters in Idaho, a law that would take effect immediately if it is passed by the Senate and signed into law by Gov. Brad Little. House Bill 439 passed the House by a vote of 36-32, with 20 Republicans joining all 12 Democrats voting against it. Under existing Idaho law, voters in the state’s four recognized political parties — Republican, Democrat, Constitution and Libertarian — who want to change their party affiliation or become unaffiliated can do so by filing a request with the respective county clerk office by the candidate filing deadline before a primary election. Those who are already designated as unaffiliated voters can change their affiliation status to any of the four party categories any time, up to and including the day of the primary election. If the bill is signed into law, unaffiliated voters would be required to affiliate with a political party by the last date a candidate can declare for a partisan office before a primary election, which is March 11 in this election year.
The House also approved a bill making it illegal to deliver a neighbor’s voting ballot to the post office. The bill, from Rep. Mike Moyle, a Republican from Star, aims to prevent so-called ballot harvesting by making it a crime for someone to convey another person’s mail-in ballot unless they are a household member. Delivering 10 or more ballots to the post office on behalf of other people would be a felony under the bill; delivering fewer would be a misdemeanor. The bill “tries to make it clear that we don’t like cheaters,” Moyle told his fellow lawmakers on the House floor. The bill passed 53-15 and now goes to the Senate.
A bill to allow county clerks or the Secretary of State’s Office to appeal a close election advanced to the House floor. The bill has been called the elections replay bill and would grant an appeal in the event of a election that is too close to call. The decision over whether or not a new election would be needed would then go to the District Court.
A bill has been introduced to the House State Affairs Committee that would allow a list of who has died to become a non-exempt public record. This would allow the public to view and validate voter registration information. Currently, this information is kept by the Department of Health and Welfare and the Secretary of State. Bill sponsor Priscilla Giddings cited an instance of a deceased voter in Latah County still on the voter roll as justification for this bill.
Indiana: The Republican-controlled House voted 70-25 for Senate Bill 328 to close a loophole that could allow a double voter to potentially avoid a criminal penalty for casting a ballot twice in the same election and make other election law changes. Specifically, it would be a level 6 felony, punishable by up to two-and-a-half years behind bars, for a person to knowingly or intentionally vote more than one ballot in the same election, unless the voter is casting a replacement ballot due to a candidate’s death or another authorized reason. The legislation now goes back to the Republican-controlled Senate for a decision on advancing it to Republican Gov. Eric Holcomb to be signed into law.
Iowa: or the second year in a row, Iowa Republicans have their sights set on big changes for Iowa’s voting and election security systems. Identical companion bills are advancing in both chambers that would change how recounts are done, how people vote absentee and also prevent election commissioners from accepting private donations. Currently in Iowa, a candidate requesting a recount can ask for specific precincts to be looked at, and can also request a hand or machine recount. Under the proposed SSB 3143 and HSB 719, candidates asking for a recount in one precinct would have to request a recount for the entire voting area; whether that be a city, county, or entire congressional district. The bills also require that a candidate chose hand recount or machine recount throughout the entire process. This was a point of contention in the high-profile IA-02 recount between Republican Mariannette Miller-Meeks and Democrat Rita Hart. The proposed legislation would also make recount boards larger throughout Iowa. It proposes a system where counties with 15,000 or less people have a three-person recount board, counties between 15,000 and 50,000 have five people, and counties larger than 50,000 have a board of seven people. Also as part of these new companion bills is another security measure to absentee ballots. In addition to people putting either their driver’s license number or voter ID number on the absentee ballot request form, they’ll also have to put it on the inner envelope when they send the official ballot back.
Maryland: Republican state lawmakers announced legislation to require voter identification and signature verification, though those measures have repeatedly failed in the General Assembly.
Senate Bill 532, introduced by Sen. Justin D. Ready (R-Carroll), would require voters to show some form of identification before casting a ballot. Similar to a bill Ready filed last year, the legislation would allow voters to use a government-issued photo ID, bank statement, utility bill, government check, paycheck or “any other government document that shows the voter’s name and address and is dated within three months before the election,” according to the bill.
Senate Bill 738, introduced by Simonaire, would require the State Board of Elections to conduct a full audit of mail-in ballots if a sample audit of ballots showed that a threshold number of signatures on ballot envelopes did not match voters’ recorded signatures.
House Bill 963, introduced by Del. Haven N. Shoemaker Jr. (R-Carroll), would require election officials to verify signatures on all mail-in ballots. That bill would require local election boards to compare signatures on mail-in ballot envelopes with those in voter registration records and would allow them to use machines to electronically verify signatures. The bill would require election boards throw out mail-in ballots where signatures can’t be verified but would allow voters to fill out a form to verify their signatures within two days of receiving the board’s notice that their ballot has been rejected.
House Bill 939, also from Shoemaker, would prohibit sending mail-in ballots to voters unless the voters requested them. Ballots were mailed to all registered primary voters in Maryland during the 2020 primary election, but for the general election, request forms were mailed and voters had to return them to get a mail-in ballot.
And House Bill 1172, introduced by Del. William J. Wivell (R-Washington), would remove party affiliation from mail-in ballot envelopes — similar to a bill that received bipartisan support last year and passed the House of Delegates, but didn’t advance in the state Senate.
Michigan: Michigan Republicans approved a second attempt at increasing penalties for absentee voter fraud. The Senate Elections Committee approved House Bills 4132 and 4133. The bills would allow felony charges for voter fraud using absentee ballots or ballot applications. Felony charges spelled out in House Bill 4132 include: Filling out and submitting an absentee ballot application in someone else’s name for reasons other than exceptions allowed under current law; Requesting multiple absentee ballots for the same election; and Providing false information or forging the signature on an absentee ballot application. House Bill 4133 would make each of those three charges a felony punishable by up to five years in prison with a $1,000 fine. The new bills have to pass the full Senate and Michigan House before they go to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, who will decide whether to sign them into law.
A Republican-led committee returned proposed voting regulations to Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s office and asked her agency to re-submit new rules. Republicans on the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules focused largely on absentee ballots and signature verification. “This sort of stuff causes people to lose confidence in elections, and so I’m hopeful the secretary will take our recommendations today, look through these rules and make these changes so we can strengthen people’s confidence in elections,” said Republican Representative Matt Hall, a co-chair of the joint House and Senate committee. Democrats opposed the Republican amendments, arguing they will make it more likely that absentee ballots will be rejected and voters will be disenfranchised. Benson has 30 days to respond to the request. A spokesperson for the Secretary of State says the Republicans’ proposed changes are being reviewed.
Minnesota: A bill moving through the House of Representatives would give voters the option to join an absentee ballot registration list that would automatically mail them an absentee ballot prior to each election. Currently, around 26,000 Minnesotans are signed up for the permanent absentee ballot list, but they are sent an application prior to each election in order to receive their absentee ballot. The bill would forego the application process to make early, absentee voting more accessible. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Liz Boldon (DFL-Rochester), has no Senate companion. The bill would require that absentee ballots be mailed at least 46 days before each regularly scheduled primary or general election for federal, state, county, city or school board office; at least 46 days before each special primary or special election to fill a federal, state, county, city or school board vacancy; and at least 30 days before a town general election held in March. The bill would also expand the early voting timeline from seven days to 30 days.
Missouri: Missouri voters would be given the option to affiliate with a political party when they register to vote under a bill considered by House lawmakers. Bill sponsor Rep. Dan Stacy, R-Blue Springs, said this bill gives Missourians their First Amendment right to freedom of association. This bill stipulates that beginning Jan. 1, 2023, the voter registration application form shall be amended to include a choice of political party affiliation. If the bill is passed, those registering to vote could choose an “established political party” to affiliate with. The options are Constitution, Democrat, Green, Libertarian, Republican or Unaffiliated. Stacy said these are the political parties with ballot access in the state of Missouri. Voters’ initial political party affiliation would be based on their ballot choice during the 2024 presidential primary or the August 2024 primary. The bill would also note Missourians’ political party affiliation on voter identification cards.
Washoe County, Nevada: Commissioner Jeanne Herman is proposing big changes in the way elections are handled in Washoe County — including ensuring the Nevada National Guard is present at every polling location as soon as the 2022 primary — in an effort to preserve the “purity” of voting in Nevada’s second-largest county. All 20 measures in Herman’s resolution, dated Feb. 16, came from suggestions made during 4½ hours of public comment at a recent county commission meeting. Among Herman’s proposed “measures to ensure accuracy, security, and purity of elections,” according to the resolution: Utiliz(e) stealth paper ballots as primary method of voting, with provision of one electronic voting kiosk for ADA qualified voters; Ensure mail ballots are sent certified receipt so only intended voter takes possession of it; Ensure there is a Nevada National Guard presence at each polling/ballot box location, as well as the central counting center; and Ensure ballots are counted by hand in order to be counted by hand in a recount. The proposal was originally scheduled for consideration on Feb. 22, but was pulled from the agenda. Commission Chair Vaughn Hartung and Vice Chair Alexis Hill released a statement saying, “On the advice of the Washoe County District Attorney’s Office, we will be pulling Agenda Item 14 put forth by Commissioner Jeanne Herman related to election security.”
New Hampshire: Both chambers of the Legislature have taken up proposals to change the wording in New Hampshire’s constitution about who gets to cast a ballot in the state. The two versions of the legislation do the same thing, changing the word domicile to primary residence, and stipulating that only citizens of the country and state have the right to vote. But voting rights organizations like America Votes and the League of Women Voters say citizenship of New Hampshire is unclear and impossible to prove. The Senate’s version of the legislation – CACR 36 – will be up for a vote this week, having secured the support of the majority of the committee, who recommend the legislation move forward in a 3-2 vote, which indicates it could have a good shot of passing the Senate floor. At a Senate hearing, 133 people signed in support of the bill and 154 in opposition. The House proposal came in the form of a non-germane amendment to CACR 15 – the underlying legislation would give 17-year-olds the right to vote in a primary election provided they would turn 18 by the time of the general election.
New Mexico: Senator Bill Sharer of Farmington went on a lengthy filibuster to delay a vote on Senate Bill 144, which would have made it a crime to threaten or intimidate election officials and voters. It also had provisions to give convicted felons the right to vote when they are released and streamlined voting procedures and registration. Republicans adamantly opposed the bills throughout the session but Democrats say they intend to still push ahead. “We’re ready to vote on this bill. New Mexicans are being denied expanded voting rights and increased election security. The fight continues,” said state Democrats. “Shameful,” Speaker of the House Brian Egolf, D-Santa Fe, said. “To deny an opportunity to New Mexicans to have easier access to the ballot, making a mockery of the process by reading rules of baseball. It’s a joke, it’s sad. He should be ashamed.” Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver says she was also disappointed Senate Bill 144 failed.
Oklahoma: A handful of election-related bills have been voted on in committee and are set for consideration by the full House or Senate or have died.
A Republican-led proposal asking voters to add a voter-ID requirement to the state constitution is moving forward. The Senate Committee on Rules advanced it to the Senate floor on a 13-0 vote.
Another bill similarly seeking to shield the state from changes to federal election laws passed a House committee last week. House Bill 3232 states that if the federal government makes laws that go against Oklahoma election law, those laws would be followed only during separately held federal elections. The proposal, which would cost at least $1 million to $1.5 million per election, passed on a 5-2 party-line vote with Democrats in opposition.
Two bills failed to make it out of committee Democrats saw one of their legislative priorities take a hit when a House committee refused to advance a proposal to make it easier and quicker to restore voting rights to ex-felons. The proposal from Rep. Regina Goodwin, D-Tulsa, would have clarified when an individual convicted of a felony will be eligible to register to vote. She said it is needed because there has been “some controversy” on when ex-felons, who had a commuted or discharged sentence, can register. After some discussion, the House Elections and Ethics Committee rejected it on a 4-3 vote.
Another Democratic-led proposal didn’t advance out of the committee. A bill from Rep. Merleyn Bell, D-Norman, would required all state institutions of higher education to make at least one full-time staff member available to notarize ballots during designated absentee voting periods. Though it didn’t carry a cost, it failed to advance after no other lawmaker agreed to “second” a motion to bring it to a vote.
Philadelphia: After three years of youth advocacy, the Philadelphia school board is poised to pass a landmark voter education resolution codifying citywide efforts to register all 18-year-olds to vote and encouraging all students to be civically active. The board, in an effort that’s believed to be the first of its kind in the state, will declare “that we believe that we must ensure that all students have access to an education that teaches and promotes the importance of civic engagement and voter registration” in a resolution widely expected to pass Thursday night. School districts are already designated voter registration agencies per state and federal law, and a voter education curriculum already exists in the city, but the resolution cements and moves to the forefront year-round efforts to both allow for eligible students to sign up to vote, and for them to understand why it matters. The district will continue to designate and pay a staffer at each high school as “Voter Champion,” the point person for providing voter registration materials to students as they become eligible. There will be an emphasis on a nonpartisan voter education and registration curriculum for 12th grade civics classes, and voter engagement assemblies for high school students.
South Dakota: South Dakota House Republicans, spurred by baseless claims that the 2020 presidential election was subject to widespread fraud, pushed through a bill to require in-depth audits of ballots and voting equipment in close presidential elections. Republican Rep. Taffy Howard’s bill would require a “forensic audit” of ballots, voting equipment, and voter verification processes to verify federal office results if two presidential candidates come within 10 percentage points of each other. House Democrat Leader Rep. Jamie Smith pointed out that his caucus was reduced to just eight seats after the election, and yet he had no reason to blame fraud or irregularities. “This is partisanship,” he said. “This is not good policy for the state of South Dakota.” Other Republicans avoided alleging fraud outright, but argued that checking up on election results was a good safeguard. The bill does not stipulate how audits would be funded, but allows the State Board of Elections to contract with outside organizations “with experience in forensic audits.” The bill will next be considered in the Senate.
A bill that has met with approval from the House of state Representatives would give cities and school districts two options for an election date — the June primary or the November general election. House Bill 1300 has been approved by the House State Affairs committee (10-1) and by the full House (47-19). It now goes before the Senate Local Government Committee with its first hearing on Wednesday. The bill was proposed by District 24 Rep. Will Mortenson, R-Pierre, who said the intent of the measure, which would go into effect in 2025, is to provide broader awareness of city and school candidate elections.
Utah: A bill that would have eliminated voting by mail as the primary voting method in Utah failed to advance out of a House committee. House Bill 371, sponsored by Rep. Phil Lyman (R-Blanding), was defeated in a 3 to 7 vote after a lengthy hearing in the House Government Operations Committee. The bill was strongly opposed by Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson and county clerks who said it would restrict access to the ballot. The bill sought to return the state to primarily in-person voting. It also would have scrapped ballot drop-off boxes and drive-through voting, while requiring an independent audit of certain races after they’re over. Some limited absentee voting would have been allowed. Lyman told the House committee he didn’t have an issue with county clerks but asserted there is a “crisis of confidence” in voting. Ryan Cowley, Utah elections director, testified there are already measures in place to audit the security and reliability of elections. He also said that power should remain with the lieutenant governor, who is an elected official. Ricky Hatch, Weber County clerk/auditor who spoke on behalf of the Utah Association of Counties, added that any problems with elections are minor and are quickly addressed once they’re identified.
Vermont: The Vermont Senate is one step closer to passing a bill that would bolster the state’s criminal threatening laws. The Senate voted 28-2 on S.265’s second reading. The bill would increase criminal penalties for those who threaten violence in certain settings, such as schools, government buildings and places of worship. It also would limit a legal defense against criminal threatening charges. Sen. Dick Sears, D-Bennington, told his colleagues on the floor that the genesis of the bill was a response to repeated threats to elections officials in Vermont following the 2020 general election as well as health officials during the coronavirus pandemic — threats that he called “profane,” “ugly” and “to (his) mind, threatening.” One argument against S.265 is that it could infringe on First Amendment rights to free speech. While the bill was in committee, the ACLU of Vermont warned lawmakers that an earlier version of S.265 could be applied too broadly and chill “certain forms of political hyperbole.” The bill has since been amended, but the ACLU still does not support the bill, calling it unnecessary. The bill also removes the state’s affirmative defense for those accused of criminal threatening, who say they could not or did not intend to carry out their threat. Sears said a defendant could still make that case to a court, but it would not be an affirmative defense as it is currently.
Virginia: A proposal to let Virginia voters self-impose photo ID rules for their own ballot failed in the state Senate along with every other Republican effort to reinstate mandatory photo ID in state elections. In a meeting, the nine Democrats on the Senate Privileges and Elections Committee repeatedly overruled six Republicans to kill the first batch of GOP-sponsored voting bills coming over from the House of Delegates. In addition to blocking several photo ID bills, the committee defeated efforts to cut the early voting window from 45 days to 14 days, repeal the same-day voter registration system set to be implemented this year and ban absentee drop boxes. As a result of those votes, all bills to bring back photo ID, a policy priority for Gov. Glenn Youngkin, are dead for the year. Though most Virginia voters still show a photo ID before casting their ballot, Democrats changed the law in 2020 to allow voters without ID to sign a form affirming their identity.
A budget proposal from House Republicans is seeking to slash $2.7 million in proposed funding for the Virginia Department of Elections to pay for a voter education campaign seeking to dispel misinformation about the integrity of the state’s elections. Following baseless claims from Republicans that the 2020 election was rife with fraud, the department last year launched a voter education campaign to inform voters about how the state’s elections are conducted, to refute false information and answer common questions about the voting process.
Washington: Senate Bill 5597 passed the Senate Senate Bill 5597 was sponsored by Senator Rebecca Saldaña of the 37th legislative district. It is an addition to the Washington Voting Rights Act. It changes the law in two key ways. First, it requires preclearance from the state attorney general or a superior court before district maps can be finalized. Second, it requires the University of Washington to collect population based data for at least the previous 12 year period. They would use the data to investigate whether current election practices are in violation of the Voting Rights Act and how diluting protected classes’ votes can be avoided. The bill passed the State Governments and Tribal Relations Committee in the House of Representatives and will be up for discussion on the floor next.
Wisconsin: Republicans in the Senate approved measures that would change voting rules for those who are confined to their homes and allow lawmakers to cut funding for state agencies that they believe aren’t strictly following election laws. Senate Bill 214 would allow officials to begin counting absentee ballots on the day before election day. Election clerks have pushed for the idea for years to ease their workload and help them avoid reporting their results in the middle of the night. Under the bill, election officials could begin processing absentee ballots starting at 7 a.m. on the day before election day. They could not tally the results or publicly report them until after the polls closed at 8 p.m. on election day. Senate Bill 942 would give the Legislature’s budget committee the ability to withhold funding and cut jobs from the state Elections Commission and other agencies if lawmakers determine they didn’t follow election laws or provided incorrect guidance to local officials. The measure would also apply to the departments of Corrections, Health Services and Transportation. Those agencies are responsible for performing data checks to make sure information on the state voter rolls is accurate. Those bills and others related to elections face likely vetoes from Gov. Tony Evers if they get to him.
Wyoming: Sen. Bo Biteman, R-Parkman, introduced two bills, both of which are intended to enhance election integrity by limiting party affiliation changes and prohibiting submission of absentee ballots without proper documentation ahead of this year’s primary and general elections. Biteman’s first bill, Senate File No. 97, would limit party affiliation changes ahead of the primary election Aug. 16. Biteman introduced a similar bill in 2018 but it died in committee before the 2019 legislative budget session. Under current Wyoming law, voters may change their party affiliation at the polls on the day of the primary or general election or when requesting an absentee ballot. If passed, the bill would require voters to declare or change their party affiliation changes by May 12, the day the candidate filing period begins. The second bill, Senate File No. 96, would prohibit what Biteman called “ballot harvesting,” or individuals and groups gathering or submitting completed absentee ballots from other voters without written and official authorization by the voters. If the bill is passed, unauthorized collection and submission of ballots could be a felony, punishable by up to five years in prison, a $10,000 fine or both. The Secretary of State’s Office said the issues these bills seek to combat are relatively rare in Wyoming, Wyoming Secretary of State Communications and Policy Director Monique Meese said.
Legal Updates
Alabama: The U.S. Supreme Court has decided to hear arguments over Alabama’s congressional map, in a case where a lower court found the map violates the Voting Rights Act, but the high court allowed the map to stand for the 2022 election. The Supreme Court this week consolidated two lawsuits challenging the map and granted an hour for oral arguments. The case will be heard in the court’s next term, which begins in October. That means the challenged map will be in place for the 2022 mid-term elections in Alabama. A three-judge district court panel ruled in January that the congressional district map approved by the Alabama Legislature and signed by Gov. Kay Ivey in November 2021, violated Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act. The Act, in part, bars a political process that gives less opportunity to Black voters to elect representatives of their choice. The district court found that Alabama’s current map – which is similar to the map for the previous 10 years -dilutes the Black vote with the establishment of six majority-White districts and one majority-Black district. The court called for the map to be redrawn to include two Black majority or near-majority districts. The court ordered a stay in the congressional race until a new, approved map was drawn. Alabama challenged the ruling and filed an emergency petition with the U.S. Supreme Court. Alabama argued the court was wrong in its reading of the law and the remedy suggested and it said attempting to redraw the map in an election year would cause chaos. The Alabama primary election is May 24, the absentee ballot deadline is March 30.
The Greater Birmingham Ministries sued Secretary of State John Merrill over a records request seeking purged voter lists and those denied the right to vote because of felony convictions. The civil lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama by the Campaign Legal Center on behalf of Greater Birmingham Ministries asks the court to declare that Merrill is in violation of the National Voter Registration Act and to order him to provide those records without cost related to photocopying. The lawsuit alleges Merrill declined the group’s May 17, 2021, records request seeking “a list of every voter removed from the active voter rolls after the 2020 election and their contact information for every county in Alabama.” The Greater Birmingham Ministries, which helps with voters registration and restoration of voting rights, says it needs the lists of those denied voter registration or those purged from voter rolls to identify and correct the the matter for those who can legally vote but who may be unaware. The lawsuit states that Merrill said those records could be reviewed in person, but that it would cost the group $1,331.40 to get those records, or 1 cent per name for the 133,140 names. The suit alleges that in subsequent communications Merrill admitted those records were kept electronically, and that the National Voter Registration Act allows states to charge for such records.
Arkansas: The Arkansas Supreme Court said it won’t dismiss a challenge to four new voting restrictions passed by the Legislature last year. Justices rejected arguments by attorneys for Secretary of State John Thurston that he was immune from the lawsuit filed by the League of Women Voters of Arkansas, Arkansas United and five voters over the restrictions. The court upheld a Pulaski County judge’s decision to reject Thurston’s request for a dismissal. The measures being challenged include a change to the state’s voter ID law that removes the option for someone to sign an affidavit affirming their identity if they don’t present a photo ID at the polls. The groups are also challenging a law preventing anyone other than voters from being within 100 feet of a polling place, one requiring an absentee voter’s signature on a ballot to match the signature on their voter registration application, and another moving up the deadline for voters to return absentee ballots in person.
A coalition that includes the NAACP, the Arkansas Public Policy Panel and the American Civil Liberties Union will take their fight against a state legislative map to the next level. They filed an appeal Wednesday in response to a U.S. district judge’s opinion that said while there is evidence to suggest Arkansas’s newly redrawn map of state House districts violates the Voting Rights Act, voters don’t have standing to sue. Only the U.S. attorney general can bring a suit over Voting Rights Act violations, Judge Lee Rudofsky said. “We had no choice but to appeal that,” Arkansas Public Policy Panel Policy Director Kymara Seals said. “This decision that the judge has made is unprecedented. No court has ever, ever, ever, in the history of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, said that we, as private citizens, can’t fight for our rights and protections.”
Colorado: Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold filed a lawsuit against Elbert County Clerk and Recorder Dallas Schroeder seeking more information about the alleged illegal copying of the county’s voting system hard drives and who is in possession of the copies after those questions went unanswered in his responses to previous orders. Griswold’s office filed the lawsuit after Schroeder failed to fully answer questions posed in orders issued on Jan. 19 and Jan. 24 about the hard drive images copies, which came to light in an affidavit Schroeder signed on Jan. 7 as part of a lawsuit, which claimed the election software used by Colorado counties in 2020 was not properly certified. The lawsuit compels Schroeder to comply with the previous orders and answer questions about the locations of the hard drive copies and who has access to them.
Scott Gessler, the attorney for Clerk Tina Peters, has filed a motion to dismiss a case against her that seeks to remove her permanently as Mesa County’s designated election official. The lawsuit, filed by Secretary of State Jena Griswold and county voter Heidi Hess, also calls for removing Deputy Clerk Belinda Knisley and Peters’ second deputy, Julie Fisher, also to be barred from overseeing elections for the rest of this year, when the clerk’s term ends. Gessler’s motion to dismiss is similar to his arguments in the last lawsuit that barred Peters from overseeing the 2021 fall election, which District Judge Valerie Robison rejected.
Connecticut: Judge Matthew Joseph Budzik ordered a primary election for the Bloomfield Democratic Town Committee after party members seeking seats on the committee sued their voter registrar. Budzik ordered a primary held on March 15. Attorney Alexander Taubes, representing the plaintiffs, said the order followed a settlement agreement between plaintiffs and defendants. Plaintiffs in the suit against Democratic registrar Troy Mitchell represented 17 Democrats, who, along with supporting volunteers, collected 578 signatures on nominating petitions, according to documents filed with the lawsuit in Hartford Superior Court. The plaintiffs asked the court to order Mitchell to accept the petition signatures and order the town to hold a primary for Democratic Town Committee on the second Tuesday in March, one week later than the date set by law due to the delay caused by Mitchell’s allegedly illegal actions, according to the suit.
Florida: After more than two weeks of testimony Chief U.S. District Judge Mark Walker is poised to decide the fate of a sweeping state elections law that plaintiffs maintain was designed to make it harder for Black and Hispanic voters to cast ballots in Florida. Walker will weigh more than 1,600 exhibits, tens of thousands of pages of documents and testimony by dozens of witnesses in combined lawsuits that challenged a 2021 law imposing new restrictions on mail-in voting and third-party voter registration organizations. The 2021 legislation (SB 90) included restricting election supervisors’ use of drop boxes; requiring voters to request mail-in ballots more frequently, and forcing third-party groups to provide a disclaimer informing potential voters that their applications may not be turned in within a 14-day window imposed by the law. The League of Women Voters of Florida and a number of Black and Hispanic advocacy groups filed lawsuits challenging the measure, alleging that it was the state’s latest effort to restrict minority voters from accessing the ballot. Walker began a trial Jan. 31
Kentucky: Franklin Circuit Judge Thomas Wingate denied a motion to temporarily block new Kentucky redistricting maps from going into effect, but also rejected a request to fully dismiss the Kentucky Democratic Party’s lawsuit. The two orders from Judge Thomas Wingate indicate the litigation will continue with hearings and testimony in March, but the May 17 primaries will now go forward as planned with the new state House and congressional maps and the candidates who already filed for those races.
Michigan: A woman who faces fraud charges after she was accused of plotting to “clone” voting data from a ballot tabulator is scheduled for a preliminary hearing in 90th District Court, though some local officials say they’re frustrated no one has yet been charged in a related break in. “I feel like everyone in the judicial system is just trying to cover it up,” Cross Village Township Clerk Diana Keller said. “They should be bringing in people who were there, and asking them why they were there, under oath.” Tera Jackson of Petoskey was arrested in October on felony charges of fraud and unauthorized access of a computer related to an incident at the township hall Jan. 14, 2021, court records show. At her first court appearance this week, Jackson submitted a plea of no contest. Following her plea, Jackson’s fraud charges were brought down to one count of disturbing the peace. Her other two charges were dismissed. She’s been sentenced to three months of probation.
North Carolina: The North Carolina Supreme Court late Wednesday upheld voting maps finalized earlier in the day by a trial court, a ruling likely to give Democrats a boost in this year’s elections. The decision paves the way for candidate filing to resume Thursday after a long delay. GOP leaders and voting rights groups—tied up for months in a legal battle over the maps—filed emergency appeals Wednesday, shortly after a panel of lower-court judges approved congressional and state legislative districts. The trial court, which included two Republicans and one Democrat, signed off on redrawn state House and Senate boundaries that state lawmakers approved last week, but the court went with a congressional map of its own, crafted with the help of independent redistricting experts it hired known as “special masters.”
Pennsylvania: A group of Pennsylvania Republicans are asking for a federal judge to keep the state’s highest court from picking a congressional map. Instead, they argue that Pennsylvania’s soon-to-be 17 congressional representatives should run in a statewide free-for-all, following an obscure 1941 federal law. The lawsuit, first reported by the Associated Press, was filed on Feb. 11 by five Pennsylvania voters including Republican congressional candidates Jim Bognet and Aaron Bashir, as well as Susquehanna County Commissioner Alan Hall, who also serves on that county’s board of elections. This week, the plaintiffs asked for an injunction preventing the state Supreme Court from acting further. The court heard arguments in its map case last Friday. “The state judiciary has no authority to alter or ‘suspend’ the primary-election calendar that the Legislature has enacted, and it is constitutionally prohibited from doing so,” the suit argues.
Texas: The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals is reinstating a portion of Texas’ voting law that prevents election officials from encouraging people to register to vote by mail, according to Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee. “I’m extremely disappointed by this decision, Menefee tweeted. “One thing that’s clear from the high percentage of mail ballot app rejections we’ve seen is officials should be empowered to explain the process and encourage folks to vote by mail.” On Feb. 11, a federal judge in San Antonio ruled that SB 1 likely violated the 1st and 14th amendments. The decision to reinstate this portion of the voting law means elections officials can now be prosecuted if they help citizens vote.
Tech Thursday
Orange County, California: The Orange County Registrar of Voters announced this week it was launching a new ballot tracking pilot program for the June 7 election. Nine ballot boxes across the county will have barcode scanners installed on the outside that voters can use to scan their ballot when it’s dropped off, the agency said. Upon scanning their ballot, voters will receive a text message confirming it was dropped off and will then be able to track it through the ballot counting process, the Registrar of Voters said in a statement. The agency said the ballot tracking program is similar to how the medical industry tracks tissue samples and that it’s the first time it’s being used for an election. “By providing voters with enhanced visibility on the location of their ballot, I believe this will help to continue boosting voter confidence and improve overall election security,” Neal Kelley, the registrar of voters, said in a statement. Mail-in ballots will include information on where to find the specially-equipped ballot boxes, the agency said.
Opinions This Week
National Opinions: Democracy | Election funding | Voting rights | Secretary of state races | U.S. Supreme Court
Arizona: Election legislation | Drop boxes
California: Recall reform
Florida: Voter suppression
Idaho: Election legislation
Iowa: Ranked choice voting | Election legislation
Montana: Voting rights
Nebraska: Ex-felon voting rights
Nevada: Washoe County, II
New Hampshire: Election legislation
New York: New York City board of elections
Ohio: Secretary of state
Pennsylvania: Primary | Election lies | Vote by mail | York County
Tennessee: Election legislation
Texas: Voting rights | Election officials | Equipment
Utah: Vote by mail, II | Election reform
Vermont: Secretary of state | Ranked choice voting
Virginia: Disinformation
Upcoming Events
NASED Winter Conference: The NASED Board voted unanimously to cancel its in-person conference scheduled for the end of January and hold the conference virtually over four days, February 24-25 and March 3-4. This is not a decision that we made lightly and it was not an easy one to make, but ultimately, we think it is the best one for our members and other conference attendees. We hope to see you in person in July in Madison, Wisconsin. When: March 3-4.
The Voting Information Project & Florida Counties: The Voting Information Project (VIP) has partnered with Florida county election offices since 2012 to amplify their official information. As we head into the 2022 cycle, we are excited to introduce VIP and our free voting information lookup tools, the impact of the election data we publish, and additional ways we can support the great work the counties do. We invite the supervisors and staff of Florida county elections offices to join us for a webinar. When: March 10, 11am Eastern. Where: Online.
Job Postings This Week
electionlineWeekly publishes election administration job postings each week as a free service to our readers. To have your job listed in the newsletter, please send a copy of the job description, including a web link to Job postings must be received by 5pm on Wednesday in order to appear in the Thursday newsletter. Listings will run for three weeks or till the deadline listed in the posting.
Account Management Specialist, EI-ISAC— The EI-ISAC is looking for an ambitious teammate who is passionate about making a difference in the realm of cybersecurity for (SLTT) election offices. The ideal candidate will be comfortable building relationships with the election community to support and advance the mission of “confidence in a connected world.” What You’ll Do: Support the development and execution of the EI-ISAC strategy and mission; Assist election officials to determine security needs and how they integrate with election technology; Facilitate communications between election officials and IT professionals; Provide exceptional service to all members and be able to explain the concepts and services that can protect their technology via email, phone calls, and WebEx meetings/conferences; Ensure ongoing customer satisfaction and retention; Assist with the scheduling and running of member meetings and webinars; Responsible for the onboarding process of new members; Research, record, track, and report on member prospects and qualified leads to the team and management; Assist with data cleanup, reporting, and any ongoing projects; Update metrics for EI-ISAC reports and presentations; Represent the EI-ISAC in a professional and courteous manner; and Other tasks and responsibilities as assigned. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Deputy Director, Registration & Elections, Decatur County, Georgia— The purpose of this classification is to assist in the planning, directing, and oversight of operations and staff involved in voter registration and elections processes for the County, conducting elections, and ensuring compliance with local, state and federal election and voter registration laws, rules, and regulations. Salary: $74,961 – $116,190. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Deputy Elections Counsel, Ohio Secretary of State— Under general direction of Senior Elections Counsel; serves as counsel for all Secretary of State (SOS) divisions on elections related laws; drafts, reviews & edits directives, advisories, memoranda & other elections materials; advises SOS divisional personnel on all aspects of elections-related law; prepares reports (e.g., division activity); provides legal advice & consultation on complex legal concerns (e.g., ballot language, tie votes, election forms, statutory requirements) to Secretary of State’s office, Boards of Elections (BOE), other governmental officials & general public; acts for Senior Elections Counsel in evaluating, analyzing, developing & revising existing & potential elections’ programs, procedures & policies (e.g., proposed & existing election-related legislation, election document filing process, voter registration); provides program direction to assist boards of elections with state & federal election requirements & guidelines; assists in development of election related materials; may serve as Legal Counsel to the Board of Voting Machine Examiners (BVME) or Ohio Ballot Board in absence of Senior Elections Counsel; assist Senior Elections Counsel with staffing BVME. Salary: $88,067. Deadline: March 4. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Development and Communications Specialist, Election Reformers— This part-time specialist, reporting to the Executive Director based in Newton, MA, will help us guide our messaging about complicated (but important) reforms, draft communications, and develop ERN’s member strategy to support engagement and fundraising. The specialist will assist in development and communications. Key responsibilities will include: Helping to define the organization’s communications strategy and to guide regular content and messaging updates; Drafting external communications, email newsletters, website updates, background outreach to journalists, and occasional press releases; Providing input on overall social media strategy and on specific messages; Developing ERN’s member strategy to support engagement and fundraising; Participating in discussions regarding strategy and overall organizational planning; Providing input on ERN reports, op-eds and other publications. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Director of Elections, Pima County, Arizona— The Director of Elections leads a department comprised of multiple complex and technical units responsible for the successful conduct of elections in Pima County with over 650,000 registered voters. The role is primarily strategic, operations, and leadership-focused, requiring experience and expertise in the field of conducting elections, elections policy, leading and managing employees to success. Under administrative direction of the County Administrator or designee, this position plans, organizes, supervises and manages the activities of the Pima County Elections Division in compliance with applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. This classification is in the unclassified service and is exempt from the Pima County Merit System Rules. Salary: $125,000 – $160,638 DOE• Relocation Assistance up to $10,000 available. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Director of Elections/General Registrar, Virginia Beach, Virginia— The Virginia Beach Electoral Board is currently seeking a progressive leader with a demonstrated history of collaboration, negotiation and communication amongst diverse stakeholder groups. The successful candidate will think strategically and be able to navigate dynamic political environments, facilitating compromise and cooperation when needed. Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to: Plan and direct the operations and activities of the voter registration office; Provide leadership and supervision to paid staff and volunteers on all election procedures; Develop plans to encourage the registration of eligible voters; Oversee the registration process including eligibility determination and denial notification process in accordance with State Board of Election Guidelines; Manage the departmental budget; Plan and provide oversight of educational programs; Oversee maintenance of all official records; Ensure adequate space(s) to facilitate voting process; Ensure election equipment is maintained and readily accessible to voters; Assist with ballot design’ Carry out provisions enumerated in §24.2-114, Code of Virginia, and ensure compliance with the entirety of Title 24.2.; and Communicate election requirements, processes, and results to election observers and stakeholders, including the press. Salary: $136,982. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Election Analyst, Arizona Secretary of State’s Office— The Elections Division of the Office of the Arizona Secretary of State is seeking a dedicated employee to serve as an Election Analyst. Their main focus will be to fulfill public records requests submitted to the Elections Division. They will report to the Senior Elections Policy Manager. Responsible for receiving, reviewing, and fulfilling public records requests and litigation discovery requests. This process includes the following tasks: tracking requests; communicating with the requester on topics such as fulfillment guidelines, costs, and updates on progress; coordinate collection and organization of responsive records by working with IT, elections, and other staff members; and reviewing and preparing documents for delivery. Responsible for records retention and document storage. Ensure Elections Division stores minimum hard copy documents consistent with the retention schedule; ensures that electronic records are properly maintained. Maintains records retention schedule, Iron Mountain storage, and schedules proper records destruction. Conducts ballot measure Town Halls. Organizing these events includes: scheduling venues; scheduling interpreters as needed (sign language, Spanish); conducting publicity and outreach; ensuring pro and con groups are represented; preparing and delivering presentation. Produces statewide Publicity Pamphlet by working with the vendor on layout, printing and proofing; coordinate the development of the household mailing list; ensuring pamphlets printed for English, Spanish, large print, and ADA; and ensure electronic version of pamphlet is appropriately distributed. Assist with voter registration quarterly reports, list maintenance, and other projects as assigned. Assist with customer service via phones and emails to voters, election officials, and the general public regarding elections and voter registration. Other duties as assigned as related to the position. Salary: Salary: $18.00 – $22.20. Deadline: Feb. 28. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Election Program Coordinator—Absentee, Buncombe County, North Carolina— An employee in this position is responsible for the management of all aspects of conducting absentee by mail voting. This employee will lead a team who will perform the administrative duties of absentee by mail voting. An employee in this position is also responsible for the administrative work in creating all written materials needed for training election workers and conducts all election worker training, as well as the management of a support team. Work requires that all materials meet the guidelines of election law and department standards. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Election Technician, Thurston County, Washington– The position of Election Technician produces maps to update and maintain accurate taxing district boundaries. Also uses mapping data to develop and maintain address-based voter street/levy database and takes a leading role in the planning and coordination of the technical aspects of the election process. Additional responsibilities may include, but would not be limited to, the following: Plans, organizes, and supervises the work of assigned temporary staff. Recommends selection, provides training, and evaluates performance. Trains staff in the accurate use of election machines and proper use of all election supplies. Programming for elections using advanced software for ballot printing, ballot sorting, ballot tabulation, accessible voting units, and election results reporting.Plans and conducts logic and accuracy tests; responsible for and maintains back-up procedures in case of emergency conditions. Performs formal ballot tabulating tasks at the ballot processing center on election day. Directs on-the-spot activities. Coordinates and trains staff on ballot processing to ensure we follow federal, state, and county election laws. Coordinates the preparation and distribution of ballots for voters; mails all ballot material to voters, both domestic and overseas. Plans and coordinates the vote-by-mail election process. Acts as purchasing agent for the Election Division. Plans, purchases, and maintains sufficient inventory for all election activities. Handles special projects for the division. (Example: requests for proposal purchases, vendor contracts, etc.) Salary: 4,210.00 – $5,600.00 Monthly. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Technician – Front Office, Boulder County, Colorado–The Elections Technician plays a key role in helping Boulder County set the state and nationwide gold standard for excellent service provided to voters. The primary mission for this role is to ensure all voters have a voting experience that is positive, accurate, efficient, and one that builds trust with voters. This role will demonstrate our values through managing and overseeing the Elections Front Desk; provide support for all voters on a regular basis through inbound and outbound correspondence, programs and activities; maintain inventory and organization of office supplies; perform general and specific tasks in support of election team members, voter registration data entry and responding to voters through in-person, phone and email communication. The ideal candidate is someone who is passionate about supporting voters in the democratic process and has a high school diploma and two years of office/customer service experience. Salary: $37,560 – $53,040. Deadline: March 6. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Technology and Security Project Manager, Boulder County, Colorado– The Election Security and Technology Project Manager will support all divisions of the Clerk and Recorder’s office while owning technology and security objectives for the Elections Division. The Clerk and Recorder’s office is committed to continual improvement for cybersecurity, physical security, and technology practices throughout all divisions and the ideal candidate will be committed to advancing the office’s development in these areas. This position will be accountable for the successful management of the voting system, creating and implementing security objectives, developing a team of up to 3 FTEs, and providing strategic technical oversight, guidance, and support to team members. This position is a member of the Elections Leadership Team. The ideal candidate will have a thorough knowledge of IT infrastructure and technology. Salary: $80,316 – $115,644. Deadline: March 9. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Administrator, Bell County, Texas— Bell County, Texas, is seeking an experienced professional with a proven track record in a public sector setting to serve as the new Elections Administrator. While elections experience and experience in the public sector is preferred, it is not required. From being or becoming an expert on election law to understanding election machine technology to being a detail-oriented person while still seeing the big event that is an election, the Elections Administrator must take ownership of the entire election process from start to finish. This position directs the daily operations of the elections office to ensure the lawful conduct and integrity of Federal, State, County, and local elections. The Elections Administrator performs the duties and functions of the Voter Registrar for the county; performs election-related duties as may be required by federal, state, and/or local law; is responsible for the conduct of elections, to include but is not limited to: preparing ballots, ordering ballots, furnishing and maintaining election equipment and supplies. This position requires an Associate’s degree in Business Administration or a related field supplemented by four years of experience in administration with an additional two years of supervisory experience. The person selected for this position must be a current registered voter in the State of Texas or be eligible to register to vote in the State of Texas upon hire, and must be able to work extended hours during election cycles. A valid Texas driver’s license is required or must be obtained within 90 days of employment along with an acceptable driving history. Salary: $75,000 to $100,000. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Chief Deputy-Information Systems, Alachua County, Florida— Alachua County Supervisor of Elections is seeking qualified candidates to apply for the Chief Deputy Supervisor – Information Systems position. This position manages the operational use of the election management system (EMS) as well as the development of all ballot information used to generate sample ballots, mail ballots, and ballot definition for the voting system. Manages the vote tabulation process. Serves as the primary liaison with County IT related to technology functions and applications in the Supervisor of Elections Office and with other computer service providers, including private vendors. Serves as the liaison with Florida Department of State Cybersecurity Office. Directs a variety of analytical and interdepartmental coordination activities; performs project management; directs specified operational functions; oversees and performs managerial, operational and other analysis in support of office programs and activities. The incumbent must exercise independent judgment and discretion in determining the optimal strategy for resource utilization and in providing support to staff. Salary: $68,700.74 – $109,920.93. Deadline: March 4 (deadline could potentially be extended). Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Director of Operations, Alachua County, Florida— The Alachua County Supervisor of Elections is seeking qualified candidates to apply for the Elections Director of Operations position. This is responsible managerial/technical work planning, organizing, directing and supervising day-to-day operational activities of the Supervisor of Elections Operations Center and Training Center. This also includes maintaining, servicing, and repairing computerized voting and tabulation equipment for the Alachua County Supervisor of Elections Office. Responsible for maintaining elections voting booths, electronic poll books, ballot printers and supplies required in all polling places and early voting locations. Assists the Supervisor of Elections with ballot coordination and voting equipment testing. Inspects and prepares precinct facilities and precincts’ supplies to insure easy access for voters and compliance with federal laws, Florida election laws and statutes. Manages and supervises the preparation and delivery of election supplies and assets for deployment to each Alachua County polling precinct and early voting sites. Performs records management duties, such as preparing requests for destruction of obsolete records to the State Division of Library and Information Services in accordance with Florida Election Laws, Florida State Statutes, General Records Schedule GS1-SL for State and Local Governments, and General Records Schedule GS3 for Elections Records. Salary: $56,784 – $90,843.79 annually. Deadline: 02/25/2022 (deadline may be extended). Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Program Manager, CIS— The primary purpose of this position is to coordinate EI-ISAC operations and projects and to represent the EI-ISAC in public forums regarding election infrastructure issues. The Elections Program Manager will work with the EI-ISAC Director to build and maintain relationships in the elections community and develop tools, products, and initiatives that meet the security needs of election officials. This position will oversee a team of Elections Analysts and Stakeholder outreach staff. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Specialist, Pierce County, Washington— As an Elections Specialist, you will have the ability to immediately contribute to the team’s success. You will be guided through the process with coaching-focused managerial support, a team that wants you to be successful in your role, and an organizational culture that encourages continuous learning and professional development. Core Daily Responsibilities: Coordinates and participates in the activities of a specialty in the Elections Division; determines work schedules and methods to expediting work-flow; issues instructions; and monitors work for accuracy and compliance to procedures and policies in specialty area assigned. Coordinates, organizes, and documents all legal aspects of an assigned specialty required to hold elections. Performs quality control work including proofreading, grammar, and spelling. Designs and produces reports. Coordinates and oversees the preparation and distribution of election supplies to the voting centers. Salary: $31.42 – $39.73 Hourly. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Executive Director, U.S. Election Assistance Commission— The Executive Director has overall Commission-wide responsibility for implementing, through its operating divisions and offices, the management and administrative policies and decisions of the Commissioners. The Executive Director serves as a key management advisor to the Commissioners. The Executive Director is responsible for ensuring the agency meets its mission defined in HAVA. The Executive Director’s responsibilities include: Ensuring that EAC administrative activities comply with governing statutes and regulations in support of the effective and efficient accomplishment of EAC’s mission. Understanding HAVA and other election laws, regulations, and legal decisions pertinent to the EAC mission to assist with agency oversight. Maintaining good relationships with the U.S. Congress and the various EAC oversight committees and governing bodies of elections, including, state legislatures, city/county officials, and EAC FACA boards. Ability to establish program/policy goals and the structure and processes necessary to implement the organization’s strategic vision and mission, to ensure that programs and policies are being implemented and adjusted as necessary, that the appropriate results are being achieved, and that a process for continually assessing the quality of the program activities is in place. Providing periodic assessment of the administrative efficiency and managerial effectiveness of the EAC through strategic planning including: program reviews, reviews of programmatic goals and outcomes, and resource utilization in achieving results. Consulting with and advising Divisions and Offices on general management and operating practices affecting their substantive program areas. Developing solutions to potential and existing barriers that may limit or impede goal achievement. Planning, assigning, and appraising work products to assure high levels of performance. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Executive Director, Deliver My Vote— Deliver My Vote (DMV) and Deliver My Vote Education Fund (DMVEF) are partner organizations dedicated to voting, voting access, and voting rights specifically as it relates to voters’ ability to vote from home. DMV is a non-profit, non-partisan 501(c)4 organization, dedicated to increasing voter turnout within traditionally disenfranchised communities. DMV’s programs are anchored in helping to facilitate the delivery of a voters’ ballot to their doorstep. Through community organizing campaigns, DMV provides tools and resources to help voters cast ballots from home, taking control of their vote, regardless of life’s obstacles. DMVEF is a non-profit, non-partisan 501(c)3 organization to educate the American public on laws and policies that make voting more accessible for eligible voters. DMVEF provides tools and voter education resources to help eligible voters update voter registration, help interested voters take control of their ballot through absentee voting, and support voters in making specific plans to vote. Salary for this position is highly competitive and is commensurate with experience. Benefits include health, dental and vision, and a 401k with match. Deliver My Vote is headquartered in Washington, DC with Board members and staff working in collaboration from around the country. All work is currently remote. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Grant and Contract Specialist, Washington Secretary of State’s Office— This position will report to the deputy director of elections and is responsible for assisting the deputy in the management of administering federal grant funds, including Help America Vote Act (HAVA) grant funds. It also plays a key role in the elections division by performing research analysis and managing retention of grant records with regard to HAVA grants. This position belongs to the “HAVA Elections Security Grant” project and is tentatively scheduled to last through 12/20/2024. Tasks include: Makes recommendations based on analysis of funding needs for grant applications; Establishes grant guidelines; Issues notice of grant openings; Processes grant payments Reviews and determines eligibility against grant application criteria; Establishes program income codes in a manner that will track required reporting requirements; Reviews draft contracts and contract amendments for completeness and compliance with procedures; Applies consistent interpretation of laws, rules, policies and procedures; Communicates effectively with county departments and staff to facilitate and ensure adherence to policies and procedures; Evaluates budget and fiscal system performance, making adjustments as necessary; Coordinates the establishment of fiscal goals, audits of financial documents and the preparation and maintenance of fiscal reports; Prepares related applications for funding; Develops internal controls to ensure that all known expenses are accounted for; Prepares and develops budgets for the various program income codes; Works with staff responsible for carrying out grant duties to ensure that funding is available, allowable and allocable to the federal grant; Assists counties in applying for grant applications; Provides technical assistance to counties when necessary; Monitors grant progress with each county auditor on each grant; Tracks grant agreements to ensure compliance with scope of work, period of performance and funding levels; Monitors budgets and related fiscal reports to ensure grant audit compliance, adherence to county, state and federal regulations, allowable costs, adequate budgetary constraints/controls maintenance, timely report submission, and compliance with generally accepted accounting practices and procedures; Possesses knowledge with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) circulars, the Help America Vote Act and other laws passed by congress concerning grants management; Develops contractual language for grant agreements; Prepares for Inspector General Audits; Reads and analyzes awarding agency audit findings and make adjustments when necessary; Tracks and analyzes expenditures against budgeted or allotted forecasts and make adjustments when necessary; Review all contracts for adherence with contract terms and conditions; Tracks grant balances and take proper action when grants expire; Complies with proper internal controls in accordance with the Uniform Administrative Requirements; Tracks all equipment purchased with HAVA funds; Prepares and maintains financial report to the federal awarding agency; Prepares and provides status of accounts, both actual and projected, along with analysis and recommendations relative to activity costs and revenues; Coordinates visits by federal and/or State auditors; Monitors activity related to the grant; Reviews processes and procedures to ensure that adequate internal controls are in place; Develops internal controls to protect against fraud, waste and abuse when necessary; Prepares and provides status of grants, both actual and projected, along with analysis and recommendations relative to activity costs and revenues; Processes A-19 reimbursement requests in a timely manner; Works closely with Payroll to ensure that employees charging time to federal grants are in compliance with OMB circulars; Develops a means to track expenditures against appropriate awards. Salary: $3,446 – $4,627 Monthly. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Impartial Election Administration Legal Consultant, Election Reformers— This short-term position, reporting to the Executive Director based in Newton, MA, will provide legal analysis and advice to advance ERN’s impartial election administration program. The attorney will work with our small but dedicated team to identify and analyze target states and jurisdictions for reform, and will devise strategies to implement new structures and legal guardrails. This role offers a great opportunity to be a part of the solution to the country’s pressing democracy challenges and to pioneer an important but neglected area of election reform. ERN is committed to developing election solutions that can gain support from a wide range of political perspectives; for that reason it is essential that the candidate be open-minded, non-dogmatic, and skilled at understanding and working with a wide range of people and perspectives. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Michigan Regional Services Manager, Hart InterCivic— Hart InterCivic is looking for a Michigan-based Regional Services Manager. A Hart Michigan Service Manager is a highly motivated “self-starter” who responds to all customer requests ranging from training requests, to phone support requests, to onsite repair of voting equipment requests, to delivery and acceptance of new devices. This individual is the customer’s first line of support. The position requires residency in the State of Michigan. The Service Manager handles all Return Material Authorization (RMA) requests for internal and external customers for all Hart InterCivic Verity products within his/her region and provides on-site customer support and troubleshooting as needed. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Program Coordinator, MIT Election Data & Science Lab— PROGRAM COORDINATOR, Political Science, to coordinate and perform day-to-day operational activities and project planning for the MIT Election Data and Science Lab, a research project that encourages a scientific approach to improving elections in the U.S. The lab’s activities include the conduct of its own research, coordinating the research of others, and fostering a larger community of allied researchers around the country. Will oversee the lab’s budget and reconcile accounts; plan seminar series/workshops; and work as part of a team on a wide range of projects, special initiatives, and events. Responsibilities include developing, implementing, and monitoring the lab’s research projects; overseeing budgets related to grants received by the lab; coordinating seminars, conferences, and workshops; remaining aware of the progress of the lab’s projects and helping to problem-solve bottlenecks; representing the lab at special events and committee meetings; preparing correspondence in response to internal/external inquiries; composing, editing, and proofreading lab materials; helping to track progress on lab achievements and communicating them to funders; making vendor and purchasing suggestions/decisions; developing documentation/reporting for stakeholders; developing and maintaining website content; and performing other dues as necessary. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Program Manager, California Voter Foundation— CVF seeks an experienced and accomplished part time program manager who is passionate about voting rights and advocacy, election reform, support for election officials, and nonpartisan expertise. This position will be instrumental in supporting the day to day operations of CVF, managing communications, and supporting important programmatic initiatives. Candidates must be eager to work in a fast-paced, collaborative environment and be able to balance and prioritize competing demands. This is a remote, part-time position, with the potential to transition to a full-time position, who reports to the president of CVF. Responsibilities: Manage communications and outreach with a network of diverse leaders and stakeholders from all sectors across many time zones; Coordinate projects and research related to election funding, curtailing mis- and disinformation and legal and law enforcement protections for election officials; Support grant writing and research fundraising opportunities; Write news releases, social media posts, meeting agendas, and meeting notes; Respond to emails in a timely and professional manner; Help manage CVF social media accounts: Twitter and Facebook; Schedule meetings and plan webinar events; Attend webinars and monitor election news and events; and Support other CVF projects as needed. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Senior Programmer Analyst, Clark County, Nevada— This position provides project and program leadership to professional and technical staff; performs applications systems design, modification and programming of a routine to complex nature in support of County administrative and business services for multiple computer platform applications. Provides lead direction, training and work review to a programming project team; organized and assigns work, sets priorities, and follows-up and controls project status to ensure coordination and completion of assigned work. Provides input into selection, evaluation, disciplinary and other personnel matters. Gathers and analyzes information regarding customer systems and requirements and develops or modifies automated systems to fulfill these needs. Conducts feasibility studies and develops system, time, equipment and cost requirements. Using computer generated techniques, simulates hardware and software problems, tests and evaluates alternative solutions, and recommends and implements appropriate applications design. Develops program logic and processing steps; codes programs in varied languages. Plans and develops test data to validate new or modified programs; designs input and output forms and documents. Troubleshoots hardware and software problems, as needed, for customers, other agencies and information systems personnel. Writes program documentation and customer procedures and instructions and assists user departments and staff in implementing new or modified programs and applications; tracks and evaluates project and systems progress. Writes utility programs to support and validate adopted systems and programs. Confers with customer department staff regarding assigned functional program areas. Maintains records and prepares periodic and special reports of work performed. Maintains current knowledge of technology and new computer customer applications. Contributes to the efficiency and effectiveness of the unit’s service to its customers by offering suggestions and directing or participating as an active member of a work team. Uses standard office equipment in the course of the work; may drive a personal or County motor vehicle or be able to arrange for appropriate transportation in order to travel between various job sites depending upon departments and/or projects assigned. This is an open and continuous recruitment, scheduling dates will vary depending on when the application was received and reviewed by Human Resources. This examination will establish an Open Competitive Eligibility list to fill current and/or future vacancies that may occur within the next six (6) months or may be extended as needed by Human Resources. Human Resources reserves the right to call only the most qualified applicants to the selection process. Salary: $32.07 – $49.74 Hourly. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Voter Education & Outreach Specialist, Washington Secretary of State’s Office— This position reports to the Voting Information Services Manager of the Elections Division and works collaboratively to provide outreach and educational services. This position leads onsite customer service to candidates during annual peaks, voters’ pamphlet training for internal staff, organization of printed materials for proofing, fulfillment of outreach materials to stakeholders, and coordinates the printing and distribution of the state Voters’ Pamphlet. The passage of new legislation (ESHB 2421) increases the business needs to be met by the Secretary of State’s Office. Each May and June, the office must preview and process candidate’s statements to be printed in local county primary pamphlets as well as the processing necessary July through October for the state general election pamphlet. The Voting Information Services (VIS) team promotes accessible, fair, and accurate elections. Through educational programs and service excellence, we help eligible Washington residents register to vote, file for office, and cast an informed ballot. VIS exercises visionary leadership to publish the state Voters’ Pamphlet. The team provides voters and candidates with essential tools and training, digestible data and auditing reports, outreach programs and publications. VIS also advises County Auditors in interpretations of federal and state election law to uphold the integrity of election administration throughout the state. These objectives are accomplished through official communications, collaboration with stakeholders, and educational publications including the state Voters’ Pamphlet. The VIS program also acts as liaison for the Office of the Secretary of State. Salary: $55,524 – $74,604. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Voter Services Manager, Charleston County, South Carolina— This is a managerial position that provides supervision in the daily operation and management of the front of the office, in-person absentee voting, and candidate filing. Supervises both permanent and temporary employees during in-person absentee voting for elections. Responsible for management of each satellite absentee location, as well as hiring/training absentee poll workers. Supervises the daily operations of the In-Person Absentee Voting division and oversees the work production and quantity and quality of work completed. Supervises election planning and scheduling and develops and implements policies and procedures. Supervises, trains, and evaluates the in-person absentee voting specialists and temporary staff. Performs supervisory responsibility including work assignments, working hours, and training. Evaluates performance of staff. Coordinates Satellite Voting Unit use in municipal, statewide, and special elections. Supervises the selection of in-person absentee voting sites and prepares correspondence sent to each potential location. Supervises the preparation of supplies and materials for each in-person absentee voting site. Supervises the selection of in-person absentee voting poll workers and off-site managers. Corresponds with in-person absentee voting poll workers. Develops and maintains training materials for in-person absentee voting poll workers. Manages the daily digital imaging of voter applications, boxing, storage, and archiving of in-person absentee voting records in accordance with statutory requirements. Supervises the preparation and execution of daily statistical reports during the in-person absentee voting period. Tracks statistical data for each election. Prepares materials responsive to open records requests related to in-person absentee voting. Research and resolve questions, problems, or inquiries from staff, citizens, and stakeholders. Provides oversight for candidate filing, petition management, and any inquiries of potential candidates. Oversees failsafe voting on Election Day at our office. Salary: $48,722 – $66,276 Annually, Deadline: May 1. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
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