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Thursday January 18, 2018
National NewsNational News Women's March organizers to launch voter registration tour
CACalifornia Golden State settle suit over motor-voter rulesCalifornia Napa Co. announces vote-by-mail options for fire victims
COColorado Democratic challenger expands cash advantage over Williams
FLFlorida Million-dollar question: Special election to replace Latvala?
ILIllinois 'Birthday Boxes' encourage Naperville 18-year-olds to voteIllinois Cook Co. Clerk David Orr on The DownloadIllinois Kendall Co. board chairman backs dissolving Aurora election commission
INIndiana Democrat Harper announces bid for secretary of stateIndiana Dead voter bill moves to House
KSKansas Kobach's office will delay data uploads for Crosscheck to accommodate security review
MEMaine Ranked choice voting costs questioned
MAMassachusetts Holyoke City Councilor efforts to lower voting age
MNMinnesota Public awareness campaign on voting rolled out
MOMissouri Missouri joins voter registration accuracy, access initiative
MTMontana Commitment to voters, public service important to elections administrator candidates
NENebraska Voter ID, electronic poll books proposedNebraska Trio of bills offer options for enacting voter ID rules
NHNew Hampshire Legislator proposes ranked-choice voting
NMNew Mexico New chief deputy clerk in Dona Ana Co.
NYNew York Cuomo includes early voting in NY budget proposalNew York Former Erie Co. legislator gets job a board of elections
NDNorth Dakota Warning of 'thousands of unverifiable votes,' ND asks judge to lift order on voter ID law
SDSouth Dakota Hardeeville closer to election date change
TNTennessee Early voting to close early today, extended hours Saturday
TXTexas Officials hope new law cuts down on voter fraudTexas Nueces Co. clerk: Mail-in voter fraud remains a concern
VAVirginia Democrats roll out voting rights agenda
WAWashington Wyman: Change date of presidential primary
WVWest Virginia Election redistricting bill goes to House subcommitteeWest Virginia Precinct locations changing for Mon County
WIWisconsin ACLU, government watchdog groups defend embattled leaders
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