In Focus This Week
An Invitation to a New Election Audit Framework
By Jennifer Morrell
The Elections Group
Audits, tests and quality control measures play an important role in ensuring the quality and efficacy of the goods and services we use every day. In industries where there is little-to-no room for error, these measures are vital. In order for these measures to be meaningful, standards become critical.
Elections should be no different, and election professionals have had a front row seat as interest in election audits grew exponentially in recent years.
Not surprisingly, in jurisdictions large and small, election professionals across the country have been diligently working to improve their processes and procedures to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the elections they conduct. In some cases this includes efforts to implement audits or improve existing audits, tests and quality control checks, despite a lack of standards for performing these critical functions.
Informed by these experiences and in response to the growing interest, The Elections Group recently launched its Exploring Election Audits Series to help election officials identify principles, standards and audit best practices that apply to the entire election administration process – not just voting machines and tabulation equipment.
By putting forth a set of recommendations and methods for enhancing election audits, the series represents an invitation to an important and ongoing discussion. The content of the series is not meant to be perfect or exhaustive. We want to inspire an honest conversation about how best to audit elections. It is essential that, as the keepers of our democratic process, election officials continue to lead and engage in these conversations.
We hope you will join us as we continue to kick off these conversations on Aug. 17 at noon (EDT), when we will host a webinar discussing the series and its recommendations. Register here.
To help us develop the recommendations, our team of former election officials conducted systems mapping exercises, research and interviews over the course of a year. During two three-day sessions, we convened more than 30 current and former state and local election officials from across the country in audit workshops to gather ideas for how audits can enhance election integrity and help build public trust.
In our report and series of guides, we suggest a new framework for election administrators and other qualified auditors to conduct both pre- and post-election audits of key election administration processes, including ballot management, ballot proofing, mail ballot validation, tabulation and voter list maintenance.
Implemented effectively, the recommended framework can help election officials improve their processes and procedures – everything from the voter registration process to the way that ballots are accounted for and reconciled – while enhancing public confidence in our elections.
The framework includes a set of standards and principles for conducting election audits. These principles and standards, developed by our bipartisan group of election officials, lead to high-value audits that are conducted ethically and independently and that produce clear, evidence-based reports.
As we continue this conversation, we hope that you will choose to be an active participant in it. The content of the series is not static, and we encourage readers to provide us with ideas and feedback so that we can further the work of establishing election audit standards.
Jennifer Morrell is the chief executive officer and co-founder of The Elections Group, a nonpartisan consulting firm that partners with state and local election officials to support new program implementation or improve existing processes
Election Security News
New Regional Election Security Advisors Bolster Support for Local Election Officials Ahead of 2024
CISA advisors will help local election officials confront evolving and growing threats to election security.
By Derek Tisler and Owen Bacskai
The Brennan Center
With the 2024 election cycle fast approaching, a confluence of serious international and domestic threats risk jeopardizing U.S. election security. Ongoing global conflicts abroad mean that powerful countries with the motive and ability to meddle may continue to try to interfere in U.S. elections. At home, the deliberate spread of election disinformation — which recent advances in artificial intelligence could exacerbate — is fueling cyber and physical security threats to both election infrastructure and election workers. But late last month the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency announced that it will hire election security advisors in each of its regional offices, taking an important step to bolster support for the local election officials administering American democracy in the wake of these challenges.
In recent years, state and local election officials have been asked to confront these evolving and growing security threats with limited resources and support. A recent Brennan Center survey found that most local officials feel that the federal government could be doing more to help, and only 27 percent say the federal government is doing a “good job.”
And as election officials face widespread harassment, threats, lies, and exhaustion, many are leaving the profession. One in five local election officials are expected to be administering their first presidential election in 2024, according to the survey. That number is even higher in states like North Carolina, where at least 40 of the state’s 100 counties have replaced their election director over the last four years, or Nevada, where 10 of the state’s 17 counties have changed their top election official since 2020. The loss of institutional knowledge and experience may be especially difficult to navigate for the nearly half of election offices that operate with one or fewer full-time employees, or jurisdictions with budgets falling short of what is needed to confront today’s security challenges.
CISA’s hiring of regional advisors is an important step to help address some of these concerns. As CISA Director Jen Easterly stated, “[t]hese election security advisors will help build even stronger connective tissue between state and local election officials and our team at CISA.” That connective tissue is especially important when election administration is decentralized across thousands of local jurisdictions in the United States, yet each individual jurisdiction must confront similar security challenges stemming from national or international causes.
Since 2017, CISA has worked with states and localities to combat cyber and physical security threats. Through this work, the agency has built strong relationships with many state and local officials across the country. Its efforts helped ensure 2020 was, according to a statement by CISA’s then-assistant director and elections experts, “the most secure in American history.”
However, until now, CISA’s regional directors have been responsible for too broad a range of security personnel and issue areas to meet the needs of election administrators. While CISA already has specialists in areas like cybersecurity, protective security, and emergency communication, the agency has less dedicated expertise in the unique context of elections. As a result, many of CISA’s key election-related services are not effectively reaching the officials they are intended to support. Our survey found that there’s significant room to improve awareness of CISA’s key security resources and grant funding programs, especially among officials who started after the 2020 election.
The agency’s new plan will help address these issues. The new regional election security advisors — which Director Easterly outlined as being “experts in the infrastructure, jurisdictional requirements, and operating environments unique to their regions” — will give the agency both the knowledge necessary to address specific election security concerns and the capacity to do affirmative outreach to election officials on CISA products. They will be well-positioned to learn what threats election officials in their region are facing and which protective practices are working, then share best practices with the nationwide election community to help enhance security measures. And the large number of talented, trusted, and well-connected election officials currently leaving the field could be excellent potential applicants for these positions.
When it comes to securing U.S. elections, CISA’s new initiative is only a start. The challenges facing our election systems require a response at all levels of government, and there is more that federal, state, and local officials must do to safeguard the democratic process ahead of 2024. CISA can further utilize its reach and expertise by amplifying accurate election information and helping election officials protect against the rising risk of insider threats, while the Department of Justice can increase outreach and collaboration with state and local law enforcement to better protect election workers against violence and intimidation. At the state level, lawmakers can expand legal protections for elections workers and outline restrictions to safeguard election systems from tampering and unauthorized access. Officials at all levels can ensure that election workers have the resources they need to defend personnel and infrastructure.
That said, CISA’s announcement sends the important message that the agency understands the challenges ahead and is finding ways to help. As Director Easterly points out, optimally supporting state and local election officials “means meeting them where they are.” By installing regional election security advisors, CISA is moving towards that goal by enhancing its election expertise, deepening its connectivity to states and localities, and ensuring that its capabilities and services are reaching the officials carrying out our elections. Those efforts, together with other federal and state agencies working to support local election officials, will be an important part in ensuring a free, fair, and accurate election in 2024.
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2023 Elections
Voters in at least six states cast ballots this week
Special elections, statewide primaries and local elections on tap
By M. Mindy Moretti
Statewide primaries, local elections and special elections were held in at least six states this week. Most eyes were on Ohio where voters were voting in a special election on a ballot measure that would determine how future constitutional changes would be considered. Mississippi held a statewide primary and in Michigan, some localities were voting in the first election since the implementation of Proposal 2.
Voters in the Buckeye State headed to the polls for a single-issue special election on Tuesday. On the ballot was Issue One which would determine how future state constitutional amendments are approved.
Early voting, particularly in urban areas, was especially brisk with long lines forming on the final days. Almost 700,000 Ohioans cast ballots in the early voting period leading up to the Aug. 8 special election. More than 118,000 Ohioans have voted early, either by mail or in person, during the last three days of early voting alone. Polls in Franklin County stayed open an additional 90 minutes on Sunday to accommodate lines of early voters. In Hamilton County, Board of Elections director Sherry Poland says the amount of voters was unprecedented. “Our early in-person voting turnout has been record-breaking. Actually, as of today, we do expect to have more early in-person voters in this special election than we had in the Novembers 2022 election,” she said.
Voting was brisk in many places on Tuesday and while there were some isolated issues, overall things went well.
Aaron Ockerman, director of the Ohio Association of Election Officials said that election as a whole went smoothly given everything election officials were up against between staging this election last minute while at the same time going over the signatures on the petitions needed to put the abortion and marijuana questions on the November ballot. “It’s hard for people to understand and fathom what it looks like to have a million signatures dumped into your lap for those two statewide petitions and then have to check those right in the throws of conducting this very large statewide election,” Ockerman said.
In Summit County, new poll workers experienced some difficulties with equipment early in the day but voting was not impacted. Deputy Director Pete Zeigler said no machines malfunctioned, clarifying earlier reports, and said poll workers’ unfamiliarity with new machines was to blame for incidents of ballots not properly feeding into scanners. “These machines have not malfunctioned; this has only been happening because of poll workers struggling to learn the new equipment.” Zeigler said, adding that a couple of machines were involved. “At no point was voting halted. They only swapped out machines as a precaution.”
Due to the last-minute nature of the special election—it wasn’t until a June state Supreme Court decision that local election officials knew for sure there would be a special election at all — new polling locations had to be found in some counties. In Franklin County alone, 27 new polling sites had to be found. Voters in several counties including Wood County expressed their frustrations over new polling sites. “It confuses people. People that are coming out to vote on their way to work, they go storming in there to the high school, only have a few minutes to do it, find out they’re not voting here, oh I don’t have time for this,” voter Ann Elick said.
Additional voting machines had to be sent out to polling places in Lawrence County on Tuesday to deal with long lines. Randy Lambert, a Republican member of the Lawrence County Board of Elections board of directors, said more voting machines were sent to the three sites open for voting in Lawrence County. “We just did not anticipate a turnout like this,” Lambert said Tuesday afternoon. The board doubled or more than doubled the number of machines available at the schools, and lines were getting smaller. The county had consolidated 84 precincts into three polling places based on turnout predictions from the secretary of state’s office. Catherine Snider, director of the Lawrence County Board of Elections, says the Secretary of State’s office predicted 8 percent voter turnout, but turnout was actually closer to 20 percent. “Actually it makes me feel good that this is a special election with just one thing on it, and yet this many people are willing to come out and do their civic duty,” voter Brenda Stevenson said as she waited in line.
Stark County also faced some issues with higher than projected turnout. Voters told a local news outlet that they experienced long lines and a lack of ballots at polling places. “This is an election with a terrific level of voter turnout,” the county’s board of elections said in a statement posted to Facebook on Tuesday after the polls had closed. “We appreciate the patience and cooperation of all voters throughout the day. The greater turnout forced some adjustments to our procedures, including the utilization of additional paper ballots at polling locations. We remain confident that the redundancy we prepared for in the voting systems covered the ability of each voter to cast a ballot.” Regine Johnson, deputy director of the Stark County Board of Elections, said officials will look into any reports of irregularities and work to resolve issues they find. “Our staff is taking notes from all the voters that might call in, and we are talking to all of the election day technicians who go out into the field and deal with a number of these problems and to the voting location managers,” she said.
Some polling places in Washington County were without power. Voting was not affected, but the county board of elections brought generators to each location.
Things got off to an interesting start the Friday before the primary when a Hinds County man found a voting machine in the road. He took it home and reported it to authorities. Hinds County Election Commissioners Kidada Brown and Yvonne Horton came out to investigate. After taking a careful look at the machine, they determined that the machine did not belong to Hinds County. Brown said they were able to determine that the machine belonged to Copiah County and officials from that county retrieved the machine over the weekend. “We want to have a safe and secure election, and if we have people out delivering our machines, we don’t need any hiccups for Tuesday,” said Brown, who represents District 1. “We need everything in place and delivered correctly. When I got that phone call, I had to stop what I was doing and come right out here to see what was going on.”
Things were a bit less dramatic on Tuesday, although there was some drama when a car crashed into a voting precinct in Ocean Springs. The driver was transported to a local hospital with non-life threatening injuries and voting continued.
Ballot scanners at one of Hinds County’s largest polling places were not able to scan ballots. Voters were able to continue voting and ballots were placed into secure bags. There were reports that poll workers were not provided the proper keys to unlock the ballot scanners. “I think it’s annoying that the machines are functioning this morning, but I’m not too worried about it. They’ll be observed when they feed them into the machine later, so I’m not too worried about it,” said one voter.
In a late-morning update to the press, Secretary of State Michael Watson’s said there had been a number of other issues that far on election day. Power outages in Washington County caused by inclement weather rendered two machines temporarily unavailable, but power was restored at approximately 10 a.m. There were also delays in polling place openings in DeSoto and Lowndes counties, along with two locations in Hinds County. Precinct 526 in Madison County ran out of Republican ballots, and Precinct 36 in Leflore County ran out of Democratic ballots. Both were later replenished, according to the update.
In what may be a new one for us, one polling place in Adams County had to be relocated because of the FAA. Adams County has used the Natchez-Adams Airport lobby for many years as a polling location. On Monday, the FAA informed county elections officials that because the airport is a terminal, it could not be used for voting. Voting was moved to the hangar, and voters complained of very close quarters, as well as fumes from fuel and wasp spray needed to battle wasps. “It’s not a great situation,” Election Commissioner Tracy Gaude said.
Turnout varied. A Pike County election official said there appeared to be few problems — and fewer voters — in Tuesday’s party primaries. “I can tell the turnout’s low because I have not had that many problems,” Circuit Clerk Roger Graves said Tuesday afternoon.
And finally, we love hearing stories about first-time voters (and their moms)! Qadre Latiker, 18, said he was slightly nervous as he made his way to the polls. A graduate of Northwest Rankin High School, Latiker was voting alongside his mother, Latisha, who, as a present for his birthday and Easter earlier this year, gave him a voter registration sheet.
“It was a little nerve-racking because there’s a lot of names, but I did a little research on who I was voting for,” Latiker told the Clarion Ledger after voting. “It’s amazing because it was the first time with my son,” Latisha said. “Voting is a lifestyle, it’s a habit, it’s who we are. So, voting is never not an option, but doing it with my son for the first time was one of the most amazing experiences.”
Tuesday’s primary marked the first election since Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed a series of bills that implemented Proposal 2, a constitutional amendment passed last November that aimed to expand voting rights. Parts of the law went into effect for the primary, most notably prepaid postage for absentee ballots and more drop boxes.
Under the law, clerks must provide postage on all absentee ballot applications and envelops. It also requires municipalities install one drop box for every 15,000 registered voters.
Justin Roebuck, the Ottawa County clerk, says none of their communities needs to put in more drop boxes and coordination with the Michigan Secretary of State’s Office helped ensure they could meet the prepaid postage rules.
“I would say that there’s been a lot of preparation taking place already,” said Roebuck. “I think we were able to roll that out pretty smoothly.”
Candidates and poll workers outnumbered voters at several polling locations in Warren and Eastpointe on Tuesday. One Warren resident said she and her daughter cast ballots at 4 p.m. and were the 25th and 26th voters at the 9th precinct. In Eastpointe, one candidate reported their volunteers had all been sent home from all polling locations due to low voter turnout.
However in Washtenaw County, just under 20% of eligible voters cast their ballots which was more than expected. Ed Golembiewski is the Washtenaw County elections director. He was pleased to see the turnout exceed his expectations. According to Golembiewski, about 70% of the votes cast were by absentee ballot.
Election News This Week
Derek Bowens Joins NAEO Board: Durham County, North Carolina Board of Elections Director Derek Bowens has joined the National Association of Election Officials (The Election Center) as a board member. “Derek brings a wealth of experience and energy to the Board of Directors for the National Association of Election Officials. His background as a hands-on local election administrator and his extensive engagement nationally will contribute to the Board’s continued commitment to serve as the premier organization supporting and advancing the field, said Dean Logan, Election Center Board of Directors Nominating Committee and Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk. Bowens has been director in Durham County since 2017. Prior to that he was director of elections in New Hanover County. He has a part of the elections community since 2012. He is a North Carolina Certified Elections Administrator and is a nationally certified elections administrator through the Election Center. Throughout his career, Bowens has been nationally recognized by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) and the National Association of Counties (NACo) for innovation in election administration. Bowens has also sat on federal and state panels to provide analysis on critical matters related to election administration. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and a Certificate in Project Management from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. Welcome.
Voter ID News: In Nebraska, where voters approved a ballot measure requiring photo ID to vote in 2022, local elections officials and the secretary of state are gearing up for implementation. Hall County Election Commissioner Tracy Overstreet said, they’re gearing up for an election season with many twists and turns. “I think 2024 is going to be the most difficult election we’ve had,” Overstreet said. “I think it’s going to be more difficult than 2020 when we had COVID, I think it’s going to be more difficult than 2022 after redistricting and the census.” Secretary of State Bob Evnen said his office will be “will be putting this word out repeatedly” through press outlets and social media before the May 14, 2024, primary — the first election that will require voter ID — and the Nov. 5, 2024, general election. The good news, Evnen said, is that “97% to 98%” of Nebraskans already have the two main types of photo ID: a state-issued driver’s license or ID card. “I don’t think it’s going to be a large problem, because people have to show their IDs for
everything,” Evnen said. “This is nothing they should find out of the usual or extraordinary.” In North Carolina, where following a lengthy court fight, voter photo ID is now required to cast a ballot, the State Board of Elections has been working to implement the new law. The NCSBOE announced last week that county boards of elections are now able to produce free photo ID cards. “Any voter who does not have an acceptable ID card for voting can now get a free ID from their county board of elections,” said Karen Brinson Bell, executive director of the State Board of Elections in the release. “State Board staff has worked diligently with the county boards of elections over the past couple of months to get the necessary software and hardware in place for ID printing.” Jackie Greene, director of the Perquimans County Board of Elections estimated it shouldn’t take very long for a voter to receive a photo ID card from her office. After their information is inputted, it’s just a matter of having their photo taken and their card printed by the office’s laminating machine. “If everything is in order, they should be able to come in and leave with their card in 10 minutes,” she said.
Sticker News: The Butte County, California Clerk-Recorder/ Registrar of Voters announced the winner of the “I Voted” sticker contest. With 74 qualified submissions from local youth, ranging from kindergarten to 12th grade, six selected designs were released for community vote on July 7. During the community voting period, the Elections Division received 680 votes with the winner receiving 190 of those votes. The winning design was from Brooke Jacobsen. The “I Voted” sticker will be used for the 2024 Presidential Primary and general elections. The Louisiana secretary of state’s office has released this year’s “I Voted” sticker. Louisiana Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin unveiled the commissioned design for the 2023 “I
Voted” sticker at the Louisiana State Archives. The artwork for this year’s sticker is entitled “Confidence,” and was created by Jefferson Parish artist Becky Fos. “We are extremely grateful to Ms. Fos for creating another beautiful, original work of art to grace Louisiana’s ‘I Voted’ stickers for the second year in a row. Her expressive use of color provides a creative twist on iconic Louisiana imagery,” Ardoin said. Voters will receive the stickers when they vote at the polls for the Oct. 14 Gubernatorial Primary Election and the Nov. 18 Gubernatorial General Election. Congratulations to 18-year-old Bonnie Pittman for winning the Madison County, New York “I Voted” sticker contest. The BOE opened the contest up to
residents of Madison County who were between the ages of 13 and 18 and more than 80 designs were initially submitted. Madison County Board of Elections Democratic Commissioner Laura Martino said, “We are grateful to the voters who made the final decisions by choosing from the many creative and thoughtful entries. Please remember to come to the polls on November 7 or during Early Voting (October 28 – November 5) and get your custom Madison County ‘I Voted’ sticker!”
Personnel News: Adam Hammons, director of Spartanburg County, South Carolina Elections. Arkansas Secretary of State John Thurston has announced his candidacy for state treasurer. Glynda Jones has been elected to fill a vacant seat on the Chatham County, Georgia board of elections. Brandon Trosclair has filed to run for Louisiana secretary of state. Congratulations to Durango, Colorado City Clerk Faye Harmer for receiving a master municipal clerk certification. Congratulations to Rhea County Elections Administrator Felicia Goodman who recently passed the Tennessee State Election Commission’s Certification Exam
Legislative Updates
Kalamazoo, Michigan: A resolution seeking to allow ranked choice voting for Kalamazoo’s mayoral and city commissioner elections was adopted this week. Instead of the traditional casting of votes, Ranked Choice Voting, or RCV, would allow voters to rank candidates in order of preference (i.e. first, second, third, etc.), according to the City of Kalamazoo. Instead of the traditional casting of votes, Ranked Choice Voting, or RCV, would allow voters to rank candidates in order of preference (i.e. first, second, third, etc.), according to the City of Kalamazoo. If a candidate receives the majority of first-preference votes, then the candidate would win that election, officials said. For mayoral candidates, if no candidate reaches the required 50% plus one margin, then the candidate in last-place is eliminated from the race. “One thing we are very very focused on here and our City Clerk has done a fabulous job of it, is trying to reinforce this idea of election integrity and trust and obviously a big problem with that in our country right now,” City of Kalamazoo Mayor, David Anderson said. “It’s been complicated by a couple things, because what helps people trust elections…when it’s simple, you understand it. You voted for them, that person won, you can just see that,” Mayor Anderson added.
Legal Updates
Arizona: Claiming legal errors and improper government interference, Abe Hamadeh is asking the Arizona Supreme Court to order a new trial in his bid to overturn the attorney general’s election. Hamadeh, the losing GOP candidate, and the Republican National Committee claim Mohave County Superior Court Judge Lee Jantzen acted improperly in limiting the amount of time he had to prepare his legal arguments seeking to overturn his 2022 loss to Democrat Kris Mayes. In new court filings, they say that denied them the ability to find evidence that some people legally entitled to vote did not have their ballots tabulated. They also contend that more time would have enabled them to prove there were a sufficient number of situations where tabulators reported an “undervote’’ in the race for attorney general — essentially, that the voter had skipped the race — but where an examination of the ballots would show people did make a choice. Given that Hamadeh outpolled Mayes among Election Day voters, they say that could more than make up for Hamadeh’s 280-vote deficit.
U.S. District Judge James Wesley Hendrix sentenced Frederick Francis Goltz, 52, of Lubbock, Texas to three and half years in prison for threatening two Maricopa County officials and their families in relation to the 2022 election. Goltz pleaded guilty on April 21 to one count of interstate threatening communication in targeting Republican officials, County Recorder Stephen Richer, County Attorney’s Civil Division Chief Tom Liddy and poll workers, according to federal court records. Hendrix sentenced Goltz to 42 months in prison and three years of supervised release. Court documents state that Goltz’s threats were made in 2022, from July to Nov. 23, in Lubbock County. According to court documents — filed Dec. 16, 2022, in the U.S. Attorney’s Northern District of Texas — Goltz made threats against Richer, his wife and children on social media. Goltz also made threats on social media against Liddy and his children.
District of Columbia: The DC Democratic Party has filed a lawsuit aiming to keep a ranked choice voting and open primaries from getting onto the city’s ballot for next year, saying that both changes to how D.C. runs its elections would run afoul of the city’s charter and the U.S. Constitution. In a 33-page lawsuit filed in D.C. Superior Court, attorneys for the party’s leadership say the D.C. Board of Elections improperly gave the green light to a proposed ballot initiative that, if approved by voters, would call on the D.C. Council to adopt ranked choice voting and open primaries by 2026. The party is asking a D.C. judge to nullify the board’s ruling, which would effectively kill the ballot initiative. In the lawsuit, Democratic Party attorney Johnny Barnes argues that both proposed changes would violate local law and the constitution. He writes that open primaries would violate the Home Rule Charter’s requirement that the mayor, D.C. Council, and attorney general be elected on a partisan basis, and would violate Democrats’ constitutional rights to freely associate by allowing non-Democrats to influence the outcomes of primary elections. Barnes also says the ballot initiative would unlawfully require the city to spend money implementing ranked choice voting (ballot initiatives can’t force the city to spend any money), and would additionally violate the city’s Human Rights Act because it would discriminate against Black and low-income voters who could be confused by ranked choice voting. And in a non-legal argument, Barnes says in the lawsuit that had ranked choice voting been allowed when the city gained home rule in 1975, Marion Barry may never have become mayor. “Imagine the local history in the District of Columbia, for the past 45 years, had the outcome of elections been determined by open primaries and ranked choice voting!” he writes.
Idaho: Questions about how to describe a proposed ballot initiative that would change Idaho elections were the focal point of oral arguments before the Idaho Supreme Court this week. The case involves the ballot titles for a proposed ballot initiative brought forward by Idahoans for Open Primaries. The ballot titles are important because they describe to voters and the public what the initiative is and what it does. There is a short ballot title of 20 words or less and a longer ballot title of 200 words or less. The ballot initiative was in front of the Idaho Supreme Court because Idahoans for Open Primaries and Reclaim Idaho filed a legal challenge to the ballot titles that Idaho Attorney General Raúl Labrador’s office assigned to the ballot initiative on June 30. Reclaim Idaho is the same group that was behind the 2018 Medicaid expansion ballot initiative. The short title from Labrador doesn’t call the ballot initiative an open primary but calls it a nonparty blanket primary. During the hearing, attorney Deborah Ferguson argued Labrador failed at his duty to be an objective and impartial officer in his handling of the ballot titles. Ferguson also argued the term nonparty blanket primary is inaccurate. “Glaringly absent in that title is any mention that the law would create an open primary system in Idaho,” Ferguson said. “This is such an important part of the initiative process and the short title especially is the headline by which the public will know it,” Ferguson added. Idahoans for Open Primaries are asking to have Labrador’s ballot titles thrown out and corrected by the court.
Michigan: U.S. District Judge Paul Maloney has dismissed a lawsuit filed last fall that asked the court to decertify the 2020 presidential election and order a new one. “This lawsuit appears to be yet another brought by misguided individuals who reject the outcome of the 2020 presidential election,” reads the opinion from Maloney. “Many of the Plaintiffs’ allegations rely on tired examples of alleged malfeasance that have been debated for several years, most without proof or resolution.” The lawsuit was filed against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson in the U.S. District Court for Western District of Michigan. Its plaintiffs included Irving Township Clerk Sharon Olson, the Macomb County Republican Party, former U.S. Taxpayers Party gubernatorial candidate Donna Brandenburg and Election Integrity Fund and Force, a group that trains election observers and backed recounts of last year’s midterm election. In a statement, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel celebrated Maloney’s decision. “I’m pleased with the Court’s decision to dismiss yet another baseless case invoking wild and unfounded claims in the 2020 election,” Nessel said. “Those responsible for these lawsuits should not be permitted to continually assault our democracy and undermine the electorate’s faith in the accuracy of our elections in craven pursuit of partisan goals in a court of law.”
Attorney Stefanie Lambert Junttila is the third person charged by a special prosecutor in the alleged conspiracy to gain illegal access to voting machines. Junttila was charged with four crimes: undue possession of a voting machine, conspiracy to commit undue possession of a voting machine, conspiracy to commit unauthorized access to a computer or a computer system and willfully damaging a voting machine. The charges were authorized by a grand jury and filed in Oakland County by special prosecutor D.J. Hilson, who said the grand jury “was not influenced by politics, bias or prejudice.” “Although our office made no recommendations to the grand jury as to whether an indictment should be issued or not, we support the grand jury’s decision and we will prosecute each of these cases as they have directed in the sole interests of justice,” he said.
Mississippi: A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has struck down Mississippi’s lifetime voting ban for people with disqualifying felony convictions. The court’s 2-1 decision will restore the right to vote to tens of thousands of Mississippians. The court ruled in the case of Hopkins v. Hosemann that by banning former offenders “from the body politic forever” they will be punished “beyond the term their culpability requires.” The court argued that the ban—Section 241 of Article XII in the Mississippi Constitution—“serves no protective function to society” and is thus a “cruel and unusual punishment.” “The right to vote is the cornerstone of a functioning democracy,” said attorney Jon Youngwood in a statement. “This is a major victory for Mississippians who have completed their sentences and deserve to participate fully in our political process.” The court ruled that the ban is unconstitutional and instructed the Mississippi Secretary of State against enforcing the provision. Secretary Michael Watson did not immediately respond to ABC News’ request for comment. “Mississippi denies this precious right to a large class of its citizens, automatically, mechanically, and with no thought given to whether it is proportionate as punishment for an amorphous and partial list of crimes,” the court stated in the decision.
Nebraska: A Lincoln man has lost his lawsuit against all 93 county election commissioners in Nebraska, high-ranking state officials and an Omaha election software company over vague and unsubstantiated allegations of election fraud. In a recent decision, Lancaster County District Judge Andrew Jacobsen denied Rick Hill’s motion to amend his complaint for a third time. The proposed new version bumped up the money damages he sought from $10 billion in his earlier complaint to $44.7 billion and contained rambling allegations of rigged elections, sought to decertify the 2020 and 2022 elections and challenged the passage of the gambling referendum, among other things. Attorney Patrick Guinan, who represented a bulk of the election commissioners, said most of the allegations involve the 2020 election and Hill failed to file notice of a tort claim in the counties first, as required to get in the court’s front doors. In the spring, Jacobsen dismissed Hill’s earlier complaint against Nebraska’s governor, secretary of state, attorney general, speaker of the Legislature, election officials in all 93 counties and Election Systems & Software, which alleged they had allowed “unconstitutional elections.” Jacobsen described Hill’s complaint as a “rambling preamble of the plaintiff’s political and social commentary.” “This lawsuit is meritless. But that does not necessarily mean that it is frivolous,” Jacobsen wrote. But he warned Hill if he filed another lawsuit with the same issues, he would consider sanctions.
Nevada: Business Robert Beadles has filed a civil suit seeking the removal of Registrar of Voters Jamie Rodriguez, County Manager Eric Brown and Commission Chair Alexis Hill. Beadles, a member of the Washoe County Republican Party’s Central Committee, wants his election fraud concerns “put on the table and addressed” by Rodriguez, Brown and Hill – under court supervision. Unless this is done, the lawsuit says, Rodriguez will be “unprepared to run the 2024 presidential primary safely, securely, and accurately as required by law.” Representing himself in the lawsuit, Beadles says that bringing forward legal claims of widespread election fraud opens up attorneys to be targeted. The Washoe County DA’s office filed a petition that moves Beadles’ lawsuit from state district court to federal court, citing the fact that Beadles claims his constitutional rights were violated. The DA’s officed called Beadles’ statements the “inaccurate rantings of a conspiracy theorist.” In a letter from Deputy District Attorney Lindsay Liddell, Beadles is urged to withdraw his “frivolous” court filing or else face sanctions. “This case is an abuse of the judicial process,” Liddell wrote in a proposed motion for sanctions also emailed to Beadles. “The Beadles’ Complaint is disconnected from the law and from reality. The Complaint and its frivolous and unfounded claims should be dismissed, Beadles should be sanctioned, and Defendants should likewise be awarded attorneys’ fees.”
New Jersey: A Superior Court judge has ruled that there will be a recount in the 2nd Ward city council race in Atlantic City where just three votes separate the two candidates. Atlantic County Board of Elections Chair Lynn Caterson said the recount will take place Aug.18. “A recount is all paper ballots and all machine ballots,” Caterson said. After the initial count, Viana Bailey received 179 election day votes, 11 early voting votes, 81 vote-by-mail votes and 26 provisional votes for a total of 297. LaToya Dunston received 84 election day votes, 21 early voting votes, 167 vote-by-mail votes and 28 provisional votes for a total of 300. Bailey sued for a recount June 23, and Dunston sought to have Bailey’s suit dismissed. Machine recounts will be done by the Superintendent of Elections office, Caterson said, and recounts of paper mail-in and provisional ballots will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the board offices in Mays Landing. Superintendent of Elections Maureen Bugdon said Tuesday the time has yet to be set for the machine recount.
New York: Justice Robert Caloras of Queens Supreme Court on Friday dismissed City Council candidate Dany Chen’s lawsuit against his opponent, James Pai, in which he alleges voter fraud. Caloras ruled that Chen failed to demonstrate that the suit’s claims of voter irregularity would be enough to change the results of the June 27 Northern Queens Republican primary. In fact, the judge says it is impossible to prove that those votes would have gone his way. “Petitioner has not, and cannot, establish that, of the challenged votes, the vast majority would have been in his favor, and any such claim ‘taxes credulity,’” Caloras writes, quoting a prior court case. Chen filed the suit last month after hearing reports from District 20 Republican voters saying that they were told they could not vote in the June 27 primary because absentee ballots had already been requested in their names. Caloras previously denied a request by Pai’s attorney, John Ciampoli, to dismiss the case; Ciampoli subsequently motioned to reargue the case, which was granted.
North Dakota: Attorneys for the state are asking a judge to dismiss a lawsuit that a local election official and conservative legal organization filed seeking to restrict mail-in voting across the state. A motion filed by Attorney General Drew Wrigley’s office argues there is no conflict between state and federal election laws, which is a central claim in the federal lawsuit brought by Burleigh County Auditor Mark Splonskowski. The state argues in part that Splonskowski’s “true aim in this lawsuit is not adjudication of a true conflict, but the improper overthrow of North Dakota law.” Splonskowski, who was elected last fall, argues in the lawsuit filed July 5 that he faces “an impossibility” in enforcing election law. The lawsuit filed in collaboration with the Public Interest Legal Foundation argues that federal law assigns one day as Election Day, while the state allows for ballots to be counted up to 13 days after Election Day, creating a scenario in which Splonskowski has to decide which law to follow. The state argues that Splonskowski is wrong, citing a federal opinion in which a judge wrote that voting should not be confused with counting votes. The state also disputes Splonskowski’s claim that he could potentially face criminal penalties for enforcing the state’s election law. For example, the state argues that a Burleigh County prosecutor would not attempt to prosecute someone for complying with state Century Code.
Tennessee: A new lawsuit has been filed against Tennessee state leaders over congressional voting maps that split Nashville into three districts after it was signed into law. The lawsuit filed in federal court by the Tennessee NAACP, The League of Women Voters, and other groups, alleges Nashville’s vote to split into three congressional districts was unconstitutional by diluting the power of Black voters in Nashville. The lawsuit alleges the vote created three predominantly white, rural districts to undermine the city’s voters. Community leaders say they’re going to fight to make sure everyone’s voice is heard. “To ignore and suppress the political voice and the Black community, that’s happening all over the country,” said Damon Hewitt, president of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. “This is a knife fight. You have to duke it out case by case, state by state, map by map.” Gov. Bill Lee, Secretary of State Tre Hargett, and state elections coordinator Mark Goins, among several others are named as defendants in the lawsuit.
Texas: A trio of federal voting rights lawsuits is underway in Galveston. The combined case is the first major trial of its kind since the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a key clause of the Voting Rights Act in June. The three lawsuits charge Galveston County with racial discrimination, violating Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act. One has been brought by the U.S. Department of Justice, a second by a group of local NAACP and LULAC chapters, and a third by a group of current and former local office holders. The three cases have been combined under the umbrella of this final lawsuit as Petteway v. Galveston County.
U.S. District Judge James Wesley Hendrix sentenced Frederick Francis Goltz, 52, of Lubbock to three and half years in prison for threatening two Maricopa County officials and their families in relation to the 2022 election. Goltz pleaded guilty on April 21 to one count of interstate threatening communication in targeting Republican officials, County Recorder Stephen Richer, County Attorney’s Civil Division Chief Tom Liddy and poll workers, according to federal court records. Hendrix sentenced Goltz to 42 months in prison and three years of supervised release. Court documents state that Goltz’s threats were made in 2022, from July to Nov. 23, in Lubbock County. According to court documents — filed Dec. 16, 2022, in the U.S. Attorney’s Northern District of Texas — Goltz made threats against Richer, his wife and children on social media. Goltz also made threats on social media against Liddy and his children.
Wisconsin: The Republican National Committee (RNC), Republican Party of Wisconsin (RPW), and RITE PAC have teamed up to intervene in a lawsuit filed by a national Democratic law firm last month, which seeks to let voters in the Badger State return their ballots to absentee drop boxes again. The motion to intervene filed this week also responds to parts of the lawsuit that sought to invalidate Wisconsin’s absentee ballot witness requirement and the ballot curing deadline for election day.
Opinions This Week
National Opinions: Ranked choice voting | Election workers | Youth vote, II | Voting rights | Social media
Arizona: Ballot counting
California: Voter confidence
District of Columbia: Ranked choice voting | Election reform
Florida: Vote by mail
Georgia: State Board of Elections
Minnesota: Polling places
Mississippi: Polling places
Missouri: Ranked choice voting
New York: Voting machines, II
North Carolina: Voter ID
Ohio: Ballot measure | Poll workers, II
Pennsylvania: Runoffs
Texas: Election workers
Upcoming Events
NCSL Legislative Summit: The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) will hold its annual meeting, Legislative Summit, in August. This year’s elections track features election perspectives from across the spectrum, a live recording of the podcast, High Turnout, Wide Margins, a tour of the Marion County Election Board Office, a free precon on election security, accuracy and communications, and a free postcon on redistricting. To register visit NCSL’s Summit 2023 webpage; for the pre- and postcons, contact When: Aug. 13-17. Where: Indianapolis, Indiana.
Election Center National Conference: The National Association of Election Officials (The Election Center) will hold its 38th Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida in late August. In addition to the conference, CERA courses and renewal courses will be offered. The conference will include plenary sessions, workshops, the CERA graduation ceremony and an optional tour of the Orange County, Florida supervisor of elections offices. When: Aug. 26-30. Where: Orlando, Florida
National Voter Registration Day: National Voter Registration Day is a nonpartisan civic holiday celebrating our democracy. It has quickly gained momentum since it was first observed in 2012, with more than 5 million voters registered to vote on the holiday to date. Celebrated every September, National Voter Registration Day involves volunteers and organizations from all over the country hitting the streets in a single day of coordinated field, technology, and media efforts. The holiday is endorsed by the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS), the National Association of State Election Directors (NASED), the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC), and the National Association of Election Officials (The Election Center). When: September 19.
Job Postings This Week
electionlineWeekly publishes election administration job postings each week as a free service to our readers. To have your job listed in the newsletter, please send a copy of the job description, including a web link to Job postings must be received by 5pm on Wednesday in order to appear in the Thursday newsletter. Listings will run for three weeks or till the deadline listed in the posting.
Administrative Assistant & Special Projects Administrator for Director, Michigan Department of State— As an Administrative Assistant, this position assists the Director of Elections performing special projects related to election security including, but not limited to, advising and assisting the Director with strategic planning, reviewing and analyzing state and federal legislation relevant to Bureau of Elections (BOE), and assisting in the development of programs and procedures. The position coordinates BOE response to and management of election-security incidents with partners and stakeholders. The position works with BOE staff, Michigan Department of State (MDOS) staff, and partners to develop and implement an extensive election security-related education and training program for county and local election officials (as well as internal staff), focusing on election-related cyber security, physical security and secure and sound election administration procedures. The position assists county and local election officials in completing detailed election system security assessments and implementing security improvements as identified and needed, covering all major county/local election system components. The position serves as liaison with state and federal partners on election security coordination and initiatives. The position makes recommendations for priorities for and maintains, tracks and reports on the Department’s Federal election security grant program with MDOS Budget office. Salary: $31.98-$47.70/hr. Deadline: August 18. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Assistant Manager-Poll Worker Department, Palm Beach County, Florida— The Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections is looking for an experienced Assistant Poll Worker Department Manager. In this role, you will oversee the planning and the completion of various projects, administrative functions, operations, and specialized tasks in the Poll Worker Department. The work involves knowledge and application of departmental operations, planning, assigning responsibilities, monitoring election worker classes, maintaining records, evaluating performance, and the ability to review work for accuracy. This position requires initiative and sound independent judgement in the application of office policies, election laws, and procedures. Must be personable and maintain effective working relationships with colleagues, associates, and the general public. All work is performed under the guidance of the Supervisor of Elections. The ideal candidate will have an excellent work ethic, including consistent performance, reliability, and attendance. The desire and ability to work well in a fast-paced collaborative environment with a smile are essential to the position. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Chief Deputy Registrar of Voters, San Bernardino, California— The San Bernardino County Registrar of Voters seeks a dynamic and innovative administrator who can lead and thrive in a fast-paced environment to manage our elections programs, processes, and team. The Chief Deputy Registrar of Voters is a forward-thinking individual that assists with guiding the future direction of the department and its processes, taking a hands-on approach to find solutions while working collaboratively with a knowledgeable and dedicated team. The Chief Deputy Registrar of Voters is a key member of the Department’s senior management team, participating in organizational strategic planning and administering election programs. The position serves as a Chief over a division of the Registrar of Voters (ROV) office and has primary responsibility for assisting the ROV in planning, conducting, and certifying all Primary, General, and Special elections. Salary: $85,425.60 – $118,684.80. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
City Clerk, Petaluma, California— The City of Petaluma, uniquely situated on the Petaluma River at the Northern end of the San Francisco Bay, offers a vibrant cultural, outdoor, and gastronomic scene. Residents enjoy unparalleled natural beauty along with deep engagement with their community. Life in Petaluma is the perfect mix of country and city, offering biking, hiking, paddling, arts, music, and shopping as well as outstanding food and craft beverages. The City celebrates family and cultural diversity, and is a community of people who care about making Petaluma a place they’re proud to call home. The new City Clerk will bring the knowledge and proven experience to assess current operations of the City Clerk’s Office and institute innovative processes, modifications, and technological efficiencies where necessary. The ideal candidate is emotionally intelligent, a strong communicator, and gets along well with others. Staying calm under pressure, bringing passion for local government and community service, and taking on new initiatives is essential to success in this role. Qualified candidates possess a Bachelor’s degree as well as five (5) years of experience in supporting an elected/appointed government body. A Master’s degree, Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC), and Master Municipal Clerk (MMC) are highly desirable. Salary: $164,883. Deadline: August 27. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Data Analyst, Protect Democracy— VoteShield, a project of Protect Democracy, seeks highly motivated and civic-minded Data Analysts to join our growing team. VoteShield’s goal is to maintain complete and accurate voter data in order to ensure free and fair elections for all qualified voters. As a member of this world-class analysis and engineering team, you will analyze voter registration data, work with election administrators, and grow your technical skills. Ideal candidates will be critical thinkers with a command of data analysis techniques and the ability to distill findings into clear, accessible reports and presentations. We are seeking people who bring an interest in civic data, commitment to non-partisanship, and passion for defending and strengthening our democracy through free and fair elections. We do not expect that any one candidate will have all of the experiences and requirements listed — our current data analysis team comes from a variety of professional backgrounds, including academia and the public and private sectors. We highly encourage you to apply if the job description gets you excited about the role and the work of Protect Democracy & VoteShield. You may work from any location in the United States, and candidates from diverse backgrounds and from across the political and ideological spectrum are strongly encouraged to apply. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Departmental Supervisor 11 – Elections Support Desk, Michigan Dept. of State — This position serves as the first line supervisor of technician positions in a standard work area for the Bureau of Elections Help Desk, which provides procedural information about campaign finance, disclosure, notarial acts and election law to candidates, committees, election administrators, notary providers and to the general public. This manager coordinates the tier 1 support and triage for inbound calls and communication to the Bureau of Elections to either resolve or route to the appropriate advanced level support. The incumbent coordinates with the Operations Section manager to provides additional support for bureau wide project activities and initiatives. Incumbent coordinates the staff that provides coverage for the Bureau of Elections front desk that support in person appointments or customer questions. Salary: $45,136-$95,347. Deadline: August 18. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Departmental Training and Education Coordinator, Pima County, Arizona— Assesses need for staff and/or client education, develops curriculum, training/education materials and presentations, and conducts/coordinates training/education for staff and/or clients. Salary: $54,662. Deadline: August 18. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Deputy Director- Communications & Support Services, DeKalb County, Georgia— The following duties are normal for this classification. The omission of specific statements of the duties does not exclude them from the classification if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this classification. Other duties may be required and assigned. Manages, directs, and evaluates assigned staff; oversees employee work schedules to ensure adequate coverage and control; reviews timesheets; approves/processes employee concerns and problems and counsels or disciplines as appropriate; assists with or completes employee performance appraisals; directs work; acts as a liaison between employees and County administrators and elected officials; and trains staff in operations, policies, and procedures. Organizes, prioritizes, and assigns work; prioritizes and schedules work activities in order to meet objectives; ensures that subordinates have the proper resources needed to complete the assigned work; monitors status of work in progress and inspects completed work; consults with assigned staff to assist with complex/problem situations and provide technical expertise; provides progress and activity reports to County administrators and elected officials; and assists with the revision of procedure manuals as appropriate. Directs functions and activities of the department; directs voter registration programs, voter education and outreach programs; administers elections; recruits and trains poll workers; and oversees storage, maintenance, preparation, and testing of election equipment. Directs voter registration activities; reviews and approves staffing levels during high volume and peak registration periods; monitors work activities to ensure timely processing of applications and maintenance of voter registration rolls; and conducts voter education seminars and training for citizens. Conducts elections; supervises departmental personnel to ensure that all elections are conducted in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations; determines locations and schedule for early voting; organizes equipment and staff deployment levels for early and election day voting; reviews training packets; monitors early voting traffic and election task lists; approves ballot layouts; and implements changes in procedures to resolve issues. Plans, directs, trains, and supervises voter outreach activities; processing absentee ballots; receives/files nomination papers, candidate statements and initiative petitions; maintains the voter file; advises individuals/groups on procedures for filing initiatives, referendums and recall petitions; and files/audits campaign financial statements. Coordinates the daily operation of the department’s computer systems; supervises data entry of affidavits of registration; maintains election district information; prepares and maintains precinct maps; creating and consolidates precincts, including the operation of customized computer aided drafting applications; supervises election night ballot tabulating. Plans, directs and supervises employees engaged in securing polling places and precinct officers; training precinct officers; orders and delivers precinct supplies and materials; operating collection centers; conducting official canvass of election returns; operates mailing and computerized mail addressing equipment; mails sample ballots and election information to voters; and receives, inventorying and storing election supplies Assists in developing and implementing long- and short-term plans, goals, and objectives for the department; evaluates effectiveness and efficiency of department activities; reviews and revises policies, procedures, plans and programs; and researches, assesses, and makes recommendations regarding strategies to meet current and future election and voter registration needs. Interprets, applies, and ensures compliance with all applicable codes, laws, rules, regulations, standards, policies and procedures; initiates any actions necessary to correct deviations or violations; maintains a comprehensive, current knowledge of applicable laws/regulations and pending legislation that may impact department operations; and maintains an awareness of new products, methods, trends and advances in the profession. Assists in developing, implementing, and administering department budget; monitors expenditures for adherence to established budgetary parameters; and prepares and submits financial documentation. Oversees equipment and supplies for the department; determines voting equipment needs for each precinct for elections; monitors the packing and preparation of voting equipment and supplies; reviews and approves supply and equipment requisitions; develops equipment specifications; obtains price quotes from vendors; prepares and updates policies and procedures for equipment storage; and manages the maintenance of all related records. Completes data entry and filing; enters new voter registration information; verifies accuracy and completeness of voter information; conducts research of state records; mails out letters to retrieve missing information and documentation; updates existing records in statewide registration base; files new, updates existing, and pulls deleted cards as appropriate; scans and indexes registration and absentee applications; and files records and correspondence after processing. Oversees the creation of print and online content to publicize and promote department programs, facilities, events, or objectives; researches and verifies information; reviews, approves, or produces newsletters, calendars, brochures, and flyers; monitors, approves, and creates content for social media and department website; and writes or edits official department announcements, emails blasts, press releases, letters, or posts. Directs the design, planning and implementation of training programs aligned with department objectives and strategies; oversees community outreach programs and events; plans, organizes, and oversees special events, facility tours, educational programs; oversees the selection of locations, dates; reviews activities and materials prepared by staff or vendors; recruits and supervises event volunteers; and coordinates set-up, staffing, and implementation of program/event plans. Represents department to media, other departments, municipalities, candidates and state officials; answers questions and provides information; coordinates work activities; reviews status of work; resolves problems; responds to media requests; gives interviews and official comments; and produces short television segments for DeKalb County TV. Salary range: $81,077 – $125,670. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Election Professional, The Elections Group— The Elections Group is growing its team of election professionals. You will work in support of state and local election officials as they enhance or implement new programs and adapt procedures as necessary in a dynamic operating environment. Our team works quickly to assess needs and provide guidance, resources and support in all areas of election administration, including security, audits, communications and election operations. This is an opportunity to be a part of a collaborative and professional group who are passionate about elections and serving the people who run them. Our employment model includes remote work with some travel required and competitive compensation. We will be hiring full-time, part-time and contract positions over the next several months. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
IT Coordinator, St. Johns County, Florida— The IT Coordinator is a critical role in the organization responsible for overseeing the technology operations of the Supervisor of Elections office operating in a Microsoft Windows environment. This includes managing the IT staff, ensuring the security and integrity of the organization’s data and systems, and identifying and implementing new technologies to improve efficiency and productivity. The IT Coordinator manages core network operations, reports to senior management, and collaborates with other department heads to align Information Technology strategies to maximize organizational operations. Responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of the Supervisor of Elections office and systems while identifying and implementing new technologies to improve efficiency and productivity. Salary: $80,000 – $92,500 a year. .Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Network Manager, Rhode Island Secretary of State’s Office— The Network Manager will manage, maintain, document, and operate the Department of State’s (Department) network. Additionally, the Network Manager will configure, update, secure, and install network equipment with the Department’s infrastructure as well as work with other members of the eGov and IT Division to ensure secure reliable service to staff and the public. The Network Manager performs various duties including, but not limited to: Install, secure, maintain, troubleshoot, and repair LAN and WAN network hardware, software, systems, and cabling; Work with Department staff to assist them in understanding and utilizing network services and resources; Build and maintain network log infrastructure and support critical response initiatives; Manage, monitor, document, and expand the network infrastructure; Resolve desktop and networking problems; Assist staff with maintaining voice, data, and wireless communications; Develop and implement policies related to secure hardware and software; Optimize and maintain network security through the proper design, implementation and maintenance of network devices, appliances, and other systems; Plan and implement new network installations and upgrades; Maintain an orderly networking office and equipment storage area; Participate in Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity planning, drill, and implementation activities; and Perform other duties as required. Salary: $73,416 – $83,126. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Operations Manager, Santa Fe County, New Mexico— Under the general direction of the Department Director or elected official, establishes, implements, and oversees sound financial management, accounting, budgeting, staffing, procurement, and monitoring of internal control systems and processes for a department. Oversees multiple program support functions within the Department. This position will also manage the customer service and front window functions of the Clerk’s office. Essential Job Functions: Collaborates with Finance Department to establish the departmental budget request and submittal; executes, analyzes, forecasts, and manages budget in compliance with County policy. Oversees the development, tracking, and processing of all Department contracts, Requests for Proposal (RFP), Personnel Actions (PA), and payroll. Tracks grants and bond expenditures to ensure timeliness and efficiency. Serves as the official liaison with County Finance Department, Legal Department, and Personnel Department regarding Contracts, RFP’s, and payroll. Ensures internal control structure, budgetary control system and all accounting processes are functioning effectively within the department. Certifies that payments to vendors are accurate and timely and are for goods and services rendered in accordance with County policy. Disseminates information to management regarding the fiscal procedures and responsibilities regarding all financial transactions and activities. Coordinates program support activities within the Department; may present information at Board of County Commission meetings; may develop policies and business procedures for the department; and may audit and verify department payroll matters. Supervises timesheet submission for the department, ensuring timesheets are accurate and complete. Coordinates with the County Human Resource Department regarding the processing and tracking of all employee actions and issues; collaborates with Human Resources to facilitate recruitment for the department. Assists the Department Director/Elected Official with projects and assignments of priority and ensures completion of assignments in an effective and timely manner. Responds to questions and requests for information for the department. Hires, orients, trains, supervises, assigns and reviews work of, evaluates, and disciplines staff; recommends staff for promotion, compensation increases; and disciplinary action. Schedules, plans, and oversees or assists with departmental meetings; attends external meetings as representative of department; and attends meetings with government officials, vendors, and the public. Maintains knowledge of emerging technology and trends, current industry standards, evolving technologies, and methodologies that will impact department. Manages the customer service procedures and protocols in the Clerk’s Office; is readily available by phone, chat and email. Answers the main phone number and Clerk inbox; follows up with customer requests. Manages the Clerk’s Office calendar protocol, chat and ticketing systems. Maintains lists of regular customers by type: titles companies, surveyors, etc. Notifies customers of any operational changes, ensures holidays are posted. Maintains effective communications with users regarding vendor activities, problems, status, timelines and other details. Salary: $68,598 – $96,033. Deadline: Oct. 18. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Registration & Elections Supervisor, DeKalb County, Georgia— The following duties are normal for this position. The omission of specific statements of the duties does not exclude them from the classification if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this classification. Other duties may be required and assigned. Supervises, directs, and evaluates assigned staff; develops and oversees employee work schedules to ensure adequate coverage and control; compiles and reviews timesheets; approves/processes employee concerns and problems and counsels or disciplines as appropriate; assists with or completes employee performance appraisals; directs work; acts as a liaison between employees and management; and trains staff in operations, policies, and procedures. Organizes, prioritizes, and assigns work; prioritizes and schedules work activities in order to meet objectives; ensures that subordinates have the proper resources needed to complete the assigned work; monitors status of work in progress and inspects completed work; consults with assigned staff to assist with complex/problem situations and provide technical expertise; provides progress and activity reports to ; and assists with the revision of procedure manuals as appropriate. Conducts elections; supervises personnel to ensure that all elections are conducted in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations; secures early voting locations and recommends schedule; appoints site managers and determines staffing requirements for early and election day voting; works with polling locations and County Information Technology staff to ensure technology capabilities; develops and reviews training for compliance with election laws; monitors early voting traffic; recommends changes in procedures to resolve issues; conducts election night precinct check in, election audit and preparation of precinct statistics; monitors election tasks lists; monitors election software programming; and oversees financial filings process. Implements, monitors and maintains registration functions and processes; reviews registration functions and processes such as felon registrations, duplicate voters, citizenship verification, jury summons questionnaires, provisional voting, election night precinct check in and election audit; monitors and ensures compliance with established protocols and procedures; and updates protocols and procedures as needed. Prepares and completes a variety of registration, production and election reports; compiles and/or tracks various administrative and/or statistical data; generates and prepares data; submits all mandated reports to local, state and federal regulatory agencies or others as required; and maintains related records. Maintains training and procedure manuals; and develops, updates, and revises manuals for all procedures involving voter registration and election functions. Interprets, applies, and ensures compliance with all applicable codes, laws, rules, regulations, standards, policies and procedures; initiates any actions necessary to correct deviations or violations; maintains a comprehensive, current knowledge of applicable laws/regulations and pending legislation that may impact department operations; and maintains an awareness of new products, methods, trends and advances in the profession. Assists in developing and implementing department budget; review. Salary: $54,927 – $88,433. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Research Director, CEIR— CEIR seeks a qualified Research Director to join our team. The Research Director will report to the Executive Director and lead CEIR’s research initiatives. These initiatives include, but are not limited to, matters pertaining to voter registration, voter access, election integrity and security, and election policy, generally. The Research Director will set goals aligned with CEIR’s mission and provide the research team with strategic direction on how to reach those goals, all while ensuring the rigor, integrity, and quality of all research activities. This is an excellent opportunity for an experienced and highly motivated individual who wants to join a growing nonprofit that seeks to make a substantial, positive, nonpartisan impact on elections and American democracy. The Research Director role is a full-time job. CEIR supports hybrid work at its office in Washington, DC. However, we will consider outstanding candidates across the United States that wish to work remotely. CEIR’s office hours are 9am-5pm ET, and the Research Director is expected to be available during that time regardless of location. Salary Range: $110,000-160,000. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Senior Program Manager, Center for Tech and Civic Life– As a Senior Program Manager at CTCL, you will lead development of a program to assess, recognize, and celebrate outstanding performance by election departments nationwide. To develop this certification program, you’ll collaborate with internal and external partners, including election officials and subject matter experts. You’ll report to an Associate Director in the Government Services department and will manage a small team. Responsibilities: Design and manage a certification program for election departments. Own the development, oversight, and continuous improvement of the program, its credibility, inclusivity, and user experience. Ensure documentation is comprehensive and clear. Manage a team. Contribute to equitable hiring processes for new teammates. Lead direct reports to set goals every 6 months, and provide coaching in weekly 1:1s. Support direct reports to reach sustainable professional development goals and career milestones. Manage relationship with consultant – Collaborate with a certification expert to define and address program needs. Share timely questions and challenges in recurring meetings, and assign owners to action items. Engage key stakeholders – Coordinate with staff, legal counsel, partners, election officials, and subject matter experts to strengthen the program and build buy-in. Communicate regular updates and respond to inquiries on the program’s development, operation, and outcomes. Develop and lead Certification Board – Recruit, organize, and oversee a new, nonpartisan, diverse Certification Board. Ensure board’s alignment with CTCL’s values, mission, and commitment to priority audiences. Design governance model, define term limits, and provide appropriate support and structure for the board to achieve its goals. Salary: $79,198. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Senior Supply Technician, Pima County, Arizona — Receives, issues, inventories, stores supplies, materials, and equipment. Performs various processing tasks and manual duties requiring familiarity with the supply and/or property operations. Some positions perform duties in law enforcement or corrections environments and may include daily contact with inmates. Some positions may be required to order, handle, store, and deliver hazardous materials. Salary: $15.82/hour. Deadline: August 18. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Training Program Coordinator, Charleston County, South Carolina— This position is responsible for the recruiting, coordinating, and training of Election Day poll managers on the policies, procedures, and SC State law regarding the administering of fair, honest, and accurate elections within the polling places on Election Day and during early voting. This position will also train all temporary Early Voting staff. This position will be responsible for developing all instruction manuals and materials. This position reports directly to the Deputy Director of Election Operations. Salary: $53,248 – $69,784. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Voter Services Manager, Denver, Colorado– In this role, you will lead the Voter Services team within the Denver Elections Division. The Voter Services Manager also: Manages a dedicated team of 4 staff that provide customer service and conduct the day to day operations of voter registration. Serves as the County Administrator for SCORE (Statewide Colorado Registration and Election database). Oversees the petition verification process in SCORE. Oversees election judge training and creates the training programs for Supervisor Judges, Registration Judges and Support Judges. Collaborates with internal partners to fulfill open records requests. Provides recommendations for staffing needed to perform voter registration functions and answer phones and emails during various phases of the election cycle. Acts as a subject matter expert in elections and voter registration by continuously reviewing Colorado election laws to accurately inform and instruct the general public and internal staff. Implements policies, programs, and operating procedures for the voter services department. Contributes to the development of performance goals, documents performance, provides performance feedback, and provides information to inform the formal performance evaluation. Fosters an atmosphere of innovation to challenge the organization to think creatively, especially as it relates to positive citizen and customer experience opportunities. Coaches, mentors, and challenges staff. Champions continuous improvement, including devising new strategies and new opportunities. Leads staff development initiatives that include training and development. Performs other duties as assigned or requested. Salary: $93,744 – $154,678. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
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