In Focus This Week
MIT Election Lab releases new trove of research
Today, the MIT Election Data + Science Lab is unveiling a new collection of resources under its Mapping Election Administration and Election Science initiative. These resources, which include videos, white papers, and reference collections, are a culmination of efforts to assess the current state of election administration knowledge and practice. All these resources are available at the Election Lab website.
The need for unbiased empirical research to inform decision-makers cannot be overstated. Yet the field is still relatively new and comparatively small, especially considering the disproportionate impact election administration has on the workings of our democracy. The MIT Election Lab developed this project to build up a robust, useful evidence base for election officials, policymakers, and the wider community.
In collaboration with several teams of academic researchers, we began with the hope of defining areas where the existing evidence about best policies and practices is clear, as well as generating a research agenda for the future. To do so, we commissioned seven white papers from experienced scholars throughout the country. Each white paper covers an area of administration that is critical to the convenience, security, and accuracy of elections in the United States; they map out the state of the field, empirical claims about where consensus on best practices exists, and the remaining critical questions that would close the gap between scientific knowledge and needs in the field.
Today, we are proud to release those seven white papers, along with video summaries from the authors. We are also making the full bibliographies for each topic area available separately, with the intent of kickstarting a comprehensive overview of the existing resources on the subject, from peer-reviewed academic work to practitioner guidance. You can find the portal to explore the research and resources here.
This initiative is merely one starting point for an ongoing conversation about election administration in the United States. While those discussions will continue to unspool and evolve, we are glad to bring these white papers and resources to the public. There is plenty of work cut out for all of us in this field; we look forward to working alongside many of you as we continue to chart a research agenda for the coming decade.
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As we move into the holiday season and countdown to 2024, we’ve got a few temporary changes to our schedule. These changes will mostly affect the Daily News.
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Election News This Week
Election Hero Day: November 6 marks the Election Hero Day. Here are some ways to celebrate the day:
- Share on social media. Plan to distribute messages of gratitude on Monday, November 6th using the Election-Hero-Day-Partner-Toolkit. Be sure to tag Election Hero Day on all social media @ElectionHeroDay
- Story-telling. Share the stories of your local election workers and tag us using #ThankYouElectionHeroes.
- Get creative. Have a creative idea about how to amplify election heroes in your community? Reach out to us with your ideas!
There is a Google form to place poster orders and to share your creative new Election Hero Day celebration ideas to be highlighted on our social media, website and partner toolkit. Please place poster orders ASAP to ensure that you receive them by November 6th this year! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to
Election Security: A breach of District of Columbia voter data may have been broader than initially understood and may have included the entire voter roll, the District of Columbia Board of Elections said in a statement according to Cyberscoop. The board first learned of the breach after voter data was offered for a sale in an online forum earlier this month. Initially, the board believed the affected data amounted to 600,000 lines, but in a call with its hosting provider on Friday learned that the breached database included a copy of the full voter roll. It is unclear whether the attacker was able to exfiltrate the full voter roll containing data such as voters’ social security numbers, driver’s license numbers, phone numbers and more. According to the board, DataNet reported that it “could not pinpoint if or when this file may have been accessed or how many, if any, voter records were accessed.” The board said Friday it has hired the cybersecurity firm Mandiant to investigate the incident, pledged to release the results of its investigation of the breach and said it would reach out to all registered voters. “This remains an ongoing and active investigation,” the board said.
Stepping Down, Speaking Out: Louisiana Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin, who chose not to seek re-election this year, recently spoke candidly about his decision not to run again and the state of elections in the Bayou State. Ardoin spoke at the Baton Rouge Press Club and was candid about his reasoning behind not wanting to run again being from the stress of facing more misinformation and backlash from fringe groups. “People that act as if they are election experts and they’ve never put on an election. They don’t know the nuances of elections, security, they don’t know the nuances of election policy and procedures, and they don’t know the law, but they assume that they know and they apply what happens in one state to other states,” Ardoin said. He offered a word of advice to the person who will replace him to not let those voices sway the decisions of the office. “Make the decisions that are best for the state and not for any one contingency that is pushing back or pushing for something else,” Ardoin said. He talked about harassment of his staff lowering morale and there has been a drastic drop in interest in being poll workers as people are fearful to be part of the process that has faced heavy criticism. Ardoin said the attacks toward him began to take a toll on his health. “There were door hangers placed on my door and in my entire neighborhood saying inaccurate things about me and my record, almost trying to incite my neighbors,” Ardoin said. Ardoin also pushed back against the Legislature and its micromanagement of the state’s need to purchase new voting equipment. “I think the Voting System Commission [created by the Legislature to choose a new voting system], although a good idea in concept, created the very situation that brought about intimidation, harassment,” Ardoin said.
Sticker News: New Hampshire Secretary of State David Scanlan announced the winners of the state’s “I Voted” sticker contest this week. Of the over 1,000 designs submitted by fourth graders from around the state of NH, Grace of Milton, Jacob of Auburn, and Rilynn of Mont Vernon were chosen as the winners by local town and city clerks during their annual conference in October. Each design captures the spirit
of New Hampshire and encourages all voters to take part in NH elections. The winning designs will be printed as “I Voted” stickers and distributed during the 2024 New Hampshire Presidential Primary. Grace, Jacob, and Rilynn will also be invited to the State House to have lunch with Scanlan and Deputy Secretary Erin Hennessey. Twelfth grader Justin Lentz is the winner of this year’s “I Voted” sticker contest in Iredell County, North Carolina. All Iredell County students K-12th grades were eligible to enter, and 80 entries were received. The Board of Elections narrowed down the entries to seven finalists before Lentz was selected the winner. “We are very excited about this, and right now we have 100,000 of these stickers on order, because this will be our official 2024 ‘I voted’ sticker,” Board of Elections Director Susie Jordan said.
Personnel News: MaryAnn Groot has been appointed to the Erie County, Ohio board of elections. Elections Specialist Kenny Rhyne has been named interim director of the Burke County, North Carolina board of elections while Director Debbie Mace recovers from a health condition. Missouri Senate President Caleb Rowden says he is joining the race for Missouri secretary of state in 2024. Former Eau Claire City Clerk Carrie Riepel has been appointed to the Wisconsin Elections Commission. Congratulations to the Williams County board of elections for being named the “Board of the Year” by the Ohio secretary of state’s office.
Research and Report Summaries
E-pollbooks: The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) released a report on the results of the agency’s Voluntary Electronic Poll Book pilot program, which evaluated the ability of electronic poll book (or e-poll book) developers and EAC Voting System Test Laboratories (VSTLs) to meet baseline cybersecurity, accessibility, and usability standards. E-poll books are designed to replace paper poll lists accessing digital voter registration records on a laptop or tablet and represent a key component of critical election infrastructure. A primary goal of the pilot was to develop a set of testable guidelines, procedures, and program materials that could be utilized to certify the security, accessibility, and usability of these election systems across the country. During pilot program testing, which took place between January and June 2023, two VSTLs, Pro V&V and SLI Compliance, tested e-poll book devices from five commercial manufacturers, and two in-house developers. These systems were tested against the Voluntary Electronic Poll Book Requirements (Version 0.9) developed by the EAC’s Election Supporting Technology Evaluation Program (ESTEP) in consultation with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), cybersecurity and accessibility experts, and other key stakeholders. The pilot program confirmed that the systems tested are election ready for use in 2024 and would require only minor changes, such as added documentation, to meet the proposed baseline standards. Under the authority of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), the EAC created ESTEP to establish requirements and guidelines specific to election technologies that are not covered under the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines (VVSG). The e-poll book pilot is the first in a series of pilots conducted by the ESTEP program, which will also examine voter registration databases, election night reporting systems, and ballot delivery systems.
“ESTEP has become a vital addition to the EAC’s support and resources to election officials to secure our nation’s elections,” said EAC Chairwoman Christy McCormick, Vice Chair Ben Hovland, Commissioner Donald Palmer, and Commissioner Thomas Hicks in a joint statement. “The need for strong security in election supporting technology like e-poll books continues to grow and the threat landscape continues to evolve. The report and subsequent feedback will help inform the EAC’s next steps in making this pilot a permanent fixture of the EAC’s support to election administrators.”
Throughout the past 15 years, the U.S. has witnessed a steady increase in the use of e-poll books during elections. The EAC recognized the need to establish a uniform set of standards and best practices for e-poll book testing and usage. According to the 2022 Election Administration and Voting Survey (EAVS), 2,271 jurisdictions in 40 states utilized e-poll books during the November 2022 general election. The e-poll book pilot tested commercial systems from Election Systems & Software, Inc. (ES&S), KNOWiNK, Robis Elections Inc., Tenex Software Solutions, and VOTEC Corporation as well as in-house systems from Maricopa County, Arizona Elections Department, and the North Carolina State Board of Elections. The EAC would like to thank all participants and our accredited laboratories for their assistance throughout this process.
In response to the pilot program’s findings, the EAC plans to revise the Voluntary Electronic Poll Book Requirements by incorporating baseline functional requirements based on state and local standards with the goal of implementing a formal program for testing and certifying e-poll books at the federal level. To complement the requirements, the EAC will develop supporting administrative guidelines with our stakeholders. Finally, the EAC will enhance data collection methods during the 2024 Election Administration and Voting Survey (EAVS) reporting for e-poll books to further improve the nation’s understanding of the use of these critical systems. Upon receiving approval from EAC Commissioners, ESTEP will next move forward with piloting Blank Electronic Ballot Delivery Systems.
Legislative Updates
Alabama: Republican officials in Alabama are supporting a bill to make it a crime to provide an absentee ballot application for another voter. They say a stricter law would prevent the distribution of unsolicited applications by people paid by campaigns or third-party groups trying to gain undue influence on voters. Opponents of the bill, the first one filed for next year’s legislative session, point out that it would affect more than paid activists. Friends, neighbors, church members, and volunteers could face prosecution for giving an absentee ballot application to another voter. The bill has exceptions for family members and people who share a household. It allows helping voters who are blind, disabled, or cannot read and write, exceptions mandated by federal law. Voters could also ask for help from employees who work in state and county election offices. But otherwise, a person who orders, requests, or obtains an absentee ballot application for another voter could be charged with a Class A misdemeanor, which carries up to a year in jail and a fine of up to $6,000. Alabama law already prohibits mailing in an absentee ballot application for another voter or hand-delivering it to the county absentee election manager. The prohibition is printed in red text on the application, along with criminal penalties. It means that third-party collections of absentee ballots, sometimes called ballot harvesting, is already illegal in Alabama.
Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska: An attempt to change election dates for the Fairbanks North Star Borough ignited debate in the borough assembly meeting when the body picked up a conversation from the previous week. “This is about voter turnout,” said assembly member Tammie Wilson. Each year, local elections fall into three municipalities: the borough, the City of Fairbanks and the City of North Pole. Traditionally, these three elections are organized and run together by the three governments. This ordinance if passed, would have moved local borough elections from October to November. In even numbered years, this would put them in line with state and national elections, which traditionally see higher turnout. According to Wilson, who sponsored the ordinance, it was intended to increase voter turnout in local races. She used the Matanuska-Susitna borough as an example of this trend. “Mat-Su borough, even with Ranked Choice Voting, chose to stand in two lines, 40.58 percent. You can’t debate that number.” However, critics alleged the ordinance left Fairbanks and North Pole governments, as well as the community, out of the conversation. Assembly members also questioned the amount of money the ordinance would cost to implement, by requiring the hiring of more election workers for a single day and the purchase of more election equipment. The language of the ordinance itself argues that synchronizing local with state and national elections would make voting more convenient. However, in response to the proposed ordinance, the city councils of both Fairbanks and North Pole unanimously passed resolutions keeping their elections in October. Thus, residents of these cities would still continue to see elections in both October and November every other year.
Michigan: By a 20-18 vote a bill cleared the Senate that would clear the way for outside parties to pay for free or discounted rides to help voters get to the polls on Election Day. Republicans say the bill might be well-intentioned. But they say it would leave too much room for abuse by groups trying to get in the last word before dropping voters off at polling places. Republican Senator Ed McBroom (R-Vulcan) sits on the Senate Elections and Ethics Committee. He said the offer of a ride poses a risk that “such transportation to the polls provides for electioneering and possible intimidation of voters.” He argued the bill would allow Republican- or Democratic-aligned organizations to use rides to make sure they get the last word before voters are dropped off at the polls. But Sen. Jeremy Moss (D-Southfield), who chairs the elections committee, said Michigan is one of only a few states that doesn’t allow ride-sharing services to offer free or discounted lifts to polling places. Also, he said, no one is looking over people’s shoulders as they decide who gets their vote. Governor Gretchen Whitmer is expected to sign the bill.
South Carolina: A panel of state lawmakers took up a bill this week that would reform municipal elections in South Carolina. Currently, South Carolina lacks a state law that designates a specific date for municipalities to hold their elections. This has resulted in a diverse range of election dates, causing logistical challenges for both election officials and voters. “The old joke is there’s an Election Day every Tuesday in South Carolina,” said Representative Brandon Newton (R-Lancaster). According to Newton, the proposed bill would standardize municipal elections. It passed the House unanimously earlier this year. The legislation would require all local elections to be held on one of three specific days in odd-numbered years. These dates would fall in March, July, or November. Currently, a little less than 70 cities and towns hold their elections in even years. The panel amended the bill to address another significant aspect of the proposed legislation involving closing a local election law loophole. Right now, if an incumbent municipal official faces a challenge to the election’s outcome, they are required to remain in office until the matter is resolved.
Wisconsin: Wisconsin’s photo identification requirement for voters would become enshrined in the Wisconsin Constitution under a proposal making its way through the Legislature, a move GOP lawmakers say is aimed at preventing the new liberal majority on the state Supreme Court from doing away with the law. Republicans are also weighing other changes to the state Constitution that would affect voters, including a ban on noncitizen voting and a ban on the use of private funds for elections. Members of the public weighed in on the three proposed amendments at a public hearing. To be approved, the resolutions would have to pass two consecutive legislative sessions and then be approved by voters. They would not be subject to a Governor’s veto. The voter ID proposal would render permanent a state law requiring a voter to show photographic proof of identity before casting a ballot. Supporters of ID laws say that they’re a shield against voter fraud, while opponents say that they serve to discourage voting.
Legal Updates
Arizona: The Arizona Free Enterprise Club has filed a federal lawsuit alleging unmanned ballot drop boxes are illegal because there is no state statute specifically authorizing their use outside of established polling places. The conservative grassroots organization has challenged a variety of statewide voting practices in court. The complaint questions whether Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes can include rules for such drop boxes in his proposed Elections Procedures Manual. That’s a document that instructs officials on how to comply with Arizona’s election statutes, ensuring election practices are consistent statewide. Drop boxes were first permitted statewide by the 2019 Elections Procedures Manual, Fontes said. That version of the rulebook remains in effect today and was approved by former Gov. Doug Ducey and former Attorney General Mark Brnovich, both Republicans. The suit points to a recent case in which the Wisconsin Supreme Court found unstaffed drop boxes weren’t allowed under state law. It attacks the integrity of Arizona’s drop boxes, even though Fontes and other election officials maintain that they are safe and secure. Fontes said the drop boxes are permissible, noting state law allows him to prescribe rules-setting procedures on early voting and ballot collection. In a statement, he pledged to “vigorously fight against any attempt to take away a voter’s right to use a ballot drop box.”
Connecticut: Connecticut Superior Court Judge William Clark is expected to decide on a lawsuit over the results of the Bridgeport mayoral primary by the end of the month. Clark ordered the attorneys to submit post hearing briefs by next week. “It’s appropriate for the help from the court to have post hearing briefs, in lieu of closing arguments,” Clark said. The hearings ended on a subdued note after nearly a week of testimony from various witnesses and video exhibits over allegations of electoral misconduct in the Bridgeport mayoral primary. Now Judge William Clark is expected to make a decision on if a new primary is needed, weeks before the general elections. Democratic challenger John Gomes’ attorney, William Bloss, argued several aspects presented in testimony put the results of a tight primary race, where incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim won by 251 votes with the help of absentee ballots, in question. He cited the videos showing supporters of Ganim’s reelection campaign allegedly putting stacks of ballots inside a drop off box. “There were clearly election violations of the election statutes on the video,” Bloss said. While Bloss said there is ample evidence to doubt the validity of the primary results, John Kannelly, who represents the city’s Democratic Registrar of Voters Patricia Howard said while electoral misconduct may have occurred, none of what Bloss showed in the courtroom meets the threshold to throw out the primary results.
Georgia: Several people charged in the attempt to overturn the 2020 election in Georgia have plead guilty including Sidney Powell, Kenneth Cheseboro and Jenna Ellis. Powell pleaded guilty to six misdemeanor counts of conspiracy to commit intentional interference with performance of election duties. She had originally been charged with felony racketeering and six other felony conspiracy counts for her alleged role in breaching the voting system in rural Coffee County after the 2020 election. As part of the deal, Powell agreed to testify truthfully in the case and on Wednesday recorded a video statement with prosecutors. She will receive six years’ probation and pay a $6,000 fine. She also agreed to pay $2,700 in restitution to the Georgia Secretary of State’s office to replace election equipment in Coffee County. And Powell wrote a letter of apology to the citizens of Georgia. Chesebro pleaded guilty to a single felony charge of conspiracy to commit filing of false documents and will receive five years’ probation and a $5,000 fine, in exchange for agreeing to testify and provide documents and evidence. Ellis is pleading guilty to one count of aiding and abetting false statements and writings, and will receive probation in exchange for her testimony in the case.
Michigan: The state Court of Appeals concluded that updated guidelines published last May for election challengers – the politically affiliated observers at polling places – were improperly enacted. A Court of Claims judge last October said Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and others “exceeded their authority.” “Defendants have broad authority to issue binding non-rule instructions on election workers, but not on challengers or other outside observers,” the appellate judges wrote. Specific rules at issue included a ban on cell phones and other electronic devices at absentee vote counting boards. This and other changes came after a tumultuous 2020 election. The Michigan Department of State (MDOS) quickly appealed last year’s ruling, which meant no changes had to be implemented for the 2022 midterm elections. MDOS plans to appeal this latest ruling, spokesperson Angela Benander told MLive. The three-member panel of appellate judges last week unanimously upheld the trial court’s opinion regarding four areas of the challenger manual: Credentialing, who challengers can talk to, “impermissible challenges” and a cell phone ban.
James Toepler, 60 of Detroit will serve 15 months of probation after threatening to kill Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson. Toepler was sentenced Tuesday under a specialized mental health treatment court, the Michigan Attorney General’s office said Wednesday in a release. He also was ordered to have no contact with Whitmer or Benson, and to have no contact with their offices, no malicious contact with 911 emergency response services or Secretary of State branch offices. Toepler pleaded no contest in September in 36th District Court in Detroit to one count of malicious use of telecommunications services. The threats to kill Whitmer, Benson and others were made June 23, 2021, in a telephone call to the Detroit Police Department’s 911 Call Center. Toepler is to report Nov. 1 to the specialized mental health treatment court where appropriate treatment will be determined. The court will supervise his probation and oversee the completion of his
Minnesota: In at least six recent cases, Mille Lacs County District Court Judge Matthew M. Quinn sentenced people convicted of felonies to probation and declared that they are not allowed to vote because Minnesota’s “Restore the Vote” law is unconstitutional. In his orders, Quinn concluded the Legislature’s passage of the law did not constitute the kind of “affirmative act” he said was needed to properly restore a felon’s civil rights. So he said he now has a duty going forward to “independently evaluate the voting capacity” of felons when they complete probation. Two of the individuals have filed for “writs of prohibition” at the Minnesota Court of Appeals, claiming the judge exceeded his authority. Ellison’s office is supporting the writs. “Judge Quinn … in the context simply of sentencing people convicted of felonies, ruled the law unconstitutional without prompting, without the question having been raised by either party, and with no notice to the Attorney General, the Secretary of State, or other appropriate authorities,” Ellison’s office said in a news release. “But a sentencing court has no discretion whatsoever over voting rights: only the Legislature decides when the right to vote may be restored, and the court plays no role. Voting rights are not up for debate in a criminal sentencing.” “Judicial restraint and respect for the separation of powers are essential principles of our justice system. When either of those principles is violated, Minnesotans lose trust in the system — and Judge Quinn has violated both principles,” Attorney General Ellison said in a statement. “I support a writ of prohibition as the best option for quickly keeping Judge Quinn from further violating our justice system and Minnesotans’ trust.”
Nevada: Federal Judge Cristina Silva dismissed a lawsuit filed by Sigal Chattah, a prominent Republican attorney and Nevada Republican national committeewoman, seeking to block SB406, a bill passed by the Legislature earlier this year that increased criminal penalties for harassing election workers. Silva wrote that the plaintiffs — who include former poll observers from Clark and Washoe counties — failed to demonstrate sufficient evidence that they would personally face a real threat of prosecution under the new law. “Plaintiffs at no point allege that they intend or plan to engage in behavior for the purpose of intimidating or coercing poll workers,” Silva wrote. Silva dismissed the case without prejudice, meaning that the plaintiffs have an opportunity to bring the case forward again with an amended complaint. Chattah said Tuesday she is planning to file an amended complaint, but declined to comment further. SB406 made it a felony offense to threaten, intimidate or coerce an election worker with the intent to interfere with their performance in carrying out an election or to retaliate against them for performing their duties. Silva also refuted Chattah’s argument that the bill would have a chilling effect on the plaintiffs, who had argued the law would conflict with their ability to observe election operations and that it “may impact” their decision to engage as poll workers or observers in 2024. Silva wrote that the plaintiffs did not “actually allege that even a single one of them definitively will not participate in future elections.”
New Jersey: Henrilynn Ibezim, a former candidate for mayor in Plainfield has been charged with telling campaign workers to complete hundreds of fake voter registration applications and mail them to election officials in Union County and allegedly bringing a large white garbage bag stuffed with almost 954 voter registration forms to the post office. “Attempting to tamper with an election result through fraud impairs the ability of legitimate voters to choose their representatives, a cornerstone of American democracy,” said Attorney General Matt Platkin. “It also undermines the legitimacy of the government and the public’s confidence in their elected officials and in elections generally. My office will vigorously pursue these crimes to protect New Jersey’s electorate from being defrauded and to safeguard the integrity of our institutions.” Prosecutors claim Ibezim showed up at the Elizabeth Post Office with voter registration forms that had the same handwriting. He is charged with election fraud, criminal attempt to commit false registration or transfer, tampering with public records, falsifying public records, forgery, and hindering apprehension or prosecution.
Tennessee: According to the Tennessee Lookout, a lingering legal battle that was poised to settle this summer, leading to a clearer pathway for tens of thousands of Tennesseans to restore their voting rights, has instead reignited into a contentious court fight with no certain outcome ahead of the next presidential election. In a lawsuit filed in December 2020, the Tennessee Conference of the NAACP and five residents denied the right to vote alleged Tennessee officials failed to follow state laws that allow individuals to legally restore their voting rights after serving their sentences and completing parole. Instead, the state implemented inaccessible and opaque processes that impede legal pathways for restoring rights, the lawsuit claimed. Close to settling key claims in the case over the summer attorneys for the state abruptly broke off talks in late July, catching lawyers for the NAACP by surprise, legal filings show. Then, on August 2, lawyers for the Tennessee Attorney General filed motions asking a judge to reject the claims entirely. “The Elections Division, TDOC, and Governor’s office had the opportunity this summer to create accessible, transparent, and uniform procedures to allow the over 470,000 disenfranchised Tennesseans a fair shot at getting their voting rights restored and rejoining their communities as full citizens,” Blair Bowie, an attorney representing the NAACP with the DC-based Campaign Legal Center, said. “Instead, they blew up the voting rights restoration system entirely and imposed effectively permanent disenfranchisement on July 21,” she said.
Texas: Last week, a judge ruled that Galveston County leaders must come up with a new redistricting plan that complies with the Voting Rights Act. Now, the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has put that ruling on pause. The stay buys the county another two weeks but may not change the outcome of the voting rights case. The Republican majority on Galveston County’s commissioners court adopted a new political map in 2021 that eliminated the one precinct in which Black and Latino voters constituted a majority. Brown ruled that violated Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, which prohibits racial gerrymandering. Brown initially ordered county leaders to come up with a new map that complies with the act by October 20, then granted them a week’s extension. The 5th Circuit stayed Judge Jeffrey Brown’s decision until November 10. “So, it’s important to emphasize that the stay is actually an administrative stay with an expiration date,” said Valencia Richardson, a staff attorney for the Campaign Legal Center who represents the plaintiffs. “It’s a stay so that the Court of Appeals has time to consider the arguments.” The stay expires one day before the candidate filing period opens for the March 2024 primary. Democratic Commissioner Stephen Holmes, whose Precinct 3 the county’s Republican leaders eviscerated under the redistricting plan, is expected to run for reelection next year.
Virginia: The Virginia NAACP filed a lawsuit alleging Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s administration failed to turn over public records to explain how it decides whether to restore the voting rights of convicted felons who have completed their sentences. Youngkin has come under scrutiny since his administration confirmed earlier this year that it has shifted away from a restoration of rights system used by three of his predecessors that was partly automatic. In July, the NAACP called on the administration to establish clear and publicly available criteria, saying the current system is secretive and could discriminate against people of color. In the lawsuit filed in Richmond Circuit Court, the NAACP said the Youngkin administration turned over about 600 documents. But the lawsuit identified additional documents it believes are not exempt from the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and should be made public. They include an administration transition document that has information about the restoration of the rights process, documents containing information about applicants whose restoration of rights applications were denied, and records showing the numbers of applicants and denials. “Virginians of all stripes deserve to know as much as possible about the rights restoration process, including who is in the room, what information is considered, and the criteria used to make decisions, ” NAACP Virginia State Conference President Robert N. Barnette, Jr. said in a news release. Two federal lawsuits have been filed over Youngkin’s process, which critics have said is confusing and does not have clear standards on when an application should be granted or denied.
A prosecutor in Spotsylvania County filed a petition for a temporary and permanent injunction against a candidate accused of distributing misleading and confusing sample ballots. Ryan Mehaffey, the unopposed Republican nominee for Spotsylvania County Commonwealth’s Attorney, said Nick Ignacio, a Court Clerk candidate, violated Virginia election laws. Mehaffey, a current deputy commonwealth’s attorney, wants a judge to prohibit Ignacio from handing out his unauthorized ballots that voters in Spotsylvania County recently described as unethical. “Further violations by Ignacio would not only further affect the ultimate vote county, potentially altering the outcome of these elections, but also would undermine confidence in the electoral process, potentially suppressing votes that otherwise would be cast in an election that voters believe to be free and fair,” the petition read. The petition said Ignacio isn’t nominated or endorsed by the Democratic Committee nor the Republican Committee in Spotsylvania County, “yet Ignacio also appears on Republican versions of FVP sample ballots that also fail to state whether they are authorized by any candidate as required by law.” Mehaffey argued Ignacio is aggressively and persistently disseminating the false information
West Virginia: In July, Darrell Sharp, II, of Fayette County was convicted on a misdemeanor charge of illegal voter registration and now Fayette County Circuit Judge Paul Blake, Jr., sentenced Sharp to the maximum sentence of one year in jail and a $1,000 fine, Secretary of State Mac Warner’s office says. Warner’s office says Sharp’s previous voter registration had been revoked due to a prior felony conviction. According to West Virginia state law, a person serving a sentence for a felony conviction, including the following probation or parole period, can not legally participate in an election. The Secretary of State’s office, says while Sharp was on parole, he attempted to cast a ballot in Fayette County during the 2022 General Election. Due to the revocation of his voter registration, Sharp’s ballot was challenged and not counted, Warner says. According to Warner’s office, four months after trying to cast a ballot, Sharp attempted to register to vote at a West Virginia Division of Motor Vehicles location while he was still on parole for the felony conviction. He was indicted on the charge in May 2023.
Wyoming: A three-judge panel of the 10th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals has overturned a 2021 Wyoming federal district court decision that had found the Cowboy State’s ban on electioneering within 100 yards, or 300 feet, of a polling place on Election Day violates the First Amendment. The judges found that because electioneering restrictions relate to the First Amendment, free speech and the right to vote without intimidation, restrictions on political speech can face intense scrutiny in law. “We are thus persuaded, as Defendants argue, that the reasonableness of Wyoming’s 300-foot buffer zone is evident from a ‘long history, substantial consensus and … common sense,’ notwithstanding the absence of well-developed legislative history,” Judge Veronica Rossman wrote in the court’s opinion. The 10th Circuit said U.S. Supreme Court precedent does not require the state to prove why 100 yards is an adequate distance. “Instead, because the state seeks to ‘protect the act of ballot-casting[,] rather than the electoral process in some larger sense,’ it need only demonstrate the reasonableness of its response and its avoidance of significant impingements on constitutionally protected rights,” Rossman wrote.
Opinions This Week
National Opinions: Drop boxes | 2020 election | Election integrity | Election reform | Tech companies | Stop the steal
California: Shasta County
Florida: Voter fraud
Iowa: Voter data
Maine: Primaries
Minnesota: Ex-felon voting rights
Nebraska: Drop boxes
New York: Election funding
North Carolina: Election laws | Jim Crow
North Dakota: Vote by mail lawsuit
Ohio: Secretary of state
Pennsylvania: Drop boxes | 2024 primary date | Election legislation| Voting laws
Rhode Island: Primary reform
Virginia: Election administration | Ex-felon voting rights
Wisconsin: Ex-felon voting rights | Voter suppression
Upcoming Events
The High Cost of High Turnover: How the Departure of Election Officials will Impact the 2024 Elections: This event will dig into the findings of Issue One’s recent report on the turnover rates of chief local election officials in 11 western states. We’ll also hear from members of our Faces of Democracy campaign, including Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes, King County, Washington Director of Elections Julie Wise, and former Utah County, Utah Clerk Josh Daniels, about the impact of high turnover and what it means for the 2024 election. When: Nov. 1 at 1pm Eastern. Where: Online
The Few Over the Many: What’s driving backsliding in the United States?: The United States is just one of many democracies around the world that have slid backwards in recent decades. Last year, global freedom declined for the 17th consecutive year. But in a way, the United States is also an outlier. Two of the strongest predictors of a democracy’s resilience are longevity and wealth; the United States is among the oldest and richest democracies, yet it is also among the fastest eroding. Koin Protect Democracy for a digital discussion with Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt, authors of the new book Tyranny of the Minority (the much-anticipated follow-up to the bestselling How Democracies Die). Together, they attempt to tackle this puzzle: why, even with its long history and economic prosperity, is democracy in the United States so clearly threatened? How is this backsliding connected to specific features in our history, our Constitution, and our electoral system? And what lessons do these questions offer for those seeking to protect and perfect our democracy? When: Nov. 2 12pm Eastern. Where: Online
Free Speech: What Everyone Needs to Know: Recent years have produced increasing attacks on the idea of free speech and significant doubts about the wisdom of its continued protection. From confusion about the nature of the First Amendment protection of speech, to misconceptions about the Supreme Court’s rulings on the issue, misinformation on free speech is rampant. World renowned legal scholar and free speech advocate Nadine Strossen’s new book, Free Speech: What Everyone Needs to Know, provides a timely and much needed response this confusion. The Cato Institute’s Sphere Education Initiatives is pleased to host Nadine Strossen in the Hayek Auditorium on November 6th from 1–2 pm EDT for a special book release event. Please join us in person or via online streaming video for this important conversation. When: Nov. 6 1pm Eastern. Where: Online and in-person.
Defending Democracy: Authoritarian exploitation of the world’s natural resources — with China and Russia at the forefront — is increasingly an issue of national and global security. It is a threat to the resurging alliance of democracies and the effort to roll back authoritarian actors globally. China’s appetite for natural resources to feed its economic growth has undermined democratic institutions and environmental commitments, leaving local communities across the globe exposed to environmental exploitation and degradation with little political recourse given the involvement of their government in opaque and illicit deals. Similarly, Russia’s war against Ukraine has had severe environmental impacts, and its access to natural resources in Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East help bypass sanctions, and fund its growing network of state-supported private military groups, like the Wagner Group, to prop up unpopular, exploitative regimes that are its allies. Both China and Russia exploit the environment as an instrument of authoritarian political and economic control, such as in Tibet and in Ukraine’s eastern provinces. Simultaneously, there is growing awareness and unified action among the community of democracies to stem the worldwide rise in authoritarianism, and to demonstrate the ability of democracies to better deliver on the issues that matter to citizens globally, like the environment. Against this backdrop, join NDI and Foreign Policy as we highlight the people and policies that have become “game changers” to strengthen democracy and civic activism, protect the environment and natural resources, and help defenders of democracy counter illiberal influences in their own countries. When: Nov. 15, 10 a.m. Eastern. Where: Online
Covering the Risks to Elections on the State and Local Level: Views from the Beat Reporters: The Safeguarding Democracy Project at UCLA promotes research, collaboration, and advocacy under the leadership of UCLA Law Professor Richard L. Hasen; one of the nation’s leading election scholars. The Safeguarding Democracy Project is built upon the premise that tackling issues of the U.S. election integrity must be collaborative: across ideologies, across scholarly disciplines, and as a bridge between theory and practice. Jonathan Lai (Philadelphia Inquirer, Politico), Carrie Levine (Votebeat), Patrick Marley (WaPo), and Yvonne Wingett Sanchez (WaPo). Moderated by Pamela Fessler (retired from NPR). When: November 16, 3pm Eastern. Where: Online.
Joint Election Officials Liaison Conference (JELOC): The Election Center will hold the annual JELOC once again in Arlington, Virginia. Among the courses offered in conjunction with the conference will be Renewal Course 37. In addition to Election Center committee meetings, the convening will include briefings from many of the federal agencies that work with state and local elections officials—the U.S. EAC, FVAP, DOJ, CISA, FBI and the Council of State Governments. Additionally there will be briefings from NCSL, NASS, NASED, and NACo. Congressional staff have also been invited to provide remarks. When: January 10-14, 2024. Where: Arlington, Virginia.
NASED Winter Conference: The National Association of State Election Directors will hold its annual winter conference in February 2024. More details to come. When: February 8-10, 2024. Where: Washington, DC.
NASS Winter Conference: The National Association of Secretaries of State will hold its annual winter conference in February 2024. More details to come. When: February 7-10, 2024. Where: Washington, DC.
Job Postings This Week
electionlineWeekly publishes election administration job postings each week as a free service to our readers. To have your job listed in the newsletter, please send a copy of the job description, including a web link to Job postings must be received by 5pm on Wednesday in order to appear in the Thursday newsletter. Listings will run for three weeks or till the deadline listed in the posting.
Assistant Manager-Poll Worker Department, Palm Beach County, Florida— The Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections is looking for an experienced Assistant Poll Worker Department Manager. In this role, you will oversee the planning and the completion of various projects, administrative functions, operations, and specialized tasks in the Poll Worker Department. The work involves knowledge and application of departmental operations, planning, assigning responsibilities, monitoring election worker classes, maintaining records, evaluating performance, and the ability to review work for accuracy. This position requires initiative and sound independent judgement in the application of office policies, election laws, and procedures. Must be personable and maintain effective working relationships with colleagues, associates, and the general public. All work is performed under the guidance of the Supervisor of Elections. The ideal candidate will have an excellent work ethic, including consistent performance, reliability, and attendance. The desire and ability to work well in a fast-paced collaborative environment with a smile are essential to the position. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Assistant Registrar of Voters, Kern County, California— Kern County is looking for someone to be part of an established and large department that strives to uphold the principles of fairness, transparency, and accessibility in the democratic process. Our next Assistant Registrar of Voters is someone who will not just manage the day-to-day operations of the Elections Division but will bring vision and implementation to a diverse and growing community. We’re looking for a change agent who will build relationships, enhance services, and develop collaborative strategies to enhance outcomes. Salary: $120,886-$144,461. Deadline: Oct. 27. Application: For the complete listing and to apply, click here.
Assistant Registrar of Voters, Ventura County, California— Under general direction of the County Clerk-Recorder and Registrar of Voters, the Assistant Registrar of Voters plans, organizes, administers, supervises and directs the activities of the Elections Division of the County Clerk and Recorder’s office; and performs related work as required. The ideal candidate is a dedicated public servant who possesses solid administrative leadership skills, the highest integrity, and a strong work ethic that includes accountability for oneself and others. A well-qualified candidate will have in-depth knowledge of and experience in implementing federal, state, and local election laws, regulations, codes, guidelines, and procedures. Additionally, they should possess strong analytical and budgetary skills that are applicable to work in a California public agency. Other qualities needed to be a successful candidate include: detail-oriented, customer-service focused, striving for efficiency and continuous improvement. Salary: $104,708 – $146,606. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Chief Deputy Clerk, Lane County, Oregon— Are you ready to play a pivotal role in shaping the democratic processes of Lane County? Are you committed to ensuring the efficient and accurate administration of elections while also maintaining the integrity of vital records that affect the lives of our residents? If so, we invite you to consider the Chief Deputy Clerk position within our County Clerk’s office. The County Clerk’s office is at the heart of our community’s governance, overseeing critical functions that impact every Lane County resident. As a member of our team, you’ll collaborate with a dedicated group of 15 full-time staff, working under the direction of the County Clerk. As the Chief Deputy Clerk, you will directly supervise a team of 5, while closely collaborating with the Clerk Program Supervisor who manages the remaining 7 staff members. Elections Division: Our Elections Division is responsible for conducting all Federal, State, County, school, and special district elections in Lane County, encompassing elections for all cities within our jurisdiction. Your role will involve administering voter registration and outreach programs, managing the master voter file, processing voted ballots, and ensuring the accuracy of test ballots, official ballots, and voter information materials. Additionally, you’ll oversee the processing of local initiative petitions, the maintenance of district boundaries and drop site locations, and the operation of voting equipment. You’ll also play a crucial role in recruiting and training temporary election workers. Salary: $79,476.80 – $116,812.80 Application: For the complete listing and to apply, click here.
City Secretary, Denton, Texas— Denton, Texas (pop. 151,000) is a unique community located at the northern tip of a high-growth area known as “The Golden Triangle” (formed by Denton, Fort Worth and Dallas). Denton is a dynamic community, serving as the county seat and a major city in Denton County. Under the direction of the Chief of Staff, the City Secretary is responsible for the oversight and administration of the City Secretary’s Office. This position serves as the Chief Election Official, coordinating all campaign reporting requirements, overseeing municipal general, special, and bond elections with the Denton County Election Administrators, and administering all aspects of the duties in accordance with Federal and State laws. The City Secretary oversees a staff of three full-time and one part-time employee. The combined overall FY2023-2024 budget for the City Manager’s Office and the City Secretary’s Office is $3.3 million. Salary: $85,260.- $136,416. Deadline: Nov. 13. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Clerk-Recorder Division Manager, Ventura County, California— Under general direction of the Assistant County Clerk and Recorder, the Clerk Recorder Division Manager plans, organizes, administers, supervises and directs the activities of the County Clerk and Recorder Division of the County Clerk and Recorder’s office which includes the main office at the Government Center in Ventura and satellite East County office in Thousand Oaks; and performs related work as required. The ideal candidate is a dedicated public servant who possesses solid administrative leadership skills, the highest integrity, and a strong work ethic that includes accountability for oneself and others. A well-qualified candidate will have thorough knowledge of and experience in implementing federal, state, and local statutes, regulations, and guidelines applicable to a public agency’s operations. Additionally, they should possess strong analytical and budgetary skills that are applicable to contribute to the management team of a California public agency. Other qualities needed to be a successful candidate include detail-oriented, customer-service focused, striving for efficiency and continuous improvement. Salary: $82,275 – $132,491. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Communications Officer, Union County, North Carolina— The Communications Officer, under limited supervision and with a high level of collaboration, administers outreach and communications activities on a countywide basis for the Union County Board of Elections office. Must demonstrate initiative, good judgment, nonpartisanship, and the ability to express thoughts clearly and simply. Employee must also exercise considerable tact and courtesy in frequent contact with candidates, elected officials, staff, media, other governmental departments, and the general public. Salary: $57,749 – $89,511. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Data Analyst, Protect Democracy— VoteShield, a project of Protect Democracy, seeks highly motivated and civic-minded Data Analysts to join our growing team. VoteShield’s goal is to maintain complete and accurate voter data in order to ensure free and fair elections for all qualified voters. As a member of this world-class analysis and engineering team, you will analyze voter registration data, work with election administrators, and grow your technical skills. Ideal candidates will be critical thinkers with a command of data analysis techniques and the ability to distill findings into clear, accessible reports and presentations. We are seeking people who bring an interest in civic data, commitment to non-partisanship, and passion for defending and strengthening our democracy through free and fair elections. We do not expect that any one candidate will have all of the experiences and requirements listed — our current data analysis team comes from a variety of professional backgrounds, including academia and the public and private sectors. We highly encourage you to apply if the job description gets you excited about the role and the work of Protect Democracy & VoteShield. You may work from any location in the United States, and candidates from diverse backgrounds and from across the political and ideological spectrum are strongly encouraged to apply. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Director of Purchasing, Chicago Board of Elections— The Director of Purchasing is an administrative position at the Board responsible for managing all duties related to preparation and processing of procurement contracts for the Board. Responsibilities: Implement purchasing policies and recommend procedures for staff; Work with user departments and warehouse to coordinate planning and purchasing strategies, including assisting Divisions with contract management and renewal; Schedule all purchasing activities to ensure timely procurement and delivery of sufficient supplies for effective administration of the Board; Coordinate the preparation of RFQs, RFPs, IFBs and other procurement methods to solicit competitive proposals and bids from qualified vendors; Prepare legal notices for publication as required for purchasing in coordination with the Board’s Director of Public Information, Legal Department and Administration; Analyze and evaluate bid specifications, tests reports and other relevant data; Oversee the evaluation of proposals and bids to determine the most responsive, responsible and qualified bidder; Participate in negotiating contract terms, cost and conditions; Promote and monitor MBE/WBE participation; Prepare purchasing and financial reports as requested by the Executive Director and the Board, including bid award recommendations and providing such reports to the Commissioners during their public Board meetings; Prepare annual and quarterly reports on procurement; Coordinate reports and vouchers for the Board and related agencies; Supervise employees in the Purchasing Department; and Other duties as assigned by the Executive Director. Salary: $100,000 – $105,000. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Early Voting Specialist, Ottawa County, Michigan— Under the direction of the County Clerk, Chief Deputy County Clerk and Elections Supervisor, coordinates and administers all early voting operations held within the county. Ensures substantive and procedural compliance with all federal, state, and local statutes and regulations governing elections. Coordinates and manages the staging of early voting sites, develops and manages the communication plan, assists with the development and administration of the budget for early voting, and aids with the management of nine early days of voting and post-election reconciliation duties. Provides technical support for all cities and townships within Ottawa County. Performs a variety of functions required to ensure fair, free, accurate and cost-effective elections. This is a full-time benefited position working out of Fillmore complex in West Olive, Michigan. Travel to other County locations as needed. Salary: $27.82 – $36.18 Hourly. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Election Outreach Administrator or Senior Outreach Administrator, Arapahoe County, Colorado— The Election Outreach Administrator performs specialized level administrative, and professional work in carrying out a comprehensive public facing service operation. This position specifically leads and supports all areas of community outreach including voter education materials, judge training, coordinating various voter programs and partnering with designated election officials and the partner community at large. The Senior Outreach Administrator performs senior level administrative, and professional work in carrying out a comprehensive public facing service operation. This position specifically leads and supports all areas of community outreach including voter education materials, judge training, coordinating various voter programs and partnering with designated election officials and the partner community at large. Salary: $49,589 – $81,769. Deadline: Oct. 27. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Compliance Officer, Pima County, Arizona— Are you an experienced professional specializing in elections? The Pima County Elections Department is looking for you! Join our team and bring your expertise to the forefront of our mission. Your background in city, county, state, or federal agencies, coupled with your in-depth knowledge of election processes, will make you an invaluable asset. Be a part of our dedicated team, shaping policies, and ensuring the integrity of our electoral system while making a lasting impact on our community. If you’re ready for a rewarding challenge, apply today! (Work assignments may vary depending on the department’s needs and will be communicated to the applicant or incumbent by the supervisor) Independently plans, coordinates, monitors and participates in administrative and operational activities required to maintain compliance with state and federal election regulations; Verifies department director and staff operate within full compliance regarding any and all applicable legal regulations and timelines; Maintains a listing of legally required deadlines for the unit via a cyclical timeline; Manages campaign finance, including correspondence for late filings and violations; ensures candidate filing compliance, including challenges; Ensures federal and state voting equipment compliance; Responds to public records requests; Assures separation of duty compliance required by Pima County; Completes periodic compliance audits and provides findings with recommendations to the Director and Deputy Director; Prepares requisite drafts of new procedures or processes for preclearance by regulatory agencies in compliance with state or federal laws or other regulatory requirements; Coordinates the compilation and submission of required reports to regulatory agencies; Ensures Department compliance with all poll worker regulations; Determines Department compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) with respect to facilities utilized in the elections process; Assists with grant requests; Develops and maintains public feedback tracking systems to capture voter complaints and concerns, allocate them to the appropriate division for resolution and record actions taken to rectify issues identified. Salary: $57,607 – $63,367. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Equipment/Operations Analyst, Jackson County, North Carolina— This position performs intermediate skilled technical and operational support work assisting the Director with planning, directing, coordinating, and supervising the elections process. Duties and Responsibilities: Assists in Implementing changing election laws, coordinating elections, and supervising activities of the office. Oversees set up of One-Stop voting sites and network. Sets up all E-poll books according to polling place. Assists in machine logic and accuracy. Administers Campaign Reporting schedule. Provides requested information such as registration analysis, voting analysis, lists of precinct officials, precinct locations, precinct political committees, and campaign reports to the various candidates, campaign committees, party chairs, news media, and the general public. Provides requested information regarding the North Carolina Campaign Reporting Act to prospective candidates, candidates, elected officials, media, and the general public, provides and notices of required reports to Candidates. Assists with audits submitted campaign reports, reviews, and verifies records to ensure that required information is provided and correct. Assists with polling sites database. Prepares campaign reports for public viewing. Assists with planning for and coordinating all early voting site, including the set up and close out of all sites. Assists in training of one-stop workers. Assists in canvassing the returns of all elections. Explains policies, laws, rules, regulations, and procedures to the public and other inquiring parties. Assists with voter registration verification procedures. Assists in ADA compliance and Campaign zones at polling places. Assists in processing and verifying petitions. Assists in preparing and conducting elections. Assists with state reporting requirements. Interacts with elected officials, candidates, the North Carolina Campaign Reporting Office, the general public, and the media. Performs other related job duties as assigned. Salary: $40,694. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Operation Manager, Pima County, Arizona— Pima County Elections Department is actively seeking a highly qualified candidate with a unique blend of skills and experience to join our team as an Elections Operations Manager. The ideal candidate brings extensive expertise in voting equipment and e-poll books, ensuring the seamless functioning of critical election infrastructure. Your familiarity with online inventory systems will be instrumental in maintaining accurate and efficient inventory management. Additionally, your proven ability to collaborate with political parties and high-ranking officials sets you apart. Your past interactions with these stakeholders have showcased your exceptional communication and diplomacy skills, essential in the realm of elections. If you’re ready to leverage your expertise and contribute to the democratic process, we encourage you to apply. Join us in shaping the future of elections, where your skills and experience will make a significant impact. This classification is in the unclassified service and is exempt from the Pima County Merit System Rules. Duties/Responsibilities: (Work assignments may vary depending on the department’s needs and will be communicated to the applicant or incumbent by the supervisor.) Develops program goals, objectives, policies, and procedures, and establishes short- and long-range program performance plans subject to management review; Manages and administers program activities and evaluates program effectiveness and success; Manages the activities of professional staff and evaluates their performance; Develops, negotiates, monitors, and administers contracts, intergovernmental agreements, and/or financial and service agreements for the program managed; Monitors program contract compliance and takes corrective action as required; Performs as a program representative within the community, delivers informational news releases, serves as a program contact person, and participates in community awareness activities; Develops and maintains effective working relationships and coordinates program activities with other County departments, public and private agencies, organizations and groups to promote the program and its goals; Analyzes local, state and federal legislation and ensures program compliance with applicable regulations and policies; Directs organizational and management studies for the purpose of identifying problems and alternative solutions to the problems; Develops, writes and administers the program’s annual budget, prepares program-related financial forecasts, and identifies funding sources to support program activities; Reviews and analyzes routine and special reports detailing the status and/or success of the program, prepares recommendations, and/or initiates corrective action; Evaluates management problems and makes decisions regarding the proper course of action; May make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors regarding program objectives; May direct the preparation and submission of proposals and grant applications; May access or maintain specialized databases containing program-specific information to review information or generate reports. Salary: $57,607 – $63,367. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Field Operations Coordinator, Clark County, Nevada— The Clark County Election Department is seeking qualified candidates to apply for the Field Operations Coordinator position. As a member of our team, you will provide specialized office support, training, and recruiting to aid poll workers, part time hourly, and permanent employees in assisting with the election process. The ideal candidate will be responsible for work related to our front-line support to poll workers and provide clerical support to operational and project-based initiatives. The candidate will be a part of the Training & Recruiting Division and report to the Election Program Supervisor and Manager Election Administration. Coordinates and monitors volunteer field registrars; provides lead direction, training and work review to office support staff. Organizes and assigns work, sets priorities, and follows-up to ensure coordination and completion of assigned work. Prepares training materials and conducts training sessions. Schedules and arranges location for training sessions; registers individuals for training classes. Reviews and processes paperwork completed by volunteer field registrar applicants. Collects and reviews background checks; determines eligibility of volunteers; certifies field registrars. Maintains records regarding field registrars and voter registrations. Monitors the accuracy and performance of field registrars and office support staff; follows through to ensure that acceptable performance standards are met and statutes adhered to. Processes and reviews voter registration to ensure accuracy and completeness; resolves all discrepancies. Facilitates various outreach programs to register voters. Coordinates systematic removal of ineligible voter names from the registration polls. Inventories materials and supplies; orders and maintains an inventory of appropriate supplies; ensures levels of supplies are maintained for field registrars and at various outside agencies and satellite locations; arranges for the repair of equipment . Interprets policies, rules, regulations and statutes; provides information to the public and volunteers regarding the election process, in person and over the telephone. Researches and assembles varied files and databases and prepares reports; uses a computer to develop and manage databases and/or spreadsheet files and to develop special report formats. Provides a variety of general office support for field operations, which necessitates the use of standard office equipment; performs required election night duties. Types correspondence, reports, forms, and specialized documents from drafts, notes, or brief instructions using a computer; proofreads and checks typed and other materials for accuracy, completeness, and compliance with departmental policies and regulations using a computer. Contributes to the efficiency and effectiveness of the unit’s service to its customers by offering suggestions and directing or participating as an active member of a work team. Uses a variety of standard office equipment, including a computer, in the course of the work. Drives a personal or County motor vehicle to various locations to conduct training, or to pickup and/or deliver materials and supplies. Salary: $21.69 – $33.58 Hourly. Deadline: Nov. 7. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Legal Compliance Officer, Ventura County, California— Under administrative direction of the County Clerk-Recorder & Registrar of Voters, this position is responsible for coordinating, planning, and administering regulatory compliance for the County Clerk/Recorder and Elections divisions. It also ensures agency-wide observance of pertinent state law. Additionally, the CCR Legal Compliance Officer serves as legislative analyst to monitor, interpret, and apply legislation, and supervises related functions as assigned. Salary: $133,224 – $186,534. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Research Director, CEIR— CEIR seeks a qualified Research Director to join our team. The Research Director will report to the Executive Director and lead CEIR’s research initiatives. These initiatives include, but are not limited to, matters pertaining to voter registration, voter access, election integrity and security, and election policy, generally. The Research Director will set goals aligned with CEIR’s mission and provide the research team with strategic direction on how to reach those goals, all while ensuring the rigor, integrity, and quality of all research activities. This is an excellent opportunity for an experienced and highly motivated individual who wants to join a growing nonprofit that seeks to make a substantial, positive, nonpartisan impact on elections and American democracy. The Research Director role is a full-time job. CEIR supports hybrid work at its office in Washington, DC. However, we will consider outstanding candidates across the United States that wish to work remotely. CEIR’s office hours are 9am-5pm ET, and the Research Director is expected to be available during that time regardless of location. Salary Range: $110,000-160,000.Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Training Program Coordinator, Charleston County, South Carolina— This position is responsible for the recruiting, coordinating, and training of Election Day poll managers on the policies, procedures, and SC State law regarding the administering of fair, honest, and accurate elections within the polling places on Election Day and during early voting. This position will also train all temporary Early Voting staff. This position will be responsible for developing all instruction manuals and materials. This position reports directly to the Deputy Director of Election Operations. Salary: $53,248 – $69,784. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
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