In Focus This Week
MIT’s 2020 Election Performance Index is Out
Election Administration Was Better than Ever
Last week, the MIT Election Data + Science Lab released the latest iteration of the Elections Performance Index (EPI). Along with new data from 2020, the index has also been updated to better reflect changes that have shifted the landscape of election administration since the early 2010s.
The EPI was the first objective measure of election performance in each state for federal elections, and tracks data starting with the 2008 presidential election. It provides a comprehensive, data-focused assessment of how election administration functions in all 50 states and DC. When looking at the index for any year, we must remain mindful of the general atmosphere and context—it changes for every election. In an election year like 2020, where administrators and election officials had to adapt quickly to unprecedented challenges, data-driven measures became even more important in finding and telling the story of how elections in the US are managed.
What does the 2020 Index tell us?

(AP Photo/Christian Monterrosa)
Despite claims that the 2020 election was fraudulent or poorly managed, the 2020 EPI tells us that U.S. election management was better than ever. Even with the unexpected challenges election administrators faced, the majority of states improved: 45 states saw their index scores rise from the previous presidential election.
This upward movement continues an existing trend in election administration. While a lot of things about 2020 were different from a “normal” election—the increase in voting by mail, for example—overall, states performed essentially as they have in previous elections. While that might sound underwhelming at first, it reflects the fact that for all of 2020’s challenges, the fundamental outcomes of election administration remained consistent as election officials buckled down and held fast.
The 2020 EPI also shows us that data quality also continues to improve. While some patchiness remains, we’ve seen significant progress in overall data quality (just compare the indicator for the 2008 and 2020 elections). This is undoubtedly helped by recent improvements in the EAC’s Election Administration and Voting Survey, which is a key source of data for the EPI.
Effects from COVID-19
We all remember the scramble in early 2020, as election administrators worked overtime to rework long-standing plans to ensure that the primary and general elections were able to proceed safely and fairly in the face of a pandemic.
As many states shifted to expand their vote-by-mail policies, and pandemic shut-downs necessitated changes in polling place locations, worries rose that voters would be confused and the election would be chaotic. Happily though, we don’t see significant evidence of this in the EPI. Whether that’s due to the increased efforts of election officials, or voters simply paying closer attention to details, it is a welcome insight. A few other interesting stories of note:
- Absentee rejections. Most states improved their scores overall from 2016 to 2020, which indicates that the volume of mail ballots increased faster than rejections—good news, especially for a year where many states had to take a significant and accelerated pivot to mail voting.
- Voting by mail. When looking at the data for mail ballot rejections, we noted that signature-related reasons for rejection were higher in vote-by-mail states when compared to other states, as other reasons for rejection decreased.
- Wait times. Looking at data from the Survey of the Performance of American Elections, we noted that wait times to vote increased in 2020. We took a closer look at where wait times rose versus where they did not in this blog article about the effects of states’ decision to change (or not) their policies on absentee voting and voting by mail.
New indicators in the 2020 EPI
Longtime users of the EPI will note that the 2020 index has a few new indicators. We’ve been preparing to adjust some of the indicators in the EPI for several years, and after taking the time to review the methodology behind them and the improving data available, we’re able to more accurately reflect the evolving landscape of election administration. What follows is a quick summary of the changes:
- Replacing “Disability- and illness-related voting problems” with a “Voting Access” indicator, complete with an adjusted calculation, better reflects the intent to measure the access to voting among people with disabilities.
- Adding an indicator on Risk Limiting Audits, in addition to the existing “Post-election Audits” indicator, recognizes the advances in auditing, and boosts those that have made that move without reducing index scores for states that are pursuing more traditional auditing practices.
- Including an indicator on ERIC Membership encourages states to improve their practices on list maintenance while maintaining transparency and privacy.
As we look forward to the 2022 EPI, we continue to consider new indicators, such as the use of paper-based voting machines, web-based ballot tracking, and a new way to measure turnout that accounts for factors such as demographics and electoral competition. Revisit the EPI webpage from time to time to see what we’re thinking about these issues, and more.
As policies and best practices change, it makes sense that the EPI must change as well. These updates make the EPI a better and more accurate measurement of the state of election administration in the U.S. today. It hones the indicators to reflect the improvements in data we’ve seen in the past decade. We are confident that the 2020 EPI will stand right along with its previous iterations as the premier assessment tool to evaluate election administration and management across the United States.
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Election News This Week
Transparency: In an effort to boost transparency and the public’s confidence in the elections system, McHenry County, Illinois announced that it will hand-count one randomly selected race during upcoming elections. County Clerk Joe Tirio, said he thinks McHenry County is the first to implement such changes. The changes are meant to address concerns raised by voters about the accuracy of the equipment used in the elections, which they hope to “quell” with the new process. The hand count will be in addition to the state-mandated audit, Tirio said in a news release. The required audit calls for 5% of both precinct ballots and machines used during the election to be looked at further and checked for discrepancies, according to the release. The 5% of ballots selected for the audit are random. After the audit, the counting by hand of a randomly selected race will take place with officials from each major political party taking part. The goal is to confirm that the machines used to count the ballots match the outcome from counting by hand. Training for election judges also is planned, Tirio said. One training session will focus on signature verification. “The 2022 elections will be challenging in several ways, but I believe that this change, as well as the other changes we have made up to this point, put us in a better position than ever before and demonstrate our commitment to continuous improvement,” Tirio said in the release.
Audits: Sometimes when people mention the word audit in relationship to elections, I feel a bit like Inigo Montoya in The Princess Bride. But this week we have three stories about audits that really are about legitimate audits. In Louisiana, the Legislative Auditor found Louisiana’s elections processes and procedures were sufficient, though the Secretary of State’s office could have tighter controls over complaints. “We found (Department of State) has procedures and practices to ensure election integrity,” Auditor Michael J. “Mike” Waguespack wrote to open the 45-page report released Monday, “including using state and national data to ensure the accuracy of its voter registration list, implementing a cure process to ensure voters have an opportunity to fix incomplete absentee affidavits, implementing various Election Assistance Commission guidelines related to pre-election testing of voting machines, conducting post-election verification activities, and investigating complaints related to elections.” In Georgia, an audit released late last week found almost all of Georgia’s spending of $30 million in federal election funds was allowed, but the report questioned the secretary of state’s compliance with procurement rules, including an arrangement that increased the pay of the state’s voting system manager. The secretary of state’s office used federal Help America Vote Act money for permitted purchases, including $10 million for public communications and advertising surrounding Georgia’s switch to a new voting system that combined touchscreens with printed paper ballots, according to the report from the Georgia Department of Audits and Accounts. However, the audit found several flaws in spending procedures. Almost half of 192 grant transactions had at least one noncompliance issue, including expenses on credit cards outside the state’s official purchasing card program and $500,000 worth of public relations spending outside state contracting rules. The audit also said the secretary of state’s office might not have followed state law when its chief operating officer, Gabriel Sterling, quit his government job to become an independent contractor in charge of the rollout of Georgia’s new voting machines. In Maine, Secretary of State Shenna Bellows asked state lawmakers on Monday to provide funding for five new positions so the state can conduct regular election audits and provide year-round training for municipal election clerks. The Legislature passed a bill last year to add the positions, estimated to cost about $525,000 a year, but the bill has been sitting on the appropriations table, waiting to be funded. Bellows urged the State and Local Government Committee and the Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee to recommend including the funding in the supplemental budget being negotiated in the Legislature.
Drop Box News: Ballot drop boxes—the elections boogeyman du jour for some—were in the news this week. In Florida, once Gov. Ron DeSantis signs current legislation into law, county elections officials will be required to change the name on ballot drop boxes. The boxes will now all be required to be labeled “secure ballot intake station” and making that switch is going to cost taxpayers money. Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Wendy Sartory Link said she and her staff will have their work cut out for them. Anywhere the term drop box appears, they’ll need to scrub it. The boxes will need a paint job, a website change and hundreds of thousands of secrecy sleeves recycled and re-done. Videos that were close to release explaining the steps a ballot goes through will need to be re-shot. “Right now we’re trying to do an inventory of how much is going to be wasted, and we think it’s going to be between $50,000 and $60,000,” Link said. And in Wisconsin, after a court ruled that ballot drop boxes may not be used for the April 5 election, the Milwaukee Election Commission has come up with a work around. The election commission will be using “drive-up, staffed drop boxes” for early voting on March 26 and April 2. “Voters across Wisconsin have shown a desire and demand for convenience voting options,” a press release from the election commission read. “The City of Milwaukee remains committed to making voting as easy and accessible as possible for our citizens.” Claire Woodall-Vogg, executive director of the Milwaukee Election Commission told the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel they believe they are within their rights under the law. “Our belief is that we are in full compliance under the order and are hopeful that this will give voters another option who may not have time to return their ballot via USPS or to come all the way to City Hall,” she said.
Sticker News: Voters in Adams County, Colorado will get one of three newly designed “I Voted” stickers this year when they cast a ballot. The Adams County Elections Department picked two designs as the grand prize winner and second-place winner for the 2022 “I Voted” sticker design contest. One design was chosen as the winner of the Spanish category. These stickers will be used in the upcoming 2022 Primary Election on June 28, and the 2022 General Election on Nov. 8. “Every time we run this contest, I’m amazed at the talent our Adams County students and residents have,” said Adams County Clerk & Recorder Josh Zygielbaum. “We had a great turnout for this year’s contest—receiving 40 entries for our English category and three for the Spanish category. My office loves to see this level of involvement from the community.” Front Range Community College student Justin Perry was the grand prize winner and his sticker will be given to voters in the 2022 General Election. The Alaska Division of Elections has been one of the leaders of unique “I Voted” stickers and it seems like this year will be no different. For 2022 the Division enlisted the help of school children. The Division got 160 submissions and then they had to narrow it down for an online voting contest. “Oh, gosh. Oh my gosh. It was, it was very hard. If we could have had all of them in there, I think, I think we would have,” Tiffany Montemayor from the Division told KUAC. “ We’ve been doing some really cool sticker designs, the last few elections. And, um, I think this one is probably going to be our favorite yet,” Montemayor said. Voting continues through March 22.
Personnel News: Longtime Garfield County, Colorado Clerk and Recorder employee Jackie Harmon is running for the top spot in the office to replace Jean Alberico who is retiring. Bob Kolasky has stepped down his role at CISA’s National Risk Management Center. Longtime Watsonville, California Clerk Beatriz Vasquez Flores is retiring. Best of luck to former Santa Cruz County, California Clerk Gail Pellerin who announced she is seeking a seat in the state’s General Assembly. Former Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan has been named one of USA TODAY’s Women of the Year. Arleigh Young has been appointed interim clerk for the City of St. Albans, Vermont. Amy Cozze has stepped down as Northampton County, Pennsylvania director of elections. Montpelier City Clerk John Odum has announced his candidacy for Vermont secretary of state. Ingrid Grueter has been appointed clerk and recorder of Pitkin County, Colorado. Juleigh Ayer has been sworn in as a Coffee County, Alabama voter registrar. Nadine Williams has been appointed interim director for Fulton County, Georgia elections. Sarah Knoell has been named deputy director of elections for Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.
Legislative Updates
Alabama: The House of Representatives has passed a bill that would make it a crime for state and county election officials to take accept money or services from private groups or individuals to help with election-related expenses and with voter education, outreach, and registration. The bill is by Rep. Wes Allen, a Republican from Troy and candidate for secretary of state. The House passed the bill 72-28 with Republicans supporting it and Democrats opposed. It moves to the Senate. The vote came after the Republican majority voted to end debate on the bill. HB 194, bill says: “Notwithstanding any other law, no state or local public official responsible for the conduct of an election, nor his or her employee, may solicit, accept, or use any donation in the form of money, grants, property, or personal services from an individual or a nongovernmental entity for the purpose of funding election-related expenses or voter education, voter outreach, or voter registration programs.” A violation of the law would be a misdemeanor. Several organizations including the League of Women Voters of Alabama, Black Votes Matter and the ACUL of Alabama testified against the bill.
Alabama state law allows county and state elections, ending in a tie vote, to be decided by drawing lots or similar random methods. But state law does not require the same in municipal races or runoffs whenever a tie occurs. A special election, or a second runoff, would take place. Under HB144 settling a tied municipal election would be done through lots similar to state and county elections. Secretary of State John Merrill supports the legislation, Merrill said the advantage of HB144 is to save on the costs of a municipality holding a special election. A fiscal note attached to the bill says that a cost savings would be realized through HB144, but an exact amount was “undetermined.” The estimate to hold a special election in Mobile, for instance, is around $134,000. The bill is awaiting consideration before a Senate committee, and Merrill said he is hopeful it gets a hearing this week.
Arizona: The Senate voted down a plan to require the state auditor general to conduct an exhaustive review following every election. The audit bill would have appropriated nearly $4 million a year for a staff of 29.25 full-time equivalent positions to conduct an audit of nearly every aspect of the election in Maricopa and Pima counties as well as two randomly selected smaller counties. The bill would have essentially made the Senate Republicans’ 2020 election review a permanent fixture following elections, but would have put it in the hands of a respected government agency. The bill also would have required the public release of ballot images stored by the machines that count them and made changes to the procedures for keeping voter registration rolls up to date. The measure failed when all 14 Democrats and two Republicans voted against it.
The Senate Judiciary Committee has passed a bill that requires voters to provide satisfactory evidence of U.S. citizenship to cast a ballot. It also requires proof of residency within the state. The measure also makes it a felony for election workers to process incomplete voter applications, or knowingly register non-citizens. After passing the House, the measure now needs to be approved by the full Senate.
Colorado: Colorado Democrats introduced a bill that aims to shore up election security further in Colorado in the face of alleged security compromises in Mesa and Elbert counties by the clerk and recorders in those counties. SB22-153, called the Colorado Election Security Act, is sponsored by Senate President Steve Fenberg, D-Boulder, and Rep. Susan Lontine, D-Denver. It is a measure that Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold has pushed for in the wake of the alleged breaches of election equipment in Mesa and Elbert counties, which state and federal investigators are looking into. The measure, as introduced, would strengthen some existing security laws and add new ones to try to better keep people from potentially compromising election systems, including making accessing voting equipment without proper authorization, or publishing confidential election information like system passwords, a class 5 felony. Supporters of the newly introduced Senate bill say it is an attempt to push back at the election conspiracy theories that have permeated facets of the Republican party in Colorado and across the country.
A GOP-heralded bill aimed at limiting the average voter’s ability to submit an early ballot by mail in Colorado has failed in committee. The main goal of HB22-1204, introduced by Rep. Ron Hanks, was to limit both the option to partake in early voting and the option to vote by mail in Colorado. The bill was postponed indefinitely in the House State, Civic, Military and Veterans Affairs committee. This restriction on voters would have been compounded with the execution of the bill’s measure that would have required the secretary of state to withdraw from any electronic registration information systems within 30 days of the bill’s implementation.
Connecticut: By a 126-12 vote, House passed a bill that redefines “sickness” in general rather than a personal “illness” as an appropriate excuse for absentee voting. Under the bill, “An Act Revising Certain Absentee Voting Eligibility Statutes,” rather than referring to an individual voter’s specific illness, the statutes would just say “sickness.” With the broader term, the sickness excuse could apply to fear of catching a disease like COVID-19 and allow for caretakers to vote absentee, House leadership said during a news conference Wednesday morning. The summary of the bill describes the language that would be changed in the statutes: “qualified voters may vote by absentee ballot if they are unable to appear at their polling place during voting hours because of (1) sickness, rather than because of their own illness, or (2) physical disability, rather than because of their own physical disability.” The bill also will make it so people don’t have to be away from the town where they’re registered to vote all day to vote absentee, and can instead be gone for just part of the day. Members of the military, election workers and people with religious reservations can vote absentee as well. The state Senate is expected to vote on the measure next week.
Delaware: The Senate Elections and Government Affairs Committee has approved Senate Bill 233 which will require Delaware cities and towns to use the state’s voter registration system for local elections. Proponents say the bill will increase voter turnout and eliminate a problem wherein voters arrive to vote in municipal elections only to be turned away because they did not know they had to register with the town. Opponents say the bill infringes on municipalities’ autonomy and that cities should be able to decide how to run their own elections. The bill has exceptions that provide for local control, including a provision that allows municipalities to maintain their own voter rolls for non-resident voters like business owners and seasonal-resident property owners.
Georgia: An elections bill that would authorize paper ballot inspections and GBI fraud investigations cleared its committee, setting up a likely vote in the state House within days. The committee vote was split along party lines, with Republicans saying the legislation would improve security and Democrats criticizing another round of changes to voting rules following last year’s sweeping elections overhaul. The 39-page Georgia elections measure, House Bill 1464, focuses on election security after last year’s 98-page bill limited drop boxes, required more ID for absentee voting and allowed state takeovers of local election boards. Under the legislation, original paper ballots would become public records available for members of the public to request and review. Under current law, ballots can only be unsealed by a judge’s order, though digital ballot images are already available. The GBI would gain jurisdiction to investigate election cases and subpoena records, supplementing investigators in the secretary of state’s office. The bill also would restrict nonprofit funding for elections offices, require chain-of-custody paperwork when election officials handle ballots and make it a felony to threaten violence against poll workers and election officials. The bill was approved by the House on a 98-73 party line vote.
Idaho: Rep. Dorothy Moon, R-Stanley, who is running for Idaho Secretary of State in this spring’s primary elections, is making her third attempt to make widespread changes to voter registration and identification laws in the name of election security. Moon sponsored House Bill 761. The House State Affairs Committee voted to put it on a fast-track and send it straight to the floor of the Idaho House of Representatives, skipping the committee public hearing process. Moon’s new 21-page bill would make several changes if it is passed into law. Some of the changes include: Student IDs will no longer be accepted to vote, as they are in current law; Voters will no longer have the option to sign a sworn affidavit at the polls to verify their identity; A concealed weapons permit would now be accepted for voting; To register on Election Day at the polls, voters would need to bring additional documents to prove their citizenship, address verification and identification, such as a U.S. passport or birth certificate, a utility bill (not including cell phones) that is no more than six months old or a lease agreement or mortgage and a current Idaho driver’s license or active duty United States military ID card. The bill would also create a $200,000 fund to pay for state identification cards that would be accepted for voting and available free of charge for people who do not have a driver’s license or one of the other accepted forms of identification. The bill passed in a 47-21 vote. If passed by both chambers, it would go into law on July 1.
Two bills proposing sweeping changes to Idaho’s voting laws were killed in a Senate committee, amid an outcry from county clerks, voting rights advocates, a victim of domestic violence and others. With numerous similar bills pending, lawmakers are now discussing a possible interim study of Idaho’s election laws. Sen. Mary Souza, R-Coeur d’Alene, sponsor of both bills and a candidate for Idaho Secretary of State, said her bills would “make sure we don’t have the problems that we see across the country.” She was particularly critical of absentee voting, saying it’s an avenue for fraud. SB 1375, sought to ban ballot drop boxes; alter Idaho’s voter identification rules in numerous ways, including prohibiting the use of student or military ID’s and ending the use of affidavits for voters who don’t bring their ID, which she termed “not a safe system;” require proof of identity, residence and citizenship both to register to vote and at the polls; require a new application for an absentee ballot for each election with proof of identity, residence and citizenship; and require anyone registering to vote electronically or by mail to first vote in person before they’re allowed to vote by absentee ballot. SB 1376, was an anti-“ballot harvesting” bill that would make it a crime for anyone other than the voter’s caregiver, family member or household member to deliver their ballot, and for anyone to deliver more than six ballots including their own. It also would add new requirements for an affidavit on the envelope from the person delivering the ballot and require that person to show a photo ID if they’re delivering the ballot in person.
Illinois: Lawmakers are considering a bill, SB 828, that would allow people to vote while serving a felony sentence in county jails or state or federal prisons. The same bill failed last year, coming up three votes short in the Democratic-controlled Illinois House, but voting advocates say they hope the vote will go differently this year. House sponsor La Shawn K. Ford, a Democrat who represents the state’s 8th District, said he hasn’t given up hope that it could still be passed by the end of the month. If it makes it through the House, the bill will likely pass in the Senate, which is controlled by Democrats and already approved it last year. Gov. J.B. Pritzker, a Democrat, has not yet said whether he would sign the bill.
A bill in the House would allow the voters with disabilities to use their assistive technology to cast their ballot remotely, similar to vote by mail. It would go into effect for the November 2022 general election. However, blind community members argue this should go into effect in time for the June 28 primary. “There’s no reason, in my opinion, this could not be done in June,” witness Ray Campbell said. He cited several federal laws that require accessible voting, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act. Bill sponsor Rep. Katie Stuart said she shares the desire to implement electronic return voting. The bill previously passed unanimously out of the Senate and now is waiting in the House Ethics and Elections Committee. There’s a deadline to have all bills out of committee by next Friday.
Indiana: Gov. Eric Holcomb signed a bill recently that requires all counties using MicroVote voting machines to have a paper trail before the next presidential election in 2024. More than half of the counties in Indiana now use MicroVote voting machines – machines that have no paper record showing votes cast, making it impossible for election workers or outside officials to do a risk-limiting audit following an election, or to recount votes in the event of a close election or a legal contest. The new law requires counties using MicroVote machines to have external printers for all of these machines by July 1, 2024 – printers called vvpats, for voter verified paper audit trail. Before the bill being signed this week, counties had until December 2029 under state law to either replace their MicroVote voting machines or buy vvpats for all of them.
Kansas: By a 27-11 vote, the Senate approved a senator’s efforts to ensure all voting systems in Kansas use a paper ballot with a distinctive watermark. Senate Bill 389, introduced by Sen. Richard Hildebrand, R-Galena, also requires a hand audit of these ballots after the election. Currently, Kansas requires election clerks to physically stamp each ballot, but Hildebrand brought the bill to ensure human error does not come into play. In a hearing earlier this month, voting rights advocates raised concerns about the impact of the bill on Kansans with disabilities and the cost for counties to print new ballots. The concerns were echoed by Senate Democrats who said this would not address any real issue. The state would not incur any costs, although counties would incur costs related to ballot printing and additional wages for election board workers. A provision in the measure authorizes a risk-limiting audit. This provides a confidence assessment for each race to allow election offices to focus their attention where it is needed most.
Kentucky: House Bill 564 and Senate Bill 216 both want to make it illegal for election voting machines to be connected to the internet. Secretary of State Michael Adams said that’s already in practice in the commonwealth, but writing it in law can help dispel future allegations. House Bill 564 would also make it a Class D felony if someone does connect one to the internet. The Senate’s bill proposes requiring clerks switch to only paper ballots by Jan. 1, 2024. It would also double the number of counties that get audited and it could add surveillance cameras to watch ballots overnight. The cameras would not watch how people vote. Senate Bill 216 would also remove credit cards as a valid form of ID for a Kentucky voter. Adams said only 167 voters used this method in 2020, so he doesn’t see it being harmful. He also said if someone has a problem paying for a photo ID, his office can help get them one for free. House Bill 564 would boost the number of days for in-person absentee early voting, require the voter to be a U.S. citizen and further define “election officers” to protect them from threats and intimidation.
Portland, Maine: Portland’s Charter Commission advanced a proposal that would allow noncitizen residents to vote in municipal elections. While the group was largely in agreement that immigration status shouldn’t prevent someone from voting, the group’s legal advisor expressed doubts about the city’s ability to extend voting rights in this way. The Commission voted 10 to 2 in support of the universal resident voting proposal. The measure now heads to the commission’s legal advisors to draft the official language, and will ultimately be put to voters as a ballot question. Maine state law requires residents to be U.S. citizens in order to cast ballots in municipal elections. Attorney Jim Katsiaficas, the commission’s legal advisor, said the question is whether local governments can overrule state law based on their home rule authority. The commission will have to vote on the measure again after attorney Katsiaficas drafts the precise language that will be submitted to the city council along with the group’s other recommendations. Those recommendations will then be presented to voters as ballot questions.
Michigan: House lawmakers approved a series of proposals that would tighten voting rules and restrict ballot access. The measures would limit absentee ballot mailings, require physical signatures on absentee ballot applications, bar outside funding for elections, expand poll watchers’ access and subject poll workers’ party affiliation to public inspection. The package — similar to measures already vetoed by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer last year — will almost certainly fail according to Bridge Michigan. The bills also received opposition from Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s office. Opponents of the measures have argued the bills could mean more workload on local clerks, according to a House fiscal analysis of one measure.
House Bill 5288, sponsored by Rep. Andrew Beeler, R-Fort Gratiot, would require those who wish to vote absentee to physically sign their ballot applications instead of offering electronic signatures. It would also allow voters to apply for absentee ballots in person, by mail, email or fax. The absentee ballot application would not be made available under this bill more than 75 days ahead of an election. There is no limit on when ballots can be sent out under the current law.
House Bill 4876, sponsored by Alexander, would require poll workers to disclose to the public their political party affiliations, which they currently disclose on their applications for the position submitted to local clerks. The bill would require applicants to attest to their party affiliations and make that information available to local political party chairs and the public.
House Bill 4897, carried by Rep. Julie Calley, R-Portland, would allow party committees, organizations or “interested citizens” to appoint additional poll watchers at stations where absentee ballots are processed and at local clerks’ offices at any given time during an election day. Political candidates, who are not currently allowed to serve as poll watchers, would be allowed to do so as long as it’s outside the jurisdiction they run in.
House Bill 5268, also sponsored by Calley, would prohibit a local clerk’s office from sending out absentee ballots unless they had been requested by email, mail, fax or in person. The bill would ban the Secretary of State’s office from giving out absentee ballots. Currently, the law leaves it to the discretion of clerks to send out unsolicited absentee ballot applications.
House Bill 5253, by Rep. Sarah Lightner, R-Springport, would prohibit the Secretary of State and local election officials from accepting any election-related equipment as gifts. That would include tabulators, voting booths, and absent voter ballot drop boxes.
House Democrats have introduced a 9-bill package that would allow for early in-person voting, prohibit petition signature gatherers from making false statements and ban guns from polling locations. The package would require nine days of early in-person voting for eight hours a day and prohibit petition signature gatherers from making misleading statements about the petition while speaking with signers. The bills also would codify in state law several rules Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson has attempted to usher in before and after the November 2020 presidential election. Those bills include a process for clerks to verify signatures on absentee voter ballots and applications, requirements that clerks notify voters of a potential signature issue and the creation of an online absentee ballot application system that allows for the online tracking of absentee ballots. The legislation also would prohibit the possession of a firearm inside a polling location or within 100 feet of a polling location, a rule Benson and Attorney General Dana Nessel tried to put in place before the November 2020 election. The legislation also is expected to require the state to pay for special state legislative elections, rather than have the local municipalities pay for the election, and prohibit pre-registered voter information for voters under the age of 18 to be accessed through a public record request.
Mississippi: A proposal that would clarify how some formerly convicted felons have their voting rights restored is hanging on by a thread in the Mississippi Legislature. House Bill 630, which would have allowed former felons who have had their crimes expunged to automatically gain their voting rights back, died in committee last week. But House Judiciary B Chairman Nick Bain, R-Corinth, slipped the felony expungement provision into an unrelated bill — Senate Bill 2066. The original intent of that bill was to increase the salaries of district attorneys in the state. “They (district attorneys) are not too happy about it,” Bain said. “But none of them have said they disagree with the bill.” Current state law requires a person to petition a court to expunge a crime from their criminal record five years after they have completed their sentence requirements and paid all of their fines. But some legislators are claiming that there are some circuit clerks who have not acknowledged expungement orders as sufficient evidence to grant suffrage back to people who try to register to vote again. “This bill takes a very tiny baby step and clarifies that once a person has had an expungement, they are entitled to have the right to vote,” Rep. Shanda Yates, I-Jackson, said at a committee meeting earlier this year. The legislation will head to a conference committee, so the final details will be worked out toward the end of the session and come back before both chambers for a vote.
Missouri: The Legislature is taking another shot at requiring voters to present a photo ID before they cast their ballots. The House voted 96-35 to approve a bill requiring an approved photo identification, such as a non-expired driver’s license or a state-issued ID in order to vote. The bill now goes to the Senate. In addition to in-person voters, the new requirements would apply to those voting absentee. The bill also creates a process in which a person without a photo ID could vote through a provisional ballot. The voter would be required to fill out an affidavit before casting a ballot. The affidavit allows the voter to return the same day with a valid photo ID for their vote to count. Alternatively, an election official would be able to verify a voter’s identity by comparing their signature on the affidavit to an on-file signature. The bill’s sponsor, Rep. John Simmons, R-Washington, said the state has an easy process for residents to get a photo ID that’s acceptable for voting. The House on Thursday also passed a proposed constitutional amendment that would put the same question, requiring a photo ID to vote, to voters in the November election.
Nye County, Nevada: Nye County commissioners voted 5-0 to have the 2022 primary and general elections use only paper ballots and count those ballots by hand — the latest response by a rural Nevada county to greatly overhaul election administration in response to unproven conspiracy theories about the 2020 election. Republican Commissioner Debra Strickland’s request for the agenda item points to “concerns about the integrity of the voting process” raised by many Nye County citizens and states that it “will help reassure voters that their voice is heard, and their votes are accurately recorded.” Strickland told The Nevada Independent in an interview Monday that the proposal would eliminate the use of the county’s Dominion Voting Systems electronic machines during the elections, if accepted by Nye County Clerk Sandra Merlino. “No one in the state of Nevada does this,” Merlino said. “They don’t hand count and use only paper ballots.”
New Hampshire: The House passed a handful of voting bills this week, with bipartisan support:
Over-voted ballots – ballots that have corrections, stray marks, or too many selections – would be counted by hand if House Bill 1163 becomes law. The aim is to create a standard among towns that use machine scanners, which accept these ballots but don’t count them, and towns that don’t use machine scanners, where the ballots are already being hand-counted.
House Bill 1457 directs town clerks to store and log ballot materials after an election in case of a recount. The version passed by the House on Tuesday was pared back from the original bill, which would’ve had ballots shipped along with a police escort to Concord for storage in a secure room with barred windows, motion-activated cameras, and restricted access.
And recounts that do happen would be expanded to include a partial recount of one or two additional offices, such as votes for president, U.S. senator or representative, governor, or executive councilor, if House Bill 1467, which passed the House, becomes law.
Paterson City, New Jersey: The Paterson City Council advanced an ordinance authorizing early voting in this May’s municipal election, at their Tuesday Regular meeting. If approved at their March 22 meeting, the Ordinance will authorize an early voting period for the election in accordance with the provisions of the Early Voting Act. The Ordinance was since amended to include one voting site in each Ward to accommodate Paterson residents. As of now, it is unknown where the locations will be. Those who were opposed to putting it on the agenda in the workshop meeting on March 1, voted in favor of the Ordinance due to the amendments of the site locations. If the Ordinance for Second Reading is approved, voting will begin three days before election day which is May 10.
Ohio: In a 26-2 vote, the Senate finished off a measure to change deadlines for overseas and military Ohioans to submit their absentee ballots. The body concurred with changes by the House, and granted Secretary of State Frank LaRose’s request to allow absentee ballots to be sent up to 30 days before the election and to expedite delivery of those ballots to and from the voters as part of the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act. The amendment was made to a previously passed bill, Senate Bill 11, which was originally written to designate a week for congenital heart defect awareness. The bill included a $200,000 appropriation for the secretary of state’s office. It has been signed into law by Gov. Mike DeWine.
Vermont: Bill S.229 aimed to have ranked choice ballots in the hands of voters by the 2024 primary, but Secretary of State Jim Condos said the timeline is unrealistic given how busy his office is with this year’s elections. “I worry that this on-ramp before us is too short to replicate these enhancements,” Condos said. “As a former legislator, I believe strongly it would be irresponsible to pass legislation this year that you know you have to come back and fix next year.” Condos has been a vocal advocate of ranked choice voting. As a state legislator, he spent several years trying to build support for the system, but never managed to get the momentum his bills needed. That change in outlook was due to Condos learning that a ten year contract for the state’s election management system will expire January 2024, and the process for finding a new one could take up to 18 months. The bill failed to go to a vote in committee, meaning that ranked choice voting in Vermont has suffered the latest in a long line of setbacks.
Lawmakers have started a process to override the governor’s veto on legislation to give younger Brattleboro voters the ability to participate in local elections. The Vermont House of Representatives voted 102 to 47 to override the veto. One-hundred votes were needed and now, the Senate will require 20 votes in favor. “Youth are affected by local political issues as much as anyone,” Rep. Emilie Kornheiser, D-Windham-2-1, said Friday in a speech from the floor. “They also work without limits on hours and pay taxes on their income, and can drive in most states. Sixteen- and 17-year-olds deserve the right to vote on issues that affect them. In paying income taxes, youth are contributing money to a system in which they have no voice.” Gov. Phil Scott vetoed the bill on Feb. 28, the day before annual Town Meeting Day in Vermont, citing concerns about how the charter change would further contribute to a patchwork of age requirements in laws. Kornheiser said Brattleboro residents approved a charter change that would lower the voting age in a 908-408 vote in March 2019.
Legal Updates
Colorado: Elbert County Clerk Dallas Schroeder and Douglas County Clerk Merlin Klotz, along with a few Republican County Commissioners from Park and Rio Blanco counties are suing Secretary of State Jena Griswold for access to election servers. They want to see if the election equipment software update, known as a “Trusted Build” deleted election data. “What we’re asking the court to do is allow us to get an image of the system as it exists today,” said John Case, the attorney representing Schroeder, Klotz and the county commissioners. Schroeder admitted in an affidavit last month that he made his own copies of his voting machine services before the Trusted Build. “I made a forensic image of everything on the election server, and I saved the image to a secure external hard drive,” Schroeder wrote. “Let’s see if the update erased records, that’s all we want to know,” said Case. “The Secretary (of State) is preventing that audit from taking place. She won’t allow the county clerks to hire their own experts to look at the system.” Last year, the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office approved emergency rules limiting who can access voting machine servers. They have to pass a criminal background check and be an employee of the clerk’s office, Secretary of State’s Office, voting system provider or an election judges. Denver District Judge David Goldberg said it would be more than a week before he decides if this case continues. “Politics has no place in this courtroom and we will look at it from a legal standpoint,” said Goldberg.
Indiana: U.S. District Judge Jane Magnus-Stinson has struck down Indiana’s mandatory absentee voter traveling board as discriminating against voters with disabilities in advance of the May 2022 election. Blind and low-vision sued the state of Indiana, alleging the state’s voting system violates the Americans with Disabilities Act and deprives them of their right to vote independently and privately. Magnus-Stinson granted in part, and denied in part, a motion for a preliminary injunction. “The motion is granted to the extent that defendants are ordered to make the use of a traveling board permissive, rather than mandatory, for voters with print disabilities seeking to vote absentee by mail in the upcoming May 3 primary election,” according to the court’s order. Voters with print disabilities may complete mail-in ballots with the assistance of an individual of their own choosing, with certain limits the judge said. The person providing the assistance cannot be an employer or union officer of the voter, nor can they be an agent of the employer or the union. Further, the state must notify county election boards that they must accept and count such ballots if they are otherwise valid, the judge wrote.
Maryland: The Maryland Court of Appeals postponed the state’s primary election from June 28 to July 19, placing it in the middle of summer vacation season and shortening the general election campaign. The state’s high court acted as a series of continuing legal challenges to Democratic-created maps have created uncertainty about what the final districts will look like in state legislative, congressional and some county council districts. Those uncertainties made it increasingly difficult for elections officials to plan. In an order signed by Chief Judge Joseph M. Getty, the court also pushed the filing deadline for candidates from March 22 to April 15. That deadline already had been postponed once, amid legal challenges to redistricting plans. The primary will feature nominating races for governor, a U.S. Senate seat, all eight congressional seats, state delegates and senators, and a number of county and local positions.
Michigan: Kathy Funk, election supervisor in Genesee County has been charged by Michigan’s Attorney General with ballot tampering. The tampering occurred in 2020 when she was Flint Township clerk. Funk narrowly won the August Democratic primary to hold on to the clerk’s job. After the primary, Funk reported a break in at the township office. She claimed a seal on a ballot container had been broken. But after a Michigan State Police investigation, the Attorney General’s office now alleges Funk purposely broke the seal. Under state law, votes in a container with a broken seal cannot be counted in a recount. Funk is facing ballot tampering and misconduct in office charges. Each a five-year felony.
Court of Claims Judge Thomas C. Cameron dismissed a lawsuit challenging the legality of $16 million donated to nearly 500 Michigan clerks for the 2020 election. Republican voters from Macomb, Livingston and Oakland counties in October 2020 filed a lawsuit in Michigan claiming the funds amounted to a get-out-the-vote campaign focused “primarily on urban and Democrat jurisdictions.” Cameron, appointed to the court by former Republican Gov. Rick Snyder in 2017, didn’t address the merit of the arguments, but said the plaintiffs didn’t have grounds to file the lawsuit and that the matter was mostly moot, since it focused on the 18-month-old election. “Notably, it appears to be undisputed at this time that no counties or jurisdictions — in particular, the jurisdictions in which plaintiffs reside — were denied access to the funds at issue,” Cameron said in his opinion dismissing the lawsuit. “This undermines plaintiffs’ assertion of standing with respect to the constitutional violations they have alleged. In other words, without the targeted access to funds that was once alleged, plaintiffs fail to state an injury that is different from that of the citizenry at large.”
Minnesota: The Minnesota Supreme Court ruled that the state’s appeals court properly dismissed a lawsuit brought by the Minnesota Voters Alliance against Ramsey and Olmsted Counties as well as the City of Duluth over absentee ballot concerns. In the 25-page ruling, Justice Barry Anderson ruled that Ramsey and Olmsted Counties did not violate state statute in their processes of appointing deputy county auditors to help process absentee ballots during the 2020 election. The Minnesota Voters Alliance filed lawsuits in June and July 2020 arguing that statutory requirements for how election judges are appointed, specifically off approved partisan lists, also apply to deputy county auditors. But in the ruling, Anderson wrote the statute was clear in distinguishing between deputy county auditors and election judges and the restrictions that may or may not apply to the roles. While election judges need to be appointed from a list of candidates supplied by major political parties and must disclose their personal political affiliation, that is not the case for deputy county auditors serving on absentee ballot boards. The case reached the state’s highest court after the civil lawsuits against Ramsey and Olmsted counties, as well as lawsuits against the cities of Duluth and Minneapolis, were dismissed in September 2020 by district courts on the grounds that the Alliance had not proven a violation of duty clearly imposed by law, a public wrong that was specifically injurious to the Alliance or a lack of other adequate remedies.
Montana: Attorneys on either side of a consolidated lawsuit challenging new state election laws delivered arguments before Yellowstone County District Court Judge Michael Moses, with much of the debate centering on one critical question: Do the laws, passed by the Legislature last year, infringe on Montanans’ constitutional right to vote? The case is a combination of three lawsuits filed separately against Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen last year by the Montana Democratic Party, the Indigenous rights nonprofit Western Native Voice and the voting rights nonprofit Montana Youth Action, as well as four Montana tribal nations and several other state-based nonprofits. The lawsuits were merged in December, and together the plaintiffs have sought a court order blocking laws that ended same-day voter registration (House Bill 176), changed state voter ID requirements (Senate Bill 169), outlawed paid ballot collection (House Bill 530) and prevented election officials from distributing ballots to minors who will turn 18 within 30 days of Election Day (House Bill 506). Moses closed the hearing saying he had “a lot of work to do.” He did not indicate when he might issue a ruling on the injunction request.
Oregon: Josiah Samuel Bridges, 23, of Portland got probation and a stern talking-to from a judge after pleading guilty to trying to sell his 2020 presidential election ballot. Bridges had listed the ballot for sale that fall along with a pair of tennis shoes on the mobile marketplace OfferUp. He later told investigators he did it to pay his rent and because he didn’t like either candidate up for election, former President Donald Trump and winner Joe Biden, court documents show. He didn’t think anyone would actually take him up on it, said Amy Seely, a special prosecutor for the Oregon Department of Justice. But several concerned Oregonians reported the ballot offer to a tip line through the state Justice Department, so agents set up a sting and caught Bridges at a Fred Meyer in St. Johns, the court records show. Bridges initially tried to sell the signed ballot for $200, but an undercover agent negotiated it down to $125 and completed the transaction as other agents watched from nearby. Bridges said he didn’t know it was illegal to sell a ballot. He pleaded guilty to one count of illegal sale of election material, in addition to fourth-degree assault in a separate case. He was sentenced to three years of probation and 120 hours of community service.
Pennsylvania: A federal judge has thrown out a lawsuit filed by the ACLU that had aimed to require Lehigh County to count 257 mail-in ballots from the 2021 general election that were disqualified because they were missing the handwritten date on the outer envelope. The ACLU had filed the lawsuit on behalf of five county residents who had not provided the handwritten date on the outer envelope. The five voters who filed suit had also asked the court to temporarily halt the county from certifying the results while the case is heard. The federal judge ruled that the handwritten date requirement does not pose an undue burden on the plaintiffs’ right to vote under the First and Fourteenth Amendments.
Texas: The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals released three rulings this week, upholding Texas’ voting restrictions passed by GOP lawmakers. The first case concerns Texas’ House Bill 25, passed in 2017, which banned straight-ticket voting in the state. In their original suit, the plaintiffs argued this would violate the First, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. On appeal, the Secretary of State, John Scott, argued that the lawsuit is barred by sovereign immunity, and the plaintiffs failed to present a case that could overcome such protection. The appeals court agreed, finding that enforcement of the statute is the responsibility of local election officials and not the secretary of state. In the second case, plaintiffs argued that provisions of the election code that require voters to pay for postage, set postmark deadlines and create signature verification standards violate the First, Fourteenth and Twenty-Fourth Amendments. The Secretary of State moved to dismiss the claims on the ground of sovereign immunity. Denying the secretary’s motion to dismiss, the district court found that because the secretary is responsible for managing the state’s elections, he is the proper defendant in the suit. Scott immediately appealed the court’s denial of his sovereign immunity claim. Writing the court’s majority opinion, Stuart Duncan found that the secretary is not a proper defendant because he is not responsible for enforcing provisions of the election code when it comes to voting by mail. In this case, Duncan directed the lower court to dismiss the plaintiff’s claims outright, having found that Scott is not the proper defendant in this case as well. Finally, the court ruled nearly identically in a case filed by voting rights groups including the League of Women Voters of Texas, against the secretary of state over the state’s signature verification system. The plaintiffs, in that case, argued that the system violates the due process and equal protection clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment. The district court again denied the secretary of state’s motion to dismiss and issued an injunction in the plaintiff’s favor. The Appeals Court justices concluded that Scott is not responsible for enforcing the state’s signature verification system and therefore he is not the proper defendant in the case.
Vermont: Burlington City Council candidate Aleczander Stith is taking the Ward 7 election results to court, contending that the city may have violated election law by failing to contact voters who cast defective ballots. Stith, a Democrat, asked for a recount after losing the Town Meeting Day election to incumbent Councilor Ali Dieng, an independent, by just two votes. The recount, held at city hall on Monday, confirmed Dieng’s 795 to 793 victory. Stith filed his appeal in Chittenden Superior Court. At issue are seven ballots that local officials marked as “spoiled” and were not opened or counted on Town Meeting Day. City officials also didn’t consider them in the recount, despite a request from Stith’s attorney, Ed Adrian. All seven ballots were mailed in and were deemed defective because the voters didn’t sign the certification envelope; placed the ballot in the wrong envelope; or didn’t include a ballot at all.
The Vermont Supreme Court has ended Brian Judd’s bid to recount the ballots cast in the Ward 2 race he lost to Teddy Waszazak in March 2021. More than a year into what might have been Judd’s first two-year term on the City Council, he failed to persuade the state’s highest court that a superior court judge erred by denying his election-related appeal following a hearing last summer. Dissatisfied with Judge Robert Bent’s ruling, Judd took his man against machines appeal in an election that was close to the next level — representing himself in a Supreme Court appeal that produced a familiar result. In an unambiguous opinion that barely needed a fourth page, justices affirmed Bent’s months-old decision and ended Judd’s year-long quest to have the ballots cast in the Ward 2 race Waszazak won, 247-209, to secure his second two-year term on the council. The 38-vote margin was close, but well outside the 5% range that would have entitled Judd to the recount he requested, was denied, offered to pay for, and was denied again before filing the first of his legal appeals.
Virginia: A three-judge panel of the Richmond-based 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has sent a case challenging the 2021 Virginia House elections back to a lower court to determine whether the Democratic activist behind the lawsuit has legal standing to sue. The court heard arguments last week from Paul Goldman, a lawyer and the former chairman of the Virginia Democratic Party, and Virginia Solicitor General Andrew Ferguson after the state appealed a U.S. District Court’s ruling allowing the case to move forward. Goldman and Ferguson argued the case’s merits and whether Goldman demonstrated in his lawsuit how he was injured by the decision to hold last year’s House of Delegates elections under old district lines. The question before the appeals court was if Goldman had standing to sue members of the state’s Board of Elections and Virginia’s Elections Commissioner, a decision the judges punted back to the lower court. “It is apparent that a determination of the standing to sue issue ‘cannot be achieved simply by reviewing the plaintiffs’ pleadings and the limited record on appeal,’” the court wrote in an order.
Tech Thursday
Hamilton County, Ohio: This week, social media channel YouTube temporarily suspended and then reinstated the Hamilton County Board of Elections channel and no one is really sure why. The channel was suspended over the weekend and then restored by late Monday with the help of the secretary of state’s office. In an email to the secretary of state’s office, YouTube said “We have reinstated the channel and resolved the warning as non-malicious doxxing was confirmed.” The email didn’t explain what nonmalicious doxxing is nor the specifics of why the channel was suspended. “Obviously there has to be some sort of mistake,” said Sherry Poland, director of elections. “We solely use that to communicate information.”
Opinions This Week
National Opinions: Election protection | Democracy | Threats, II | Election police | Voting Rights Act
Arizona: Election legislation
Colorado: Ranked choice voting | Tina Peters | Election security legislation
Idaho: Election legislation
Indiana: Voting rights
Missouri: Eligible voters | Voter ID
New Mexico: Election legislation | Election integrity
Ohio: Primary date
Pennsylvania: Democracy | In-person voting
Texas: Rejected ballots | Disenfranchised voters
Vermont: Transparency
Upcoming Events
Defending Our Constitution and Elections: A Bipartisan Conversation with Rep. Liz Cheney: A bipartisan group of Wyoming citizens are hosting Nick Penniman, CEO and Founder of the nonprofit group Issue One, and Wyoming’s U.S. Representative Liz Cheney, for a bipartisan and civil conversation on defending our constitution and protecting elections. The event will be held in the Jackson Hole Center for the Arts Auditorium on March 22 at 7:00 P.M. Livestream the event. Paul Hansen, Common Ground columnist for the Jackson Hole News&Guide, and Paul Vogelheim, past chair of the Teton County Board of County Commissioners, will be co-moderators of the discussion. Issue One is America’s leading crosspartisan group dedicated to protecting our elections and bringing Republicans, Democrats, and independents together in the effort to fix our broken political system. U.S. Representative Liz Cheney has served as Wyoming’s lone voice in the U.S. House of Representatives since 2016. She has become well known nationally for her courageous defense of our democracy. When: March 22, 7pm. Where: Online.
Social Media’s Free Speech Problem: The problem of misinformation on social media has ballooned over the last few years, especially in relation to elections. The result has been further polarization of our already divided country. There has been a boisterous debate about the de-platforming of former president Donald Trump, but how else are social media companies able to combat those deliberately spreading false information? How do we control this false speech while protecting the First Amendment — and our democracy? Join us for a live discussion with one of the country’s leading experts on election law, Richard L. Hasen, author of the upcoming book Cheap Speech: How Disinformation Poisons Our Politics — and How to Cure It, for a look into how social media companies can solve this problem without shutting down the essential free flow of ideas and opinions. When: March 24, 6pm. Where: Online
Election Accuracy: Going on the Offensive: Local and state election officials in the United States — who run the most accurate and secure voting process in the world — are finding that facts are not a sufficient defense of their election outcomes. Despite the rigorous steps that protect voter registration, ballot distribution, election systems and vote counting, conspiracy theories are undermining the public’s trust in this most basic act of a democracy. To combat this problem, experts from around the nation analyze the problem to provide actionable steps so election administrators can go on the offense to manage communications before, during and after an election. Hosted by the Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota. 9am to 12:30pm Central. Where: Online. When: April 22.
IGO Annual Conference: Join the International Association of Government Officials for their 5th Annual Conference this summer. Check back here for more details and how to register. When: June 17-24. Where: Indian Wells, California.
NASS Summer Conference: Join the National Association of Secretaries of State for their Annual Conference this summer. Check back here for more details and how to register. When: July 7-10. Where: Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
NASED Summer Conference: Twice a year, NASED members gather to discuss the latest developments in election administration. Members of the public are welcome to attend at the non-member registration rate. When: July 18-21. Where: Madison, Wisconsin.
Election Center Annual Conference: Join the National Association of Election Officials (The Election Center) for their 37th Annual Conference this summer. When: August 20-24. Where: Denver.
Job Postings This Week
electionlineWeekly publishes election administration job postings each week as a free service to our readers. To have your job listed in the newsletter, please send a copy of the job description, including a web link to Job postings must be received by 5pm on Wednesday in order to appear in the Thursday newsletter. Listings will run for three weeks or till the deadline listed in the posting.
Account Management Specialist, EI-ISAC— The EI-ISAC is looking for an ambitious teammate who is passionate about making a difference in the realm of cybersecurity for (SLTT) election offices. The ideal candidate will be comfortable building relationships with the election community to support and advance the mission of “confidence in a connected world.” What You’ll Do: Support the development and execution of the EI-ISAC strategy and mission; Assist election officials to determine security needs and how they integrate with election technology; Facilitate communications between election officials and IT professionals; Provide exceptional service to all members and be able to explain the concepts and services that can protect their technology via email, phone calls, and WebEx meetings/conferences; Ensure ongoing customer satisfaction and retention; Assist with the scheduling and running of member meetings and webinars; Responsible for the onboarding process of new members; Research, record, track, and report on member prospects and qualified leads to the team and management; Assist with data cleanup, reporting, and any ongoing projects; Update metrics for EI-ISAC reports and presentations; Represent the EI-ISAC in a professional and courteous manner; and Other tasks and responsibilities as assigned. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Deputy Director, Registration & Elections, Decatur County, Georgia— The purpose of this classification is to assist in the planning, directing, and oversight of operations and staff involved in voter registration and elections processes for the County, conducting elections, and ensuring compliance with local, state and federal election and voter registration laws, rules, and regulations. Salary: $74,961 – $116,190. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Development and Communications Specialist, Election Reformers— This part-time specialist, reporting to the Executive Director based in Newton, MA, will help us guide our messaging about complicated (but important) reforms, draft communications, and develop ERN’s member strategy to support engagement and fundraising. The specialist will assist in development and communications. Key responsibilities will include: Helping to define the organization’s communications strategy and to guide regular content and messaging updates; Drafting external communications, email newsletters, website updates, background outreach to journalists, and occasional press releases; Providing input on overall social media strategy and on specific messages; Developing ERN’s member strategy to support engagement and fundraising; Participating in discussions regarding strategy and overall organizational planning; Providing input on ERN reports, op-eds and other publications. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Director of Elections, Cumberland County, North Carolina— The Elections Director works under the administrative direction of the County Board of Elections and Executive Director of the State Board of Election. The Elections Director performs professional, managerial, and administrative work for the Board of Elections and carries out all duties or responsibilities as assigned by Chapter 163 of the General Statutes of the State of North Carolina and as delegated by members of the County Board in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina, GS 163-35 (d) and 163-33. Reports to the Chairman of the Cumberland County Board of Elections. Salary: $78,784.40 – $132,425.23. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Director of Elections/General Registrar, Virginia Beach, Virginia— The Virginia Beach Electoral Board is currently seeking a progressive leader with a demonstrated history of collaboration, negotiation and communication amongst diverse stakeholder groups. The successful candidate will think strategically and be able to navigate dynamic political environments, facilitating compromise and cooperation when needed. Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to: Plan and direct the operations and activities of the voter registration office; Provide leadership and supervision to paid staff and volunteers on all election procedures; Develop plans to encourage the registration of eligible voters; Oversee the registration process including eligibility determination and denial notification process in accordance with State Board of Election Guidelines; Manage the departmental budget; Plan and provide oversight of educational programs; Oversee maintenance of all official records; Ensure adequate space(s) to facilitate voting process; Ensure election equipment is maintained and readily accessible to voters; Assist with ballot design’ Carry out provisions enumerated in §24.2-114, Code of Virginia, and ensure compliance with the entirety of Title 24.2.; and Communicate election requirements, processes, and results to election observers and stakeholders, including the press. Salary: $136,982. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Election Program Coordinator—Absentee, Buncombe County, North Carolina— An employee in this position is responsible for the management of all aspects of conducting absentee by mail voting. This employee will lead a team who will perform the administrative duties of absentee by mail voting. An employee in this position is also responsible for the administrative work in creating all written materials needed for training election workers and conducts all election worker training, as well as the management of a support team. Work requires that all materials meet the guidelines of election law and department standards. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Administrator, Bell County, Texas— Bell County, Texas, is seeking an experienced professional with a proven track record in a public sector setting to serve as the new Elections Administrator. While elections experience and experience in the public sector is preferred, it is not required. From being or becoming an expert on election law to understanding election machine technology to being a detail-oriented person while still seeing the big event that is an election, the Elections Administrator must take ownership of the entire election process from start to finish. This position directs the daily operations of the elections office to ensure the lawful conduct and integrity of Federal, State, County, and local elections. The Elections Administrator performs the duties and functions of the Voter Registrar for the county; performs election-related duties as may be required by federal, state, and/or local law; is responsible for the conduct of elections, to include but is not limited to: preparing ballots, ordering ballots, furnishing and maintaining election equipment and supplies. This position requires an Associate’s degree in Business Administration or a related field supplemented by four years of experience in administration with an additional two years of supervisory experience. The person selected for this position must be a current registered voter in the State of Texas or be eligible to register to vote in the State of Texas upon hire, and must be able to work extended hours during election cycles. A valid Texas driver’s license is required or must be obtained within 90 days of employment along with an acceptable driving history. Salary: $75,000 to $100,000. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Program Manager, CIS— The primary purpose of this position is to coordinate EI-ISAC operations and projects and to represent the EI-ISAC in public forums regarding election infrastructure issues. The Elections Program Manager will work with the EI-ISAC Director to build and maintain relationships in the elections community and develop tools, products, and initiatives that meet the security needs of election officials. This position will oversee a team of Elections Analysts and Stakeholder outreach staff. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Election Specialist Lead, Thurston County, Washington — As a Lead Election Specialist, you will assist in the preparation and operation of County elections by coordinating or assisting with all ballot processing, hiring and training of extra help workers, and coordinating voter registration and education programs. There will be significant public contact, requiring effective communication and professional services to customers. Other responsibilities in this role would include, but are not limited to, the following: Assist the Division Manager in supervising and providing direction and training to assigned staff and employees. Assist with the review and approval of leave requests for extra help employees and monitors workloads and task distribution providing feed back to the Division Manager. In charge of communication with all districts and candidates to ensure all elected and appointed officials have taken their oath of office and that the oath of office is on file. Coordinate with other county departments for the set up and running of extra large voting center in high volume elections, ensuring that all statutory laws are being followed. Process and provide public record requests for voter data and election data. Communicate with customers in person, by phone, and through written correspondence to provide information regarding voter registration, election dates, ballots, laws, and procedures. Implement changes required by federal and state law within areas of responsibility and documents changes in policies and procedures. Salary: $3,819 – $5,079 Monthly. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Specialist, Pierce County, Washington— As an Elections Specialist, you will have the ability to immediately contribute to the team’s success. You will be guided through the process with coaching-focused managerial support, a team that wants you to be successful in your role, and an organizational culture that encourages continuous learning and professional development. Core Daily Responsibilities: Coordinates and participates in the activities of a specialty in the Elections Division; determines work schedules and methods to expediting work-flow; issues instructions; and monitors work for accuracy and compliance to procedures and policies in specialty area assigned. Coordinates, organizes, and documents all legal aspects of an assigned specialty required to hold elections. Performs quality control work including proofreading, grammar, and spelling. Designs and produces reports. Coordinates and oversees the preparation and distribution of election supplies to the voting centers. Salary: $31.42 – $39.73 Hourly. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Technician or Election Specialist, Larimar County, Colorado— The Larimer County Clerk & Recorder Elections division offers an outstanding opportunity for an exciting career in the ever-changing, always engaging field of Election Administration – where the foundation of government begins for our citizens! We are seeking skilled Elections Technicians/Elections Specialists to join our highly respected team. We serve a population of more than 300,000 citizens, of which more than 250,000 are registered voters. We embrace innovative processes and have a shown reputation for integrity. If you are a self-motivated, positive teammate who thrives in a fast-paced professional environment – we want to hear from you! The successful candidate will be dedicated, assertive, and possess outstanding interpersonal and problem-solving skills. The Elections Technician/Elections Specialist position provides support to and/or oversight for certain processes. Salary: $22.13-$29.22/hr. Deadline: March 20. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Executive Director, U.S. Election Assistance Commission— The Executive Director has overall Commission-wide responsibility for implementing, through its operating divisions and offices, the management and administrative policies and decisions of the Commissioners. The Executive Director serves as a key management advisor to the Commissioners. The Executive Director is responsible for ensuring the agency meets its mission defined in HAVA. The Executive Director’s responsibilities include: Ensuring that EAC administrative activities comply with governing statutes and regulations in support of the effective and efficient accomplishment of EAC’s mission. Understanding HAVA and other election laws, regulations, and legal decisions pertinent to the EAC mission to assist with agency oversight. Maintaining good relationships with the U.S. Congress and the various EAC oversight committees and governing bodies of elections, including, state legislatures, city/county officials, and EAC FACA boards. Ability to establish program/policy goals and the structure and processes necessary to implement the organization’s strategic vision and mission, to ensure that programs and policies are being implemented and adjusted as necessary, that the appropriate results are being achieved, and that a process for continually assessing the quality of the program activities is in place. Providing periodic assessment of the administrative efficiency and managerial effectiveness of the EAC through strategic planning including: program reviews, reviews of programmatic goals and outcomes, and resource utilization in achieving results. Consulting with and advising Divisions and Offices on general management and operating practices affecting their substantive program areas. Developing solutions to potential and existing barriers that may limit or impede goal achievement. Planning, assigning, and appraising work products to assure high levels of performance. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Executive Director, Deliver My Vote— Deliver My Vote (DMV) and Deliver My Vote Education Fund (DMVEF) are partner organizations dedicated to voting, voting access, and voting rights specifically as it relates to voters’ ability to vote from home. DMV is a non-profit, non-partisan 501(c)4 organization, dedicated to increasing voter turnout within traditionally disenfranchised communities. DMV’s programs are anchored in helping to facilitate the delivery of a voters’ ballot to their doorstep. Through community organizing campaigns, DMV provides tools and resources to help voters cast ballots from home, taking control of their vote, regardless of life’s obstacles. DMVEF is a non-profit, non-partisan 501(c)3 organization to educate the American public on laws and policies that make voting more accessible for eligible voters. DMVEF provides tools and voter education resources to help eligible voters update voter registration, help interested voters take control of their ballot through absentee voting, and support voters in making specific plans to vote. Salary for this position is highly competitive and is commensurate with experience. Benefits include health, dental and vision, and a 401k with match. Deliver My Vote is headquartered in Washington, DC with Board members and staff working in collaboration from around the country. All work is currently remote. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Grant and Contract Specialist, Washington Secretary of State’s Office— This position will report to the deputy director of elections and is responsible for assisting the deputy in the management of administering federal grant funds, including Help America Vote Act (HAVA) grant funds. It also plays a key role in the elections division by performing research analysis and managing retention of grant records with regard to HAVA grants. This position belongs to the “HAVA Elections Security Grant” project and is tentatively scheduled to last through 12/20/2024. Tasks include: Makes recommendations based on analysis of funding needs for grant applications; Establishes grant guidelines; Issues notice of grant openings; Processes grant payments Reviews and determines eligibility against grant application criteria; Establishes program income codes in a manner that will track required reporting requirements; Reviews draft contracts and contract amendments for completeness and compliance with procedures; Applies consistent interpretation of laws, rules, policies and procedures; Communicates effectively with county departments and staff to facilitate and ensure adherence to policies and procedures; Evaluates budget and fiscal system performance, making adjustments as necessary; Coordinates the establishment of fiscal goals, audits of financial documents and the preparation and maintenance of fiscal reports; Prepares related applications for funding; Develops internal controls to ensure that all known expenses are accounted for; Prepares and develops budgets for the various program income codes; Works with staff responsible for carrying out grant duties to ensure that funding is available, allowable and allocable to the federal grant; Assists counties in applying for grant applications; Provides technical assistance to counties when necessary; Monitors grant progress with each county auditor on each grant; Tracks grant agreements to ensure compliance with scope of work, period of performance and funding levels; Monitors budgets and related fiscal reports to ensure grant audit compliance, adherence to county, state and federal regulations, allowable costs, adequate budgetary constraints/controls maintenance, timely report submission, and compliance with generally accepted accounting practices and procedures; Possesses knowledge with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) circulars, the Help America Vote Act and other laws passed by congress concerning grants management; Develops contractual language for grant agreements; Prepares for Inspector General Audits; Reads and analyzes awarding agency audit findings and make adjustments when necessary; Tracks and analyzes expenditures against budgeted or allotted forecasts and make adjustments when necessary; Review all contracts for adherence with contract terms and conditions; Tracks grant balances and take proper action when grants expire; Complies with proper internal controls in accordance with the Uniform Administrative Requirements; Tracks all equipment purchased with HAVA funds; Prepares and maintains financial report to the federal awarding agency; Prepares and provides status of accounts, both actual and projected, along with analysis and recommendations relative to activity costs and revenues; Coordinates visits by federal and/or State auditors; Monitors activity related to the grant; Reviews processes and procedures to ensure that adequate internal controls are in place; Develops internal controls to protect against fraud, waste and abuse when necessary; Prepares and provides status of grants, both actual and projected, along with analysis and recommendations relative to activity costs and revenues; Processes A-19 reimbursement requests in a timely manner; Works closely with Payroll to ensure that employees charging time to federal grants are in compliance with OMB circulars; Develops a means to track expenditures against appropriate awards. Salary: $3,446 – $4,627 Monthly. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Impartial Election Administration Legal Consultant, Election Reformers— This short-term position, reporting to the Executive Director based in Newton, MA, will provide legal analysis and advice to advance ERN’s impartial election administration program. The attorney will work with our small but dedicated team to identify and analyze target states and jurisdictions for reform, and will devise strategies to implement new structures and legal guardrails. This role offers a great opportunity to be a part of the solution to the country’s pressing democracy challenges and to pioneer an important but neglected area of election reform. ERN is committed to developing election solutions that can gain support from a wide range of political perspectives; for that reason it is essential that the candidate be open-minded, non-dogmatic, and skilled at understanding and working with a wide range of people and perspectives. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Initiative Internship Program, Arizona Secretary of State’s Office—The Arizona Secretary of State’s Office is offering a paid Initiative Internship Program working with the Elections Division for 6 weeks (June 27 to August 8, 2022), for students who want to learn about election administration and support the initiative review process leading up to the 2022 election. An intern with the Elections Division, will learn about the application of state law through the initiative process. Interns will contribute to the team by assisting with the processing of initiative petitions. There will be in-person as well as remote processing requirements, and an intern must be available for both. Students or recent graduates interested in public service and witnessing democracy in action are encouraged to apply. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Language Access Manager, New York City Campaign Finance Board— The New York City Campaign Finance Board (CFB), a nonpartisan, independent agency that enhances the role of New York City residents in elections, seeks a Language Access Manager to expand the accessibility of its educational resources and materials. This new role will act as the lead project manager for the agency’s translation services and processes, working closely with external vendors and internal staff to increase the agency’s language coverage to include all 10 citywide languages (Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Bengali, Haitian Creole, Korean, Arabic, Urdu, French, and Polish) as well as additional translations required under the Voting Rights Act (Hindi and Punjabi). Reporting to the Associate Director of Production, this role supports translations for a variety of projects, including the official NYC Voter Guide available online at and mailed to 5 million voters citywide. They will also provide critical support for a forthcoming campaign to raise awareness of a new law that gives over 800,000 immigrant New Yorkers the right to vote in local elections starting in 2023. They are expected to supervise at least one full-time staff member and external translation service providers. This is an exciting opportunity for someone with strong project management skills who wants to help make local government more accessible and responsive to the needs of immigrant communities in New York City. Salary: $65,000 – $85,000. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Michigan Regional Services Manager, Hart InterCivic— Hart InterCivic is looking for a Michigan-based Regional Services Manager. A Hart Michigan Service Manager is a highly motivated “self-starter” who responds to all customer requests ranging from training requests, to phone support requests, to onsite repair of voting equipment requests, to delivery and acceptance of new devices. This individual is the customer’s first line of support. The position requires residency in the State of Michigan. The Service Manager handles all Return Material Authorization (RMA) requests for internal and external customers for all Hart InterCivic Verity products within his/her region and provides on-site customer support and troubleshooting as needed. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Nonpartisan Elections Observer, The Carter Center— The Carter Center is guided by a fundamental commitment to promote human rights, alleviate human suffering, enhance freedom and democracy, and improve health conditions. The Center seeks a highly qualified, motivated and energetic consultant to the Center’s US Elections Project. The Democracy Program at The Carter Center works globally to support democratic elections and strengthen participatory democracy, consistent with human rights. Beginning in 2020, The Carter Center began efforts to support good elections in the U.S. There are multiple key aspects to this project, contributing to electoral reform, promoting candidate codes of conduct, tracking disinformation and dangerous speech, and establishing nonpartisan observation efforts. The Carter Center plans to advance possible nonpartisan observation efforts in two key states: Arizona and Michigan. These states were selected following state assessments completed on multiple states. Nonpartisan observation efforts implemented and/or supported by The Carter Center will differ from existing partisan poll watchers and election protection groups. The goal of this observation is to provide credible and transparent information on the conduct of election in each state through public reports. The Carter Center is seeking Observation Coordinators to lead efforts in Arizona and Michigan to establish and support nonpartisan observation efforts. Working with Carter Center staff and consultants, the Observer Coordinators will work to meet with new and existing stakeholders to build an observation effort and determine the best possibility for nonpartisan observation in each state. The work will be conducted in two Phases. In Phase I, the Coordinators will focus on partnership and network building. The second phase will focus more deeply on the logistics of observer deployment and project implementation based on the plans and partnerships developed in Phase I. Start date: As soon as possible, with potential travel around the state. Location: Michigan or Arizona. Length of assignment: This project is in two phases. Phase 1 will be for 3 months with possibility of extension into Phase 2 which will last up to 9 months. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Program Coordinator, MIT Election Data & Science Lab— PROGRAM COORDINATOR, Political Science, to coordinate and perform day-to-day operational activities and project planning for the MIT Election Data and Science Lab, a research project that encourages a scientific approach to improving elections in the U.S. The lab’s activities include the conduct of its own research, coordinating the research of others, and fostering a larger community of allied researchers around the country. Will oversee the lab’s budget and reconcile accounts; plan seminar series/workshops; and work as part of a team on a wide range of projects, special initiatives, and events. Responsibilities include developing, implementing, and monitoring the lab’s research projects; overseeing budgets related to grants received by the lab; coordinating seminars, conferences, and workshops; remaining aware of the progress of the lab’s projects and helping to problem-solve bottlenecks; representing the lab at special events and committee meetings; preparing correspondence in response to internal/external inquiries; composing, editing, and proofreading lab materials; helping to track progress on lab achievements and communicating them to funders; making vendor and purchasing suggestions/decisions; developing documentation/reporting for stakeholders; developing and maintaining website content; and performing other dues as necessary. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Program Manager, California Voter Foundation— CVF seeks an experienced and accomplished part time program manager who is passionate about voting rights and advocacy, election reform, support for election officials, and nonpartisan expertise. This position will be instrumental in supporting the day to day operations of CVF, managing communications, and supporting important programmatic initiatives. Candidates must be eager to work in a fast-paced, collaborative environment and be able to balance and prioritize competing demands. This is a remote, part-time position, with the potential to transition to a full-time position, who reports to the president of CVF. Responsibilities: Manage communications and outreach with a network of diverse leaders and stakeholders from all sectors across many time zones; Coordinate projects and research related to election funding, curtailing mis- and disinformation and legal and law enforcement protections for election officials; Support grant writing and research fundraising opportunities; Write news releases, social media posts, meeting agendas, and meeting notes; Respond to emails in a timely and professional manner; Help manage CVF social media accounts: Twitter and Facebook; Schedule meetings and plan webinar events; Attend webinars and monitor election news and events; and Support other CVF projects as needed. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Senior Programmer Analyst, Clark County, Nevada— This position provides project and program leadership to professional and technical staff; performs applications systems design, modification and programming of a routine to complex nature in support of County administrative and business services for multiple computer platform applications. Provides lead direction, training and work review to a programming project team; organized and assigns work, sets priorities, and follows-up and controls project status to ensure coordination and completion of assigned work. Provides input into selection, evaluation, disciplinary and other personnel matters. Gathers and analyzes information regarding customer systems and requirements and develops or modifies automated systems to fulfill these needs. Conducts feasibility studies and develops system, time, equipment and cost requirements. Using computer generated techniques, simulates hardware and software problems, tests and evaluates alternative solutions, and recommends and implements appropriate applications design. Develops program logic and processing steps; codes programs in varied languages. Plans and develops test data to validate new or modified programs; designs input and output forms and documents. Troubleshoots hardware and software problems, as needed, for customers, other agencies and information systems personnel. Writes program documentation and customer procedures and instructions and assists user departments and staff in implementing new or modified programs and applications; tracks and evaluates project and systems progress. Writes utility programs to support and validate adopted systems and programs. Confers with customer department staff regarding assigned functional program areas. Maintains records and prepares periodic and special reports of work performed. Maintains current knowledge of technology and new computer customer applications. Contributes to the efficiency and effectiveness of the unit’s service to its customers by offering suggestions and directing or participating as an active member of a work team. Uses standard office equipment in the course of the work; may drive a personal or County motor vehicle or be able to arrange for appropriate transportation in order to travel between various job sites depending upon departments and/or projects assigned. This is an open and continuous recruitment, scheduling dates will vary depending on when the application was received and reviewed by Human Resources. This examination will establish an Open Competitive Eligibility list to fill current and/or future vacancies that may occur within the next six (6) months or may be extended as needed by Human Resources. Human Resources reserves the right to call only the most qualified applicants to the selection process. Salary: $32.07 – $49.74 Hourly. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Voter Education & Outreach Specialist, Washington Secretary of State’s Office— This position reports to the Voting Information Services Manager of the Elections Division and works collaboratively to provide outreach and educational services. This position leads onsite customer service to candidates during annual peaks, voters’ pamphlet training for internal staff, organization of printed materials for proofing, fulfillment of outreach materials to stakeholders, and coordinates the printing and distribution of the state Voters’ Pamphlet. The passage of new legislation (ESHB 2421) increases the business needs to be met by the Secretary of State’s Office. Each May and June, the office must preview and process candidate’s statements to be printed in local county primary pamphlets as well as the processing necessary July through October for the state general election pamphlet. The Voting Information Services (VIS) team promotes accessible, fair, and accurate elections. Through educational programs and service excellence, we help eligible Washington residents register to vote, file for office, and cast an informed ballot. VIS exercises visionary leadership to publish the state Voters’ Pamphlet. The team provides voters and candidates with essential tools and training, digestible data and auditing reports, outreach programs and publications. VIS also advises County Auditors in interpretations of federal and state election law to uphold the integrity of election administration throughout the state. These objectives are accomplished through official communications, collaboration with stakeholders, and educational publications including the state Voters’ Pamphlet. The VIS program also acts as liaison for the Office of the Secretary of State. Salary: $55,524 – $74,604. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Voter Services Manager, Charleston County, South Carolina— This is a managerial position that provides supervision in the daily operation and management of the front of the office, in-person absentee voting, and candidate filing. Supervises both permanent and temporary employees during in-person absentee voting for elections. Responsible for management of each satellite absentee location, as well as hiring/training absentee poll workers. Supervises the daily operations of the In-Person Absentee Voting division and oversees the work production and quantity and quality of work completed. Supervises election planning and scheduling and develops and implements policies and procedures. Supervises, trains, and evaluates the in-person absentee voting specialists and temporary staff. Performs supervisory responsibility including work assignments, working hours, and training. Evaluates performance of staff. Coordinates Satellite Voting Unit use in municipal, statewide, and special elections. Supervises the selection of in-person absentee voting sites and prepares correspondence sent to each potential location. Supervises the preparation of supplies and materials for each in-person absentee voting site. Supervises the selection of in-person absentee voting poll workers and off-site managers. Corresponds with in-person absentee voting poll workers. Develops and maintains training materials for in-person absentee voting poll workers. Manages the daily digital imaging of voter applications, boxing, storage, and archiving of in-person absentee voting records in accordance with statutory requirements. Supervises the preparation and execution of daily statistical reports during the in-person absentee voting period. Tracks statistical data for each election. Prepares materials responsive to open records requests related to in-person absentee voting. Research and resolve questions, problems, or inquiries from staff, citizens, and stakeholders. Provides oversight for candidate filing, petition management, and any inquiries of potential candidates. Oversees failsafe voting on Election Day at our office. Salary: $48,722 – $66,276 Annually, Deadline: May 1. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
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