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Friday January 5, 2018
National NewsNational News Bipartisan Senate bill would help states beef up election cybersecurityNational News After killing his 'voter fraud' commission, president calls for new ID lawsNational News Foes wary as president hands election probe to Homeland SecurityNational News Blackwell: Lawsuits, Dems at fault for end of voter fraud panelNational News President's election fraud investigation's fate unclear after move to DHS
CACalifornia New voting model coming to SMC, county seeks input
COColorado County election division seeks resident input on polling centers
HIHawaii The unretirement of Maui Co. Clerk Danny Mateo
ILIllinois Voter registration series seeks to ensure all voices are heard, votes countedIllinois Judge hears arguments about Aurora election commission referendum
INIndiana Riskovitch hired as St. Joseph Co. GOP voter registration officialIndiana State GOP mum on voter fraud
IAIowa New voter ID card law starting
KSKansas Kris Kobach on what led to the disbandment of PACEIKansas Voter registration suit continues forward; trial scheduled for MarchKansas Kobach files two more criminal voter fraud complaintsKansas Court fight over Kansas voting rights will exclude some evidence
KYKentucky Grimes responds to disbandment of voter fraud commission
MAMassachusetts Galvin welcomes demise of voter fraud commission
NENebraska No Nebraska voter info shared with WH commission
NHNew Hampshire Longtime Brentwood town clerk retiresNew Hampshire Senate votes to tighten voter eligibilityNew Hampshire Gardner says despite end of commission, he'll work for 'accessible, trustworthy elections'
OHOhio Secretary of state speaks out on shutdown of voter fraud commissionOhio Supreme Court to decide legality of Ohio's process for removing inactive voters
RIRhode Island Dissolution of voter-fraud commission hailed by RI secretary of state
TNTennessee Election preparations are underway in Houston Co.
TXTexas County Dems, GOP debate over polling locations
VTVermont Condos agrees with president in dissolving election commission
VAVirginia Citing registration concerns, attorney warns of false Va. voter fraud prosecutionsVirginia Republicans keep control of Va. state house after tie-breakerVirginia Del. Sam Rasoul releases election reform packageVirginia Lesson from Va. recounts: Mark those ballots clearly or ask for a new ballot
WVWest Virginia Commissioners give a voice to the people with precinct poll surveysWest Virginia Mark Rhodes talks end of election commission
WYWyoming Murray applauds decision to dissolve election commission
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