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October 12, 2023

October 12, 2023

In Focus This Week

CIS to launch program that will change the landscape of non-voting technology

By Marci Andino, Senior Director
Elections Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center (EI-ISAC)

Non-voting election technology is constantly evolving in response to changes in election law and a continually shifting security landscape. Without an efficient process that can keep up with these incremental changes, election jurisdictions expose both themselves and their election data to unnecessary risks. To address this challenge, the Center for Internet Security (CIS) has developed a community-driven, cost-effective solution.

CIS piloted the Rapid Architecture Based Election Technology Verification (RABET-V) program to help election offices better understand the security, reliability, and risks associated with the technology used for non-voting systems like electronic pollbooks and voter registration systems. RABET-V directly addresses and decreases the risks associated with election technology and helps reduce costs for technology providers by offering a consistent approach to verifying the security of non-voting technology.

To determine the viability and effectiveness of RABET-V, CIS conducted a pilot in 2020 and tested five products, including two different electronic pollbooks and one state-developed voter registration system. All four vendors that participated in the pilot reported RABET-V created a roadmap to increase their overall security posture and organizational maturity.  Jamie Remes, Product Manager at VR Systems, notes, “The centralized and modular approach to ensuring security in election software updates demonstrated in the RABET-V pilot will make it significantly more efficient and cost-effective for election technology vendors to deploy the latest and most secure versions of software. Preserving the integrity of our nation’s elections infrastructure is critically important to VR Systems. RABET-V can play an important role in maintaining a high standard of security across the country.”

Advantages over traditional testing
There are key differences between a traditional testing approach and RABET-V’s approach. RABET-V evaluates products based on the organization and the environment in which they are developed, whereas traditional testing approaches evaluate products in isolation. This means that, as opposed to only evaluating the product, RABET-V also evaluates the technology providers themselves, analyzing the strength of the company and whether the company has consistent policies and procedures.

RABET-V not only saves time and money, but also provides more transparency during and after the procurement process by offering election officials an independent verification process for non-voting systems. RABET-V assigns a score to the technology, making information more readily available to decision makers. With no lengthy, burdensome testing required for each incremental change, RABET-V encourages technology providers to improve their products.

Ways to implement and utilize RABET-V at the state or local level:

  1. Ask your non-voting system technology providers if they have gone through the RABET-V assessment process.
  2. Request or require non-voting system technology providers deliver a RABET-V report during the procurement process.
  3. Use RABET-V as part of a larger state certification process. RABET-V can be adapted to existing certification processes, or in the case where a state or local jurisdiction does not have a certification process, implementing RABET-V represents a leap forward in providing transparency and accountability for non-voting system technology providers.
  4. If you have specific questions, reach out to the RABET-V team directly at rabetv@cisecurity.org.

How it works
RABET-V is structured around three assessment modules, all of which are carried out by a certified assessor:

  1. The Organizational Assessment evaluates the proficiency of a technology provider in their product development practices. Its primary aim is to gauge the organization’s capability in developing technology products using modern software development best practices.
  2. The Architecture Assessment evaluates the product’s structural components at both system and software levels. Its objective is to create a comprehensive understanding of the potential risks and their mitigations by scrutinizing the design foundation of the product.
  3. Product Verification validates the overall security of the product through robust penetration (pen) testing.

RABET-V offers numerous advantages for both technology providers and election officials alike. Technology providers receive enhanced feedback and a clear pathway for identifying organizational and product risk during the development process. RABET-V can also be an invaluable resource for election officials. The standardized verification process of RABET-V provides reliable and ongoing reporting of updates, allowing for better and quicker decision making on what non-voting technology to invest in, effectively managing risk over the life of the contract. This is in stark contrast to traditional testing which only provides an assessment of a product at the point of procurement.

The novel approach of RABET-V ensures that both technology providers and election officials benefit from a streamlined verification process, creating an environment that incentivizes continual growth in security posture and organizational maturity.

To learn more about the program, visit the RABET-V website.

(Marci Andino a senior director of the the Election Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center. Prior to joining the EI-ISAC, Andino she was the executive director of the South Carolina State Election Commission.)



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Election News This Week

Strength in Numbers: As part of the New Mexico Secretary of State’s ongoing efforts to combat misinformation and better inform New Mexicans about election administration in the state, the secretary of state’s  office has partnered with a coalition of non-partisan, nonprofit organizations on a statewide media campaign highlighting the work of county election officials and educating voters about the integrity of New Mexico’s elections.  The campaign – entitled Your Vote Counts, New Mexico! – is composed of a series of videos recorded by county clerks, county clerk staff, members of the secretary of state’s office, and other election administrators that will be distributed on social media, as public service announcements on TV and radio, and online here.  The videos were recorded by a bi-partisan group of county clerks and other New Mexico election officials, including Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver. English, Spanish, and Navajo (Diné) language videos were all recorded to expand the reach of this effort across New Mexico’s diverse communities.  “New Mexico’s county clerks and election administrators are the best in the nation – they work with diligence and integrity every day to make sure our democracy functions with fairness and efficiency,” said Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver. “It’s important voters understand that these election professionals are your neighbors, friends, and community members and that New Mexicans know that your vote counts.” As early voting for local elections begins this week, the videos will be used in an ongoing voter education campaign this year and throughout the 2024 election cycle with the goals of humanizing election administrators and educating voters about election administration. The  project was coordinated by New Mexico First with the support of The Carter Center. The partners in this project included the New Mexico Secretary of State’s Office, New Mexico League of Women Voters, New Mexico PBS, the New Mexico Local News Fund, Election Reformers Network and Elliott Marketing.

Cease and Desist: This week, Virginia Attorney General Jason S. Miyares (R) ordered a voter outreach group to stop distributing literature that he says gives recipients the false impression that, if they don’t vote, they’ll lose certain federal benefits. The flyers began showing up last week and said, in part: “According to government records, one or more residents at this address has failed to vote in recent elections. Failure to vote may result in a loss of Social Security Income, Medicare eligibility, unemployment benefits, child tax credits, child custody rights, and concealed carry permits…” “We’re not sure how many voters received this, but we got several voters who contacted us and said they had gotten a flyer with some misinformation on it. The flyer talked about if they don’t go vote, that some of their rights — including things like Social Security or their ability to own a gun — would be taken away from them. That’s simply not true,” Prince William County Director of Elections Eric Olsen said. The Washington-based nonprofit organization behind the outreach campaign, Look Ahead America, said the message to about 30,000 recipients in mostly rural, blue-collar areas of the state was that they need to make their voices heard or risk policy decisions that could result in such outcomes. Miyares and local election officials in counties where the literature showed up say some recipients felt they were being intimidated and threatened by the group. A cease-and-desist letter sent by Miyares’s office warns Look Ahead America of criminal penalties if it continues to distribute the literature.

Artificial Intelligence News: The Brennan Center and Georgetown University’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology are releasing a series of articles related to how AI may impact elections and democracy in the US, with policy recommendations for how to address that impact. The first article in the series covers AI and security for election offices and vendors. A table summarizing the article’s recommendations is here. Over the next few months, they will cover AI and other topics, including election administration, voter suppression, election disinformation, political ads, and the public comment process. In other AI news, The Washington Post had an article this week about Amazon’s Alexa declaring that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. According to the Post, asked about fraud in the race the popular voice assistant said it was “stolen by a massive amount of election fraud,” citing Rumble, a video-streaming service favored by conservatives. “These responses were errors that were delivered a small number of times, and quickly fixed when brought to our attention,” Amazon spokeswoman Lauren Raemhild said in a statement. “We continually audit and improve the systems we have in place for detecting and blocking inaccurate content.” Raemhild said that during elections, Alexa works with “credible sources” like Reuters, Ballotpedia and RealClearPolitics to provide real-time information. After The Washington Post contacted Amazon for comment, Alexa’s responses changed. Last week, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minnesota) and Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-New York) sent a letter to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and X CEO Linda Yaccarino expressing “serious concerns” about the emergence of AI-generated political ads on their platforms and asking each to explain any rules they’re crafting to curb the harms to free and fair elections. “They are two of the largest platforms and voters deserve to know what guardrails are being put in place,” said Klobuchar. “We are simply asking them, ‘Can’t you do this? Why aren’t you doing this?’ It’s clearly technologically possible.”

Personnel News: Rebecca “Becky” Plunkett will be the new Elko County, Nevada clerk. She replaces Kristine Jakeman who is retiring. Kerr County, Texas Clerk Jackie Dowdy has stepped down. Deidra Pettis has been appointed the new Washington County, Florida supervisor of elections. Sherry Taylor has been appointed the new Hendry County, Florida supervisor of elections. Randy Howard, superintendent of Elections and Voter Registration in Sumter County, Georgia, has stepped down. Paul McLatchy III is the new Leyden, Massachusetts clerk. Tate Fall is the new elections director for Cobb County, Georgia. Michael Scarpello is retiring as the Dallas County, Texas elections administrator. Acting Rensselaer County, New York Republican Board of Elections Commissioner Corine Sheldon has resigned.

Legislative Updates

California: California Gov. Gavin Newsom has vetoed legislation that would have required dozens of his state’s largest cities, counties and educational districts to use independent commissions to draw voting districts, dealing a setback to “redistricting reform” advocates. “We’re frustrated, confused and deeply disappointed,” Jonathan Mehta Stein, executive director of voting rights group California Common Cause, said Monday. He added: “We were hopeful that this was an opportunity for California to show the rest of the nation what it looks like to put gerrymandering behind us.” Newsom vetoed a pair bills Saturday that would have taken away redistricting power from elected officials in Los Angeles and dozens of other jurisdictions and instead given the responsibility to independent commissions of local residents.  In a statement, the Democratic governor said he supported the “goal of ensuring community control over the redistricting process” but was concerned a mandate to create independent commissions could end up costing the state tens of millions of dollars. It marked the second time in four years that he has vetoed legislation requiring independent redistricting commissions for some local governments. Had Newsom signed the measure, California could have become the first state to mandate redistricting commissions for local jurisdictions over certain sizes, said Dan Vicuna, national director of redistricting and representation for Common Cause.

Huntington Beach, California: The Huntington Beach city council voted 4-3 to add three charter amendments to the March 2024 primary ballots including one which would require voters to show a photo ID in order to cast a ball. The controversial proposal passed 4-3, with the Council’s four most conservative members voting together as a bloc. Prior to the vote, California Attorney General Rob Bonta and Secretary of State Shirley Weber sent a letter to the city council warning them that the proposed amendment would conflict with state law. “If the city moves forward and places it on the ballot, we stand ready to take appropriate action to ensure that voters’ rights are protected, and state election laws are enforced,” the letter read, adding that voter ID laws “only serve to suppress voter participation without providing any discernible local benefit.” If passed, the charter amendment would, starting in 2026, take the authority of running local elections away from Orange County, and hand it over to the city — along with the costs of running the election.

North Carolina: Republicans enacted vote-count restrictions and weakened the governor’s ability to oversee elections and other state regulatory bodies on this week by overriding Gov. Roy Cooper’s (D) vetoes. In a series of votes, the narrow GOP supermajorities in the House and Senate overturned five Cooper vetoes, two of which address elections and voting. One would eliminate the governor’s power to appoint the State Board of Elections and give it to legislative leaders, while the other would end a three-day grace period to receive and count absentee ballots as long as they are postmarked by Election Day. The new elections and voting laws — years in the making after previous Cooper’s vetoes or lawsuits blocked legislation with similar provisions — advanced this year thanks to Republican seat gains in 2022 elections and an April party switch by a House Democrat to the Republican Party.

Pennsylvania: The House has advanced a bill to change the date of the 2024 presidential primary while rejecting an effort to implement expanded voter ID requirements, mail ballot rule changes, and a slew of other provisions. In a contentious session that included singing, yelling, and arguments over the events of Jan. 6, the state House passed a bill along party lines that would move the date of the 2024 presidential primary from April 23 to April 2.  A second bill to move the primary to March 19 — previously approved by the state Senate — failed with a wide margin of bipartisan opposition. By the time of the vote, that bill had morphed into an omnibus election reform package. State Senate leaders have yet to publicly comment on whether they will bring the April 2 proposal up for a vote. The chamber had opted for March 19 as the date for the primary when it passed a bill last month. The current date of the 2024 primary, April 23, conflicts with the Jewish holiday of Passover and places the swing state late in the primary cycle. While the effort to move the primary has received bipartisan, bicameral, and gubernatorial support, counties, school boards, and a legislative advisory board are concerned it will strain local election offices, especially if lawmakers drag the decision out.

Legal Updates

Alabama: Former state Rep. David Cole (R-Huntsville) has been sentenced to pay nearly $53,000 in restitution and serve a three-year split sentence. Cole will serve 60 days in Madison County Jail, followed by three years on probation after pleading guilty to voter fraud during the 2022 primary election. Cole pleaded guilty to voting at an unauthorized polling place back in November 2022. Cole was charged with fraud-voting at multiple or unauthorized locations, a Class C felony, and booked into the Madison County Jail where he was later released on a $2,500 bond. According to court documents, Cole “did knowingly vote in the November 8, 2022, general election at a polling police where he had not been authorized to vote, to wit: within the boundaries of Alabama House District 10…” According to Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey’s office, the District 10 seat will remain vacant until a future special election can be scheduled. That date is unknown at this time.

Arizona: Cochise County Superior Court David Thorn dismissed a lawsuit that wanted a May special election for the creation of a tax district to be declared “null and void,” according to court documents. The tax district measure, which will help fund a new jail with a half-cent tax for 25 years, passed with 52% of the vote. The voters who tried to contest the election in court alleged the county’s elections board had no authority to organize the election because the board was appointed in 2022 and not 2023. Therefore, they argued, the votes cast were “illegal.” Thorn failed to find any misconduct by the board, or that any of the votes were illegal. “There is no reasonable inference … by which one could draw the conclusion that the votes cast in the 2023 Cochise County Jail Tax Election were ‘illegal,’” Thorn said in his decision. Thorn said illegal votes include votes cast by voters who are ineligible to vote, not registered to vote, those who vote in a partisan election when they are in a different political party, and fraudulent votes. He also noted that an election challenge to the process of an election must occur before the election. “The way an election is conducted must be challenged before the election occurs and not after,” Thorn said in his ruling.

Idaho: After Fourth Judicial District Judge Samuel Hoagland dismissed a lawsuit brought by Babe Vote and the League of Women Voters in Idaho against the state over recent voter registration laws, the organizations have decided to file an appeal with the Idaho Supreme Court. “The new voter registration law doesn’t just burden students,” Kendal Shaber, a League of Women Voters board member, said. “People who have moved, people with disabilities, people in care facilities, people who are not housed, and new citizens will also find it difficult, or impossible, to overcome these burdens put in place by Idaho’s Legislature. Many people who have been voters in Idaho for decades will find the new registration requirements difficult to complete.” According to Shaber, the new law burdens students, people who may have moved, people who don’t have homes and people with disabilities. The organizations say further that because many Idaho counties do not keep records on what types of IDs are used to vote, the statement of purpose on the law banning student IDs is “untrue and misleading.” House Bill 124 removed student IDs as an acceptable form of voter ID. Babe Vote and the League of Women Voters in Idaho said the law would make it more difficult for students who were 18 but still in school to vote. Hoagland ruled that was not the case and dismissed the lawsuit with prejudice.

Maine: A panel of judges in the U.S. First Circuit Court of Appeals heard arguments last week in a case that could determine whether a conservative group can publish identifying information about Maine voters. October 7’s arguments stemmed from a 2019 lawsuit brought by the Public Interest Legal Foundation against the Maine Secretary of State’s Office which refused to provide its voter registration list to a group devoted to proving the existence of rampant voter fraud. At the time, the state only provided its voter registration list to candidates and political parties. But in 2021, Gov. Janet Mills signed a law that allowed other organizations to obtain the lists so long as voter identifying information isn’t published. The foundation argues those privacy protections run afoul of federal law and impede its efforts to compare voting lists across multiple states. Assistant attorney general Jonathan Bolton, who is defending the Secretary of State, told the panel that the 2021 law allows the foundation to review Maine’s methods of culling and verifying the accuracy of its voter rolls. “Does it have a federal right — not just to evaluate and criticize maintenance practices, which we agree that it does — but to include in its published reports, individual voter names, their resident addresses, their party affiliations, the elections they voted in?” Bolton said. The U.S. Justice Department argued that Maine is required to disclose the voting lists, but it also urged the federal appeals court to let Maine’s law court review the 2021 law’s privacy protections.

North Carolina: Within minutes of passing into law this week, a controversial and wide-ranging change to elections laws led to North Carolina being sued at least twice. A prominent Democratic attorney sued North Carolina on behalf of multiple voting rights groups Tuesday. So did national Democratic Party, along with its state chapter. Both lawsuits were filed in federal court. The legislation, Senate Bill 747, became law after Republican lawmakers voted to override Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto of the bill. The override passed with every Republican in favor, and every Democrat opposed. It contains numerous changes to elections laws, particularly focused on loosening the rules governing partisan poll observers and tightening the rules for mail-in voting. The new law will encourage voter intimidation, the Democratic National Committee said in its lawsuit, due to the newly loosened rules for poll observers. The lawsuit also challenges numerous other parts of the bill, including a provision to eliminate the three-day grace period for mail-in ballots which the lawsuit says is completely necessary. Republicans have said it’s important for voters’ trust in the process to have all mail-in ballots counted by election night — a key complaint of Trump’s in 2020 — but the lawsuit claims that’s disingenuous because at the same time, the law also allows more time for mail-in ballots to be challenged: Drawing out the process, rather than speeding it up. The lawsuit by Democratic attorney Marc Elias, on behalf of groups including Voto Latino and Down Home North Carolina, claims the new elections law will unfairly cancel people’s ability to vote without them ever being notified or given a chance to defend themselves. The lawsuit also claims that targeting same-day registration is part of a trend for Republican lawmakers, noting that many of the people who could be most affected are Black, Hispanic and/or college students — all groups that vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. Republicans tried getting rid of same-day registration altogether as part of a wide-ranging 2013 law with numerous election law changes, which was struck down in federal court for intentional racial discrimination.

Tennessee: In a 2-1 ruling, the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals sided with Tennessee over a law that makes it a felony for non-election officials to share absentee ballot forms with another person. The ruling agreed with the lower court that the Tennessee law does not violate free speech rights by restricting who can hand out absentee ballot applications. U.S. Circuit Judge Eric Murphy, a Donald Trump appointee, authored the majority’s opinion finding that the act of distributing the forms only qualifies as conduct and not speech. Tennessee has criminalized the improper distribution of absentee ballot forms since 1979, and in 2002 responded to some confusion surrounding the rule by adding a separate ban on the distribution of the forms by non-election officials. The original lawsuit was filed in 2020 and claimed that the rule violated free speech rights and was outdated because the forms are now freely available online through the website of Tennessee’s Secretary of State.  The plaintiffs — which include civil rights groups such as the Tennessee State Conference of the NAACP and the Equity Alliance — sought to engage in voter outreach by handing out absentee ballot applications. U.S. District Judge Eli J. Richardson dismissed the suit in 2021.

Virginia: A lawsuit against Governor Glenn Youngkin over the felon voting rights restoration process can continue. Lawyers for George Hawkins, Jr., a former felon and Richmond native, argued in court Friday that the state’s felon voting rights restoration process under the Republican governor had become so opaque it violates his First Amendment rights. Hawkins was convicted of attempted murder at the age of 17. He got out of prison a few months ago after serving 15 years. He tried to get his right to vote restored, but was denied. In Virginia the governor has the sole authority to restore a felon’s right to vote, but specifics on that restoration process are undefined. Republican Governor Bob McDonnell was one of the first governors to simplify the process, and his Democratic successors continued that tradition. But restoration slowed under the Youngkin administration, and October 6, U.S. District Judge John Adrian Gibney Jr. in the Eastern District of Virginia found Hawkins’ denial gave him grounds to pursue his claims. An order on the state’s effort to dismiss the constitutional claims is expected in the coming days.

Opinions This Week

National Opinions: Election workers | Hand counts | Election officials | Election integrity | Voting rights | Ex-pat voting

Connecticut: Election reform

Indiana: Voting rights | Civics education

Iowa: English-only law

Kentucky: Get out the vote | Early voting

New York: Vote by mail

Ohio: Off-year elections | Voting rights | Election integrity

Pennsylvania: Automatic voter registration

Wisconsin: Wisconsin Election Commission

Upcoming Events

The Roberts Court and American Democracy: The Safeguarding Democracy Project at UCLA promotes research, collaboration, and advocacy under the leadership of UCLA Law Professor Richard L. Hasen; one of the nation’s leading election scholars. The Safeguarding Democracy Project is built upon the premise that tackling issues of the U.S. election integrity must be collaborative: across ideologies, across scholarly disciplines, and as a bridge between theory and practice. Joan Biskupic (CNN Legal Analyst and author) in conversation with Richard L. Hasen about her new book, “Nine Black Robes.” When: Oct. 12, 3pm Eastern. Where: Online.

Priming Yourself for the 2024 Primaries: With the 2024 primaries approaching quickly, it can be difficult to keep the details of state and presidential primary elections straight. Join NCSL’s Wendy Underhill and Ben Williams in this short webinar to learn the “primary” things to know ahead of the 2024 primaries, including who can participate, requirements to get on the ballot, the role of parties versus the state and much more. When: October 13, 2pm Eastern. Where: Online.

The Trump Prosecutions, the First Amendment, and Election Interference: The Safeguarding Democracy Project at UCLA promotes research, collaboration, and advocacy under the leadership of UCLA Law Professor Richard L. Hasen; one of the nation’s leading election scholars. The Safeguarding Democracy Project is built upon the premise that tackling issues of the U.S. election integrity must be collaborative: across ideologies, across scholarly disciplines, and as a bridge between theory and practice. Genevieve Lakier (University of Chicago via Zoom), Eugene Volokh (UCLA). Moderated by Richard L. Hasen. When: Oct. 17 3:15pm Eastern. Where: Online.

What do Americans think about the health of our democracy and the upcoming presidential election?: In this divided era of American politics, the nation turns its eyes toward an unprecedented presidential election, with two of the oldest leading candidates in history, one of whom is facing federal and state indictments. A new and extensive national survey of more than 2,500 Americans examines Americans’ attitudes about the leading presidential candidates, potential support for third party candidates, and the issues that define these partisan and cultural fault lines. The survey illuminates Americans’ concerns about the overall direction of the country, the state of the economy and inflation, public education, social connectedness, and the broader health of our democracy. Additionally, the survey highlights attitudes about abortion, gender and LGBTQ issues, immigration, foreign policy, Christian nationalism, and support for QAnon, among other issues.  On October 25, join Governance Studies at Brookings and the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) for the release of their 14th annual American Values Survey. A panel of experts will discuss the survey results and what they reveal about the priorities of Americans as they relate to the 2024 elections and beyond. Where: Online and in Washington, DC. When: Oct. 25, 10am Eastern.

Covering the Risks to Elections on the State and Local Level: Views from the Beat Reporters: The Safeguarding Democracy Project at UCLA promotes research, collaboration, and advocacy under the leadership of UCLA Law Professor Richard L. Hasen; one of the nation’s leading election scholars. The Safeguarding Democracy Project is built upon the premise that tackling issues of the U.S. election integrity must be collaborative: across ideologies, across scholarly disciplines, and as a bridge between theory and practice. Jonathan Lai (Philadelphia Inquirer, Politico), Carrie Levine (Votebeat), Patrick Marley (WaPo), and Yvonne Wingett Sanchez (WaPo). Moderated by Pamela Fessler (retired from NPR). When: November 16, 3pm Eastern. Where: Online.

Job Postings This Week

electionlineWeekly publishes election administration job postings each week as a free service to our readers. To have your job listed in the newsletter, please send a copy of the job description, including a web link to mmoretti@electionline.org.  Job postings must be received by 5pm on Wednesday in order to appear in the Thursday newsletter. Listings will run for three weeks or till the deadline listed in the posting.

Assistant Manager-Poll Worker Department, Palm Beach County, Florida— The Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections is looking for an experienced Assistant Poll Worker Department Manager. In this role, you will oversee the planning and the completion of various projects, administrative functions, operations, and specialized tasks in the Poll Worker Department. The work involves knowledge and application of departmental operations, planning, assigning responsibilities, monitoring election worker classes, maintaining records, evaluating performance, and the ability to review work for accuracy. This position requires initiative and sound independent judgement in the application of office policies, election laws, and procedures. Must be personable and maintain effective working relationships with colleagues, associates, and the general public. All work is performed under the guidance of the Supervisor of Elections. The ideal candidate will have an excellent work ethic, including consistent performance, reliability, and attendance. The desire and ability to work well in a fast-paced collaborative environment with a smile are essential to the position. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Assistant Registrar of Voters, Ventura County, California— Under general direction of the County Clerk-Recorder and Registrar of Voters, the Assistant Registrar of Voters plans, organizes, administers, supervises and directs the activities of the Elections Division of the County Clerk and Recorder’s office; and performs related work as required. The ideal candidate is a dedicated public servant who possesses solid administrative leadership skills, the highest integrity, and a strong work ethic that includes accountability for oneself and others. A well-qualified candidate will have in-depth knowledge of and experience in implementing federal, state, and local election laws, regulations, codes, guidelines, and procedures. Additionally, they should possess strong analytical and budgetary skills that are applicable to work in a California public agency. Other qualities needed to be a successful candidate include: detail-oriented, customer-service focused, striving for efficiency and continuous improvement. Salary: $104,708 – $146,606. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Chief Deputy Clerk, Lane County, Oregon— Are you ready to play a pivotal role in shaping the democratic processes of Lane County? Are you committed to ensuring the efficient and accurate administration of elections while also maintaining the integrity of vital records that affect the lives of our residents? If so, we invite you to consider the Chief Deputy Clerk position within our County Clerk’s office. The County Clerk’s office is at the heart of our community’s governance, overseeing critical functions that impact every Lane County resident. As a member of our team, you’ll collaborate with a dedicated group of 15 full-time staff, working under the direction of the County Clerk. As the Chief Deputy Clerk, you will directly supervise a team of 5, while closely collaborating with the Clerk Program Supervisor who manages the remaining 7 staff members. Elections Division: Our Elections Division is responsible for conducting all Federal, State, County, school, and special district elections in Lane County, encompassing elections for all cities within our jurisdiction. Your role will involve administering voter registration and outreach programs, managing the master voter file, processing voted ballots, and ensuring the accuracy of test ballots, official ballots, and voter information materials. Additionally, you’ll oversee the processing of local initiative petitions, the maintenance of district boundaries and drop site locations, and the operation of voting equipment. You’ll also play a crucial role in recruiting and training temporary election workers. Salary: $79,476.80 – $116,812.80 Application: For the complete listing and to apply, click here.

Clerk-Recorder Division Manager, Ventura County, California— Under general direction of the Assistant County Clerk and Recorder, the Clerk Recorder Division Manager plans, organizes, administers, supervises and directs the activities of the County Clerk and Recorder Division of the County Clerk and Recorder’s office which includes the main office at the Government Center in Ventura and satellite East County office in Thousand Oaks; and performs related work as required. The ideal candidate is a dedicated public servant who possesses solid administrative leadership skills, the highest integrity, and a strong work ethic that includes accountability for oneself and others. A well-qualified candidate will have thorough knowledge of and experience in implementing federal, state, and local statutes, regulations, and guidelines applicable to a public agency’s operations. Additionally, they should possess strong analytical and budgetary skills that are applicable to contribute to the management team of a California public agency. Other qualities needed to be a successful candidate include detail-oriented, customer-service focused, striving for efficiency and continuous improvement. Salary: $82,275 – $132,491. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Communications Officer, Union County, North Carolina— The Communications Officer, under limited supervision and with a high level of collaboration, administers outreach and communications activities on a countywide basis for the Union County Board of Elections office. Must demonstrate initiative, good judgment, nonpartisanship, and the ability to express thoughts clearly and simply. Employee must also exercise considerable tact and courtesy in frequent contact with candidates, elected officials, staff, media, other governmental departments, and the general public. Salary: $57,749 – $89,511.  Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Data Analyst, Protect Democracy— VoteShield, a project of Protect Democracy, seeks highly motivated and civic-minded Data Analysts to join our growing team. VoteShield’s goal is to maintain complete and accurate voter data in order to ensure free and fair elections for all qualified voters. As a member of this world-class analysis and engineering team, you will analyze voter registration data, work with election administrators, and grow your technical skills. Ideal candidates will be critical thinkers with a command of data analysis techniques and the ability to distill findings into clear, accessible reports and presentations. We are seeking people who bring an interest in civic data, commitment to non-partisanship, and passion for defending and strengthening our democracy through free and fair elections. We do not expect that any one candidate will have all of the experiences and requirements listed — our current data analysis team comes from a variety of professional backgrounds, including academia and the public and private sectors. We highly encourage you to apply if the job description gets you excited about the role and the work of Protect Democracy & VoteShield. You may work from any location in the United States, and candidates from diverse backgrounds and from across the political and ideological spectrum are strongly encouraged to apply. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Department Analyst 12 – Filing & Canvassing Section, Michigan Department of State— This position serves as the Financial Disclosure and Lobby Filings Analyst within the Filing and Canvassing Section within the within the Bureau of Elections, Michigan Department of State. This position is the recognized resource responsible for administering and enforcing the most complex financial disclosure as required in Article IV, Section 10 of the State Constitution, Lobbyist Registration Act, and Michigan Election Law. The Analyst will support the Division’s functions by developing the program, reporting materials, and manage procurement of software, form creation and other documentation. The position will prepare communications including web pages, and instructional materials for those individuals regulated by the State Constitution and statute. The position will implement the program through research and analysis of disclosure reports, personal finance statements, and lobby expenditure reports, with emphasis on working to address deficiencies and correct noncompliant filings and take enforcement actions when required. This position will also develop training materials on the processes and user manuals; and provide training to the regulated community. Salary: $57,553.60 – $84,115.20. Deadline: Oct. 23. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Election Logistics Specialist, Ottawa County, Michigan— Under the direction of the County Clerk, Chief Deputy County Clerk and Elections Supervisor, coordinates and administers all early voting operations held within the county. Ensures substantive and procedural compliance with all federal, state, and local statutes and regulations governing elections. Coordinates and manages the staging of early voting sites, develops and manages the communication plan, assists with the development and administration of the budget for early voting, and aids with the management of nine early days of voting and post-election reconciliation duties. Provides technical support for all cities and townships within Ottawa County. Performs a variety of functions required to ensure fair, free, accurate and cost-effective elections. This is a full-time benefited position working out of Fillmore complex in West Olive, Michigan. Travel to other County locations as needed. Salary: $27.82 – $36.18 Hourly. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Election Advisor to Democracy Resilience Network, The Carter Center— The Democracy Program at The Carter Center works globally to support and strengthen participatory democracy, consistent with human rights. Beginning in 2020, The Carter Center began efforts to support elections in the United States. There are multiple key aspects to this project: establishing nonpartisan observation efforts, bolstering the electoral dispute resolution process, tracking disinformation and dangerous speech, contributing to electoral reform, and promoting a set of candidate principles for trusted elections. The Democracy Program works closely with the Center’s Conflict Resolution Program and its Democracy Resilience Networks (DRNs). The Democracy Resilience Networks bring together key state leaders in FL, GA, NC, MI, WI, and AZ to develop honest messaging campaigns and build trust in democratic processes. The Democracy Program is also active in several of these states and serves as the electoral expert advisor to the DRNs. This position will assist the Democracy Program in coordinating with the DRNs by attending DRN meetings and providing support and expertise to the DRNs regarding U.S. election administration and processes. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Election Specialist I, II or III, Douglas County, Colorado— This position is focused on routine customer service and general office/clerical support including data entry, communications, and processing mail. This is a support role capable of performing a variety of tasks, with problem solving abilities, managing multiple competing responsibilities and prioritizing to maintain a continuous flow of election office operations. This is a visible and crucial position requiring exceptional computer, customer service, and communication skills. Salary Range: $39,520 – 67,581. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Elections Compliance Officer, Pima County, Arizona— Are you an experienced professional specializing in elections? The Pima County Elections Department is looking for you! Join our team and bring your expertise to the forefront of our mission. Your background in city, county, state, or federal agencies, coupled with your in-depth knowledge of election processes, will make you an invaluable asset. Be a part of our dedicated team, shaping policies, and ensuring the integrity of our electoral system while making a lasting impact on our community. If you’re ready for a rewarding challenge, apply today! (Work assignments may vary depending on the department’s needs and will be communicated to the applicant or incumbent by the supervisor) Independently plans, coordinates, monitors and participates in administrative and operational activities required to maintain compliance with state and federal election regulations; Verifies department director and staff operate within full compliance regarding any and all applicable legal regulations and timelines; Maintains a listing of legally required deadlines for the unit via a cyclical timeline; Manages campaign finance, including correspondence for late filings and violations; ensures candidate filing compliance, including challenges; Ensures federal and state voting equipment compliance; Responds to public records requests; Assures separation of duty compliance required by Pima County; Completes periodic compliance audits and provides findings with recommendations to the Director and Deputy Director; Prepares requisite drafts of new procedures or processes for preclearance by regulatory agencies in compliance with state or federal laws or other regulatory requirements;  Coordinates the compilation and submission of required reports to regulatory agencies; Ensures Department compliance with all poll worker regulations; Determines Department compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) with respect to facilities utilized in the elections process; Assists with grant requests; Develops and maintains public feedback tracking systems to capture voter complaints and concerns, allocate them to the appropriate division for resolution and record actions taken to rectify issues identified. Salary: $57,607 – $63,367. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Elections Operation Manager, Pima County, Arizona— Pima County Elections Department is actively seeking a highly qualified candidate with a unique blend of skills and experience to join our team as an Elections Operations Manager. The ideal candidate brings extensive expertise in voting equipment and e-poll books, ensuring the seamless functioning of critical election infrastructure. Your familiarity with online inventory systems will be instrumental in maintaining accurate and efficient inventory management. Additionally, your proven ability to collaborate with political parties and high-ranking officials sets you apart. Your past interactions with these stakeholders have showcased your exceptional communication and diplomacy skills, essential in the realm of elections. If you’re ready to leverage your expertise and contribute to the democratic process, we encourage you to apply. Join us in shaping the future of elections, where your skills and experience will make a significant impact. This classification is in the unclassified service and is exempt from the Pima County Merit System Rules. Duties/Responsibilities: (Work assignments may vary depending on the department’s needs and will be communicated to the applicant or incumbent by the supervisor.) Develops program goals, objectives, policies, and procedures, and establishes short- and long-range program performance plans subject to management review; Manages and administers program activities and evaluates program effectiveness and success; Manages the activities of professional staff and evaluates their performance; Develops, negotiates, monitors, and administers contracts, intergovernmental agreements, and/or financial and service agreements for the program managed; Monitors program contract compliance and takes corrective action as required; Performs as a program representative within the community, delivers informational news releases, serves as a program contact person, and participates in community awareness activities; Develops and maintains effective working relationships and coordinates program activities with other County departments, public and private agencies, organizations and groups to promote the program and its goals; Analyzes local, state and federal legislation and ensures program compliance with applicable regulations and policies; Directs organizational and management studies for the purpose of identifying problems and alternative solutions to the problems; Develops, writes and administers the program’s annual budget, prepares program-related financial forecasts, and identifies funding sources to support program activities; Reviews and analyzes routine and special reports detailing the status and/or success of the program, prepares recommendations, and/or initiates corrective action; Evaluates management problems and makes decisions regarding the proper course of action; May make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors regarding program objectives; May direct the preparation and submission of proposals and grant applications; May access or maintain specialized databases containing program-specific information to review information or generate reports. Salary: $57,607 – $63,367. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

IT Coordinator, St. Johns County, Florida— The IT Coordinator is a critical role in the organization responsible for overseeing the technology operations of the Supervisor of Elections office operating in a Microsoft Windows environment. This includes managing the IT staff, ensuring the security and integrity of the organization’s data and systems, and identifying and implementing new technologies to improve efficiency and productivity. The IT Coordinator manages core network operations, reports to senior management, and collaborates with other department heads to align Information Technology strategies to maximize organizational operations. Responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of the Supervisor of Elections office and systems while identifying and implementing new technologies to improve efficiency and productivity. Salary: $80,000 – $92,500 a year. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Legal Compliance Officer, Ventura County, California— Under administrative direction of the County Clerk-Recorder & Registrar of Voters, this position is responsible for coordinating, planning, and administering regulatory compliance for the County Clerk/Recorder and Elections divisions. It also ensures agency-wide observance of pertinent state law. Additionally, the CCR Legal Compliance Officer serves as legislative analyst to monitor, interpret, and apply legislation, and supervises related functions as assigned. Salary: $133,224 – $186,534. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Legal and Electoral Dispute Resolution Expert, The Carter Center— The Democracy Program at The Carter Center works globally to support and strengthen participatory democracy, consistent with human rights. Beginning in 2020, The Carter Center began efforts to support elections in the United States. There are multiple key aspects to this project: establishing nonpartisan observation efforts, bolstering the electoral dispute resolution process, tracking disinformation and dangerous speech, contributing to electoral reform, and promoting a set of candidate principles for trusted elections. The Carter Center’s proposed electoral dispute resolution program aims to bolster public awareness of existing mechanisms to resolve electoral challenges as a means of building confidence in the process and encouraging peaceful acceptance of results. It also seeks to identify and propose meaningful reforms to strengthen those mechanisms and make them more coherent. Ahead of the 2024 election cycle, The Carter Center is proposing a four-pronged program of work that to increase the transparency, accessibility, timeliness and accountability of electoral dispute resolution mechanisms and thereby bolster public trust in the electoral process. The program will seek to both raise awareness of existing mechanisms for electoral dispute resolution and provide recommendations for their improvement. This position will also serve as our legal expert and will work closely with other members of the US Electoral expert team to assess the extent to which the US legislation, state legislation, and their implementation complies with international election standards. The legal analyst is expected to understand the legal framework of elections in the United States, generally, brief staff on election-related legal issues, and meet with relevant stakeholders as requested. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Limited Duration Elections Analyst, Portland, Oregon— The City Auditor’s Office is seeking a professional that is curious, analytical, and knowledgeable about strong democratic policies to assist in Portland’s transition to a new electoral system in 2024. This position will be critical to administering City elections procedures according to City charter, code, and state law during a time of change and growth for Portland’s elections. While this position is listed as limited duration through December 2024, the Office expects to make the position permanent in the next budget cycle. As the sixth elected official in the City of Portland, the Auditor is independent of City Council and accountable only to the public. The Auditor’s Office promotes open and accountable government by providing impartial reviews and investigations, access to public information, and services for City government and the public. It employs nearly 40 staff members working in four divisions. This position joins three elections staff in the City Elections Office and reports to the City Elections Officer. The Office oversees the city elections processes such as ballot qualification, petition and measure management, and elections results certification to the City Council. The Office also carries out services under the umbrella of Campaign Finance and Lobbying Regulations, including investigations and enforcement procedures. The Office provides information and training to candidates and voters and partners with other elections jurisdictions and City Offices to carryout open, accountable, and transparent City Elections. Ahead of the 2024 elections cycle, the Elections Office is working closely with the City’s Transition Team to carryout public education to inform voters of the 2022 voter approved city government reforms, including a new system of ranked choice voting and council election by geographic districts. The Elections Office will lead the implementation of the new system of elections and candidate education. Salary: $93,518.88-$114,987.60. Deadline: Oct. 16. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Mail Ballot Administrator, Denver, Colorado— The City and County of Denver’s Election Division is seeking an accomplished elections professional to serve as the Mail Ballot Administrator and provide administrative and strategic direction for the functional area of mail ballot administration. Key roles and responsibilities of the Mail Ballot Administrator are: Oversee and act as the technical expert in all aspects of the mail ballot processing rooms including: ballot receiving, ballot sorting, and Signature Verification in accordance with statutory and Secretary of State Rule requirements; Write, refine, and coordinate operating policies and procedures relating to mail ballot processing; Train and supervise (50 to 70+) election judges and leads for all mail ballot processing rooms; Create and coordinate the development of all mail ballot materials (e.g., voter instructions); Act as the primary point of contact with the ballot production vendor and coordinate production, mailing and receiving of mail ballots; Cooperate with local, state, and national partners to continually develop best practices; Coordinate the post-election process including canvass preparation and reports for the District Attorney; Act as a liaison for the Denver Elections Division to the United States Postal Service and act as a subject matter expert for postal policy as it relates to non-profit and election mail; Oversee quality assurance measures to ensure processes and procedures are tested to evaluate for potential improvement and accuracy; and Manages continuous improvement initiatives. Salary: $63,801 – $105,272. Deadline: Oct. 18. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Network Manager, Rhode Island Secretary of State’s Office— The Network Manager will manage, maintain, document, and operate the Department of State’s (Department) network. Additionally, the Network Manager will configure, update, secure, and install network equipment with the Department’s infrastructure as well as work with other members of the eGov and IT Division to ensure secure reliable service to staff and the public. The Network Manager performs various duties including, but not limited to: Install, secure, maintain, troubleshoot, and repair LAN and WAN network hardware, software, systems, and cabling; Work with Department staff to assist them in understanding and utilizing network services and resources; Build and maintain network log infrastructure and support critical response initiatives; Manage, monitor, document, and expand the network infrastructure; Resolve desktop and networking problems; Assist staff with maintaining voice, data, and wireless communications; Develop and implement policies related to secure hardware and software; Optimize and maintain network security through the proper design, implementation and maintenance of network devices, appliances, and other systems; Plan and implement new network installations and upgrades; Maintain an orderly networking office and equipment storage area; Participate in Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity planning, drill, and implementation activities; and Perform other duties as required. Salary: $73,416 – $83,126. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Nonpartisan Election Observation and Election Administration Advisor, The Carter Center— The Democracy Program at The Carter Center works globally to support and strengthen participatory democracy, consistent with human rights. Beginning in 2020, The Carter Center began efforts to support elections in the United States. There are multiple key aspects to this project: establishing nonpartisan observation efforts, bolstering the electoral dispute resolution process, tracking disinformation and dangerous speech, contributing to electoral reform, and promoting a set of candidate principles for trusted elections. The Carter Center plans to advance nonpartisan observation efforts in two states among several currently under assessment, including: California, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, and Virginia. Nonpartisan observation efforts implemented and/or supported by The Carter Center will differ from existing partisan poll watchers and election protection groups. The goal of this observation is to provide credible and transparent information on the conduct of elections in each state through public reports.  To support this work, The Carter Center also provides analysis and resources on various aspects of the electoral process and election administration such as, poll worker recruitment & training and tabulation & audit procedures. The Carter Center is looking for an experienced professional with knowledge of the U.S. electoral system that can support our targeted efforts in select states as we work to increase transparency in the electoral process and support election officials. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Operations Manager, Santa Fe County, New Mexico— Under the general direction of the Department Director or elected official, establishes, implements, and oversees sound financial management, accounting, budgeting, staffing, procurement, and monitoring of internal control systems and processes for a department.  Oversees multiple program support functions within the Department.  This position will also manage the customer service and front window functions of the Clerk’s office. Essential Job Functions: Collaborates with Finance Department to establish the departmental budget request and submittal; executes, analyzes, forecasts, and manages budget in compliance with County policy. Oversees the development, tracking, and processing of all Department contracts, Requests for Proposal (RFP), Personnel Actions (PA), and payroll. Tracks grants and bond expenditures to ensure timeliness and efficiency. Serves as the official liaison with County Finance Department, Legal Department, and Personnel Department regarding Contracts, RFP’s, and payroll. Ensures internal control structure, budgetary control system and all accounting processes are functioning effectively within the department. Certifies that payments to vendors are accurate and timely and are for goods and services rendered in accordance with County policy. Disseminates information to management regarding the fiscal procedures and responsibilities regarding all financial transactions and activities. Coordinates program support activities within the Department; may present information at Board of County Commission meetings; may develop policies and business procedures for the department; and may audit and verify department payroll matters. Supervises timesheet submission for the department, ensuring timesheets are accurate and complete. Coordinates with the County Human Resource Department regarding the processing and tracking of all employee actions and issues; collaborates with Human Resources to facilitate recruitment for the department. Assists the Department Director/Elected Official with projects and assignments of priority and ensures completion of assignments in an effective and timely manner. Responds to questions and requests for information for the department. Hires, orients, trains, supervises, assigns and reviews work of, evaluates, and disciplines staff; recommends staff for promotion, compensation increases; and disciplinary action. Schedules, plans, and oversees or assists with departmental meetings; attends external meetings as representative of department; and attends meetings with government officials, vendors, and the public. Maintains knowledge of emerging technology and trends, current industry standards, evolving technologies, and methodologies that will impact department. Manages the customer service procedures and protocols in the Clerk’s Office; is readily available by phone, chat and email.  Answers the main phone number and Clerk inbox; follows up with customer requests. Manages the Clerk’s Office calendar protocol, chat and ticketing systems. Maintains lists of regular customers by type: titles companies, surveyors, etc. Notifies customers of any operational changes, ensures holidays are posted. Maintains effective communications with users regarding vendor activities, problems, status, timelines and other details. Salary: $68,598 – $96,033. Deadline: Oct. 18. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Research Director, CEIR— CEIR seeks a qualified Research Director to join our team. The Research Director will report to the Executive Director and lead CEIR’s research initiatives. These initiatives include, but are not limited to, matters pertaining to voter registration, voter access, election integrity and security, and election policy, generally. The Research Director will set goals aligned with CEIR’s mission and provide the research team with strategic direction on how to reach those goals, all while ensuring the rigor, integrity, and quality of all research activities. This is an excellent opportunity for an experienced and highly motivated individual who wants to join a growing nonprofit that seeks to make a substantial, positive, nonpartisan impact on elections and American democracy. The Research Director role is a full-time job. CEIR supports hybrid work at its office in Washington, DC. However, we will consider outstanding candidates across the United States that wish to work remotely. CEIR’s office hours are 9am-5pm ET, and the Research Director is expected to be available during that time regardless of location. Salary Range: $110,000-160,000.Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Support Specialist, Marion County, Oregon— Journey-level classification of the Information Services series, which applies specialized knowledge in multiple department wide software applications; conducts training sessions; assists in design, implementation, maintenance, and configurating of systems and applications, and recommends policy or procedural changes to ensure effectiveness and efficiency of systems; provides technical assistance in and facilitates the use of computer hardware and software for a department; and performs related work as required. Works under the general supervision of a supervisor who assigns work, establishes goals, and reviews work for conformance to technical standards and compliance with department goals. Salary: $27.56 – $36.94 Hourly. Deadline: Oct. 12. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Training Program Coordinator, Charleston County, South Carolina— This position is responsible for the recruiting, coordinating, and training of Election Day poll managers on the policies, procedures, and SC State law regarding the administering of fair, honest, and accurate elections within the polling places on Election Day and during early voting. This position will also train all temporary Early Voting staff. This position will be responsible for developing all instruction manuals and materials. This position reports directly to the Deputy Director of Election Operations. Salary: $53,248 – $69,784. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.

Voter Service Manager, Arapahoe County, Colorado— The Voter Service Manager performs managerial level administrative, supervisory, and professional work in carrying out a comprehensive public facing service operation. This position specifically supervises the Voter Services team, which includes voter registration maintenance, GIS/Address Library, public information reporting and the election phone bank. Salary: $70,346 – $112,372. Deadline: Oct. 16. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.


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