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Wednesday January 3, 2018
National NewsNational News New bill could finally get rid of paperless voting machinesNational News Congress faces pressure over election cybersecurity
CACalifornia Redondo Beach to challenge state law on election dates
ILIllinois Automatic voter registration law doesn't allocate money for implementationIllinois Cronin: Merging two county offices a top issue
LALouisiana Candidates removed from New Orleans ballot sue in federal court
MAMassachusetts Galvin facing conflicts for picking state primary dateMassachusetts LWV: Allow early voting during primariesMassachusetts Jewish holidays prompt state to change primary dateMassachusetts Secretary of state is conducting investigation into how Leominister handled ballots during Nov. 7 election
NENebraska Secretary of state services will move at the end of January
NVNevada Clark Co. change to absentee voting procedure will save $50K
NHNew Hampshire Slate of bills could change NH election laws...again
NJNew Jersey Hillside mayoral candidate files suit challenging election result
NYNew York Push for early votingNew York Expert presents options for new Port Chester voting system
NCNorth Carolina With no NC elections board, Winterville race decided by 1 vote and a judge
NDNorth Dakota Aging voting machines could pose a challenge for counties
OHOhio Mahoning elections director proposes changes to comply with secretary of state order
SCSouth Carolina New election set after West Columbia election results thrown out
TXTexas El Pasoans are split on whether voter ID law will benefit local votersTexas What to expect in Texas' voting rights court fights in 2018Texas New countywide voting centers for March primariesTexas Impasse between Tom Green Co. party chair and elections administrator casts doubts on local primary elections
VAVirginia Fairfax Co. registrar to deny voter registrations over concerns with Va. systemVirginia 'Plenty of better ways to do this': Why it can be hard to assign voters to the right House districts in Va.
WVWest Virginia ACLU-WVa official pushes back on voter ID law
WIWisconsin New election system coming to county in 2018
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