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July 7, 2022

July 7, 2022

In Focus This Week

Election and law enforcement officials form joint initiative
Committee for Safe and Secure Elections is a cross-partisan effort

By Tina Barton, senior election expert
The Elections Group

“We will (expletive) take you out! … Watch your (expletive) back!”


As I listened to the message laced with profanity and threats, I immediately felt shocked, nauseated and fearful. My mind was reeling and my emotions were all over the place, worrying about not only my safety but the safety of my family and friends.

The author received the first voicemail message played in this video in the days following the 2020 General Election.

The past two years have brought many challenges and unknowns for election officials, including death threats, verbal assaults, intimidation, and scare tactics. Many of us found ourselves in situations we had never been in before – having conversations about personal safety with our families and law enforcement that we never expected to have.

Because I believe that public servants like election officials should be able to do their jobs without fearing for their lives, last month I joined more than two dozen current and former law enforcement and election officials from across the country in announcing the formation of the Committee for Safe and Secure Elections (CSSE).

Our committee is cross-partisan – meaning that Republicans like me have joined with Democrats and others, spanning the ideological spectrum, to solve this problem. We combine the expertise of both the law enforcement and election administration professions and are committed to providing guidance and training so that every member can help prevent and respond to intimidation, threats, and violence against election officials, election workers and voters.

When we became election officials, none of us imagined we would have to secure our homes, pack go-bags, and move our families from one location to another. The threatening voicemail message I shared wasn’t the only one I received, and it was just one of the thousands of documented instances of threats and other harassment directed at election officials that continue through today. Not to mention the intimidation that’s gone unreported.

I am fortunate to have a husband who serves as a law enforcement officer and other friends and family members with law enforcement experience. I cannot imagine what my experience would have been like without them, but too many election officials can. I know that many of my colleagues across the country face these types of threats without similar support. The rhetoric has not stopped and the threats have not ceased – but now we have CSSE to turn to.

We will achieve the committee’s goal of protecting elections, election workers and administrators, and voters by helping law enforcement and election offices understand each other and learn how to respond to threats by working together.

If your jurisdiction and its counterpart law enforcement agency are interested in receiving support from the committee, sign up here. A committee member or supporting organization will get in touch with you.

CSSE’s 32 cross-partisan members include current and former sheriffs, police officers, state and local election officials, and other experts in cybersecurity and election administration.

Through this effort, the committee wants to work to make sure that others do not have to go through what our colleagues and I did. And for those who experience these threats and harassment, we want to make sure relationships and systems are in place beforehand to support them.

Tina Barton is a senior election expert at The Elections Group. The former clerk of Rochester Hills, Michigan, she serves on the Committee for Safe and Secure Elections (CSSE). 

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Election News This Week

First and Only: Nye County, Nevada will become the first and only county in the country required to provide language assistance in the Shoshone language. The language is a traditionally non-written language and will require qualified interpreters at the polls. New data from the Census Bureau in 2021 determined that Nye County will now be required to offer language assistance to the Duckwater Shoshone Tribe of the Duckwater Reservation, including Shoshone translation of all voting materials. Language assistance in the county will be required through at least the 2024 and 2026 elections. A few months ago, the Native American Rights Fund started working with Nye County election officials and tribal representatives on establishing a process for in-person translation at a polling site on the reservation in time for the general election in November.  Nye County Clerk, Sandra Merlino, said so far one tribal elder has agreed to work as an interpreter for the election office and offer translation services to voters on the reservation. “There really isn’t a program in place as of now, hopefully eventually there will be something,” Merlino said. “Right now it’s just a start.”

Not Quite Over: Randy Economy — a senior adviser and spokesperson for last year’s failed gubernatorial recall effort in California has filed a request for a recount in the Nevada County clerk-recorder/registrar of voters race. Economy filed the recount on behalf of losing candidate Jason Tedder. Nevada County’s vote, certified last week, shows Natalie Adona winning the clerk-recorder race with 22,800 votes, or 67.9%. Tedder received 7,843 votes, or 23.3%. Paul Gilbert took 2,942 votes, 8.8%. “It could take hours,” Economy said of the recount. “It could take months. It could take days. It doesn’t matter. There’s no price for democracy.” Election law states that the person requesting the recount is responsible for its cost. That cost must be paid before the recount begins. Greg Diaz, clerk-recorder/registrar of voters  said he doesn’t know the precise cost of the recount, but estimated it could be $3,000 to $5,000 a day. Additionally, because the recount is for the clerk-recorder/registrar of voters law states that the governing body must appoint someone other than the elections official to conduct the recount. Additionally, the recount must begin no later than seven days after the request was received.

Sticker News: An “I Voted” sticker contest in Ulster County, New York has caught the attention of social media users. This is the second annual contest for the county and there are six finalists. Voting, by the public, continues through the end of the month and one sticker, designed by 14-year-old Hudson Rowan of Marbletown currently has about 94% of the vote—about 19,500 votes. What’s so special about  Rowan’s sticker? Well social media users seem to feeling a bit of kinship with the psychedelic spider. “Pretty accurate portrait of how voting feels right now,” said @LoveLoriM on Twitter. “Well I definitely thought it was unique,” John Quigley, the Republican commissioner for the Ulster County Board of Elections, which is running the contest, said about Hudson’s entry. “Somebody tweeted, this is how voters feel about politics right now, and I thought it was almost like the best way to summarize it. It sort of is exactly how we all feel about politics right now.”

This and That: Unable to find enough local Republicans to staff election boards for the August primary, Pima County, Arizona has lifted a requirement that temporary election workers be vaccinated against COVID-19. State officials in Georgia are considering whether to replace bar codes with ballots that display candidate names with ovals next to them. The Indiana State Budget Committee has approved $12 million in funds from the American Rescue Plan to help counties add paper back-ups to their electronic voting machines. With four more weeks to go before its August primary, Michigan has seen a 73% increase in request for absentee ballots over this time in 2018. Sarpy County, Nebraska will not be adding security cameras to ballot drop boxes. County election officials wrapped up a two-day statewide recount in the Nevada GOP primary for governor and the outcome did not appear to change in the state’s two most populous counties.

Personnel News: Retired Associate Attorney General Mark Kohler has been appointed Connecticut secretary of state. Yavapai County, Arizona Recorder Leslie Hoffman and Elections Director Lynn Constable have both resigned citing ongoing harassment and threats. Lewiston, Maine City Clerk Kathleen M. Montejo was recently elected to the board of directors of the International Institute of Municipal Clerks. Brian Van Bergen is stepping down as the Yahmill County, Oregon clerk. Cliff Tatum is the new elections administrator of Harris County, Texas. Peter Antonacci has been appointed as the new director of the Office of Election Crimes and Security. Michelle Forrider was sworn in as the director of the Union County Board of Elections

In Memoriam: Longtime Morgan County, Indiana Clerk Stephanie Elliot was killed in one-vehicle crash on July 2. According to the Reporter-Times, Elliott is being remembered this week as not only a public servant to Morgan County, but as a friend to so many that knew her. “Stephanie and I go back a lot of years,” Morgan County Council President Kim Merideth said. “On a friendship side, she was always just there for everyone.” Morgan County Board of Commissioners Chairman Kenny Hale had similar sentiments about Elliott. “She was a very talented lady who brought a lot to the clerk’s office as well as the election board,” Hale said. Hale noted that he appreciated Elliott’s work moving Morgan County to voting centers. “She really was a bulldog that really went out and fought for what was best for the voters in Morgan County and getting that put together and all finalized and done,” Hale said. Morgan County Republican Party Chairman Daniel Elliott said Stephanie Elliott was always fair in her office’s dealings with election matters. “When it came to elections, she was all about making sure the process was done correctly and that everybody had their fair chance,” Daniel Elliott said. “She was one of the good ones and she will be dearly missed.” He noted that the decision to switch to voting centers was a difficult one for election officials in Morgan County, but Stephanie Elliott always had what was best for voters in her mind.

Legislative Updates

Federal Legislation: Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), head of the Senate Rules Committee, has introduced legislation to improve the delivery of election mail and ensure voters don’t have to pay to return ballots.  The bill — the Election Mail Act — would codify First-Class service standards for all election mail, require the U.S. Postal Service to postmark all ballots and ensure voters and election officials don’t have to pay or pre-pay for postage on ballots.  It would also require states to count absentee ballots that are postmarked by election day and arrive within seven day after the election, while permitting states to have deadlines of more than seven days. Under the new legislation, USPS would be reimbursed for returning domestic mail-in ballots.


Massachusetts: The state has adopted a streamlined voting process to make it easier for members of the military to vote while serving overseas. Gov. Charlie Baker signed the policy into law just before the July 4 holiday. The policy is an amendment attached to a broader voting reform law recently passed by the Legislature. The law was proposed by Sen. John Velis, D-Westfield, based on his experience of voting in the 2018 midterm election when he was serving in Afghanistan. Velis is a major in the U.S. Army Reserve. The new law allows military members to vote through a secure online portal instead of through mail or by fax. It mirrors laws that 15 other states have adopted in the past, Velis said. It will replace a cumbersome multi-step process that sometimes is difficult for service members to follow, especially if they are in remote locations, he said. Before, military members had to submit an application for an absentee ballot to their town or city clerk. The ballot was then emailed or mailed to them. If it was emailed, the voter had to print out the ballot, fill it out and either scan it into email, fax it back or mail it, Velis said.

New York: In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that said most people have a right to carry a handgun, New York legislators passed and Gov. Kathy Hochul signed, an overhaul of the state’s handgun licensing rules. As part of the rules, people won’t be allowed to carry firearms at a list of “sensitive places” which include polling places. New York will also bar people from bringing guns into any business or workplace unless the owners put up signs saying guns are welcome. People who bring guns into places without such signs could be prosecuted on felony charges.


Multnomah County, Oregon: The Multnomah Charter Review Committee — a 16-person volunteer group convened once every six years— has sent three major charter amendments to the November ballot including one that would allow noncitizens to vote in local elections. If voters pass the measure, experts say Multnomah County will be the first jurisdiction in Oregon to give noncitizens the right to vote. Charter committee member Samantha Gladu, who helped craft the charter change, said volunteers who studied the charter anticipate the Multnomah County measure will face legal challenges if voters approve it. When the committee recommended referring the measure to the ballot, the group noted that “negative impacts” could include a “potential legal challenge” as well as a “potential backlash against immigrants and non-citizens.” Gladu emphasized the point was to get a broad measure on the ballot and let the courts give Multnomah County a roadmap on what was legally possible. “The language we adopted in the recommendation is as broad as possible,” Gladu said. “Because of it being a legal gray area here in Oregon, we wanted to ensure that we’re able to figure out what is to the fullest extent legally possible.”

Rhode Island: Gov. Daniel McKee last week signed legislation that could allow some of the state’s registered voters to cast their ballots over the internet, despite concerns raised by election officials and critics of electronic voting. The new law, S2118, calls for giving deployed military service members, citizens residing overseas and people with physical disabilities the ability to receive and submit their ballots online. While the legislation passed the Rhode Island General Assembly earlier this year with comfortable margins, it raised criticisms from election-security advocates who’ve long said that submitting votes over an internet connection could imperil the secret ballot. Under the new Rhode Island law, eligible voters could request an electronic ballot if the secretary of state’s office approves a system that’s gone through “one or more independent security reviews” and meets the scrutiny of the cybersecurity framework published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Legal Updates

Arizona: The U.S. Department of Justice is asking a federal judge to block Arizona from enforcing a new law about who can vote for president. In a lawsuit filed this week, the agency contends Arizona has no legal right to demand proof of citizenship from those who use a federal voter registration form to vote in federal elections. Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke, who heads the agency’s civil rights division, said that runs afoul of the National Voter Registration Act. Clarke also said the state is a “repeat offender,” approving the requirement earlier this year in HB 2492 despite a 2013 U.S. Supreme Court ruling to the contrary. But Clarke said the problems with HB 2492 are deeper. She pointed out that the legislation also imposes some new requirements on everyone who registers, requirements her agency — and federal law — considers illegal because the information is not “material” to whether someone is eligible to vote. Most notably, the new law that is set to take effect at the end of the year says that all voter registration forms must include an individual’s place of birth. “Prior to HB 2492, Arizona voter registration forms did not require applicants to provide their specific city or location of birth — and for good reason,” Clarke told reporters at a telephonic news conference. “That information is not material to establishing whether a voter is a U.S. citizen because of naturalization and expatriation patterns, among other reasons.”

The Arizona Supreme Court refused to fast-track an appeal from Attorney General Mark Brnovich after a judge sided with Secretary of State Katie Hobbs over election rules. The decision means there is unlikely to be time before the general election for court battles to play out on Brnovich’s appeal and updated 2019 election rules will remain in place for the general election. A Yavapai County judge last month rejected Brnovich’s effort to order Hobbs to do a major rewrite of a nearly 300-page document she wrote telling county election officials how to manage the 2022 elections. Brnovich has not filed a formal appeal, but asked the Arizona Supreme Court to let him bypass the court of appeals to the high court could hear the case quickly and act before the November elections. The Supreme Court said it had considered Brnovich’s request and determined it did not meet the standards for bypassing the lower appeals court.

Georgia: The co-founder of a Georgia elections integrity organization has filed a lawsuit to audit the 2022 secretary of state primary race in all of Georgia’s 159 counties. Filed in a Spalding County Superior Court last week, the lawsuit seeks to unseal the secretary of state primary ballots, allow them to be scanned by Garland Favorito, the co-founder of Voter GA and his associates, invalidate the May 24 secretary of state primary and hold another primary for the position that conducts Georgia’s elections. Favorito, of Roswell, Georgia, said two primary election audits motivated the lawsuit — one official audit that found the last-place finisher in a county commission race actually got the most votes, and another unofficial, over-the-shoulder audit conducted by Voter GA that found Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was awarded about 15% more votes than he actually received.

At least two Republicans lawmakers will be required to testify before the Fulton County special grand jury investigating former President Donald Trump and Georgia’s 2020 elections, a superior court judge indicated Friday. But Fulton Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney suggested that prosecutors will be significantly limited in what they can ask. McBurney did not come to a final decision about what exactly the District Attorney’s office can ask Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan, former state Sen. William Ligon of Brunswick and several other unnamed state legislators. But at a 90-minute hearing Friday, McBurney said anything related to their conversations with other legislators or motivations are off-limits. “I’m not quashing any of these subpoenas, but I want to create a framework,” said McBurney, who is expected to finalize guidelines for questioning in the days ahead. In other grand jury news, the special grand jury has issued seven subpoenas including one for attorneys Rudy Guiliani and John Eastman as well as South Carolina Sen. Lindsay Graham.

Massachusetts: The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court heard arguments about a new law that allows anyone to vote by mail for any reason. The state Republican Party contends the law is unconstitutional and could encourage voter fraud. The MassGOP argues the state constitution only allows people to cast absentee ballots in certain circumstances. Michael Walsh, an attorney for the party, argued early voting should also be banned, even though the state has conducted it for the past eight years. Walsh claimed that the legislature lacked constitutional authority to re-write the state’s election laws. But Assistant Attorney General Adam Hornstine urged the justices “to affirm the constitutionality of theVOTES Act,” which he said, “expands the rights of voters to participate in upcoming elections.” “The legislature has broad powers to deal with elections,” Hornstine said. The lawsuit challenging the voter rules was filed by Jim Lyons, chairman of the Republican party, and others. The court is expected to issue a decision well ahead of the September primary.

Nebraska: The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals has granted Nebraska election officials’ emergency motion to stay a federal judge’s preliminary injunction that would have changed how petition signatures are counted to get on the ballot in the state. The decision came late in the afternoon the day before the signatures were due to Nebraska Secretary of State Bob Evnen’s office, meaning petitions still must have signatures from 5% of registered voters in 38 counties to get on the ballot. Judges Raymond Gruender, of St. Louis, Missouri, and David R. Stras of Minneapolis, Minnesota, split with Judge Jane Kelly, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, who said she would have denied the motion. The state’s emergency appeal and motion for stay followed U.S. District Court John Gerrard’s ruling last month in favor of Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana, blocking Evnen from enforcing the multicounty requirement and his denial of the state’s request for a stay, which followed.

New York: Immigrant rights advocates say they plan to appeal New York Supreme Court Justice Ralph Porzio’s order striking down the law passed by the New York City Council late last year. It took effect in January, granting an estimated 800,000 to 1 million noncitizens the right to vote in municipal elections, including next year’s races for Council seats. The lawsuit, brought by both local and national Republicans, was filed against Mayor Eric Adams, among other defendants. Adams, a Democrat, had not supported the law, but didn’t oppose it either. His predecessor, Bill de Blasio, expressed misgivings about the measure’s constitutionality, but let it become law without his signature. Porzio, sitting on Staten Island, ruled the measure violated the state constitution. Immigrant rights advocates argued that the granting of voting rights to “citizens” did not strictly mean American citizens but something broader.

Opinions This Week

National Opinions: Election workers, II | Democracy, II | Cybersecurity | Audits

Alaska: Ranked choice voting

Arizona: Secretary of state race | Federal lawsuit

California: Technology

Colorado: Voter registration | Election dates | Poll workers

Florida: Poll workers | Obstacles to voting | Secretary of state

Illinois: Turnout

Louisiana: Voting equipment

Maine: Election lies

Maryland: Election workers

Massachusetts: Election workers, II

Missouri: Voter registration

New Mexico: Election fraud

New York: Turnout

North Carolina: Election workers

Oregon: Election funding

Pennsylvania: Election workers

Tennessee: Poll workers

Texas: Jail voting | Online voter registration

Wisconsin: Election administration

Wyoming: Election security

Upcoming Events

NASED Summer Conference: Twice a year, NASED members gather to discuss the latest developments in election administration.  Members of the public are welcome to attend at the non-member registration rate. When: July 18-21. Where: Madison, Wisconsin.

ESRA 2022: We are delighted to welcome you to the 6th Annual Election Science, Research, and Administration Conference. The conference will commence on Wednesday, July 27 and will run through Friday 29 at the UNC Charlotte Marriott Hotel and Conference Center. Where: Charlotte, NC. When: July 27-29

Election Center Annual Conference: Join the National Association of Election Officials (The Election Center) for their 37th Annual Conference this summer.  When: August 20-24. Where: Denver.

Job Postings This Week

electionlineWeekly publishes election administration job postings each week as a free service to our readers. To have your job listed in the newsletter, please send a copy of the job description, including a web link to mmoretti@electionline.org.  Job postings must be received by 5pm on Wednesday in order to appear in the Thursday newsletter. Listings will run for three weeks or till the deadline listed in the posting.

Communications Specialist, The U.S. Election Assistance Commission— The employee and supervisor collaborate to develop the approach, timelines and general framework for projects and, within these parameters, the employee independently plans and carries out the work involved in developing, maintaining, and managing media communication, coordinating with others as appropriate, interpreting and applying policy, determining the content and format for media communication, and consulting with the supervisor on questionable content or issues. The Director of Communications assigns special projects and assignments, defining the nature of the assignment, objectives to be achieved, and resources available. The employee independently resolves most problems that arise, keeping the Director informed on unusual, sensitive or controversial matters. Completed work is reviewed for achievement of objectives and consistency with governing laws, regulations, policies, and the EAC strategic plan. Salary: $74,950 – $95,824. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Director of Elections, Cumberland County, North Carolina— The Elections Director works under the administrative direction of the County Board of Elections and Executive Director of the State Board of Election. The Elections Director performs professional, managerial, and administrative work for the Board of Elections and carries out all duties or responsibilities as assigned by Chapter 163 of the General Statutes of the State of North Carolina and as delegated by members of the County Board in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina, GS 163-35 (d) and 163-33.  Reports to the Chairman of the Cumberland County Board of Elections. Salary: $78,784.40 – $132,425.23. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Election Hardware Manager, Dallas County, Texas— Manages the lifecycle of election hardware by developing and maintaining processes, policies, systems and measurements. Manages the election hardware inventory; ensures quality control by assigning and deploying equipment; recommends, implements, and utilizes automation and tools to monitor and report on inventory; records and manages licenses, service agreements, and warranties for election hardware and related software/firmware; reviews, analyzes, and evaluates election hardware operations. Establishes and maintains an inventory of election related assets to include but not limited to ballot marking devices, ballot counters, electronic poll books, mobile networking equipment, computers/laptops, mobile devices, tablets, and related software and peripherals. Plans, monitors, and enforces the usage, tracking, and health of election hardware and software. Plans, monitors, and enforces configuration of election hardware to include installed software, security configuration, and election specific programming/configurations. Provides regular reports and analysis on asset usage and related costs. Documents and provides guidance and training on the usage, tracking, and maintenance of election hardware and related peripherals and software in coordination with vendors and election staff. Manages, trains and guides the work of staff in preparing, deploying, and supporting election hardware. Performs other duties as assigned. Salary: $5094.59- $6355.07. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Election Security Intelligence Analyst, Illinois State Board of Elections— Under administrative direction, serves as a team member identifying computer system vulnerabilities in partnership with the Illinois State Board of Elections and Department of Innovation and Technology for local election authorities and other state election partners. Identifies vulnerabilities and provides technical analysis and remediation recommendations for those affected computer systems, including forensic analysis for investigations, monitoring and reporting. Provides technical support to the Cyber Security Information Sharing Program Manager and Cyber Navigator Program Manager of the Illinois State Board of Elections Cyber Navigator Program in coordination with the Department of Innovation and Technology Security Operations Center.  Develops and recommends measures to safeguard systems before and after they are compromised.  Conducts monthly Tech Talks on election security and relevant cyber threats for local election authorities and their IT and security staff.  Develop annual cyber security training for local election authorities. Develops publications, guides, and other election security related resources for statewide distribution. Participates in the development of incident response plans, continuity of operation plans, and tabletop exercise training.  Serves on-call for emergency situations and Election Day.  Travel to attend training sessions, conferences, meetings, etc. is required. Serves as a team member identifying computer system vulnerabilities; reviews existing computer systems of local election authorities monitored by DoIT for security violations.  Document incidents as appropriate.  Perform analysis of systems for any weaknesses, technical flaws or vulnerabilities.  Identifies vulnerabilities and provides remediation recommendations for those affected computer systems, including forensic analysis for investigations, monitoring and reporting. Coordinates with regionally assigned cyber navigators to assist local election authorities information technology staff/vendor mitigate incidents or provide technical support. Monitors network traffic by utilizing intrusion detection devices and other technologies. Monitors activities such as automated notification of security breaches and automated or manual examination of logs, controls, procedures, and data.  Salary: $5,667 – $6,000 Monthly. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Elections Business Intelligence Specialist, Tennessee Secretary of State— Summary: Assist in planning and coordinating the computer functions and responsibilities for the Elections Division which includes, but is not limited to: data processing, integrating the statewide voter registration system with county voter registration systems, improve election reporting capabilities; analyzing and resolving technical software issues (25%) for the Division of Elections and 95 county election commission offices, which includes, but is not limited to cybersecurity practices; reviewing and researching regulations, legislation, government codes, and directives relevant to the technical elections operation; including serving as the liaison to the Office of the Comptroller of the Treasury, Local Government; and performing other duties as assigned. This position is responsible for the accuracy and timely compliance and security of voter registration data, ballot review and approval, producing and analyzing election-related state and federal reports, maintaining and assist in updating elections mobile app. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Elections Manager, Cochise County, Arizona— Under limited supervision by the Director of Elections, performs professional and administrative work of a high level in the management of election administration work in planning, organizing and directing strategic and daily goals and objectives, operations and activities of the Elections Department. Performs other related work as assigned. Assists the Director of Elections in the administration and supervision of all County, special, primary and general elections with state and local jurisdictions; Manages program requirements through appropriate delegation and work supervision, organization and assignment of task duties including warehouse organization and inventory, delivery and return of election supplies to polling places, poll workers, election boards, training and pay, website, and submitting meeting agenda items; Assists with ballot creation process including proofreading all ballot styles, sending ballot proofs to candidates and jurisdictions, and creating and reviewing ballot orders; Assures accuracy of election materials and maintains chain of custody of ballots, forms, equipment, and materials; Programs, tests, and maintains all voting equipment, following Federal, State, and local requirements; Recruits, coordinates, trains, manages, supervises, and terminates seasonal or temporary staff in consultation with the Director; Develops and presents poll worker education and curriculum for online and in-person training; Assists with ballot tabulation duties including coordinating, hiring, and training the Early Boards to receive, count and prepare early ballots for tabulation, assists with oversight of receiving Boards on Election night to receive and tabulate the polling place ballots, assists with Hand Count Boards as part of the election audition process and completes necessary reports related to canvass of election and post-election audits; Assists with election night reporting, including preparing the necessary data uploads into the State’s reporting system; Assists with oversite of the departmental budget and administers office financial tasks including but not limited to, inputting requisitions, tracking expenditures and budget reconciliation, lease agreements, paying invoices, overseeing and maintains inventory for equipment and supplies and assists with annual budget preparation; Delivers effective, accurate, secure, cost-effective customer service relative to areas of responsibility. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Elections Manager, Anoka County, Minnesota— In today’s world, the election process has received much exposure, both for victories and challenges. Anoka County prides itself on consistently celebrating the successful execution of its elections with accuracy and efficiency. An exciting opportunity has become available with Anoka County to work at the forefront of these successes. By administering and supervising all constitutional and statutory requirements for election administration in Anoka County, the person in this role will have the distinct responsibility for the efficiency and effectiveness of elections within the community. This position will also include oversight of the voting equipment system; the management of the elections budget; and supervision of three full-time permanent staff and several additional temporary Property Records and Taxation (PRT) staff during peak times. This role would also provide advice and guidance on election laws and procedures to cities, town and school districts; administer the school district elections contracts; provide recommendations and reports to the Count Commissioners and Chief Officer, Property Records & Taxation on legislative items and other election related policies and provide testimony and information to legislators, candidates, media, and members of the public on election related items. This full-time, exempt, benefit-eligible position is located at the Anoka County Government Center. Salary: $88,628-$1010,878. Deadline: July 11. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Elections Services Manager, Contra Costa County, California— Our office is vital to our democracy and our community, and we love to help our residents. Our leadership values employee development and engagement, promotes open and transparent communication, prepares us to be a high-performing organization, and recognizes the contributions of others. We connect with the community, listen to them, and provide a critical service that people rely on. The incumbent will report directly to the Assistant Registrar, work in collaboration with the Clerk-Recorder-Registrar and executive management team, and interact with leaders in other county departments, state officials, and vendors to carry out essential functions. self-starter. You need to see the overall picture and be able to plan, organize, and prioritize tasks using tact, initiative, prudence, and independent judgment. A team player. You will be expected to bring balance to the team, foster trust, and instill confidence in your direct reports and the department as a whole. Customer Focused. You should provide a high level of customer service and strive to improve the voter’s experience and services to County residents. Accountable. You should take responsibility for your own work and the work of your division, assuring projects are completed within established timelines. Flexible. You will need to work well under pressure and be adaptable to changing priorities while balancing multiple projects. At times, this can be a high-stress job and the successful candidate must be able to cope and respond appropriately. A collaborative leader. You will collaborate with multiple units that have interconnected work products to help achieve division goals and should be willing to step in and help other units when needed. Knowledgeable. You should be experienced in election law, the election process, procedures, timelines, and administration. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Elections Supervisor, Washington County, Oregon— We invite you to be part of the fundamental process of a democracy and serve approximately 400,000 voters in Washington County as an Elections Supervisor. The Elections Supervisor is responsible for running four (4) annual elections: two countywide elections, one half-county election, and one quarter-county election. In this position, you will be responsible for tracking local, state, and federal candidates and positions, as well as money measures, and the many facets of the elections process including candidate filings, creation of ballots and voter pamphlets, the counting of the ballots, and the reporting of final voter results for Washington County. You will also supervise, lead, and train a team of nine (9), as well as temporary employees hired during election seasons, on election duties. Additionally, you will coordinate day-to-day activities and help plan and schedule all functions necessary in an election (i.e., mandatory timelines for various mailings, registration cutoffs, public notices, and all elements related to statutory dates). Most importantly, you will have the opportunity to communicate effectively, exercise sound decision-making and demonstrate collaboration and accountability to peers, the team and the public. For a complete list of essential job duties, click here. The Elections Office is highly driven by the many hands that help in the election process, the sophisticated elections equipment, the production elements of a successful election event, and the dedicated knowledge of supervision and understanding of Oregon Election laws and rules. If you enjoy working in a highly visible office and in a fast-paced, production-oriented environment, then we invite you to apply for the Elections Supervisor position!   Salary: $74,608-$90,646. Deadline: July 17. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Elections Technology Specialist, Voting Systems, Boulder County, Colorado— As the point person for the voting system, this position is instrumental in helping us achieve our goal of implementing the most accurate, efficient, accessible, and secure elections in the country. This position is accountable for end-to-end activities associated with the voting system – from procurement of equipment all the way through to results reporting. Along the way, this position will be charged with designing and building the ballot in the voting system, conducting extensive compatibility testing, documenting and updating procedural documentation, setting up the scan room environment, leading a team of temporary workers in scan room activities, scanning ballots, and reconciling reports on a nightly basis. This position must be comfortable working in a highly scrutinized environment. The ideal candidate is someone who is committed to accuracy and is willing to triple check their work and the work of their team members. The ideal candidate will be committed to maintaining and updating documentation, likes to troubleshoot and problem solve, and is able to create a team environment that is collaborative, compliant, and aligned. This is a full-time, benefitted position.  This position will require overtime, nights and weekends during election season and is subject to periods of time when vacation scheduling is not allowed (because of the election calendar). The Elections Technology Specialist will work Monday-Thursday (10-hour day) 40 hours per week during non-election time; this includes both in-office and telecommuting options at certain points in the year.  This position will work out of the Boulder County Clerk and Recorder’s Office, located at 1750 33rd St., Boulder, CO 80301; this position has the ability to telecommute at certain points in the year.  Under Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), this position is exempt.  Salary: $59,964 – $86,328. Deadline: July 18. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Elections Technology Specialist, Boulder County, Colorado— This position will play a significant role in facilitating activities which provide improved technology solutions to county staff. This position will be expected to execute a variety of tasks to ensure our team meets our deliverables to provide excellent public service for voters. The ideal candidate must be eager to learn, possess troubleshooting skills, can convey technical information to non-technical audiences and has the ability to document process through conversation, implementation, and observation. Successful applicants will be comfortable in a high-stakes, team-focused work environment. We seek a person who is process-oriented and motivated to do meaningful work that facilitates the democratic process. The ideal candidate is self-motivated, enjoys actively participating in a collaborative environment, and possesses excellent written and verbal communication skills. They have the demonstrated ability to use complicated software, learn and convey user technology requirements, perform moderately sophisticated tasks in MS Excel and Access, learn and apply new skills effectively with minimal support, and communicate technical information (written and verbal) to nontechnical personnel. Additionally, the ideal candidate can demonstrate creativity and innovation through problem-solving. Ability to work effectively under pressure while remaining positive and flexible is also key to success. This position is expected to build strong working relationships with team members, vendors and stakeholders and be committed to Boulder County and Clerk and Recorder guiding values, including equity and inclusion. This is a full-time, benefitted position.  This position will require overtime, nights and weekends during election season and is subject to periods of time when vacation scheduling is not allowed (because of the election calendar). The Elections Technology Specialist will work Monday-Thursday (10-hour day) 40 hours per week during non-election time; this includes both in-office and telecommuting options at certain points in the year.  This position will work out of the Boulder County Clerk and Recorder’s Office, located at 1750 33rd St., Boulder, CO 80301.  Under Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), this position is exempt.  Boulder County requires its employees to reside in the state of Colorado as of the first day of work.Deadline: July 18. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Information Services Specialist, Illinois State Board of Elections— Under the general supervision of the Chief Information Officer and Deputy Chief Information Officer and the day-to-day supervision of the Information Services Team Leads, independently and as a project team member, develops, maintains, and enhances the State Board of Elections’ Information Systems. Establishes application development task schedules, testing plans and implementation schedules; Performs technical analysis, design, and programming according to SBE standards; Coordinates development, testing and implementation with end-users, technical consultants and IT Staff according to SBE standards. Consults with end-users to determine application goals, requirements, cost, architecture, and impact to existing systems; Provides Level 1 technical support for Agency end-users as well as end-users of other agency-developed systems. Through continuing self-study and/or formal coursework, acquires knowledge of advanced information systems concepts and techniques, productivity tools, election law, and Board policy as they affect Board Information Systems. Performs other duties as required or assigned which are reasonably within the scope of the duties enumerated above. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Information Technology Security Analyst, Illinois State Board of Elections— The IT Security Analyst reports directly to the Manager of Cyber Operations and Infrastructure. Supports the administration, implementation, review, and improvement of endpoint, network, hardware, application, and data security practices. Implements, supports and monitors the agency’s information security applications, including email security, web security, endpoint security software, firewalls, intrusion prevention applications, data loss prevention, etc. Monitors system dashboards and logs for threat indicators. Analyzes data and performs necessary incident response procedures. Conducts network, system and application vulnerability assessments. Analyzes agency threat surface and makes recommendations to management to harden agency systems. Evaluates agency processes and implements and/or makes recommendations to enhance security. Reviews information received concerning threat events from end users, supervisory personnel, other federal, state, county and local agencies and governmental entities involved in the exchange of data with the State Board of Elections (SBE), external entities such as the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC), Elections Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center (EI-ISAC), trusted cybersecurity vendors, law enforcement agencies, and public information sources. Consults with SBE staff on security issues. Provides a high level of customer service to agency staff, state, county, and local election officials. Ensures service desk queues and incidents are handled in an appropriate and timely manner. Salary: $6,264 – $8,917 Monthly. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Senior Programmer Analyst, Clark County, Nevada— This position provides project and program leadership to professional and technical staff; performs applications systems design, modification and programming of a routine to complex nature in support of County administrative and business services for multiple computer platform applications. Provides lead direction, training and work review to a programming project team; organized and assigns work, sets priorities, and follows-up and controls project status to ensure coordination and completion of assigned work. Provides input into selection, evaluation, disciplinary and other personnel matters. Gathers and analyzes information regarding customer systems and requirements and develops or modifies automated systems to fulfill these needs. Conducts feasibility studies and develops system, time, equipment and cost requirements. Using computer generated techniques, simulates hardware and software problems, tests and evaluates alternative solutions, and recommends and implements appropriate applications design. Develops program logic and processing steps; codes programs in varied languages. Plans and develops test data to validate new or modified programs; designs input and output forms and documents. Troubleshoots hardware and software problems, as needed, for customers, other agencies and information systems personnel. Writes program documentation and customer procedures and instructions and assists user departments and staff in implementing new or modified programs and applications; tracks and evaluates project and systems progress. Writes utility programs to support and validate adopted systems and programs. Confers with customer department staff regarding assigned functional program areas. Maintains records and prepares periodic and special reports of work performed. Maintains current knowledge of technology and new computer customer applications. Contributes to the efficiency and effectiveness of the unit’s service to its customers by offering suggestions and directing or participating as an active member of a work team. Uses standard office equipment in the course of the work; may drive a personal or County motor vehicle or be able to arrange for appropriate transportation in order to travel between various job sites depending upon departments and/or projects assigned. This is an open and continuous recruitment, scheduling dates will vary depending on when the application was received and reviewed by Human Resources. This examination will establish an Open Competitive Eligibility list to fill current and/or future vacancies that may occur within the next six (6) months or may be extended as needed by Human Resources. Human Resources reserves the right to call only the most qualified applicants to the selection process. Salary: $32.07 – $49.74 Hourly. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Voter Education & Outreach Specialist, Washington Secretary of State’s Office— This position reports to the Voting Information Services Manager of the Elections Division and works collaboratively to provide outreach and educational services. This position leads onsite customer service to candidates during annual peaks, voters’ pamphlet training for internal staff, organization of printed materials for proofing, fulfillment of outreach materials to stakeholders, and coordinates the printing and distribution of the state Voters’ Pamphlet. The passage of new legislation (ESHB 2421) increases the business needs to be met by the Secretary of State’s Office. Each May and June, the office must preview and process candidate’s statements to be printed in local county primary pamphlets as well as the processing necessary July through October for the state general election pamphlet. The Voting Information Services (VIS) team promotes accessible, fair, and accurate elections. Through educational programs and service excellence, we help eligible Washington residents register to vote, file for office, and cast an informed ballot. VIS exercises visionary leadership to publish the state Voters’ Pamphlet. The team provides voters and candidates with essential tools and training, digestible data and auditing reports, outreach programs and publications. VIS also advises County Auditors in interpretations of federal and state election law to uphold the integrity of election administration throughout the state. These objectives are accomplished through official communications, collaboration with stakeholders, and educational publications including the state Voters’ Pamphlet. The VIS program also acts as liaison for the Office of the Secretary of State. Salary: $55,524 – $74,604. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Web Developer, Ballotpedia— Ballotpedia is seeking a full-time, senior full-stack Web Developer to join our organization. This is a remote position. Ballotpedia’s Tech team supports the rest of the staff in making high-quality political data and unbiased encyclopedic content available to the American public by improving many aspects of Ballotpedia’s web presence and the behind-the-scenes tools used by staff. This is a full-stack role that may include various aspects of engineering, development, design, programming, architecture, testing, and tooling. We are looking for someone with at least two years of career experience in full-stack web development who can demonstrate abilities across the stack. Salary: $65,000-$85,000. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.


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