In Focus This Week
Reach one teach one
San Benito County, California pulls back the curtain on drop boxes
By M. Mindy Moretti
States that allow vote-by-mail had been using ballot drop boxes for more than a decade without much fanfare until 2020 when they became the target of mis-and disinformation campaigns.
Suddenly, these useful tools for voters and election administrators alike were seen as vessels of evil by some. In an effort to combat the mis- and disinformation surrounding the drop boxes, one California county came up with a unique idea to help educate the public on how drop boxes are used.
San Benito, California County Clerk-Recorder/Registrar of Voters Francisco Diaz, who was assistant county-clerk-recorder at the time, came up with the idea for a ride along program.

Cheyenne Wiles Elections Supervisor explaining the process
Diaz said the inspiration struck him when he came across an article highlighting how police ride-along programs contribute to enhancing public perception, confidence, and trust in local law enforcement. He said he saw an opportunity to apply a similar concept to elections, particularly in light of the widespread mistrust in drop boxes that emerged after the 2020 presidential election.
San Benito County, in particular, witnessed a significant number of people expressing concerns about the installation of drop boxes. Recognizing the need to address this issue, Diaz envisioned a program that could foster transparency and trust in the electoral process.
As with any new program, a lot had to be worked out before it launched. With a program such as this, it required even more work between the clerk-recorder/registrar of voters office, the county human resources department, the county counsel and risk management.
“The initial discussions about the program were filled with excitement as everyone recognized its potential benefits,” Diaz said. “However, concerns arose among the county counsel, risk management, and HR staff regarding the potential liabilities associated with the program,” Diaz explained.
Additionally, support was garnered from the county’s insurance carrier as well as the county Board of Supervisors. While this was a first-of-its kind initiative with no known examples to draw on from other parts of the country, the San Benito County Sheriff’s Office does ride-alongs so Diaz was able to use that as a foundation for elections staff.
In an effort to allay concerns of staff, during the initial pilot program in 2021, Diaz personally rode along on all the ride-alongs. His direct involvement and the development of clear procedures played a crucial role in alleviating the initial concerns and building confidence among the staff.
“Through hands-on experience and a trial-and-error approach, [we} developed procedures and talking points to address potential issues,” Diaz said. “After completing 30 ride-alongs in the pilot program, staff became more reassured about the program’s safety.”
The program launched in 2021 with about 30 ride-alongs. Participants included members of the Republican Central Committee, Democratic Central Committee, Election Integrity Group, and several city and county elected officials. That number grew to about 40 ride-alongs in 2022.
“Notably, the second round of attendees primarily consisted of members of the public who were initially skeptical of drop boxes and exhibited heightened concerns regarding local elections,” Diaz said. “This shift in participants underscores the program’s effectiveness in engaging and addressing the concerns of a broader cross-section of the community.”

A member of the public participating in the ride-along.
According to Diaz, especially with the second round of participants, many harbored skepticism regarding the security of drop boxes, entering the ride-along with preconceived notions often influenced by news reports. However, as they engaged in the ride-along process, their opinions underwent a transformation Diaz said.
“Witnessing the careful preparation, meticulous issuance of seals, and the thorough collection, documentation, and return of the ballots, participants gained a firsthand understanding of the process. Following the ride-along experience, many participants departed with a newfound confidence in the safety and security of the ballot collection process in San Benito County,” Diaz said. “The hands-on exposure dispelled their initial doubts and provided them with assurance about the integrity of the procedures involved.”
In preparation for the 2024 election, elections staff intends to enhance the initiative by securing a van from the Sheriff’s office to facilitate group tours. This adjustment aligns with a specific request made by the Superior Court Grand Jury, emphasizing elections commitment to meeting community needs and ensuring a comprehensive and informative experience for all participants.
So how does it actually work?
Participants arrive at the election office one hour before ballot collection. They begin with a 20-minute lecture from Diaz, covering laws, rules, and regulations related to drop boxes. Following this, Diaz provides a 10-minute overview of the dos and don’ts while riding with election officials. The subsequent 30 minutes are dedicated to answering questions from the attendees.
Participants then have the opportunity to observe the ballot collection team, receive their numbered seals, documentation sheets, and ballot pouches, and are provided with the day’s route. Subsequently, everyone boards the election van and proceeds to the first of eight stops. Upon arrival at each drop box, participants witness the team inspecting for tampering or damage, opening the drop box, collecting and counting each envelope, logging the ballots and time of arrival in the drop box in duplicate form, and finally, sealing the ballots in pouches.
This process repeats seven more times, and upon returning to the elections office, the ballot collection team returns the seal pouches and documentation. Elections staff then review, inspect, and recount the ballots in each pouch, sorting and securely storing them in the designated ballot room. Following this final step, observers convene with Diaz in a separate room for any additional questions and clarifications.
While there were some hurdles to implementing the program, Diaz said additional costs were minimal and he strongly recommends other jurisdictions consider emulating it.
“While each jurisdiction may have its unique characteristics, the overwhelmingly positive outcome of this initiative is evident,” Diaz said. “Though there were initially skeptics, the program has been successful in disseminating accurate information. Participants, upon returning to their communities, share their experiences and newfound knowledge with friends and family, contributing to a broader understanding of the electoral process.”
(Reach One Teach One will be an occasional series on new and unique ways elections officials are working to educate the public on the processes and systems of democracy.)
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Election News This Week
2024 Primaries: The 2024 primary season kicked off in New Hampshire this week with the six residents of Dixville Notch casting their ballots for president just after midnight on Jan. 23. While there had been concerns before the primary about the impacts a write-in campaign for President Joe Biden may have on tallying results and the performance of the state’s aging ballot scanners, it was relatively business as usual in The Granite State on Tuesday. It was a relatively smooth day with a large turnout that exceeded expectations. Several communities including: Amherst, Brentwood, Concord, Hanover, Holderness, Hollis, Hopkinton, Newmarket and Windham all requested additional Republican ballots. While there were calls for additional ballots, there were no reports of any precincts actually running out of ballots. The write-in campaign for President Joe Biden caused additional problems in some precincts according to local media. Ballot boxes at some locations were missing a key feature that accommodates write-in ballots. “On some ballot boxes, when you insert the ballot, if it’s a write-in vote, it will separate out those ballots. This one does not do that, so we’re going to have to hand-count almost every ballot tonight,” Nashua election official John Guilmartin told WMUR. “If we’re smooth and efficient, hopefully we’ll get out at a decent hour, hopefully before midnight,” Guilmartin said. In Londonderry, town clerk Sherry Farrell said the write-ins weren’t a problem. The town had a team dedicated specifically to the write-in ballots and hand-counting. She said her team worked together nicely to count all the write-ins in a timely fashion. She said she would love to see the same kind of enthusiasm in other elections. “What we would love to see, as your election teams and your town halls, is that same number of wonderful voters that cast their ballots in this election come out for our town elections,” she said. “Because that’s where all of the important issues are going to be determined for your towns, where you live, where you work, where you’re raising your families. So please come out and vote at each of the elections. They’re all equally important.” In Plymouth, moderator Robert Clay said people seemed more focused on the act of voting itself than any one candidate. “The mood is kind of people coming to do their democratic duty,” he said. “Usually you see people excited about one way or another, and you’re not seeing that today.” Wired has a wild look inside an election denier Facebook group. According to Wired, in the New Hampshire Voter Integrity Facebook group (more than 6,500 members), members were convinced of election fraud within minutes of the polls opening on Tuesday morning and throughout the day, in dozens of posts and hundreds of comments, the group’s members posted messages of support for each other’s efforts, reaffirming each other’s beliefs in the conspiracies despite no actual evidence of fraud. New Hampshire’s “I Voted” stickers were a big hit with voters. “The sticker I got for voting was crazy cool,” Dan Kelleher, 25, of Concord told The Boston Globe. The state chose three winning designs back in October and printed about two million of them for a cost of around $10,000.
A Desperate Need: Officials in Oklahoma told a local television station this week that 75% of counties in Oklahoma don’t have enough workers to staff all the precincts. Declining interest in working at polling locations started during the pandemic. Gwen Freeman with the Tulsa County Election Board said the average worker is 75 and they are in recruitment mode for workers of any age. “We have our hands virtually in every pie, trying to beg people to work for us and getting little to no response,” said Freeman. Smaller elections they are not as worried about, but come presidential primary day, Tulsa County needs to open 251 precincts. “I think it’s alarming,” she said. When asked what the board will do if there aren’t enough volunteers, Freeman responded, “I have no idea—it’s never happened.” Tulsa County alone is about 300 workers short. The Tulsa Regional Chamber recently announced an “Adopt a Precinct” initiative that encourages businesses to allow employees paid work days to train and volunteer for elections. Tulsa Young Professionals, or TYPROS, organized a Saturday training event to make it easier for employed people to get trained without taking off work. Freeman is hoping last-minute pleas to the public will help. If not, she says legislative action may be necessary.
This and That: A new poll by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution shows that 56% of Georgians oppose switching to paper ballots filled out by hand, and 57% are at least somewhat confident the presidential election will be fair and accurate. The poll’s results are similar to previous surveys since the 2020 election The City of Salem, Massachusetts is considering creating an elections commission. The Missouri auditor released an audit report that alleges Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft refused to provide him with copies of the cybersecurity reviews of Missouri’s 116 local election authorities, which he said violates state law. Ashcroft’s office issued a formal response, which is included in the audit report and disputes its findings, arguing that sharing the cybersecurity reports with Fitzpatrick’s office risks revealing confidential information. The South Carolina Election Commission is currently seeking $4 million in the state budget to raise daily pay for poll workers from $135 to $175. Tennessee’s toughened voting rights restoration policy requires people convicted of a felony to get their gun rights restored before they can become eligible to cast a ballot again. State Elections Coordinator Mark Goins reiterated that someone’s full citizenship rights must be restored before they can regain the right to vote, and added, “Under the Tennessee Constitution, the right to bear arms is a right of citizenship.” Some Texas election officials are running out of time before the March 5 primary to find sufficient polling locations, equipment, and election workers mandated by a new Republican-backed election law, and may not be able to meet its requirements. Utah County, Utah will no longer be covering the postage for mail ballots. County Clerk Aaron Davidson said he’s making the change to push people to drop boxes and to save taxpayer money. “The main reason is (that) I like to I’d like to maintain custody of the ballots, and when it goes through the mail in process to the U.S. Postal Service, we lose custody of that whenever we handle a ballot. The Utah County Office, we have to have two people there at any time, but I don’t know if they have to have two people,” Davidson told KSL TV.
Reading is Fundamental: Florida’s Department of State tossed out the entire slate of books recommended by the civil-rights Grove Museum for the first six months of its 2024 monthly storytime program for young children, including books on voting rights and Black history. Originally submitted in October, the books were deemed not appropriate for the time of year they were being offered, they were not age-appropriate or not on the state Department of Education’s pre-approved reading list. Among the books rejected was “VOTE!” by Eileen Christelow, scheduled for this month. The book was on the state’s pre-approved list and rated for first- through fourth-graders. “You’re joking,” Christelow said from her home in Vermont. “I’m just speechless. I don’t know what to say.” “No books were blocked; only moved to align with more relevant timing,” said Mark Ard, external affairs director for the Department of State, which oversees the state’s museums and historical programs as well as elections and corporations. Ard called the situation a big misunderstanding, but couldn’t say when the books would be rescheduled, nor would he say who ultimately decided to reject the books. He said it came about as a result of a group discussion where he was present. “VOTE!” was resubmitted by itself in December for January storytime, but once again it was turned down, Ard said, because it was deemed more topical for another month. When pushed to explain when would be a good time to discuss voter registration and elections in Florida, Ard switched gears, saying the book was rated for first through fourth graders. “Storytime programs held during school hours should be geared toward much younger children,” Ard also said, noting the age range for storytime was 3 to 8. The illustrated picture book, published in 2008, is the story of a Black woman, Chris Smith, running for town mayor against a white man. It includes passages about the long history of getting all people to vote regardless of sex and skin color. “When this country started, only white men who owned property could vote,” the book says. Christelow has seen it have a positive impact at events where she’s spoken. “One woman stood up and said she had never voted before reading this book, and now was going to vote,” Christelow said.
Sticker News: The Mesa County, Colorado Elections office held an “I Voted” sticker contest and announced the winners this week. The contest was open to students from first-grade to 12th-grade to show creativity and encourage civic pride and community engagement. There was considerable interest and excitement with the contest with approximately 150 submissions. Election judges evaluated the submissions, narrowing the list down to the top 16. The public then played a role in selecting the four winners. The entries featured “I Voted”designs for stickers that will be handed out in the upcoming June primary and the November general elections. The winners are, two fourth-graders, Kinsley Trimble from Pomona Elementary and Whitley Bonner from Dual Immersion Academy; one seventh-grader Layla Lesjak from Redlands Middle School, and eighth-grader Berklie Jones from Redlands Middle School. “I am beyond excited about the entries we received — I love community engagement,” said Mesa County Clerk & Recorder Bobbie Gross, “Having an opportunity to educate our youth about the importance of voting and offering our voting community with this top-notch local art has been such a wonderful project.” The winning designs and young artists will be honored at the County Commissioners public hearing on Feb. 6. “Mesa County Elections extends heartfelt congratulations to the winners and a big thank you to all participants who contributed to making this contest a resounding success,” added Gross.
Personnel News: Scott Hough has been reappointed to the Northampton County, Pennsylvania election commission. Cari-Ann Burgess has been appointed interim registrar of voters for Washoe County, Nevada. Longtime Manatee County, Florida Supervisor of Elections Mike Bennett will retire on March 1. Brenda Katerberg is the new Holland, Michigan city clerk. Joe Lemley has been appointed Greene County, Pennsylvania elections director. Blount County, Tennessee Administrator of Elections Susan Knopf will retire in April.
Election Security Updates
CISA News: This week CISA sent out a factsheet warning election officials of the role generative AI could play in threatening election infrastructure. CISA provided an overview of relevant generative AI-enabled capabilities, how these capabilities can be used by malicious actors to target the security and integrity of election infrastructure, and basic mitigations to counter those enhanced risks. “For the 2024 election cycle, generative AI capabilities will likely not introduce new risks, but they may amplify existing risks to election infrastructure,” CISA said in the document. “Election officials have the power to mitigate against these risks heading into 2024, and many of these mitigations are the same security best practices experts have recommended taking for years.” The agency highlighted that malicious actors – like cybercriminals and foreign nation-state actors – have used generative AI capabilities to spread disinformation through deepfake videos, AI-altered images, phishing scams, and voice cloning.
More CISA News: Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Mark Warner, D-Va., is looking to CISA to share critical information to help combat foreign election threats. In a Jan. 16 letter sent to CISA Director Jen Easterly, the senator expressed his concern over the Biden administration’s ability – because of action in the courts that seek to limit the ability of the administration to influence social media companies by providing threat data – to combat these threats and urged CISA to continue its election security work to address foreign malign influence in our elections. In his letter, Sen. Warner cited a recently declassified intelligence assessment that shows the continuing threat of foreign election interference – including from China, Iran, and Russia. “CISA’s commitment to leading the Federal government’s engagement on physical security and cybersecurity ahead of each Federal election is crucial,” wrote Sen. Warner. “Since the designation of election infrastructure as critical infrastructure in 2017, CISA has led a collaborative effort to assist state and local governments, election officials, Federal partners, and private sector partners in protecting election systems from cyber threats. “The complex and often highly varied election processes and systems across the U.S. are markedly more secure today as a result of CISA’s important efforts,” he added.
Legislative Updates
Arizona: The Arizona Senate Elections Committee has passed a bill that would allow candidates for federal office to designate observers at vote counting centers. There are already rules that allow the general public, as well as representatives from each political party, to observe the counting of ballots. Senate Bill 1060 adds to that list one designated representative of a candidate for federal office, like president or U.S. Senate but only during the general election. It would also allow political parties at each county to send challengers to voting centers in addition to precincts. Observers would be barred from approaching officials’ tables or voting equipment or obstructing ballot processing and election administration.
Georgia: The Georgia Senate Ethics Committee advanced a bill that would ban election officials in Georgia from adopting an instant runoff system that allows voters to rank candidates by preference to determine the outcome of elections. The Senate Bill 355 measure passed the Senate panel by an 8-1 vote following hour-long testimony and debate on whether the state should take a preemptive strike banning a ranked choice voting method that’s becoming more common in municipal elections across the nation and is the way candidates are elected in states like Alaska. Cataula Republican Sen. Randy Robertson sponsored the bill that limits ranked choice voting in Georgia to military members who have federal protections protecting their absentee voting rights. Robertson said he wants to prevent local or state election officials from adopting a new election process that he said can become confusing for voters and election administrators alike.
Senate Bill 358 would give the Board of Elections the power to investigate both the Secretary of State and local elections officials, and how those officials conduct elections. It also gives the Board the power to hire its own investigators instead of relying on the Secretary of State’s office to conduct investigations. Senator Max Burns, a Republican from Sylvania, chairs the Senate Ethics Committee. He is also a sponsor of the bill. He said that the bill was driven, at least in part, by a debate among Board of Elections members last year. Burns told his colleagues on the Senate Ethics Committee that the legislation was requested by members of the Board of Elections. The bill would also remove the Secretary of State from the State Elections Board. The Secretary of State’s office has questioned whether the bill is constitutional, but a lawyer for the Ethics Committee says the bill should pass constitutional muster. SB 358 passed the Ethics Committee and could be voted on by the full Senate in the coming weeks.
Kentucky: A bill that would block Kentuckians from using university-issued IDs to vote has passed out of a Senate committee, prompting the Republican secretary of state to warn members of his party to “be careful not to gratuitously alienate young voters.” Identification cards issued by universities and colleges to students and employees would no longer be accepted as proof of identification at the polls under Senate Bill 80. The Senate State and Local Government Committee gave the bill favorable passage Wednesday in a vote of 9-2. The bill’s primary sponsor, Sen. Adrienne Southworth, R-Lawrenceburg, told the committee such IDs are issued with less personal information than government-issued IDs used for primary voter identification, such as driver’s licenses. She said university IDs are “not enough to compare, for any purposes really.” Southworth’s bill also removes credit and debit cards from a list of accepted forms of identification if a voter lacks a driver’s license or other government-issued ID. “Our Photo ID to Vote law was carefully drafted to ensure success against court challenges, and Secretary Adams was successful in three such challenges,” said Michon Lindstrom, Adams’ director of communications. “We are concerned that this bill could get the Photo ID law struck down. Also, as a Republican, Secretary Adams believes his party should be careful not to gratuitously alienate young voters like college students by taking away their ability to use college Photo IDs in the absence of any evidence they have been used fraudulently.”
Indiana: A House elections committee approved a hotly debated bill some said would ensure election security while others feared it would disenfranchise some eligible voters and rely on potentially inaccurate data. House Bill 1264 would require people who haven’t previously voted in an Indiana general election to present photo identification and address-verifying mail if they register to vote in person to establish residency. That doesn’t apply if the prospective voter submitted a driver’s license number or the last four digits of their social security number along with their voter application, and election officials successfully matched the information to state records. The legislation sets out a process for county voter registration offices to follow if applicants don’t comply with the new proof of residence requirement. The provision won’t apply to overseas voters and out-of-town members of the military, after a Wednesday committee amendment. The bill also creates new requirements for proof of citizenship that the state’s top election officials — designated National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) officials — must use to inform counties of non-eligible voters. It similarly sets out a process for counties to follow, which includes an appeals process. Indiana Clerks Association President Nicole Brown said bipartisan discussions between the organization’s members — county election officials — had left them at an “impasse” and therefore testified as neutral. “All 92 county clerks believe and support election security,” said Brown, the Monroe County clerk. But, she added, members had “significant concerns on both sides.”
Louisiana: The special legislative session ended Jan. 19. State lawmakers finished days earlier than scheduled, approved a new congressional district map, and closed the state’s primary voting system. Lawmakers also eliminated the jungle primary system in favor of a closed-party primary. The change is set to go into effect in 2026 and affects federal elections and those for: The Louisiana Supreme Court; The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education; and The Public Service Commission. The Senate approved the bill 29-9, and the House voted 67-36. The bill also goes to Landry for approval. “In terms of closed primaries, it’s been a goal for many that gained traction under the leadership of Governor Landry, and now was the time to act. With this session complete, all of our energy can now be directed towards the priorities that are important to our constituents,” Speaker of the House Phillip DeVillier said in a news release.
New Hampshire: Lawmakers are considering legislation to better protect election workers from harassment and intimidation. Rep. Ellen Read, D-Rockingham, said the bill aims to clarify laws for election workers already on the books. “We want them to know that we have their backs – that they feel safe and supported in those roles as they go about very important official duties,” Read said. Read added the bill would make it illegal to post election workers’ personal information online with the intent to threaten them. Current law only considers these threats to election workers when they are at their polling location.
New Mexico: One bill related to firearm regulation passed the Senate Rules Committee this week. SB 5 seeks to ban people from carrying firearms at or near polling places. “As we head into another turbulent election cycle, I think having consistency when it comes to banning guns and polling places is important,” Senate Majority Leader Peter Wirth, the bill’s sponsor, said. Wirth said constituents working as poll workers brought the topic to him. The bill allows certified law enforcement officers or authorized security personnel to have firearms at polling places and prohibits anyone else from carrying a firearm, loaded or unloaded within 100 feet of any voting location or 50 feet of a postal collection box or a monitored secured container. Anyone who is found guilty to be unlawfully in possession of a firearm near a polling place will be charged with a petty misdemeanor. The bill passed the SRC on a party-line 7-to-4 vote with all four Republicans on the Committee voting against the bill.
Oklahoma: Rep. Eric Roberts (R-Oklahoma City) wants to outlaw ranked-choice voting in Oklahoma. The state currently does not have ranked-choice voting, but efforts have been pushed to change that. Roberts filed two pieces of legislation to ensure it never comes to the state. HB 3156 would ban the practice. HJR 1048 would introduce a legislative referendum that would allow voters to decide stipulations about how elections are conducted in the state to the Oklahoma Constitution. The HJR would ensure voters can only select one candidate for the same office. Roberts says it’s too confusing for voters, and would delay election results. “Ranked-choice voting makes voting more confusing and has delayed election results everywhere it has been tried,” Rep. Roberts said. “We need to preserve the simplicity and timeliness of our current elections, along with our current ease in doing hand recounts when needed.” Roberts pointed to State Election Board Secretary Paul Ziriax, who told a committee last year that the adoption of ranked-choice voting would mean the state would have to replace all of its current election machines.
Lebanon County, Pennsylvania: The county commission voted to remove the county’s lone ballot drop box from service for the 2024 election cycle. About 3,000 voters used the box located outside of the county courthouse in 2022. Republican Commissioner Robert Phillips said the ballot box raised questions about security. “Someone can walk up to it and put more than one ballot in,” Phillips said. “And in Pennsylvania you’re allowed one ballot per voter, and there is no way for us to properly monitor that.” The ballot box in Lebanon was locked after hours and had a security camera positioned on top. The only person to vote against removing it was Democrat Jo Ellen Litz. She said the drop box saves time for elections workers who must now accept early ballots individually at their office. She also said it helps sick people avoid coming into the office and is easier for people with disabilities to use. “Why did you tamper with something that is working?,” Litz said. “Why would you increase the work for our staff who already are overworked? Why would you increase their risk of infectious disease? You know, why would you put people who are handicapped through a marathon to drop off their ballot. The list goes on. It just doesn’t make sense to me.” Litz speculated the lines to drop off ballots could be 45 minutes to several hours long. Lebanon County Elections Director Sean Drasher backed up her claim, saying people would be waiting 45 minutes in a line that would go past his office.
South Dakota: The Senate voted to repeal a 30-day residency requirement for voter registration that became law last year. Sen. David Wheeler, R-Huron, carried the secretary of state-supported Senate Bill 17 to the floor. The 30-day requirement passed last year in response to voter registrations by RV owners from other states who purchase a mailbox in South Dakota. Wheeler told senators the law won’t withstand legal scrutiny. He cited several U.S. Supreme Court cases, and pointed to a section of the federal Voting Rights Act specifically prohibiting durational residency requirements. South Dakota requires voters to register at least 15 days before an election. The 30-day rule was different, though. It required that voters attest, under penalty of perjury, that they’d lived in South Dakota for at least 30 days in the year leading up to an election. The office’s original version of SB 17 did not address enforcement, though. Instead, it would have required citizens to attest that they’d lived in South Dakota for 30 consecutive days immediately prior to registering. After hearing the legal concerns about that bill, Wheeler said, the Secretary of State’s Office chose to support his amendment, which rewrote the bill to remove the 30-day requirement. As amended, SB 17 passed 31-2. The bill now goes to a committee of the House of Representatives. This is the second time in modern history that lawmakers have passed and then had second thoughts about a 30-day residency requirement for voter registration. Twenty-one years ago, lawmakers passed a similar bill. The next year, on advice from then-Secretary of State Chris Nelson, who described the bill as unenforceable, legislators repealed it.
Tennessee: A proposal in the legislature would change the deadline to request an absentee ballot. Currently, voters in the state can ask for an absentee ballot up to seven days before an election. The bill proposed by Sen. Richard Briggs (R – Knoxville), SB 1648, would change that deadline to ten days before an election. It is expected to be discussed in the Senate’s State and Local Government Committee on Jan. 23, and no companion bill has been filed in the House of Representatives.
Utah: A bill requiring mailed-in ballots to be in the hands of election officials before the polls close on Election Day in order to be counted was put on hold this week by the Utah Legislature’s House Government Operations Committee. Utah law currently says mail-in ballots are valid as long as they’re “clearly postmarked before Election Day” and show up before noon on the day of the official canvass of the vote that usually comes two weeks later. The sponsor of the bill, HB214, Rep. Norm Thurston, R-Provo, said that makes Utah an “outlier.” He called for a “move from a complicated and difficult to explain system” to one that shifts the responsibility to voters “for making sure their vote gets in on time.” Thurston told the committee his bill would give Utahns more confidence in elections. But for more than an hour committee members heard largely critical testimony about the change, including its impact on rural as well as disabled Utahns who count on being able to mail in their ballots the Monday before an election. Before the committee voted to hold the bill rather than send it to the full House, it was amended to change the effective day from May 1 to Jan. 1, 2025, so the election already underway would not be affected.
Washington: Rep. Tarra Simmons, D-Kitsap has introduced House Bill 2030 that would effectively allow anyone incarcerated in a state prison to vote or sit on a jury. It only bans prisoners from voting who are convicted of a crime punishable by death. In Washington, a 2018 court decision determined capital punishment was unconstitutional, and Gov. Jay Inslee signed a bill last April that abolished the death penalty in state law. There are around 13,000 people in Washington’s prisons, although not all of them are citizens. If Washington enacts HB 2030, it would join only Maine, Vermont and the District of Columbia in allowing prisoners to vote. Simmons also said the legislation will help lawmakers see prisoners as constituents. She’s been pushing for the policy since she became a lawmaker in 2020.
West Virginia: The House of Delegates considered changes to several election laws this week. The House passed two election-related bills unanimously: House Bill 4428, requiring candidates to live in the state or local election district for the office they are seeking; and House Bill 4552, requiring that a candidate for office’s party affiliation is consistent with their voter registration. HB 4428 requires candidates for state, county, or local elected offices to reside in the state and district they are seeking election to. The provisions would not apply to circuit judges, family court judges, or prosecuting attorneys that are already allowed under State Code to reside outside their counties and/or districts. The bill lays out the definition of residence and what qualifies as proof of residence. HB 4552 requires the notarized certificate of candidate announcement form submitted to the Secretary of State’s Office for partisan elections to include the candidate’s political party affiliation on the date the certificate of announcement is submitted. Prior to accepting the certificate of announcement, state and local election officials would be required to electronically verify the candidate’s current party affiliation. The committee recommended House Bill 4205 for passage, giving the West Virginia legislature legal standing to bring actions against a governor, secretary of state, or other state officials who attempt to make unauthorized changes to state election laws and rules. It would open up the Legislature to participate in lawsuits that contest the legality or constitutionality of state election laws and regulations.
Legal Updates
Arkansas: Arkansas’ highest court agreed to fast-track a hearing in a lawsuit from a group advocating for the removal of voting machines from Arkansas elections. The nonprofit Arkansas Voter Integrity Initiative sued Secretary of State John Thurston and the state Board of Election Commissioners earlier this month, asking the state Supreme Court to certify two proposed constitutional amendments: one that would require all Arkansas elections to be conducted with hand-marked, hand-counted paper ballots and one that would limit absentee voting to people who can prove their inability to vote in person.Restore Election Integrity Arkansas, the ballot question committee supporting the measures, submitted both proposed amendments to Attorney General Tim Griffin in November. Griffin rejected both, citing a lengthy popular name, “partisan coloring language” and ambiguities. The group submitted revised proposals in December. Last week, Griffin again rejected the paper ballot measure, and he altered and certified the absentee voting measure. Thurston and the Board of Election Commissioners both declined to certify the proposed amendments as submitted, according to the lawsuit filed Jan. 9, the day before Griffin’s rulings. Certification of the measures would allow supporters to start collecting signatures from supporters. The group faces a July 5 deadline to collect signatures from 90,704 registered voters in order for the proposed amendments to appear on the November ballot.
California: Los Angeles County agreed to pay $5 million to the founder and CEO of a software company who was briefly accused of stealing data on county poll workers in a case he said was pushed by conspiracy theorists. The Board of Supervisors voted without public discussion to approve the settlement of a lawsuit filed by Eugene Yu of Michigan-based Konnech Corp. over his 2022 arrest and prosecution, KNBC-TV reported. County lawyers had urged approval of the settlement in a letter to the board, the station said. Konnech is a small company based in East Lansing, Michigan. In 2020, it won a five-year, $2.9 million contract with LA County for software to track election worker schedules, training, payroll and communications. Yu was arrested in Michigan in October 2022 and computer hard drives were seized. The LA County District Attorney’s Office alleged that Konnech had violated its contract requirement to keep data in the United States and improperly used servers in China to store information on hundreds of county poll workers. Yu sued the county, alleging that District Attorney George Gascón had targeted him based on allegations of conspiracy theorists and election deniers.
Connecticut: Attorneys for Bridgeport officials asked Superior Court Judge William Clark to sequester any of the 1,400 absentee ballots submitted for Tuesday’s Democratic mayoral primary between John Gomes and Joe Ganim that originated from applications obtained by a member of Gomes’ campaign. A motion filed by attorney Richard Burturla, who represents the Bridgeport Town Clerk, asked Clark to conduct an emergency hearing to determine “whether absentee ballots received from voters, who obtained their ballot applications from any of the 1,400 plus absentee ballot applications provided Ms. Denise Solano, be sequestered pending subsequent judicial determination of their validity.” The court filing claims that Solano provided “certain of these application forms to twenty-two volunteers for the Gomes campaign, which volunteers then circulated the same to voters.” The proposed order asks Clark to order the Registrar of Voters to sequester any absentee ballots obtained through applications taken out by Solano until the court can determine their validity.The motion was filed midday, Monday less than 24 hours before the polls open and voters decide for a third time between incumbent Ganim and Gomes. Clark has not indicated whether he will hold a hearing. On Jan. 23, after in-person voting had started in the special election Clark ruled that the ballots would not be sequestered and could be counted.
Iowa: Chief U.S. District Judge Leonard Strand has denied a motion to acquit the wife of Woodbury County Board of Supervisors member Jeremy Taylor of 52 counts of voter fraud. Strand ruled that federal prosecutors put forth adequate evidence for jurors to find Kim Taylor guilty. “I have determined that the evidence presented at trial was sufficient to allow the jury to return verdicts of guilty as to all counts,” Strand wrote in his eight-page ruling. Kim Taylor was found guilty on Nov. 21 of 26 counts of providing false information in registering and voting, three counts of fraudulent registration and 23 counts of fraudulent voting to stuff the ballot box for her husband, who ran unsuccessfully for the Republican nomination for a U.S. House seat in the 2020 primary before winning election to the county board that fall.
Kentucky: Three people, including a former constable, have been sentenced for crimes stemming from a 2022 election fraud scheme in Monroe County. Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman announced the sentencings on Tuesday in a news release. “Kentucky’s election laws are strong, and our elections are secure,” Coleman said. “Our team is laser-focused on defending the integrity of the ballot box and protecting one of our nation’s most cherished and fundamental principles: free and fair elections. Every Kentucky voter can rest assured that our team will investigate suspected fraud.” Those sentenced recently included James “Darrell” Jackson, Mary Jackson and Leslie Jackson. After the Attorney General’s Election Fraud Hotline received a tip regarding suspected election law violations in Monroe County, the Attorney General’s Department of Criminal Investigations (DCI) conducted an investigation, according to the news release. A Monroe County Grand Jury returned a 40-count indictment, charging seven Monroe and Barren County residents for the election crimes. According to the indictment, friends and members of the Jackson family facilitated an organized scheme to bribe voters or obtain blank ballots of registered voters in hopes of electing James “Darrell” Jackson Monroe County Jailer during the 2022 primary election.
Maine: Secretary of State Shenna Bellows appealed a decision by a Maine Superior Court judge in the ongoing legal fight over former President Donald Trump’s ballot eligibility in Maine. Bellows’ appeal comes after a Maine Superior Court judge Michaela Murphy paused the decision to have Trump removed from the ballot to allow time for the U.S. Supreme Court to rule on a similar case out of Colorado this week. Murphy denied Trump’s request to stay the proceedings, but she sent the case back to the secretary of state with instructions to await the outcome of the U.S. Supreme Court case before issuing a new ruling modifying or upholding her original decision. In a written filing, Trump’s lawyers called on the justices “to put a swift and decisive end” to efforts to kick him off the 2024 presidential ballot over his efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss.= “Like many Americans, I welcome a ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court in the Colorado case that provides guidance as to the important Fourteenth Amendment questions in this case,” Bellows said in a release issued Friday morning. “In the interim, Maine law provides the opportunity to seek review from the Maine Supreme Judicial Court – which I requested today. I know both the constitutional and state authority questions are of grave concern to many,” she continued. “This appeal ensures that Maine’s highest court has the opportunity to weigh in now, before ballots are counted, promoting trust in our free, safe and secure elections.” On Wednesday, the state Supreme Court dismissed the appeal. The court declined to hear the challenge because the Maine Superior Court’s decision was not a “final” judgment, just a deferment. “Because the appeal is not from a final judgment, we dismiss the appeal as interlocutory and not justiciable,” the seven-justice Court wrote in a 19-page decision. “Requiring a final judgment in this situation serves the interests of justice; enhances administrative and judicial efficiency; averts our issuance of what would likely be, at least in some part, an advisory opinion; and it allows for true and effective decision-making when the matter is ripe,” the decision reads.
Michigan: Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to allow Michigan to hold state House elections in 2024 using current district maps, concerned about “the unknown potential for error and voter confusion in the impacted districts” ahead of the August 2024 primary election. The request came after the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission appealed a December federal court ruling that 13 state legislative districts violated the Voting Rights Acts by diluting the representation of Black voters in Detroit. The commission and Benson had been sued by Detroit-area plaintiffs over the citizen-drawn districts. Tight timelines are at the center of Benson’s rationale for the request. “The secretary’s position is not that implementing new plans for August is impossible,” the brief filed before the nation’s top court says. “She is concerned about the uncertainty as to the scope of the changes that will be required and how well those changes can be implemented in the time allotted.” Under the court’s timeline, the new maps would be finalized a little more than three weeks before the April 23 candidate filing deadline, which according to Benson’s brief is “very little time.” The brief said not pausing the redistricting process for the election could harm an “orderly election process.”
Mississippi: Nineteen federal appellate judges heard arguments this week on whether Mississippi can continue to permanently strip voting rights from people convicted of certain felonies, including nonviolent crimes for which they have served a complete sentence. The outcome of the case will likely determine whether tens of thousands of people win back the right to vote. An immediate decision is not expected. Criminal justice advocates won a major victory last August when a three-judge panel of the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the ban violates the Constitution’s prohibition against “cruel and unusual” punishment. But the full 17-member circuit court vacated that ruling weeks later and scheduled this week’s hearing. Attorneys for the state argue that the voting ban is a “nonpunitive voting regulation” and that, even if it did constitute punishment, it isn’t cruel and unusual.
New York: New York Supreme Court Judge David B. Cohen ruled this week that Fox News’ counterclaim against Smartmatic can go forward. The news channel is being sued by Smartmatic for $2.7 billion. The suit claims former President Trump’s lawyers falsely accused the company of manipulating vote counts in the 2020 presidential election, and that Fox News and three of its on-air hosts presented the disinformation on their programs. Fox News — which admitted it aired false statements in its coverage when it settled a similar suit from Dominion Voting Systems — has said the damages being sought by London-based Smartmatic are not reflective of the company’s value and aimed at chilling the conservative network’s free speech rights. Cohen also wrote that the settled defamation case filed by Dominion Voting Systems against Fox News cannot be the basis of a malice claim because the trial did not go forward. Cohen previously rejected Fox News’ motion to dismiss the case. The company argued that even though Trump’s claims were false, they were newsworthy and therefore protected by the 1st Amendment.
North Carolina: U.S. District Judge Thomas Schroeder has ruled that new changes to North Carolina elections laws are likely unconstitutional and should be blocked from going into effect — at least until problems with the state’s same-day registration system are fixed. Schroeder found that the new rules would’ve violated voters’ due process rights, in part by throwing out potentially legitimate ballots without giving voters a chance to fight that decision. The now-blocked changes to the law would’ve affected thousands of people who use same-day registration during early voting. That process lets people register to vote, or update their address, and then immediately cast a ballot. The main argument in the case boiled down to what should happen after people use same-day registration. Typically the state sends a postcard to the address provided by the same-day registrant. If the postcard is returned as undeliverable, the voter’s ballot is canceled. Democrats sued, saying there should be more efforts to contact voters, not just by mail, before canceling their ballots. People should also have a chance to dispute challenges to their ballot, and prove they’re legitimate voters, they said. They argued that the new rules would cause too many legitimate ballots to be thrown out. Schroeder agreed and gave lawmakers a choice: find a way to address those due process concerns or not enforce the new rules.
Texas: A former candidate for City Council in the community of Beach City in Chambers County has been arrested, accused of election fraud. Kyle Diamond, of Beach City, was taken into custody on Jan. 18. He is facing an election fraud charge. According to the sheriff’s office, the investigation began in late Oct. 2023. It was reported to the Chambers County Sheriff’s Office by County Clerk Heather Hawthorne, who suspected someone was tampering with the City Council election for Beach City. At the time there were multiple complainants and all suspected it to be a candidate in the City Council election. During the investigation, multiple Beach City residents came forward and said someone had placed what appeared to be a falsified official election document in their mailboxes. The sheriff’s office said the documents appeared to be intended to sway the residents of Beach City to not go vote on election day due to the election being canceled. This same document is what caused the task force investigation because weeks prior it had been emailed to multiple registered voters of Beach City. The sheriff’s office was able to identify Diamond as the suspect thanks to multiple homeowner’s security videos and other information. An evidentiary search warrant confirmed emails and other electronic evidence along with campaign signs of his opponents in his possession. An arrest warrant was requested and granted to take Diamond into custody on the election fraud charge.
Opinions This Week
National Opinions: Election workers | Democracy, II | Election results
California: Voter access
Illinois: Poll workers
Kentucky: Election reform | Early voting
Louisiana: Voting system
Montana: Ranked choice voting
Nevada: Voter fraud
New Hampshire: Voter suppression
Ohio: Voter bill of rights
Oklahoma: Poll workers
Pennsylvania: Voter registration
Texas: Harris County
Utah: Vote by mail
Virginia: Election officials
West Virginia: Ranked choice voting
Upcoming Events
Defending Nonpartisan Civic Engagement Groups: Nonpartisan civic engagement groups are a core part of building a better democracy from the ground up. Despite their work to help voters participate in democracy, civic engagement groups have come under attack, undermining their critical work to expand access to democracy and violating their First Amendment rights. Our democracy works best when every voter can participate, and civic engagement groups empower voters to be part of the political process. Policies that limit their right to conduct outreach to voters actively harm voters, especially marginalized communities who have historically been excluded from the political process. Beyond just targeting voters, laws targeting the activities of civic engagement groups specifically take aim at the ability of nonpartisan, public interest organizations to help people navigate confusing systems — restricting and penalizing a core aspect of democracy. Campaign Legal Center has been working alongside clients and partners in multiple states to fight back against these attacks. Panelists will discuss the latest attacks on nonpartisan civic engagement, how those attacks make it more difficult for civic engagement groups to conduct their work and for voters to access the ballot box, and, finally, touch on potential solutions to protect and strengthen civic engagement work. When: Jan. 26, 11am Eastern. Where: Online
Help America Vote Day 2024: Help America Vote Day is a day of action established by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission to encourage people across the U.S. to get involved in the electoral process by signing up to be a poll worker and an opportunity to share information on how to register and cast a ballot. By encouraging more people to become poll workers in their communities, Help America Vote Day is addressing the critical shortage of poll workers, strengthening our republic, inspiring greater civic engagement and volunteerism, and helping to ensure election offices have the staff they need throughout 2024. Information on ways to register to vote and options to cast a ballot in a voter’s state is also critical as the primary season draws near. Help America Vote Day is a great way to bring attention to the basic election information for a community so voters are ready to cast their ballot. If you’d like to use Help America Vote Day as an opportunity to direct your community to your site as a trusted source of information on voter registration and voting, make sure to use the hashtag #HelpAmericaVote When: Jan. 30. Where: Everywhere
2024 Elections Summit: The EAC and the University of Maryland will host the 2024 Elections Summit on January 30, which will be held at the University’s campus and live streamed on the EAC’s YouTube Channel During the meeting, election officials and other key stakeholders will join the EAC’s Commissioners for in-depth panel discussions ahead of the 2024 elections on topics such as confidence in elections, election security, accessible voting, challenges for new election officials, and communicating about elections. When: Jan. 30, 10am-5pm Eastern. Where: Online/In-person
Down the Rabbit Hole: How Social Media is Designed to Radicalize its Users: Social media platforms are designed to maximize users’ attention. In order to do so, they employ algorithms that send users down a rabbit hole that promotes the most inflammatory content, including mis/disinformation, hate speech, and extremist content. Online, people often find themselves pulled farther from the political center, and find it increasingly difficult to view less radical content. The result is a polarized electorate and an information environment poisoned with false information. Authoritarian regimes and domestic bad actors have seized upon this vulnerability, exploiting it to promote their view of the world or divide Americans. This phenomenon is not benign and has already changed the way we observe conflict between Israel and Hamas, and other sociopolitical contentions around the world. On February 2nd, join us for an event hosted by Issue One’s Council for Responsible Social Media to hear experts in national security, technology, and democracy discuss the effect of social media on domestic and foreign extremism, how the algorithms are designed to radicalize users, and what solutions are necessary to protect our democracy from extremism. When: Feb. 2, 1pm Eastern. Where: Online
Beyond the Ballot: How Election Officials Are Facing 2024: Nationwide, election officials are working diligently to prepare for record levels of voter participation and ensure the 2024 election is conducted with fairness and integrity. How are election officials – from secretaries of state to election directors and local officials – preparing to face this cycle? What lessons from past cycles are changing how we conduct elections? And how can election officials build greater community trust and promote a fair, transparent election process? At the start of this critical year, join the Election Center to hear from a diverse roster of election officials on how they are preparing to face the 2024 elections and ensure a fair and accurate count. Election Center staff will present our newly detailed Standards of Conduct and outline how these long standing principles can be used today to build public trust in elections. Panelists will discuss how their past experiences, including harassment, threats, disinformation, and more, inform their approach to 2024. When: Feb. 6, 8am-11am Eastern. Where: Washington, DC.
What Can We Do to Have a Fair and Safe Election in 2024?: The Safeguarding Democracy Project at UCLA promotes research, collaboration, and advocacy under the leadership of UCLA Law Professor Richard L. Hasen; one of the nation’s leading election scholars. The Safeguarding Democracy Project is built upon the premise that tackling issues of the U.S. election integrity must be collaborative: across ideologies, across scholarly disciplines, and as a bridge between theory and practice. Speakers: Renée DiResta, Technical Research Manager Stanford Internet Observatory; Kate Klonick, Associate Professor ·St. John’s University, School of Law; Charles H. Stewart III, Kenan Sahin Distinguished Professor of Political Science MIT, Political Science; and Kim Wyman Senior Fellow, Elections; former Washington Secretary of State Bipartisan Policy Center. When: Feb. 6, 3pm Eastern. Where: Online
NASS Winter Conference: The National Association of Secretaries of State will hold its annual winter conference in February 2024. More details to come. When: February 7-10, 2024. Where: Washington, DC.
NASED Winter Conference: The National Association of State Election Directors will hold its annual winter conference in February 2024. More details to come. When: February 8-10, 2024. Where: Washington, DC.
A Real Right to Vote with Richard L. Hasen & Erwin Chemerinsky: Throughout history, too many Americans have faced needless barriers to voting. Part of the blame falls on the U.S. Constitution, which does not contain an affirmative right to vote. Richard L. Hasen, Director of UCLA Law’s Safeguarding Democracy Project and author of the new book A Real Right to Vote: How a Constitutional Amendment Can Safeguard American Democracy, draws on troubling stories of state attempts to disenfranchise military voters, women, African Americans, students, former felons, Native Americans, and others, arguing that American democracy can and should do better. Joining Hasen is Dean of the UC Berkeley School of Law and leading scholar of the U.S. Constitution, Erwin Chemerinsky. Co-presented with the Safeguarding Democracy Project at UCLA Law. Limited books will be available for purchase. When: Feb. 15, 7:30pm. Where: Los Angeles.
Election Center Special Workshop: The Election Center will hold its February special workshop in Nashville. The workshop will feature presentations of professional practice papers. Additionally several CERA classes will be held in conjunction with the workshop. When: Feb. 21-25. Where: Nashville, Tennessee.
Misinformation and Disinformation: Is Democracy in Crisis, and Is It at Risk of Failing?: According to a 2023 poll, only one in 10 Americans have confidence and give high ratings to the way that democracy is conducted in the United States. Nearly 50 percent of those surveyed believe our country’s democracy is flawed. People are concerned about the state of elections, the performance of Congress, inflation, crime, and the southern border. Fear about these issues is exacerbated by rampant misinformation and disinformation. Join us for an in-person and virtual panel that will provide insights and solutions to these threats to democracy. Panelists will also explain the best way to fight misinformation and disinformation before elections this year. When: Feb. 22, 12pm Eastern. Where: Online and in-person in Washington, DC.
Race and Risk of Election Subversion: The Safeguarding Democracy Project at UCLA promotes research, collaboration, and advocacy under the leadership of UCLA Law Professor Richard L. Hasen; one of the nation’s leading election scholars. The Safeguarding Democracy Project is built upon the premise that tackling issues of the U.S. election integrity must be collaborative: across ideologies, across scholarly disciplines, and as a bridge between theory and practice. Speakers: Matt Barreto, Lecturer in Law UCLA School of Law; Sophia Lin Lakin, Director of the ACLU’s Voting Rights Project ACLU; and Spencer Overton, The Patricia Roberts Harris Research Professorship and Professor of Law George Washington Law. When: April 9, 3pm Eastern. Where: Online and Los Angeles
Job Postings This Week
electionlineWeekly publishes election administration job postings each week as a free service to our readers. To have your job listed in the newsletter, please send a copy of the job description, including a web link to Job postings must be received by 5pm on Wednesday in order to appear in the Thursday newsletter. Listings will run for three weeks or till the deadline listed in the posting.
Advocacy Campaign Strategist, Elections and Government Program, The Brennan Center– The Elections and Government Program is looking to hire an experienced campaign strategist. The Advocacy Campaign Strategist position reports to the DC-based Deputy Director of the Elections and Government Program. Responsibilities: Contribute to planning and execution of advocacy campaigns to achieve Elections and Government Program goals, including: Provide project management, organization, logistical solutions, and administrative support, as needed. Identify tools and methods to increase effectiveness and efficiency of team’s work. Coordinate communications between program staff and internal/external stakeholders. Engage in field advocacy, including: Participate in coalition meetings, convenings, briefings. Develop and maintain productive relationships with election officials, grassroots allies, civic partners, government staff, elected officials, and other outside stakeholders. Identify and create opportunities to advance program goals in the field, as well as to improve the program’s advocacy with learning and perspectives from the field. Conceive and execute advocacy products, such as blog posts, digital media products, public comments, FAQs, and other assets, in collaboration with communications colleagues where appropriate, with focus on broadening and increasing partner engagement with program’s work. Contribute research and writing for policy and empirical research reports that will form the basis of advocacy campaigns. Contribute to program’s media and public education work, including strategy, talking points, and speaking engagements. Help to train new program support staff, including program associates, and serve as their first point of advice on routine matters. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Assistant Director, Utah County, Utah– Under general guidance and supervision of the Elections Director, assists with administering elections functions within the Office of the County Clerk, including voter registration and service, electronic voting system, candidate services, and the full elections process for Utah County. Incumbents serving in this classification represent the Elections Director in his/her absence and must have considerable knowledge of the laws, regulations, ordinances, policies, and procedures related to administering elections. Salary Range: $75,379- $86,652 Annually. Deadline: Feb. 6. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Counsel, Elections and Government Program, The Brennan Center– The fight for a more secure, responsive, and equitable democracy has never been more urgent. The Brennan Center seeks a talented early career attorney to join its team in the Elections and Government Program, working on a range of issues related to defending the security of our elections, breaking down barriers to political participation, restraining campaign finance abuses, countering disinformation, and bolstering the integrity and responsiveness of government. The Brennan Center’s methods include legislative and policy advocacy, legal and empirical research and writing, litigation, media communications, and public education. This is an in-person position based in New York City or Washington, D.C. It will require occasional travel. Responsibilities Include: Assisting with policy advocacy, sometimes through work in coalitions, to change policies and laws at the local, state, and federal levels. Participating in litigation, including research, brief writing, and strategy development, with team members, allied organizations, and/or pro bono law firm counsel. Authoring and otherwise supporting the preparation of written work (including articles, opinion pieces, speeches, reports, policy proposals, and organizational materials), with opportunities for named authorship. Providing research support for reports and policy proposals, including research (legal, social science, and news-based), fact checking, legal cite checking, and proofreading. Representing the Brennan Center in meetings and other interactions with external stakeholders, including government officials, allies, donors, and journalists. Helping to supervise and mentor program associates and legal and undergraduate interns. Taking on special projects and other duties as assigned. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Counsel, Elections and Government Program (Research and Policy), The Brennan Center– The fight for a more secure, responsive, and equitable democracy has never been more urgent. The Brennan Center seeks a talented attorney to join its team in the Elections and Government Program, working primarily on empirical research and policy advocacy around campaign finance and related money in politics issues (for examples of the type of work this position would do, please see here, here, and here), with opportunities to work on a range of other matters that are the focus of the program’s work. The Brennan Center’s methods include legislative and policy advocacy, legal and empirical research and writing, litigation, media communications, and public education. This is an in-person position based in New York City or Washington, D.C. It will require occasional travel. This position will report to the directors of the Elections and Government program, and work under the supervision/in close collaboration with a senior attorney who leads campaign finance research initiatives. Responsibilities Include: Designing and executing empirical research projects involving campaign finance and similar data, in collaboration with social scientists and other researchers. Advocacy, sometimes through work in coalitions, to change policies and laws at the local, state, and federal levels. Authoring and otherwise supporting the preparation of written work (including articles, opinion pieces, speeches, reports, policy proposals, and organizational materials), with opportunities for named authorship. Public speaking and other representation of the Brennan Center in meetings and other interactions with external stakeholders, including government officials, allies, donors, and the media. Legal strategy, research, and writing. Helping to supervise and mentor junior lawyers, program associates, and legal and undergraduate interns. Taking on special projects and other duties as assigned. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Customer Support Manager, Hart InterCivic— The full-time Customer Support Consultant role is an on-site position located in the Austin, Texas Metropolitan Area. The role’s primary responsibility is to support Hart’s commitment to extraordinary service by ensuring customer satisfaction through prompt issue resolution and effective communication. The successful candidate will be responsible for resolving customer questions and issues and will collaborate with related teams to assist with technical issues, provide training, and maintain customer records. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Deputy Director, Swain County, North Carolina– The Swain County Board of Elections is now hiring for its Deputy Director of Elections position. An employee in this position performs clerical functions, voter registration procedures, and other election-related tasks in the daily operations of the Swain County Board of Elections, as may be assigned by the Director or Chair/members of the Board of Elections. This position is open until filled. Desirable Experience and Training: 1. Graduation from high school/GED or higher. 2. Considerable experience in one of the following fields: elections, public administration, clerical work involving public contact, or another field related to this position. OR 1. An equivalent combination of education and experience. Located in the heart of the Great Smoky Mountains, Swain County is an excellent place to live and work and is a popular destination for tourists across the Southeast. It contains nearly half of America’s most-visited national park and is home to the Nantahala Outdoor Center, Fontana Lake, and the vibrant communities of Bryson City and Cherokee. Apply to join us today! Salary: $38,850 – $51,445 per year. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Deputy Director, Montgomery County, Maryland– The Deputy Election Director (Manager III) is a member of Board of Elections management. They must have in-depth knowledge of the conduct of elections and Federal and State election laws, and as a senior election team member is expected to enable, promote, and provide high quality service to over 750,000 registered Montgomery County voters. The selected candidate will provide substantive input on upper-level policy issues, and will work closely with Election Director on planning, organizing, implementing, and reviewing all election processes. Selected candidate will assist Election Director in setting priorities, design of operational plans, making operational decisions; anticipate problems, develop contingency plans, and identify resolutions to complex problems. The Deputy Election Director will be assigned supervisory responsibilities over different aspects of elections program, such as voter registration, mail-in and in-person voting, election workers recruitment and training, elections IT and voting equipment, elections operations, candidate filing, outreach and audits. S/he may coordinate assigned activities across the Department’s functional sections. Additionally, they will be responsible for data collection, data tracking, analysis and presentation of relevant data, trends and projections to the Election Director, the Board, and public in the form of written reports and oral presentations. The successful candidate will be responsible for preparing an overview and assessment of all legislative changes (both proposed and enacted) and lead, advise or coordinate integration of new legislative and programmatic requirements into established process. The Deputy Election Director will support BOE’s procurement and contract processes and will be responsible for recommending and monitoring execution of the Department’s budget. The Deputy Election Director must possess highly effective communication skills, both written and oral, and s/he will be responsible for establishing and sustaining continuous communication with an array of contacts within the county government, other local boards of elections, and the Maryland State Board of Elections. The Deputy Election Director will support and coordinate enhancement of the overall BOE performance and quality of customer service. Salary: $86,401-$152,940. Deadline: Feb. 1. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Deputy Director, Miami County, Ohio— The Miami County Board of Elections is looking to fill the position of Deputy Director. The position of Deputy Director, under the direction of the Director, is responsible for overseeing, directing and managing the Board of Elections staff; conducting fair and impartial elections; managing operational procedures; devising, recommending and adhering to the annual budget; implementing changes required by the Ohio Secretary of State, federal legislation, and Ohio Revised Code, implementing policies of the Board of Elections, and reporting to the Ohio Secretary of State. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Director Board of Elections/Voter Registration, Bucks County, Pennsylvania— Are you ready to play a pivotal role in the election processes in Bucks County, the fourth largest county in the State of Pennsylvania? Are you committed to ensuring the efficient and accurate administration of elections while also maintaining the integrity of vital records of 470,992 registered voters? If so, we invite you to consider the role of Director of the Bucks County Board of Elections/Voter Registration. The Board of Elections office is at the heart of our community’s election governance, overseeing critical functions that impact every Bucks County resident. As a member of our team, you will collaborate with a dedicated group of 20 full-time and 40+ seasonal part-time employees, working under the direction of the Board of Elections/Voter Registration Director. Bucks County has an excellent benefits package including medical, vision, dental, and prescription as well as an employer-matched retirement program. Bucks County is a wonderful community to live, work, and play and is uniquely located along the I-95 Corridor. Directs operation of the offices of Board of Elections, Voter Registration, and Voting Machines. This includes planning and conducting elections, voter registration management, and ensuring compliance with election laws and regulations. The Director is responsible for training election staff, overseeing technological security measures to safeguard voting integrity as well as creating an annual budget. Communicates election information to the Board of Elections, County administration, and the public. Addresses any issues or concerns that may arise during the election process. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Director of Campaign Finance and Elections, Vermont Secretary of State’s Office– The Vermont Secretary of State’s Office seeks a professional and dynamic Director to lead our small yet mighty Vermont Elections Division team and help continue the consistent record of excellence in election administration that this team has established. The Elections Performance Index conducted by MIT has ranked Vermont in the top states in the nation for statewide election administration. In recent years, the Division has implemented significant changes in election policy to increase access to elections for Vermonters, including automatic voter registration, election day registration, online voter registration, expanded early voting, online accessible ballot marking, and, most recently, the mailing of ballots to all active registered voters for General Elections. While these advancements have been positive for Vermonters, it has added complexity for the Elections team and election officials across the state. Simultaneously, the profile of elections has shifted dramatically with increased emphasis on cybersecurity, disinformation, technology, and data. As a result, elections have been under the microscope like never before with increased attention from the public and the press. The Director will advise the Secretary of State, lead an experienced team, and will be expected to bring a vision, new ideas, and new solutions to meet the challenges of a rapidly evolving profile of election administration. The Elections Division engages in continual improvement processes and requires that all staff contribute to policy and operations development. If you thrive in a fast-paced environment driven by immutable deadlines with multiple demands, have a commitment to excellence, and desire to ensure voting remains the cornerstone of democracy this is the right opportunity for you. Salary: $44.59/hour. Deadline: Feb. 6. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Election Services Representative, Fort Orange Press— The Election Services Representative is an onsite position at our Albany, NY facility. It acts as a liaison between clients and internal Fort Orange Press teams (i.e., Estimating, Sales, Prepress, Production, Shipping, etc.). The primary focus is gathering election details, and artwork from numerous clients across the United States while coordinating all aspects of day-to-day processes to ensure a successful election cycle. The ideal candidate will have excellent communication skills and thrive in a high-pressure environment. Providing timely solutions for clients’ ever-evolving needs while building/maintaining quality relationships. Identifying new business opportunities within assigned accounts. This role is a brand ambassador to both current and prospective clients and requires an energetic personality, the ability to multitask, manage multiple clients and elections at the same time and serves as the internal client advocate. Salary: $23– $32 per hour. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Election Support Specialist, Los Angeles, California— Choose your preferred work location from multiple cities within Los Angeles County! Are you passionate about civic duty? Then we’ve got the job for you! Adecco is hiring immediately for Election Support Specialists with a local client in the Los Angeles area. Election Support Specialists do essential jobs with one of our premier clients, with rates starting at $24.00/hr., plus available overtime. As an Election Support Specialist, you will be the key player in ensuring smooth elections by expertly setting up and tearing down booths and swiftly troubleshooting technical issues. Salary: $24/hr. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Election Training Coordinator, Denton County, Texas– The Elections Training Coordinator performs professional level work organizing, managing, developing and implementing training for all Denton County Elections Administration (DCEA) employees, temporary staff, and election workers. Employee is responsible for assessing the training needs within the DCEA and implementing a curriculum to meet those needs. Employee is responsible for coordinating, managing, implementing and executing training with minimal supervision with specific deadlines in place. Examples of Duties: Develops, manages, and/or coordinates required training for all election workers. Prepares, schedules, coordinates, and teaches election training for election workers (Election Judges, Alternate Judges, Elections Department, clerks, etc.). Manages CERA, REO, IGO, and other professional election certifications and reporting requirements. Prepares and schedules CERA, REO, and IGO approved training classes for employees of DCEA. Manages the training of help desk personnel and other temporary employees. Schedules, announces, and conducts registration for training classes.Researches changing laws and trends and modifies or revises existing training programs as necessary, based on the need for new material. Manages and maintains training material and tools used for the various types of training and makes recommendations for additional resources. Prepares all necessary handouts for the attendees. Regular and punctual attendance is required. Performs other related duties as required. Salary: $53,909.00 – $62,534.00 Annually. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Administrator III, Vermont Secretary of State’s Office– Come join the busy Elections Division team in the Office of the Secretary of State. Duties include: Responding to legal inquiries regarding election administration from candidates, political parties, town clerks, researchers, and the public; overseeing administration of the campaign finance disclosure process, including management of the online disclosure system and advising candidates on the statutory requirements and filing process; administering the political party organization statute; overseeing the candidate petition filing process for all statewide elections and assisting in administration of the elections database for all candidate information, ballot production, and election results for all statewide primary, general and special elections. This position will also design and conduct regular training sessions for town and city clerks on all aspects of election administration law and policy. Responsibilities may require overtime on nights and weekends, especially on or around Election Day. Duties often must be performed on strict deadlines in accordance with the election law. Come join our small but mighty team and experience the very rewarding work of ensuring the election process in Vermont remains the accessible, accurate, and dependable process that has made it a model for election administration around the country. Salary: $30.39/hour. Deadline: Feb. 4. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Candidate Coordinator, Buncombe County, North Carolina– Buncombe County Election Services is hiring for a Candidate Coordinator position that will be responsible for campaign finance duties, assisting candidates with candidate filing and petitions, and providing support to the department’s front desk and finance division when needed. The goal of the Candidate Coordinator position is to be an informational resource and point of contact for potential candidates and currently elected officials. This includes auditing campaign finance reports, creating campaign finance and filing materials, training staff in candidate filing, and assisting candidates and treasurers with compiling campaign finance reports. The Candidate Coordinator will also provide the general public with valuable information regarding campaign contributions and expenditures allowing them to make informed voting decisions with knowledge of campaign fundraising and spending. Salary: Hiring Range: $23.38 – $27.31. Deadline: March 1. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Compliance Officer, Pima County, Arizona— Are you an experienced professional specializing in elections? The Pima County Elections Department is looking for you! Join our team and bring your expertise to the forefront of our mission. Your background in city, county, state, or federal agencies, coupled with your in-depth knowledge of election processes, will make you an invaluable asset. Be a part of our dedicated team, shaping policies, and ensuring the integrity of our electoral system while making a lasting impact on our community. If you’re ready for a rewarding challenge, apply today! (Work assignments may vary depending on the department’s needs and will be communicated to the applicant or incumbent by the supervisor) Independently plans, coordinates, monitors and participates in administrative and operational activities required to maintain compliance with state and federal election regulations; Verifies department director and staff operate within full compliance regarding any and all applicable legal regulations and timelines; Maintains a listing of legally required deadlines for the unit via a cyclical timeline; Manages campaign finance, including correspondence for late filings and violations; ensures candidate filing compliance, including challenges; Ensures federal and state voting equipment compliance; Responds to public records requests; Assures separation of duty compliance required by Pima County; Completes periodic compliance audits and provides findings with recommendations to the Director and Deputy Director; Prepares requisite drafts of new procedures or processes for preclearance by regulatory agencies in compliance with state or federal laws or other regulatory requirements; Coordinates the compilation and submission of required reports to regulatory agencies; Ensures Department compliance with all poll worker regulations; Determines Department compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) with respect to facilities utilized in the elections process; Assists with grant requests; Develops and maintains public feedback tracking systems to capture voter complaints and concerns, allocate them to the appropriate division for resolution and record actions taken to rectify issues identified. Salary: $57,607 – $63,367. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Equipment/Operations Analyst, Jackson County, North Carolina— This position performs intermediate skilled technical and operational support work assisting the Director with planning, directing, coordinating, and supervising the elections process. Duties and Responsibilities: Assists in Implementing changing election laws, coordinating elections, and supervising activities of the office. Oversees set up of One-Stop voting sites and network. Sets up all E-poll books according to polling place. Assists in machine logic and accuracy. Administers Campaign Reporting schedule. Provides requested information such as registration analysis, voting analysis, lists of precinct officials, precinct locations, precinct political committees, and campaign reports to the various candidates, campaign committees, party chairs, news media, and the general public. Provides requested information regarding the North Carolina Campaign Reporting Act to prospective candidates, candidates, elected officials, media, and the general public, provides and notices of required reports to Candidates. Assists with audits submitted campaign reports, reviews, and verifies records to ensure that required information is provided and correct. Assists with polling sites database. Prepares campaign reports for public viewing. Assists with planning for and coordinating all early voting site, including the set up and close out of all sites. Assists in training of one-stop workers. Assists in canvassing the returns of all elections. Explains policies, laws, rules, regulations, and procedures to the public and other inquiring parties. Assists with voter registration verification procedures. Assists in ADA compliance and Campaign zones at polling places. Assists in processing and verifying petitions. Assists in preparing and conducting elections. Assists with state reporting requirements. Interacts with elected officials, candidates, the North Carolina Campaign Reporting Office, the general public, and the media. Performs other related job duties as assigned. Salary: $40,694. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Operation Manager, Pima County, Arizona— Pima County Elections Department is actively seeking a highly qualified candidate with a unique blend of skills and experience to join our team as an Elections Operations Manager. The ideal candidate brings extensive expertise in voting equipment and e-poll books, ensuring the seamless functioning of critical election infrastructure. Your familiarity with online inventory systems will be instrumental in maintaining accurate and efficient inventory management. Additionally, your proven ability to collaborate with political parties and high-ranking officials sets you apart. Your past interactions with these stakeholders have showcased your exceptional communication and diplomacy skills, essential in the realm of elections. If you’re ready to leverage your expertise and contribute to the democratic process, we encourage you to apply. Join us in shaping the future of elections, where your skills and experience will make a significant impact. This classification is in the unclassified service and is exempt from the Pima County Merit System Rules. Duties/Responsibilities: (Work assignments may vary depending on the department’s needs and will be communicated to the applicant or incumbent by the supervisor.) Develops program goals, objectives, policies, and procedures, and establishes short- and long-range program performance plans subject to management review; Manages and administers program activities and evaluates program effectiveness and success; Manages the activities of professional staff and evaluates their performance; Develops, negotiates, monitors, and administers contracts, intergovernmental agreements, and/or financial and service agreements for the program managed; Monitors program contract compliance and takes corrective action as required; Performs as a program representative within the community, delivers informational news releases, serves as a program contact person, and participates in community awareness activities; Develops and maintains effective working relationships and coordinates program activities with other County departments, public and private agencies, organizations and groups to promote the program and its goals; Analyzes local, state and federal legislation and ensures program compliance with applicable regulations and policies; Directs organizational and management studies for the purpose of identifying problems and alternative solutions to the problems; Develops, writes and administers the program’s annual budget, prepares program-related financial forecasts, and identifies funding sources to support program activities; Reviews and analyzes routine and special reports detailing the status and/or success of the program, prepares recommendations, and/or initiates corrective action; Evaluates management problems and makes decisions regarding the proper course of action; May make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors regarding program objectives; May direct the preparation and submission of proposals and grant applications; May access or maintain specialized databases containing program-specific information to review information or generate reports. Salary: $57,607 – $63,367. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Technical Lead, Utah County, Utah– Under general direction of the Elections Director, performs a variety of technical and support services for election systems and software programs. Incumbent must understand the major functions and capabilities of the statewide voter registration database and software programs used by other elections vendors. Incumbent is responsible for generating reports, basic troubleshooting of election systems and software programs, staging of election equipment, and maintaining the Utah County ballot center. Assists with general elections responsibilities, as needed. Salary: $22.25 – $25.58 Hourly. Deadline: Feb. 2. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Technician II, Pima County, Arizona— Participates in the supervision and training of elections personnel and the administration of elections activity. Duties/Responsibilities: Supervises and participates in activities involved in inventory control, ordering, receipt, delivery, and storage of election equipment and supplies; Researches election laws and regulations and prepares reports regarding impact on County election procedures; Supervises the preparation of the ballot order; Participates in preparing forms; Receives and files nomination forms; Assists in generating signature requirements necessary for the candidate or proposition to be placed on the ballot; Supervises and coordinates requisite training of election office and warehouse personnel; Coordinates the transportation and delivery of voting machines, supplies and equipment to polling places; Makes minor adjustments to voting machines to ensure functionality and operability prior to use by the public; Demonstrates voting machine operation and explains voting procedures to the public and elections workers; Participates in updating precinct and district maps; Assists State and local agencies in administering election activities; Participates in coordinating elections activities with other government agencies or departments; Assists in the training of subordinate and volunteer staff. Salary: Hiring Range: $19.14 – $22.49/hr. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Technology Specialist, McLennan County, Texas— Under supervision of the Elections Administrator, the Elections Technology Specialist performs complex and technical duties related to activities in overseeing the County’s voting equipment by creating each election’s ballot using ballot origination software, programing and testing the County’s voting equipment with each elections ballot, processing and scanning returned mail-in ballots with the Ballot Board, and maintaining the County’s voting equipment after each election. Salary: $20.61 – $31.71/hr. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Field Services Engineer, Clear Ballot– Our nation’s elections are being challenged like never before, and the elections industry has historically stifled innovation to improve voting technology. As the first newcomer in the industry in the last 30 years, Clear Ballot rises to the challenge with a simple goal: Let’s create technology that empowers our customers to improve democracy. Elections are the cornerstone of our democracy, with the right to vote being one of our greatest freedoms. While most Americans across the country watch and read about elections, Clear Ballot lives them. Great elections require secure and reliable tabulation equipment, full transparency of the process in which ballots are created and cast, and the ability to audit the results. Our mission is to surpass those expectations in a way that will raise the bar for the entire election technology industry. At Clear Ballot, we view collaboration as one of our main drivers for success and we encourage all of our employees to share their thoughts and ideas to help both turn our bold vision into a reality and to make Clear Ballot a great place to work. This is a great opportunity to combine technical skills with customer interaction and support. As a Field Support Engineer, you will travel to customer sites to upgrade hardware, software, and to provide application training. Travel within assigned territory is required, with the potential to travel to other domestic states as necessary to support our customers. This position will support the Syracuse, NY area with routine travel to surrounding counties. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Field Services Engineer, Clear Ballot – Our nation’s elections are being challenged like never before, and the elections industry has historically stifled innovation to improve voting technology. As the first newcomer in the industry in the last 30 years, Clear Ballot rises to the challenge with a simple goal: Let’s create technology that empowers our customers to improve democracy. Elections are the cornerstone of our democracy, with the right to vote being one of our greatest freedoms. While most Americans across the country watch and read about elections, Clear Ballot lives them. Great elections require secure and reliable tabulation equipment, full transparency of the process in which ballots are created and cast, and the ability to audit the results. Our mission is to surpass those expectations in a way that will raise the bar for the entire election technology industry. At Clear Ballot, we view collaboration as one of our main drivers for success and we encourage all of our employees to share their thoughts and ideas to help both turn our bold vision into a reality and to make Clear Ballot a great place to work. This is a great opportunity to combine technical skills with customer interaction. As a Field Support Engineer, you will travel to customer sites to upgrade hardware, software, and to provide application training. Travel within assigned territory is required, with the potential to travel to other domestic states as necessary to support our customers. This position will support the Allentown, PA area with routine travel to surrounding counties. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Precinct Manager, North Charleston, South Carolina— Are you passionate about democracy and civic engagement? Join us as a Precinct Manager at the Board of Elections and play a pivotal role in ensuring smooth and efficient elections! Welcome to the Board of Voter Registration and Elections, where we are not just an agency, but a dynamic force committed to excellence in democracy. As an award-winning organization, we pride ourselves on our relentless pursuit of improvement to better serve the voters in our community. A major way this is done is through the recruitment and management of those who serve as poll managers. At the heart of our mission is an unyielding dedication to organizing elections with precision, fairness, and strict adherence to the law. Salary: $64,209 – $84,146. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Program Officer, Hewlett Foundation— The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, based in Menlo Park, California, seeks a collaborative and outcomes-driven Program Officer for its U.S Democracy Program. As a key member of the U.S. Democracy Program, the Program Officer will engage in grantmaking within the program’s Strategy for Trustworthy Elections; will partner effectively and build and maintain strong relationships with grantees; and will monitor progress and engage in strategic planning for this strategy. The Program Officer will also be deeply engaged in national conversations regarding the future of U.S. democracy and will prioritize building and nurturing networks of practitioners and funders of elections systems. The Program Officer role works closely with a dedicated and dynamic team of colleagues to advance the program’s overall goals while focusing on grantmaking to support a well-administered, fair, accessible, and safe election. They will provide thought leadership around innovative ways that grantmaking and associated grantmaking efforts can build trust in elections. Additionally, they will monitor progress for purposes of ongoing strategy development, and a potential strategy refresh. Successful candidates will exhibit a passion for the team’s vision of: a durable, inclusive liberal democracy that accounts for cultural and racial difference; and deep collaboration and learning. They will bring a keen understanding of election systems and best practices for their improvement. The U.S. Democracy Program is nonpartisan and supports organizations across the ideological spectrum, including academic researchers, advocacy groups, think tanks, media platforms, infrastructure providers and civic leadership organizations who share our goals. We partner actively with other foundations in this field. Interested applicants can learn more about the U.S. Democracy Program’s strategy here. Salary: $195K-$223K. Deadline: Jan. 31, 2024. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Registrar of Voters, San Bernardino County, California– The Registrar of Voters will foster an environment that promotes civic participation and ensures transparent and fair elections. They will design and implement voter education programs tailored to the needs of County residents. This position requires a deep understanding of the County’s diverse demographics, its unique challenges, and the ability to implement strategies that promote voter engagement, education, and participation. The Registrar will oversee voter registration efforts, ensuring that registration processes are accessible, efficient, and in compliance with state and federal regulations. They will work closely with local community organizations, schools, and governmental entities to create outreach initiatives and workshops to increase countywide engagement. Engaging with the community is at the heart of this role. Building and maintaining strong relationships with various stakeholders, including community leaders, advocacy groups, and residents, is paramount. Organizing town hall meetings, forums, and public discussions will be essential to address concerns, gather feedback, and disseminate essential information related to voting procedures, ballot measures, and electoral reforms. By actively listening to the community’s needs and concerns, they will play a pivotal role in shaping policies and initiatives that resonate with the diverse population of San Bernardino County. This position offers a unique opportunity for development and growth within the realm of civic engagement and electoral processes. As the landscape of voting rights, technologies, and methodologies continues to evolve, staying abreast of emerging trends, best practices, and legislative changes is essential. Participating in training programs, conferences, and workshops will enhance the knowledge base, skill set, and capacity to navigate the complexities associated with administering elections in the County. Salary Range: $153,504 – $218,004 DOE/DOQ. Deadline: Feb. 29. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Senior Director, Climate and Democracy, Alta Futures— Alta Futures seeks an outstanding Senior Director, Climate & Democracy to help establish and grow two of its three strategic grantmaking pillars. Alta Futures is a new family impact platform that provides grants, networking, and customized support to people and projects that shape more positive futures for our community, our country, and our climate. With its focus on the three pillars of community, country, and climate, Alta Futures works to ensure great ideas get transformed into collective action by: Supporting local leaders and organizations that are generating opportunities for Chicagoans to prosper. Investing in structural improvements and cultural strategies that improve the United States’ ability to govern for all. Accelerating ideas and solutions that lead to a greener planet by reducing emissions on a trajectory to meet global goals. The Senior Director, Climate & Democracy will lead all grantmaking and investment activities within the climate area and democracy area. This includes establishing a strategy built on research and advisor input as well as sourcing and recommending grantees. The Senior Director will also serve as a partner to the Executive Director and the Chair for establishing and maintaining organization-wide strategy and culture. This includes serving as an entrepreneurial partner for strategy development and new ideas being explored. Alta Futures began building its team in late 2023 and is poised to take the next step in fulfilling its impact investing ambitions in 2024. As a small team, principals and staff work closely together with the broader family office to build the overall organization, establish strategy, and manage investments. Salary Range: $225,000 – $275,000. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Senior Policy Associate, Verified Voting– As we head into an election year, the SPA will play an integral role on Verified Voting’s programs team, helping the organization ramp up work in priority states and respond effectively to new developments as they arise. The SPA will lead our engagement in several priority states related to Verified Voting’s key issue areas, including robust tabulation audits, ballot accounting, chain-of-custody documentation, and other best practices that support public confidence in elections. (The states will be determined in coordination with other team members who serve as state leads.) The SPA will not lobby, but will advocate for improved policies in priority states, engaging with various stakeholders. They will also collaborate closely with election officials, providing procedural and technical assistance related to implementation of risk-limiting audits and other best practices. The SPA will also provide election officials with strategic messaging support to help them effectively communicate the impact of their work to voters. The SPA will work closely with team members on other policy work and may lead research and writing projects. In particular, the SPA will help develop new materials and resources to capitalize on the upcoming conclusions of a new messaging research project. We are a fully remote organization — the only requirements are that you are eligible to work in the US, that your location is in the US, and that you have a workspace that allows you to complete the demands of the position. Verified Voting’s official operating hours are 9am-5pm Eastern Time, but we work together to accommodate team members’ various time zones, circumstances, and work styles. Occasional in-person meetings and travel opportunities are possible. Salary: $85,000–$90,000. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Temporary Elections Staff Attorney, Public Rights Project— Public Rights Project (PRP) is a public interest legal nonprofit, headquartered in Oakland, with a remote team based throughout the United States. Our mission is to close the gap between the promise of our laws and the lived reality of our most vulnerable communities. Since 2017, we have been working at the intersection of community organizing and state and local government enforcement to build a scalable, equitable community-based enforcement model to protect civil rights and advance economic justice. In the run-up to the 2024 presidential election, PRP is launching its Elections Hub to stand with progressive state and local governments, especially local elections officials, as they fight to protect the voting rights of their residents and secure safe and fair elections. PRP is building a rapid response litigation hub to support up to 200 election officials across 12 or more states. The goal of the hub is to provide training, technical assistance, and legal backup to election administrators to enable them to respond to election threats quickly and effectively. Public Rights Project seeks to hire a Temporary Staff Attorney to join the new Elections Hub. The Temporary Staff Attorney will staff PRP’s in-house efforts to represent and advise state, local, and tribal governments and elected officials in support of election administration and the expansion of voting rights. Although this position does not incorporate formal supervisory responsibilities, the Temporary Staff Attorney will sometimes lead case teams and may review the work of other attorneys, alongside more independent work or work as a contributor to other case teams. This position reports to the Senior Staff Attorney and 2024 Election Hub Program Manager. This position will also work closely with the Chief Programs Officer and the Legal Director. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Training and Education Coordinator, Pima County, Arizona— Researches, coordinates and develops materials for use in training staff and educating clients on procedures, rules, regulations, forms, requirements and equipment for area of assignment; Assists management in the identification of training needs for staff and education for clients; Collects, compiles, prepares, updates and assembles training and presentation materials and manuals; Designs new training and education materials and/or updates materials on a regular basis; Conducts initial training/orientation for newly hired staff to increase understanding of procedures and position responsibilities; Delivers training to classes and individuals through lectures, demonstrations, exercises and workshops; Conducts continuing education to comply with changes in federal, state and local regulations, policies and procedures, and to resolve specific performance deficiencies; Coordinates and investigates compliance with federal, state and/or local policies, laws and regulations and conducts quality control audits and reports on findings; Participates in the review of productivity levels for activities and staff, analyzes problem areas, identifies training needs and recommends solutions to management; Assesses implementation of policies and/or procedures and makes recommendations to management regarding changes and/or supplemental training; Provides additional training as needed, under management direction; Serves as the technical advisor for interpreting federal, state, and County policies, laws, rules and/or regulations governing are of assignment; Compiles statistical data and prepares reports for area of assignment for presentation to management and the Board of Supervisors. Develops and evaluates student surveys/assessments on training/education provided; Coordinates and maintains training/education materials, audio-visual equipment, laptops, tablets and supplies utilized for training and education; Maintains manual and computer based documentation on training and/or education conducted, competency checklists and assessment files. Salary: Hiring Range: $54,863 – $65,836. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Training Manager, Charleston County, South Carolina— Are you passionate about democracy and coaching people to their fullest potential? Join us as a Training Manager at the Board of Elections and play a pivotal role in ensuring smooth and efficient elections! Welcome to the Board of Voter Registration and Elections, where we are not just an agency, but a dynamic force committed to excellence in democracy. As an award-winning organization, we pride ourselves on our relentless pursuit of improvement to better serve the voters in our community. A major way this is done is through the training of those who serve as poll managers. At the heart of our mission is an unyielding dedication to organizing elections with precision, fairness, and strict adherence to the law. Responsibilities include: Comprehensive training development, training coordination, community engagement, year-round training program, performance tracking, new hire training, continuous improvement, collaboration with precinct manager. Salary: $64,209 – $84,146. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Training Program Coordinator, Charleston County, South Carolina— This position is responsible for the recruiting, coordinating, and training of Election Day poll managers on the policies, procedures, and SC State law regarding the administering of fair, honest, and accurate elections within the polling places on Election Day and during early voting. This position will also train all temporary Early Voting staff. This position will be responsible for developing all instruction manuals and materials. This position reports directly to the Deputy Director of Election Operations. Salary: $53,248 – $69,784. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Voter Outreach & Communications Coordinator, Minneapolis, Minnesota– Minneapolis Elections & Voter Services is a division of the Office of the City Clerk whose purpose is to support access to local government. We administer local, state, and federal elections for Minneapolis voters. Our estimated population is 430,000 with about 244,000 registered voters. Behind Hennepin, Ramsey, and Dakota County, we are the fourth largest voting jurisdiction in the state. We work to conduct elections with integrity, accuracy, and accessibility, empower civic participation across generations, and lead in election administration through innovation and collaboration. There is currently 1 (one) Voter Outreach & Communications Coordinator (Intermittent Program Assistant) vacancy. The Voter Outreach & Communications Coordinator supervises and supports the daily operations of the Voter Outreach and Communication Program. They will form partnerships in communities throughout Minneapolis that will foster and promote voting and civic participation with a primary focus on college students and minority communities but also include voters living with disabilities, voters with non-traditional addresses, and non-English speaking communities. Intermittent work schedules may range from zero to forty (0 to 40) hours per week, depending on the election cycle and needs. Hours will fluctuate and will include some evening and weekend hours. Salary: $30.06 – $38.67 Hourly. Deadline: Jan. 28. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Voter Registration Administrator, Denver, Colorado– The Office of the Clerk and Recorder serves Denver residents through 3 divisions: the Records and Public Trustee Division, the Elections Division and Administration, and is involved in state and local law and rulemaking for all of the functions under its purview. Through these functions, our office is part of some of the most important parts of Denverite’s lives: getting married, owning property, and having a say in their government. The City and County of Denver’s Election Division is seeking an accomplished elections professional to serve as the Voter Registration Administrator and provide administrative and strategic direction for the functional area of voter registration. Some of the key roles and responsibilities as the Voter Registration Administrator are: Act as the technical expert in all aspects of the City and County of Denver’s voter registration, list maintenance, petition, and voting processes; Serve as the County Administrator for Colorado’s Statewide Voter Registration System (“SCORE”), including establishing and implementing processes and procedures; Act as the primary point of contact with the Colorado Department of State on issues related to voter registration and SCORE; Supervise and lead work within the functional area of voter registration, oversee quality assurance measures, and evaluate employee performance within the voter registration team; Ensure agency compliance with local, state, and federal election laws, rules, and regulations, including establishing controls to ensure compliance; Train and supervise election judges in voter registration and the voting site hotlineDevelop and implement long-range and short-term planning for voter registration projects; Coordinate with local, state, and national partners to continually develop best practices and continuous improvement initiatives; Handle sensitive and confidential issues, complaints, and inquiries, including processing public records requests of Denver’s voter registration information. Salary: $65,523 – $86,818. Deadline: Jan. 25. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
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